Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 120 Table of contents

“It’s finally over.”

Reynard muttered in an irritated tone.

They were now mingling with the great nobles, having come down from the platform, shaking hands and greeting them with shining eyes that had smelled gold – the nobles of Eldon who were said to have quite a bit of money.

Nobles looking for good investment opportunities and the 3rd Prince’s business looking for investors.

Both sides continued their conversation enthusiastically, like fish taking to water.

‘Today’s strategy worked perfectly.’

Indeed, it was an event that Cecilia would say must not be missed.

Valentin quietly watched their behavior from beside Reynard. He heard loud talk not just about gaining profits, but about distributing medicine for free to poor patients and war veterans suffering from aftereffects. Clifton’s face loudly expounding on charitable work, and Evener smiling beside him, playing the role of a very diligent and obedient partner…

While watching them looking so busy with narrowed eyes, Reynard asked Valentin in an affectionate voice:

“Are you feeling unwell anywhere?”

At the sweet voice gently massaging his shoulder, Valentin felt the sullen mood from earlier melt away like snow. Yes, this person did everything for him. Someone who cares for him so much, he almost planted unnecessary darkness in his heart again.

“Not at all. I feel refreshed, actually.”

Although his body felt slightly sore like the day after an intense workout, his mood was at its best in recent times.

“I’m glad. I was really worried.”

“You really think I’m such a weakling.”

Valentin glanced sideways. He seemed to have forgotten who it was that had been showing nothing but poor eating and complaining. Well, it’s true that his body hadn’t been good after pregnancy, but that was limited to the recent few months. In fact, Valentin had lived with a very healthy body for 20 years. So his confidence in always boasting about his body being very healthy stemmed from that.

Reynard gently kissed the back of Valentin’s hand, as if even this aspect of his husband was unbearably cute.

“Forgive me, Valentin. I was going to tell you when we got back home.”

Valentin was surprised by the words that followed.

“Forgive me for not telling you in advance, knowing full well that they are the people who trouble you the most.”

Valentin, unaware that he had called out Clifton and Evener’s names once or twice in his sleep during nightmares, just looked at Reynard with a puzzled feeling.

He wouldn’t know about his past life and nightmares, so how did he notice?

‘Unexpected insight…’

Unaware that Reynard had investigated many things while he was suffering from depression, Valentin tilted his head, not understanding.

The autumn wind passed between the couple, each lost in their own thoughts. Valentin’s white cheek was lightly brushed by his hair.

“I didn’t tell you because I wanted you to rest comfortably without worrying about unnecessary things.”

Reynard explained gently, as if conscious of Valentin who had been angry earlier upon discovering him at this place. He softly tucked Valentin’s fluttering hair behind his ear.

“As you know, the imperial family has quite a lot of shameless demands. I have no intention of chasing after all of them.”

“I know.”

“And I have even less intention of letting you suffer from them.”

He was originally someone who lived his own way. Valentin nodded, recalling his notorious reputation before marriage.

“I plan to appropriately fend off things the imperial family requests or orders on my own.”


“I don’t want to cause you unnecessary stress. I was thinking of occasionally handling things without informing you, but since you say it makes you feel left out, I’ll tell you everything from now on. However, I’d like us to discuss attendance together.”

“That’s good.”

It was a satisfactory answer. Reynard explained carefully while rubbing his forehead as if he had a headache.

“Maybe because I’m not an easy person, I recently found out that the imperial family has been making many requests and approaches to you. I apologize for that part.”

“I was thinking of maintaining appropriate friendships with them anyway.”

That was the duty of the Grand Duke’s consort.

“Besides, in the case of Her Highness the Princess, it wasn’t bad at all. It was actually a good time.”

“But you’re someone who finds that kind of social activity tiring. And there was also that incident last time…”

“That wasn’t really because of those people.”

If he had the mental weakness to faint from that level of gossip, he would have passed out hundreds of times by now.

Apart from Valentin’s aversion to social circles, he had developed some immunity to people’s gossip from before. Of course, being used to it doesn’t mean he likes it. He still hated it terribly when people said bad things about him, spread rumors, and sneered. But that doesn’t mean he can’t endure it.

