Seoul Object Story
Chapter 204 Table of contents

In the middle of the Mini Reaper Garden, where hot chocolate rippled like the sea, the Golden Reaper faced its new sibling.


The Golden Reaper tilted its head slightly as something seemed odd about the sibling.

It felt the warmth of firewood burning from its heart and a familiar atmosphere.

It was definitely a sibling, yet something felt strange to the Golden Reaper.

Where eyes should have been, there were buttons securely in place.

Instead of a bright smile, a rounded stitch line formed a gentle grin.

Instead of smooth skin, soft fabric took its place.

The Golden Reaper, not wanting to think too hard, came to a simple conclusion.

“Doll Clothes Sibling!”

With this conclusion, it emitted a burst of cheerful energy, and the new sibling reaper curled up and began to squirm.

Then, a gray hand, tinged with an ashen color, burst out from behind its back.


Startled, the Golden Reaper quickly moved around to check, thinking the sibling was hurt.

Seeing a gray hand tearing through the back—this had to be Mom’s prank.

But instead of a trick, the Golden Reaper found a zipper slowly unzipping.

Like a butterfly shedding its cocoon, the sibling reaper emerged from the doll clothes in a new form.

Out from the Golden Reaper’s doll clothes came a sibling reaper now clad in a gray reaper doll outfit.

And the sibling kept shedding clothes.

With each layer removed, a sibling reaper in new Mini Reaper attire popped out.

If the Gray Reaper saw this, they might have likened it to a matryoshka doll.


As if watching magic, the Golden Reaper clapped its hands.


Seeing the Golden Reaper so delighted, the sibling reaper also laughed as if sharing in the joy, then handed one of the shed doll outfits to the Golden Reaper.

The Golden Reaper quickly put on the outfit, raised its arms, and let out a powerful cheer.


The doll clothes the Golden Reaper wore were red.

I lay in my warm and familiar isolation room.

The bed, like a cocoon, embraced me with dreams.

The TV that delivered every story in the world to me.

Candies crafted like transparent jewels.

Chocolate that looked as smooth as luxurious silk.

The isolation room was cozy and full of delicious treats, but there was one thing that annoyed me.

It was the people outside, staring into the room as if they could pierce through the walls.

It wasn’t a bother since the firewood sought me out on its own, but if the crowd started growing, things could get tiresome.

I wished only that many people would visit, like a light snack of emotions to nibble on when bored.

The Golden Reapers, seemingly delighted by the humans' goodwill, stuck to the isolation room windows, trying to see through to the other side.

The Golden Reapers could easily sense the direction of emotions and how many people were there, but there was a specific reason they pressed against the glass like that.

Initially, they just clung to the glass because they couldn’t see well through it.

“There’s a human there, but I can’t see well!”

But when humans reacted, a positive cycle began.

The humans enjoyed seeing the soft faces of the Golden Reapers pressed against the glass, making the Golden Reapers even happier, and thus they clung to the glass even more.

The humans and Golden Reapers were spiraling into infinite happiness together.

As I looked away from the cheerful Golden Reapers and towards the TV, news that didn’t fit the isolation room's cozy atmosphere came on.

The long-standing crisis in Russia.

“Siberia, designated a restricted area, is collapsing into blackness!”

Apparently, they evacuated and sealed off Siberia due to object-related issues, but now another problem had arisen.

On TV, a nationwide disaster causing a loss of territory was being discussed.

Turning back to the isolation room, I saw the Golden Reapers hopping happily, trying to catch the attention of the humans.

The contrast was a bit amusing.

I could watch the TV and the Golden Reapers for entertainment, but instead, I opened the door leading to the Mini Reaper Garden.

By now, the Yellow Reaper would have been born, so I took the opportunity, while everyone was distracted by the Golden Reapers, to sneak into the Mini Reaper Garden.

Exiting the isolation room, I stepped onto the marshmallow-soft ground of the Mini Reaper Garden.

The garden was still filled with a sweet fragrance, but it had transformed in an unexpected direction.

Red Reapers were scattered all over the marshmallow fields, running around everywhere.

