Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 118 Table of contents

“…Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?”

“No, I saw you buying the betting slip so confidently without hesitation, so I thought you must have bet on this side…”

Cecilia and Valentin looked at each other pitifully as they walked on the grass of the Imperial Palace racecourse. After losing money, the thought that they shouldn’t have come strongly crossed their minds. Valentin trudged along, blaming his always unlucky fate.

“By the way, why have you gotten so thin? Was the baby… was the pregnancy very difficult?”

Except for congratulating him in the carriage after seeing the news of the pregnancy in the newspaper, this was the first time Cecilia mentioned the ‘baby’.

“Well, it’s similar for everyone.”

Valentin smiled awkwardly and brushed it off as if he had just gone through the process that all pregnant people experience, albeit a bit more difficultly.

The white tents surrounding the racecourse fluttered in the wind. It was a sight he hadn’t seen in a long time. Valentin moved towards the reception venue, newly immersed in emotions.

“It’s quite far… But do we really have to go to this? Wasn’t attending the race earlier enough?”

“No. This is the real purpose. I heard there will be a very important announcement today.”

“Really… I shouldn’t have come, I shouldn’t have come.”

Valentin grumbled complaints as if he hadn’t been excitedly watching the race, clenching his fists for someone who was called unexpectedly. Cecilia made an exasperated expression at his behavior, acting as if it wasn’t him who had stood up and whistled while watching Rosalyn run earlier.

Such large-scale social activities were still a bit burdensome. As Valentin just grumbled, unable to properly explain the inside story, Cecilia poked his side again and whispered the truth.

“There’s been a rumor going around quietly that His Highness the 3rd Prince has recently established some company and factory.”

Because of the person she mentioned, Valentin’s eyes became clear as if light had entered his mind.


“Yes. The real purpose today is to confirm the truth of that rumor.”

She was indeed well-informed. Valentin was even ignorant of the fact that today was the annual Royal Ascot. Although we’re friends, why do I feel there’s an unbridgeable deep valley between us, Cecil… Valentin reflected on himself recently and soon became docile. Now I should pull myself together too, he thought as he straightened his back.

“Do you remember what we talked about regarding His Highness the 3rd Prince at my charity concert before?”

As Cecilia brought up Clifton, Valentin was reminded of that ‘day’ he was sick of. The day he thought the 3rd Prince was like a leech.

“You mean the talk about him actively focusing on external activities to expand his influence?”

“Yes. Especially the people His Highness was visiting then…”

Cecilia shielded with her body so others couldn’t see, and curved her thumb and index finger to make a round circle. Making such a vulgar gesture used in commoners’ markets to talk about money, she whispered again to Valentin.

“He only met people who had ‘this’, you know.”

“Right. The Osborne Count family was one of them.”

Just like our Viscount Wiche family. Cecilia nodded at Valentin’s additional words.

Valentin shuddered as he recalled Clifton’s shameless and handsome face actively interacting with people with abundant financial resources. Even if objectively handsome, isn’t it a face I dislike too much? He should at least be as good as my husband…

“But it seems he’s really found this recently.”

Before Valentin could indulge more in his delusions mixed with bragging about his husband, Cecilia came in again with a whisper.

“By ‘this’, you mean money?”

As soon as the word money came out, Cecilia stopped Valentin with a “Shh!” Then after checking their surroundings, she continued in a small whisper.

“The information came from my father, and it’s almost certain.”

“His Highness must have finally achieved his wish.”

Valentin snorted with an indifferent face.

“That’s what I’m saying. And word has been spreading that there will be an important announcement about that during this tea party today.”

“So that’s why you were determined to attend even alone without Christopher.”

Cecilia was very curious. And she absolutely couldn’t stand being behind others in information. Indeed, befitting the next heir of the Osborne Count family.

Valentin, who had now arrived at the outdoor reception venue beyond the Imperial racecourse, clicked his tongue seeing the sea of nobles.

“I really forgot it was such a big event because it’s been so long.”

For Valentin, it had been almost 6 years since the last Royal Ascot. He had been studying abroad in Sorencia for the past 5 years, and after returning, he was busy changing his fate and ended up getting married unexpectedly right away. It really happened as quick as lightning.

At that moment, little young ladies in outdoor dresses reaching their knees ran past Valentin and Cecilia.

“Girls, be careful!”

Cecilia shouted towards the children. Right… Unlike usual large-scale social events like balls, it seemed more crowded because even the children of noble families all attended.

“An important announcement on a day like this…”

“That’s right. They really picked the date well, didn’t they?”

With so many people gathered like this, if something is announced on a day like today, it will spread in an instant.

“Didn’t the Marquis of Valkyries say anything?”

