I Have a Reason to Hate Streamers
Chapter 30 Table of contents

How long has it been since I started this game?

I've spent most of my time here alone.

The few conversations I've had were almost exclusively about "work."
Other than that, it was mostly just trivial banter with targets right before they died.
And even then, most of them just spat curses back at me—boring.

But things are different now.
Humans are evolving creatures, after all. Somewhere along the line, my social connections have, too.
Now, I can even assemble a full party from the people on my friends list!

[Party Members List]
[Party Leader: Eldorin (Mage)]
[Gawol (Assassin)]
[MountainBird (Bard)]
[Sulbbang (Warrior)]
[AboojiDolgwolRogayu (Berserker)]

Sulbbang and I are... well, not exactly the typical crowd...
Actually, Eldorin suggested we all get together again.
It was nice meeting up like this, but all we had to do in the game was either chat or go hunting.
Naturally, everyone leaned toward party hunting.

I called MountainBird, who then pulled in Dolgwol to complete our roster.
In the end, it was the two ordinary people who had gathered around that SSA Guild incident reuniting again.

"So, Sulbbang, was there a story behind your username? I remember asking on your stream once, but I never got an answer."
"Oh, that? Well, my parents used to bring home steamed bread buns all the time. When I was young, I wondered why anyone would eat those..."
"Hahaha! I get it; it's an old-fashioned food. They don’t sell them much these days. Do they have some special meaning to you?"
"No, not really... I was just going to joke about it not having any sentimental story... It was actually just a food item in a game I used to play... Sorry about that."

Dolgwol, our berserker, was a fan of Sulbbang's.
MountainBird, too, seemed to be a regular viewer of Eldorin’s stream, so the party vibe was good from the start.

MountainBird and Eldorin made a particularly good pair.
Both of them had that social butterfly vibe and kept chatting endlessly.
I couldn’t keep up with that and just listened instead.

Still, there was a peculiar joy in just watching others have fun.
Just knowing that those two didn’t exclude me made me feel like I belonged.
This is how a lone wolf stockpiles warmth, I suppose...

"So, what did you used to do, Gawol?"
"Yeah, I’m curious, too! I saw on Yurang’s stream that you’d probably be good at sports."
"You sure watch a lot of streams, MountainBird..."
"Well, I work alone, so I often have streams playing even when I’m not gaming. I watched all of Gawol’s matches too! You were amazing."

It feels good to hear praise like that.
I don’t really enjoy talking about my past, but there's no reason to tremble at the thought of it.
It’s something I’ll have to face someday. I just haven’t managed it yet.

I chose my words carefully.

"Yes, I used to play sports. Not anymore, though."
"Got it. Are you flexible, by any chance? There’s talk that you might be... you know... really agile."
"Hmm... I wouldn’t know. I’ve never compared myself to anyone. But I don’t think I’m stiff or anything."

Compared to my original body, this one is definitely more flexible.
I used to wield a bamboo sword all the time as a kid.
Still, it’s a woman’s body. Softer than a guy with muscles etched into his torso, I guess.

Either way, the conversation was veering too much toward real life.
That made me uncomfortable.

So I pushed ahead a bit more, covering it up.
Anyway, my job here was to lure in the mobs. Nothing strange about that.

Luckily, the real-life talk didn’t last long.

MountainBird mentioned working mainly in video editing, while Eldorin was into design.
I had assumed Sulbbang was older, but it turned out he was only in his mid-20s.
Dolgwol, on the other hand, was a stereotypical late-30s guy—no surprises there.

"Gawol, do you have anyone you’re hoping to go up against in the group draw?"
"Not really. I’d rather meet them further along in the competition."
"So you’re not even considering the possibility of losing?"
"Of course not. I didn’t enter to lose."
"Right. I like the confidence."

