Seoul Object Story
Chapter 203 Table of contents

As the sun began to rise between the dim skies visible through the buildings of Mapo District, the glass walls of the structures gradually tinted with a warm golden hue.

Finally, the seventh night had ended.

The high-rise buildings, which had only been silhouettes in the faint dawn light, now sparkled under the sunlight.

The rays from the still-low sun spread across narrow alleys and wide roads, weaving between buildings.

The city, which had been engulfed in an ominous darkness and moonlight, began to regain its vitality with the warmth of the sun, returning to its original state.

“Ugh, it’s so bright.”

Ye-rin, who had stayed up all night with me, watching the Mini Reapers in action, shielded her eyes from the intense light with her hand.

The sunlight wasn’t particularly harsh, but Ye-rin seemed overly sensitive to it, likely from staying awake all night.

Turning back to check, I saw Ye-rin holding onto my antennae, her face showing deep exhaustion.

She must be tired after sneaking into the sealed-off Mapo District, running around for hours, and staying up all night.

The fake Reapers, which had thrashed about to attack people until just before sunrise, began fleeing in all directions as the sun rose.

Like vampires that turn to ashes upon contact with sunlight, they hid in the shadows, but it was a futile effort.

Their condition for destruction wasn’t sunlight exposure; it was the mere arrival of morning.

Even if they fled into the shadows, they couldn’t escape their predetermined fate.

As the sunlight expanded its reach, the fake Reapers hidden in the shadows began to writhe as if in agony, twisting and convulsing.

The twisting fake Reapers crumbled like dried mud and eventually faded back into shadows, disappearing entirely.

The giant fake Reaper, like the others, crumbled into a blackened pile of charcoal, prompting the Golden Reapers to raise their hands and jump around, celebrating their victory.

The other Mini Reapers smiled along with the cheerful Golden Reapers.

The towering Black Reapers disintegrated like a collapsing sand tower, transforming into numerous Black Reapers that scattered in all directions, while countless gluttonous Reapers joyfully flew between buildings.

As the Golden and Black Reapers delightedly joined the people, laughter began to spread among the residents of Mapo District.

They finally realized that the nightmare had truly ended.

Just as the moon naturally fades when the sun rises, the yellow full moon had vanished without a trace.

People stepped out onto the streets with the Mini Reapers, raising their faces to the sky to bask in the warmth of the sunlight.

Tap, tap.

The Mini Reapers roamed among them with bright smiles, sharing delicious treats with the humans.

The people who had survived the battleground of objects in Mapo District.

The Mini Reapers who had protected the humans.

All of them were smiling happily in the end.


Except for the gluttonous Reaper, which had become a victory snack.

The sunlight shone brightly, breaking into pieces over the helmet.

A researcher from the Object Association sat on a park bench, staring blankly at the soft sunlight piercing through the glass of the helmet.

After looking up at the sky for some time, the researcher lowered their gaze and saw people gathered in a small park near the hotel.

The sounds of joyful laughter and the sweet scent of burning sugar filled the air.

The Golden Reapers, happily laughing as if truly delighted to be among humans, spread their contagious smiles to the people.

These were the same people who had faced flying concrete chunks and deadly objects just a moment ago.

It must be due to mental contamination, surely.

Behind the slide in the noisy park, a small golden head peeked out.

It was the Golden Reaper that had been following the researcher around.

The Golden Reaper giggled as if simply seeing the researcher alive brought it happiness.

I had told it not to come near me, that its presence made me uncomfortable.

Even so, it kept peeking around, and I remember the sad expression on its face when I told it I disliked them.

But the Golden Reaper still appeared during the researcher’s moments of crisis, saving them.

The Golden Reaper fought, burning its life force.

Even if it died, it would reappear from somewhere, rushing back.

Though it had a different sense of value for life as an undying being, the Golden Reaper gritted its teeth and endured pain to protect the researcher.

It truly was a fierce battle.

“Is there really no such thing as a harmless object?”

In my heart, I felt that the Golden Reaper wasn’t harmful.

But logically, as a researcher, I couldn’t agree.

Just like the hand that feeds the chickens could one day wring their necks, the Golden Reaper that helped humans could eventually turn against them.

As if to break my thoughts, my phone rang.

The caller was the Object Association.

“Yes, I’ve received it.”