‘Considering what Evener Luwin and his gang have done to me until now.’

Valentin snorted as he recalled the old name of his ill-fated connection, now Evener Leopold and the Prince’s consort.

It was time for an appropriate explanation to prevent further worry from his husband.

“I collapsed then for a different reason.”

“…Your nightmare?”

It was a very cautious voice.

Their eyes met straight in the air. As if time had stopped for just the two of them in the noisy venue. That tense moment continued for a while.

Yes. In fact, Valentin also knew that he had had nightmares and that his husband had been constantly comforting and caring for him. And he was grateful that he didn’t ask about that dream. So this was the first time bringing it up.

“That’s right. It was because of that nightmare.”


“Suddenly that day, that nightmare overlapped like a vision in that place, and I suddenly had a panic attack.”

It was an honest confession.

“But I didn’t faint completely because of the panic. As you know, I’ve been suffering from anemia since becoming pregnant. That’s also why I collapsed. You’ve seen it before.”

That’s right. Even on the day he found out about the pregnancy, Valentin had fainted twice in front of Reynard.

“So that day was really an accident where several bad things overlapped. And now I can confidently say that I’ve completely psychologically overcome those things and my mind has become healthy.”

“As you know, mental issues are not easily…”

“This isn’t an illness. Really. You, of all people, have to believe me.”

Not being able to talk about his past life was most frustrating at times like this.

“Alright. Of course I believe you.”

Reynard gently soothed Valentin, seeing his aggrieved expression.

“If you’re fine, then that’s good. Instead, always keep Dawson or Powell by your side. The same goes for when you go out. If I think you might collapse outside, I really…”


“Valentin, you are my heart.”

Reynard placed his hand on his chest and brought Valentin’s hand to his lips again with the other hand.

“I always want you to be careful, thinking that you carry not just my life, but now also the child’s life – the share of three people.”


Valentin naturally offered his cheek to the approaching face. It was a very natural habit formed because of his husband who always kissed his cheek like that. Reynard kept planting baby kisses on Valentin’s white cheek while making pained noises.

“I’d like to keep you in my pocket all the time if I could.”


“Or carry you on my back or in my arms. It would be just perfect if we could be together every hour like that.”

“Ugh. What’s that? I’ll have to decline that on my end.”

Reynard rubbed his face against Valentin’s more mischievously as he watched him shudder.

“Did you enjoy the race today?”

“…The race was enjoyable, but your money became scrap paper.”

“If you had fun, then it’s very useful scrap paper.”

Reynard lightly tapped the tip of Valentin’s nose with his finger.

“No need to be sulky. If you liked the horse racing, shall I buy you a racehorse with good bloodlines? Would you like to participate as a horse owner in the next competition? I’ll get you an excellent jockey.”

“Oh my, no thanks. I’ll pass on such luxurious and high-maintenance activities.”

“It would be a luxury befitting my consort, though.”

Reynard brought his face closer and rubbed their noses together this time. Valentin was giggling along, receiving these lovely gestures, when a familiar fake cough intruded between them.

“Ahem. Um… Colonel?”

It was the voice of an uninvited guest separating the newlyweds. When they turned their heads, Reynard’s aide Shane was standing there with an embarrassed face. And was it Valentin’s imagination that he looked somewhat tired and pitiful…?

“…I really didn’t want to disturb you two, but the time… They’re asking for a moment over there.”

It was the lament of a pitiful subordinate stuck between a couple sticky with love, delivered with a face that seemed truly embarrassed and struggling. Moreover, his expression mixed contemplation and anguish about his fated role of always having to be the disturber, and the pain and fatigue of someone who had to inevitably break the sweet sugar dome surrounding them was being outwardly expressed.


Valentin blushed at the thought of making a scene in front of others as he looked at Shane.

“I understand.”

Reynard nodded to Shane, his expression suddenly hardening into the stony face he showed in front of others.

“Go ahead and wait.”




TL NOTE: Please don't skimp on the stars for the translation - it inspires me and gives me the strength to write more. Thank you~!

If you want to buy me a coffee

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