Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 84 Table of contents

Seo-jun’s participation in the Green Forest subjugation was confirmed, and that night, Namgung Sua urgently sought him out.

“Seo-jun, I heard about it. Isn’t this mission too dangerous?” “Well, I wouldn’t say it’s dangerous.” “Still… should I come with you?”

Seo-jun’s eyes darted around before he shook his head.

“That might be too dangerous.” “See?” “Was that a leading question?!”

Seo-jun looked shocked, and Namgung Sua sighed.

“Though, if I went along, I’d probably just be a burden. I’ll stay here and cheer you on.” “Well, you wouldn’t be a burden…”

Namgung Sua wasn’t just any member of the Namgung family—her martial prowess was formidable. She could definitely make a significant impact on the battlefield.

But it couldn’t happen. Having a direct descendant of the Namgung family on the front lines without substantial protection was too risky, even for a seasoned warrior. If someone targeted her, only a warrior of the Absolute Pinnacle could offer meaningful resistance.

Namgung Sua approached Seo-jun and hugged him tightly.

“Hehe, alright. I’ll be here waiting, so be careful out there.” “Of course. If Chun-bong shows up while I’m gone, make sure to welcome her.” “Alright.”

Nodding, Namgung Sua chatted a bit longer with Seo-jun before leaving his room. As she walked out, her lips pressed tightly together, turning pale.

“Once again, I can’t do anything.”

Back then, when she lost her mother, and now, as Seo-jun heads into danger, all she can do is wait, like some helpless bystander.

“I need to get stronger.”

If she wanted to make things happen by her own hand, that’s what she had to do. Namgung Sua returned to her room, grabbed her greatsword, and headed to the training grounds.

Even if it was late at night, she was too restless to sleep. Training was better than tossing and turning.

As dawn approached, she swung her sword until, exhausted, she lay on the training ground floor, staring at the slowly brightening sky.

“If I could learn the Imperial Sword Technique…”

Could she become stronger?

Traditionally, only the head of the family and the successor could learn it. Still, unless she asked, she’d never know.

After a long bout of contemplation, she bathed and set off for her father’s residence.

Even if it wasn’t the Imperial Sword Technique, she believed her father would show her a path to strength.

Seo-jun departed from the Namgung estate and headed toward Shandong. Naturally, he wasn’t alone. The Celestial Wind Squad accompanied him—a unit made up of Absolute Pinnacle warriors, except for one scout, who was none other than Hwan Bae-ho.

“I see a familiar face here,” Seo-jun said, waving as Hwan Bae-ho gave a crisp bow.

“It’s an honor to see you again, young master!”

Even after the Monster Overflow, they’d exchanged greetings when they crossed paths, but it was even nicer to see him here.

As they traveled, Hwan Bae-ho briefed Seo-jun on the mission.

“The Green Forest is moving slowly. They’re attacking small martial sects along the way, but it’s mostly because of the local mountain fortresses slowing them down.” “Mountain fortresses?” “Yes. The Green Forest is reaching out to them, but the fortresses are breaking apart. It seems they’re destabilizing the bandit camps rather than absorbing them.”

Seo-jun tilted his head, and Hwan Bae-ho explained further.

“The Green Forest doesn’t have many high-level warriors. They’d rather sow chaos in the surrounding areas by breaking apart the mountain fortresses.”


Indeed, that would make it easier to thin out their pursuers.

“The local sects will handle those areas, while we continue to pursue the main leader of the Green Forest.” “Oh, and I heard Huangbo Clan will also join us?” “Yes, they’re sending a military squad and an Absolute Pinnacle warrior.”

The Huangbo Clan, another of the Six Great Clans, was known for their powerful fist techniques. Seo-jun was curious to see what kind of warrior they would bring.

After a couple of weeks of travel, they reached the area near the Yellow River in northeastern Shandong. Seo-jun had grown quite familiar with the Celestial Wind Squad members by then.

As they reached the rendezvous point, they saw a group of warriors ahead.

Seo-jun approached the group leader and bowed respectfully.

“I am Seo-jun of the Great Namgung Clan.”

But the leader, a muscular man, eyed Seo-jun suspiciously.

“An ‘Seo’? Is there an ‘Seo’ among the Namgung Clan’s experts?”

The man muttered loudly to his subordinate, who tried to whisper something back to him.

“Oh, is he Namgung Ji-hwa’s suitor? Is he even the real deal?”

The subordinate looked flustered, but Seo-jun held his composure.