I assumed they’d be asking about the recent events, but they instead relayed a shocking story without much interest in the situation.

They had incinerated all the books related to objects retrieved from the Memorial Park.

Those were the books I had applied to view for research purposes.

They had an entirely different language system, and they seemed significantly related to objects—yet they were burned?


Those books might have held key insights into object research, and they just burned them.

I couldn’t help but ask.

“What on earth led to that decision?”

But the response was simple.

They were merely following the basic principles of the Object Association.

“If an object doesn’t bring financial benefit, attempt to destroy it.”

“If destruction proves difficult or seems difficult, isolate it.”

Since the books were from an object, they were classified as objects themselves, and thus, destroyed.

Considering the Object Isolation Chamber was at capacity, prioritizing destruction was somewhat understandable.

But to apply such rules to books, which could easily be isolated…

The researcher hung up the phone powerlessly, slumping on the park bench.

At the same time, a report slipped from the researcher’s hand.

It was the “Golden Reaper Mental Contamination Report” written in Mapo District.

Looking up at the sky in frustration, the researcher found it clear and serene, contrasting his troubled heart.

The children were playing joyfully with objects, and the Golden Reaper was watching the researcher from a visible spot with worried eyes.


A dry chuckle escaped the researcher’s lips.

He picked up the now-unneeded report and placed it on the gluttonous Reaper, letting it burn.

Then, slowly.

Very slowly, he removed his helmet.

And as he did, all his worries faded away.

“I should just quit the Object Association. And get a job at Sehee’s lab.”

The researcher left the helmet on the bench, clapping his hands as he called for the hiding Golden Reaper.

Upon realizing it was indeed being called, the Golden Reaper ran over with a joyful expression.

Watching the Golden Reaper hop towards him, the researcher’s face mirrored its happiness.

Upon returning to Sehee’s lab with Ye-rin right after the Mapo District incident, they found Sehee working with fervent enthusiasm, almost resembling a younger version of Kim Joong-rye.

Seo-ah observed this with a peculiar expression.

Why would she look at Sehee with such a face, given the gravity of her sudden zeal?

Ye-rin looked up with a curious expression, but Seo-ah seemed puzzled too.

Ye-rin approached Seo-ah to inquire.

“Sister, what on earth is going on?”

“Oh, Researcher Oh Ye-rin. You’re back. The lab director is acting like that because of rising land prices.”

Seo-ah replied while shaking her head.

Land prices?

Ah, could it be related to the “Gray Reaper Theme Park” they planned near Songpa District?

Listening to Seo-ah’s story, it was quite amusing.

Sehee had bought land for the outlandish project at ten times the market rate, only to see the value soar.

Though it seemed like she would go bankrupt with all the debt from the land purchases, she ended up making a fortune.

The announcement of the James Tower construction caused a surge, followed by another spike from the Mapo Mini Reaper incident.

The rumor that “the safest place in Korea is around Sehee’s lab” was the driving force.

With the sale of just part of the land, she could pay off all debts and even build another lab, making her newfound passion understandable.

Does this mean the Gray Reaper Theme Park will actually happen?

As I headed back to my own cozy isolation room, brimming with hope, I felt someone approaching Sehee’s lab.

Anticipation. Goodwill. Gratitude.

Though not as strong as Ye-rin, I sensed a person radiating a substantial amount of positive emotions toward me.

It seemed to be someone rescued by the Mini Reapers in Mapo.

Considering they hadn’t slept and had come straight to Sehee’s lab, their zeal surpassed my expectations.

Given this level of intensity now, I couldn’t imagine how much more annoying things would become with time.

The mostly deserted Mini Reaper Garden, as most had left for Mapo, felt tranquil.

The Golden Reaper, freshly back from Mapo, leisurely strolled through the garden.

While other Golden Reapers played joyfully with humans, this one was waiting for something else.

“A new sibling!”

With sparkling eyes, the Golden Reaper waited eagerly for a sibling from the yellow moon.

After a brief wait, something popped up before the Golden Reaper.

Golden skin.

Antennae swaying side to side.

A drawn-on smile.

And button-like eyes, reminiscent of a doll’s eyes.

Aside from the eyes, the new Mini Reaper looked very similar to the Golden Reaper.


“Not a sibling?”

The Golden Reaper tilted its head, watching the new Mini Reaper.

The Mini Reaper mimicked the tilt, just the same.

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