Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 119 Table of contents


‘So it was you, you bastard. The one who called my husband here like this.’

Valentin gritted his teeth behind Reynard’s broad back, wringing his coat tails as if they were a dishcloth. As if wanting to twist and wring you like this. Until not a drop of moisture remains, completely dried out.

Perhaps Reynard really couldn’t refuse this time. Valentin inwardly acknowledged this thought. It would make sense that they couldn’t make excuses and miss out again after skipping the wedding of the 3rd Prince, the most likely heir to the throne. Moreover, the couple had just settled in the capital.

“I see.”

Although Reynard was clearly giving a perfunctory response, Clifton didn’t let the smile drop from his face.

Valentin recalled the charity concert at Count Osborne’s house as he looked at Clifton’s very well-crafted smile. His efforts to make a very good impression on influential people.

‘He’s really trying hard with the heir designation coming up.’

Valentin secretly snorted as he fiddled with the back of Reynard’s coat that he had been wringing earlier. Seeing how this fearless 3rd Prince was acting made him feel he had really married well. Where else could he get the chance to see Clifton, in such a noble and high position, restraining his temper and desperately trying to befriend them right before his eyes? He felt newly proud of his husband.

“I’m going to make a very important announcement today.”

“Is that so.”

“I’m planning something very good for the people of Heston and this land. So I hope you will actively support it too.”

He must have been really in a hurry. Instead of expressing his opinion in a refined, roundabout way, Clifton now directly used words asking for support. Well, the time really was drawing near.

Next year, the Emperor would choose his heir.

Clifton seemed to be making his final push now.

“Ah, time’s up. I’ll see you later then.”

Noticing the servant carefully signaling the time from behind, Clifton left like the wind before they could even return his farewell.

“He seems… very busy with public and private affairs.”

“He must have been anticipating just this day.”

Reynard answered without taking his eyes off Clifton’s retreating figure, as if understanding what Valentin meant.

“What kind of announcement could it be? Cecil said it seems he established some company…”

“We’ll see. Come, let’s move over there.”

A platform was being prepared as if to make some grand announcement to the gathered nobles. Reynard pointed to a table at the back and led Valentin.


“…and so I plan to actively contribute to the health of our empire’s people and the advancement of medicine. This new drug…”

Clifton’s smooth voice rang out loudly from the platform.

He eloquently explained the potential of the newly established pharmaceutical company, the usefulness of the new drug with miraculously good pain-relieving effects, and its safety.

“The best painkiller currently used not only in the empire but throughout the continent is Popinsa tincture. But its effects don’t last long. I believe I’m not the only one who always carries that small medicine bottle in my pocket to take it frequently.”

Small laughs erupted among the nobles at the explanation mixed with jokes.

How many people actually carry that painkiller bottle in their coat’s inner pocket? The people of the Heston Empire took Popinsa tincture for everyday pains like headaches, toothaches, stomachaches, or even common illnesses like neuralgia or colds. Moreover, there were quite a few people who habitually drank it when their heart was racing too fast or they felt anxious or nervous.

It was no different from a cure-all that most people considered, truly a national medicine.

But Valentin, who knew exactly what the ingredients were, had never taken it even once. It was one of the things he always cautioned his family about after his past life memories surfaced.

The Popinsa flower. It was almost the same as the opium poppy from his past life.

The opium poppy, beautifully abundant with natural red color.

Because it was one of the subjects he often drew in paintings in his past life due to its beautiful form, Valentin knew its appearance exactly.

‘Opium poppies are opium, and opium is ultimately a drug.’

Of course, if made into a tincture and used appropriately, it can have very good pain-relieving effects. In fact, he knew that the existing Popinsa medicine was made by greatly reducing its addictiveness. If not, all citizens would have died from addiction in the first place.

‘But it’s certainly an ingredient that disappeared into the back pages of history because it’s dangerous.’

Even if it’s called by a different name and looks slightly different, a poppy is a poppy. Valentin continued to watch Clifton on the platform with eyes that couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling.

“The New Popinsa Tincture developed by our company is not extracted from the existing Popinsa flower. Look closely here.”

With those words, Evener appeared from behind the platform, brightly smiling and carrying an armful of Popinsa flowers. But something was different.

‘Vivid purple?’

Originally, Popinsa flowers are red like opium poppies. Deep red was common and sometimes light red too, but in any case, the flower’s inherent color is red. He had never seen such purple Popinsa flowers anywhere.

‘It’s a purple so beautiful it’s ominous…?’

Valentin stared at it intently with an somehow unsettling feeling. The explanation continued.