“I am Huangbo Jun. Which family are you from? I’ve never heard of a Seo-jun from a clan using ‘Seo’ as a surname.”

“…I don’t have much of a family to speak of.”

“So, you’re just some nobody who wormed his way into the Namgung Clan?”

At Huangbo Jun’s comment, the Celestial Wind Squad members visibly tensed. Huangbo Jun noticed and clicked his tongue.

“Now, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not disrespecting the Namgung Clan. It’s just that this guy here seems shady.”

Seo-jun, unable to listen any longer, frowned.

“What the—!”


Seo-jun raised his middle finger.

“Shut your mouth, you little punk! I’m trying to be polite here, but all you’re doing is spewing nonsense.”

“Oh, you wanna go?”

“Duh, don’t you know who my father-in-law is?”

“The Heavenly Sword Sovereign, right?”


Huangbo Jun scoffed as Seo-jun scratched his head.

“If we’re talking about lineage, my grandfather is the head of the Huangbo Clan. Don’t think the Namgung Clan will keep backing you forever.”

“Oh boy…”

Seo-jun turned to the Celestial Wind Squad.

“If I beat this guy to a pulp, I won’t get in trouble, right?”

“Of course not, young master. He’s insulting the Namgung Clan, too. No one will object.”

“Great. You, come here. You’re dead meat.”

Seo-jun stepped forward, with Huangbo Jun following suit, his eyebrows raised.

“You’ve got spirit.”

“Whatever, get on with it.”


Seo-jun raised his hand, channeling red yang energy into his index finger and blue yin energy into his middle finger, forming a small Reverse Taiji.

“Here goes…”

The Reverse Sun and Moon Art burst forth. Huangbo Jun swung his fist imbued with qi, but the attack was absorbed and dispersed into the sky. Injured, Huangbo Jun staggered back.

“Piece of cake, huh?”

“You little…!”

As Huangbo Jun tried to summon more power, his subordinate intervened, pleading with him to stop.

“Chief, don’t! We haven’t even started the mission yet!”

“Move aside! I’ll crush him!”

“You can’t.”

Seo-jun’s words were enough to quiet Huangbo Jun’s subordinate, who begged again.

“If we lose track of the main leader now, the situation could become dire for the Northern Pang Clan!”

“Right, okay.”

Seo-jun pointed at Huangbo Jun.

“I’ll let it slide. Better keep yourself in check unless you want to get hurt.”

“Argh! Let me at him!”

It was chaos from the start.

Eventually, they set off with some distance between the Huangbo Clan and the Namgung Clan’s forces.

“What’s with that guy?”

Hwan Bae-ho furrowed his brows.

“That’s how they are—brash and hot-tempered, always speaking without thinking.”


The rest of the Celestial Wind Squad seemed just as displeased.

“Should we bury them here, young master? We can handle the Green Forest alone.”

“Agreed. They won’t be of much help anyway.”

Or maybe they just never got along in the first place.

Seo-jun waved his hand, laughing.

“Let it be. They’ll probably be useful.”

He wasn’t just saying that. Huangbo Jun’s reaction to the Reverse Sun and Moon Art suggested a certain level of skill. To survive with just a minor injury showed resilience, even if it was barely tolerable.

“I’m curious to see how they fight.”

He would soon find out.

Not long after, they caught up to the Green Forest forces.

Hwan Bae-ho received a report from their scout, confirming the Green Forest’s presence in a nearby mountain.

“Are we ready?” Seo-jun asked.

“Yes!” the Celestial Wind Squad responded in unison.

Hwan Bae-ho pulled Seo-jun aside, whispering cautiously.

“Young master, it would be wise to stay alert.”

“Why? Did you notice something odd?”

“The leader of the Green Forest must be expecting us. For them to stay so calm means they must have something up their sleeve.”

Seo-jun shared this with the Celestial Wind Squad, then met with Huangbo Jun.

“Let’s split up. We’ll signal each other if we find anything.”

Seo-jun nodded, raising a finger.

“We’ll go this way; you take that path.”

“We’ll go this way; you circle around.”


How childish could this get?

Seo-jun sighed.

“Fine, you take the shorter route. You’ll just get lost if you try a longer one.”

“You little…!”

Bantering with Huangbo Jun, Seo-jun felt like he was back in grade school.

“Alright, let’s go.”

“Yes!” the Celestial Wind Squad responded.

And so they advanced into the unknown.



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