But there were a few people I wanted to face.
I’d been itching to fight Luce since before the arena even started, and I’d like to cross swords with that legendary Cerberus, too.
Especially since Cerberus plays on a different server; it’s hard to encounter him in the field.

AT Cerberus.
He’s a key player in the European league and one of the strongest contenders in the arena.
He even beat Luce in last year’s international tournament.

If Luce beat Cerberus, and I beat Luce...
Wouldn’t that be the most satisfying outcome?

"Hey, could you take care of that mob?"
"On it!"

As our party hunt continued, more conversations flowed.
I was enjoying myself. It felt like I finally had real friends.
I don’t know what they thought, but at least that’s how I felt.

Since that guy died, I haven’t really had anyone I could call a friend.
Most of the people I knew from my player days had drifted away.
And when my body got like this, I cut ties unilaterally.

Seeing other players... it makes me feel the ache of my own changes.
Even with my teacher, I never let my inferiority complex show.

"Gawol, where do you live?"
"I’m... in Incheon."
"Ah, that’s close to Seoul!"

Eldorin asked the question.
I hesitated briefly before answering.
This much should be safe to share.

"So if you do well in the arena, would you like to come up to Seoul?"
"In real life...?"
"Yeah. I’ll treat you to something!"
"Well, um... Can I think about it?"
"Of course! Just let me know if you feel like it."

I didn’t give a definitive answer.

The appointed time had arrived.
After a few days of party hunting, the finals were finally here.

Attendance at the group draw wasn’t mandatory, but you lose your choice if you skip.
I wasn’t about to take that risk, though, so I was actually looking forward to it.

[You have used the Main Event Group Draw Invitation item.]
[You will be transported to the special field in 5 seconds... 00:03]

My vision went dark for a moment, then cleared to reveal a pristine-looking stage.
A few people had already gathered, chatting in small groups.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see Luce anywhere.

I must have looked a bit lost because a familiar figure approached me.

"Hello! First time here, right?"
"Ah, yes."
"Please take a seat and wait. I’ve shared the order and rules earlier, but if you missed it, you can check them again. First of all..."

Caster Hoeun—a familiar face in local tournaments.
Hearing his voice in person was strange, having only ever heard it through broadcasts.
I listened as he explained the details.

"So, your seeding is 11th."
"Thank you. That helps."
"A highlight reel will come out before the draw starts. You... can expect a lot of attention. You’re popular overseas, you know?"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, you didn’t know? Well, enjoy it this time."

He sounded a bit cryptic.
I’m popular overseas?
Maybe he had me confused with someone else?

No matter how I thought about it, I couldn’t make sense of it.
I hadn’t done anything to draw attention from abroad.
Even when I searched for "Gawol" or "Kawol," nothing special came up.

The most I found was a months-old post about some player raging in ranked matches.
That was nothing new—just another day in the life.

"Everyone’s here! We’re starting the rehearsal. Does anyone need more time?"

Once everyone had arrived, a quick rehearsal ensued.
The point was to get a feel for the order and flow.
They mentioned highlight reels and player interviews, only giving us the sequence and moving on.

I spaced out through most of it.
I’d done plenty of rehearsal back in my player days.
Still, it felt strangely unfamiliar now.
Maybe it was because this was a game, not the real thing?

"We’re going live shortly!"

I sat in my seat and watched the other players as the producer called the start.
Some seemed like they wanted to talk to me but held back for some reason.

"And now... Acid Gaming Reaper!"

The introduction of the finalists began with a highlight reel.
Players from around the world—names I’d heard at least once.
The North Americans, Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, and Middle Eastern players all made their appearances.

And in the midst of those names, there was me.

"And next up... someone who’s been making waves recently. Known in English-speaking circles as the Korean Tea-bagging Girl!"
"Main class: Assassin! Subclass: Sword Dancer! Here’s Gawol’s highlight reel!"

The moment the announcer spoke, everyone’s eyes turned to the screen.
The reel started with me dunking an archer into the ocean.

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