There was supposed to be only one Red Reaper, so when did they multiply?

The Mini Reaper Garden had turned into a red square, with doll clothes wielding flaming hammers and sickles, chanting “Revolution” with bright smiles.

Examining the scene carefully, I noticed something odd.

Mental contamination might have dulled the sense of discord, but I noticed something strange.

Those eyes were buttons.

Upon realizing this, the red reapers appeared to be well-made doll clothes.

When I looked closer at the mountains of doll clothes in the corner of the garden, I saw that Golden Reapers were lined up, picking up doll outfits one by one.

The Golden Reapers donned the outfits and then joined the red doll-clothed crowd, producing red sickles and hammers as soon as they put on the clothes.

The red doll-clothed reaper army kept growing.

Looking closer at the group, I saw that the real Red Reaper was leading the charge.

The Red Reaper was truly thrilled, running around the marshmallow fields with joy as its red comrades multiplied.

It seemed the new Yellow Reaper had the ability to create doll clothes.

The Yellow Moon’s ability was something like mimicry and embodying fear, so it was somewhat expected.

But I couldn’t see the Yellow Reaper anywhere.

Leaving the red square to search for the Yellow Reaper, I encountered another group of doll-clothed figures.

This time, they wore doll clothes that resembled me, the Gray Reaper.

Unlike the rambunctious red dolls, the Gray Reaper dolls sat calmly in a circle, watching something.

Being dressed as me, who embodied both civility and conscience, they were naturally composed.


I smiled contentedly, feeling proud.

Curious about what they were watching so intently, I sat down among the Gray Reaper dolls.

In an area set up like a theater, a Golden Reaper doll flew through the air, swinging a golden club.

Fake Reaper dolls helplessly fell to the ground, scattered all around.

The children watching the scene applauded the Golden Reaper doll’s exploits, clapping from their seats.

Sweating palms and heart-pounding attacks from the fake Reaper dolls followed, with the Golden Reaper doll valiantly defending.

Finally, a human in peril was rescued by the Golden Reaper doll.

With that last scene, all the dolls went still, deflating like balloons with the air let out.

The Mini Reapers watching cheered, clapping energetically, radiating emotions of awe.

When the Gray Reaper dolls rose in a standing ovation, I finally came to my senses.

Was this a play?

With its simple yet thrilling progression, I’d completely forgotten about searching for the Yellow Reaper, engrossed in the show.

Hmm, doll reapers…

I looked at the Yellow Reaper controlling the play from inside the First Sword doll, a delighted smile on my face.

Watching the Yellow Reaper being tossed around by the other Mini Reapers sparked an idea for a fun prank.


In the Mini Reaper Garden, where doll clothes roamed freely, a Mini Reaper wearing a red doll outfit flared up with flames and took to the sky.

Its target was the black sphere floating above the garden.

Without hesitation, the Mini Reaper hurled itself into the sphere and quickly shed the doll clothes, striding forward.

The Mini Reaper revealed itself as a Black Reaper with sharp teeth and black skin.

It had once been filled with Black Reaper corpses, but now the sphere was empty, except for a giant corpse lying in the center.

After discovering it could fly with the red doll clothes, the Black Reaper had come here.

The reason was simple.

“I want to see Mom’s amazing old body!”

The Black Reaper knew that someday, when “too weak Mom” became “strong Mom,” this giant body might move again.

But since no one knew when that day would come, the Black Reaper came for a sightseeing tour now that it could fly.

Gazing upon its mother’s massive body, the Black Reaper smiled with satisfaction.

Sharp teeth, long, powerful-looking arms.

And a body far larger than the recently encountered fake Reaper.

Compared to its current body, Mom’s old form was immeasurably powerful.

“Mom’s strong!”

“Strong Mom!”

“Mom’s strong!”

Chanting strange slogans, the Black Reaper, thrilled to see its mother’s old form after so long, noticed something startling.


In the empty eye sockets, two faintly glowing eyeballs were embedded.

Shocked, the Black Reaper bolted out of the sphere to call for Mom.

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