At those words, Valentin showed a confident expression to Cecilia, raising his chin. It’s the snobbish guy that hasn’t appeared in a really long time. Valentin, who had gained an opportunity to brag about his husband, raised the corners of his mouth to expound on how much of a romantic Reynard was, always thinking of him.

“My husband isn’t interested in these things. He probably threw away the invitation right away. And knowing I’ve been having a hard time lately, he hasn’t asked me to go to any gatherings together and he doesn’t go himself either…”

“Then who’s that person over there?”

In the direction Cecilia pointed with her finger, right there.


Embarrassingly, he was right there in the flesh.

Valentin unknowingly shouted in bewilderment, calling out his husband’s name in the middle of the reception. Reynard, who miraculously heard that call from afar, raised his head. Their eyes met precisely in mid-air.


“No, if you were coming, you should have said something!”

Valentin cornered Reynard between a pillar and a tree, interrogating him with a very angry face. If their positions and roles were reversed, it would have been a properly savage scene. It would have obviously looked like a crime scene of a thug alpha bullying a delicate omega cornered in a corner.

But in reality, this was a very embarrassing and private situation of a husband interrogating his spouse.

“You were telling Cecil for a long time that you don’t come to these things without telling me!”

It was as if he was screaming, ‘How could you put me in such an awkward position!?’

Half because he had kept it a secret from him and attended the social event alone, half because he felt humiliated as if he had lied in front of his friend. For these two reasons, Valentin was stomping his small feet on the grass lawn, getting angry in front of his husband.

“Calm down, Valentin.”

Reynard held both of Valentin’s hands with an apologetic face. Though it seemed like he was trying to calm and soothe him, in fact it was to detain the chinchilla on the verge of exploding with anger, which Valentin probably didn’t realize.

“I was worried you might get sick again.”

Considering the last social activity, it was a natural measure. That time too had ended with him fainting at the Eucharist he had gone to on his own initiative. Moreover, he had been suffering from severe depression ever since. Reynard didn’t explicitly mention that incident, but he might as well have talked about it indirectly.

“I thought you would find it awkward to meet people again. Especially such a big event. And you had such a hard time last night.”

Realizing that he was casually alluding to the couple’s intimate night, Valentin’s face turned bright red. This guy again? No, this isn’t the time…

“Then, you should have at least told me!”

“I didn’t originally plan to attend either, but this was just by force…”

A flustered alpha… It was truly right in the middle of a scene of getting an earful.

“Who on earth dared to send you an invitation and force you?”

“I did.”

While Valentin was cutting off Reynard’s words and interrogating him, another voice interrupted their conversation again. What kind of fool doesn’t read the situation and…!?

At the familiar yet chilling voice, Valentin slowly turned around. It was to see the face of the tactless guy who couldn’t distinguish when to butt in and when not to.

“No, actually to be precise, it was His Majesty the Emperor.”

The one with red hair shining under the sunlight added. Dark green eyes flashed strangely.

Clifton Leopold. It was him.

Clifton, who explained that it was the Emperor who had invited Reynard to this place, stared at their faces blankly. It was a very arrogant behavior demanding a greeting, as he had spoken first as the highest-ranking royal. His brazenness was notable, not even considering the rudeness of suddenly approaching the Valentin couple and openly interrupting their private conversation.

“Your Highness the Prince.”

“It’s been a long time, Your Highness.”

Reynard and Valentin greeted formally, lightly placing their hands on the edge of their hats. Even then, Valentin only pretended to touch his gentleman’s hat. He already knew the original work, so this was the person he hated seeing the most in the world, and after having the nightmare, the person himself became like a nightmare. He was someone Valentin didn’t even want to make eye contact with because it made his skin crawl.

Whether he knew or not that Valentin was thinking such thoughts about him, the prince, in front of him, or whether he knew but didn’t care, Clifton just smoothly smiled and received their greetings.

“It really has been a long time. It’s been so difficult to see your faces that I couldn’t even see you at the wedding.”

Words pointedly mentioning that they had missed Clifton and Evener’s wedding… Valentin subtly stepped back and half-hid his body behind Reynard’s back.

“As you know, my consort was not feeling well.”

Reynard moved naturally, completely shielding Valentin with his body. And he voiced the superficial reason.

“Yes, I heard. It was really something to congratulate. I heard you’re having an heir.”

Clifton continued the conversation as if he was really close and family-like with the couple.

“Everything is the Lord’s blessing.”

Pfft! Valentin barely managed to hide his laughter that was about to burst out, using Reynard as a shield. It was so funny whenever his husband pretended to be such a devout person. It was satisfying to see him smoothly smiling as if overflowing with faith even normally, deceiving Clifton.

“I heard you’ve completely settled in the capital now.”

“That’s right, until my position changes.”

“So this time, I specially requested through His Majesty. For you to show your faces at an event hosted by the Imperial family.”

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