“This is a unique species of Popinsa flower cultivated only in the Turca region.”

Evener walked gracefully to her husband Clifton’s side and handed him a single purple flower.

“It has much stronger effects than the existing Popinsa, while having fewer fatal side effects like addiction. Until now, many people have tried to bring this to this continent but failed every time, but!”

The audience’s attention, which had been murmuring, became completely focused.

“We have succeeded in growing it in the empire! Let me introduce the person who succeeded in cultivating it.”

With the sound of applause, another person appeared from behind the platform. Clifton called out her name loudly.

“Lady Sabina Akal!”

The woman greeted the nobles with very familiar gestures.

‘A Turcan…?’

She was clearly a woman with dark skin and strong features that looked like someone from Eurasia, the midpoint between the European continent where the Heston Empire is located and Asia. And she was a female omega.

‘No, maybe not completely Turcan…?’

She subtly resembled the race of this continent too, so she probably had blood from both sides. And unlike typical Turcans, she was wearing the Heston Empire’s dress as if it were her own. Like her familiar curtsy gesture, it didn’t feel like a traveler borrowing clothes in a foreign country.

“Lady Akal, who greatly helped with this new drug development, plans to stay in Eldon for the time being, and I intend to become her guardian.”

A foreign noble with the prince as her guardian… Valentin listened intently to the brief self-introduction she gave. That her mother was actually a noble of the Heston Empire and she currently lives in Turca with her family, that she’s a botanist researcher.

Starting with her self-introduction, Clifton continued to explain about the researchers and collaborators who discovered and developed it.

“Did you know?”

Valentin quietly asked Reynard, who was just silently listening to the 3rd Prince’s speech with his arms folded beside him. Now Clifton had started a speech about how excellently they had succeeded in their experiments, and how they had greatly helped after recently partnering with a hospital that aids the poor and using the new drug. And beside him, Evener was still brightly smiling, holding an armful of purple Popinsa flowers. The other nobles seemed absorbed in listening to the story with sparkling eyes.

“I did know.”

Reynard nodded, still looking ahead.

“That this announcement would be made today? That they succeeded in developing a new drug and established a company?”

“Yes. That he recently proposed partnerships to influential people, actually received a lot of investment needed for production, and would recruit more investors with today’s grand announcement.”

Valentin’s mouth gaped open at that nonchalant answer.

“Then how could you not say a single word to me?”

At Valentin’s slightly aggrieved voice, Reynard turned his head and finally met those clear eyes. Then, fiddling with Valentin’s white hand, he said calmly:

“You shouldn’t hear dirty things.”

The laughter burst out because what he said as a reason in such a sweet voice was so absurd.

“You’re no good if you get interested in such things.”

At the words that sounded like soothing a child, Valentin snorted again.

“I’m not a child! But I should know more or less what’s happening in the empire…”

Valentin suddenly lost his words as he was speaking, seeing Reynard’s serious face. Something serious and predatory flashed in his eyes. It was the look of an alpha protecting his omega.

“Valentin. I know all about what feelings that guy had for you.”

…And here I thought you were completely oblivious to rumors.

“And I want to prevent his dirty thoughts or glances from ever reaching you.”

“I completely agree with that, but…”

He was so suddenly overwhelmed that he didn’t even realize he had followed Reynard in treating the royal as something dirty.

“Nothing good will come from getting involved with him. That will be the same in the future too.”

“Of course, I’m probably the person who wants to avoid His Highness the Prince the most. But that’s separate from grasping the empire’s key information, isn’t it?”

“Even if you knew in advance, nothing would have changed. Anyway, from tomorrow, all kinds of daily and weekly papers will feature this on their front pages along with today’s announcement. Eldon will be buzzing with this for a while, so there’s no need to suffer from it in advance.”

Reynard spoke with a face that seemed tired of the media play that the 3rd Prince couple always engaged in.

It was all correct from start to finish.

Well, what use would it have been even if Valentin, who had no interest in such business or political matters and hadn’t been engaging in social activities recently, had known in advance?

‘But what is this feeling…?’

Unexpectedly meeting here today, the three alphas having a meeting at the Viscount Wiche’s house yesterday… And the fact that he knew all these facts in advance. The fact that there was something being hidden from him, or more precisely, something not told to him, made him feel somewhat hurt.

‘Well, even if he had told me, I wouldn’t understand… And what head of a family would openly discuss such external matters with their partner in detail.’

Although he acknowledged that he hadn’t been in a state to hear such stories given his recent depressed and gloomy times, he felt subtly disappointed. Valentin idly fiddled with the handle of the floral teacup in front of him.

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