Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 85 Table of contents

Seo-jun and the Cheongpung Squad ascended the mountain diligently.

Finding a handful of Green Forest fighters in such a vast mountain seemed impossible, but they had Hwan Bae-ho.

“This way,” he announced.

Is that tracking skill magic? Seo-jun followed Hwan Bae-ho, marveling, and struck up a conversation with the other members.

“Amazing, isn’t it? I’m always impressed when I see it.” “We are, too. Bae-ho struggled with martial arts when he was young, but once he found his specialty, he really took off.” “Right? He keeps saying it’s a simple tracking technique anyone can learn, but it’s obviously more than that.” “Haha! He’s always been too humble for his own good.”

The mood was light-hearted.

After climbing for some time, Hwan Bae-ho stopped and scanned the surroundings.

“It seems the Huangbo Clan might encounter them first.” “Oh, really?”

Seo-jun raised an eyebrow and closed his eyes.

His expanding qi perception spread in the direction Hwan Bae-ho indicated, confirming the encounter between the Huangbo Clan and the Green Forest.

“They’ve already run into them.”

Seo-jun opened his eyes, his golden irises piercing through the trees to the distant scene.

A swirling force gathered at his fingertip.

“Reverse Sun and Moon Art would be ideal…”

However, the Reverse Sun and Moon Art slows over distance, so for long-range sniping, the Azure Sky Bullet was better.

Seo-jun extended his finger, closed one eye, and took aim.

If he could sense it with his qi perception, it was as good as seeing it with his eyes.

With a practiced breath, he fired.


The bullet zipped across the mountain.

“Bullseye! I’ll go ahead—catch up when you can!”

Seo-jun dashed forward, the Cheongpung Squad following closely.

The Huangbo Clan’s Geumgang Squad faced unexpected difficulties.

Huangbo Jun detected the Green Forest’s presence first, but the Green Forest members, adept at mountain warfare, executed hit-and-run tactics that slowly wore down the Geumgang Squad.

“Damn mountain bandits…!”

Bright brown qi gathered on Huangbo Jun’s fist. Despite his massive frame, he moved with unexpected speed, swinging his fist.


The impact shook the mountain, but his expression remained grim.

“Mountain bandits dare…!”

“They’re just bandits—why not let them go?”

A man emerged, blocking Huangbo Jun’s fist. It was Jang Geuk, the Green Forest leader, grinning.


At his command, an iron net flew from the trees.

The Geumgang Squad easily deflected it, but Green Forest fighters took advantage of the moment to strike.



Yet the Geumgang Squad wasn’t easy prey. They dodged the ambush, suffering only minor scratches.

But this wasn’t their first skirmish. The Geumgang Squad grew weary, their morale waning.

“Chief! Shall I signal for reinforcements?” “Don’t! We can handle these vermin ourselves!” “But…!”

Ignoring his subordinate’s plea, Huangbo Jun charged at Jang Geuk, hand open.

He had to admit, for a mountain bandit, Jang Geuk’s martial arts skills were impressive. But they were crude compared to the Huangbo Clan’s techniques.

He seized Jang Geuk’s weapon, grinning fiercely.


As he aimed a punch at Jang Geuk’s head, Jang Geuk twisted, letting go of his weapon mid-air to evade the blow.

“Too predictable!”

Jang Geuk’s maneuver took him out of range, avoiding a broken neck, though he wouldn’t escape unscathed.



Something struck Jang Geuk’s leg mid-kick, deflecting it. Huangbo Jun widened his eyes. That precision—who could it be? He reached out, but Jang Geuk had already retreated.

Jang Geuk looked in the direction the attack came from, eyes narrowed.

“Damn, am I too late?”

He raised his hand, signaling the Green Forest fighters to retreat.

“Run, boys! Scatter!”

In an instant, they vanished.

“No, you don’t.”

Seo-jun appeared above them, drawing his sword. Jang Geuk looked up, his face contorting.

“Not good…!”

Flames surged from Seo-jun’s sword, descending like a tidal wave.

“Ahhh…!” “It’s burning…!” “Save me…!”

Five Green Forest fighters perished in the flames.

Seo-jun landed lightly, resting his sword on his shoulder.

“Orthodox sect specialty: gang fights. Well, what do you know?”

Jang Geuk, ignoring Seo-jun, rushed to one of the burning Green Forest fighters.


He swatted at the flames, but it was too late; Man-soo was already gone.

Jang Geuk’s silence was eerie as he lifted his head, bloodshot eyes glaring at Seo-jun.

“Retreat, all of you! This isn’t over yet. Head north and hold off anyone who follows.”


“Move it!”

The Green Forest fighters quickly withdrew, with the Geumgang Squad in pursuit.

Standing alone, Jang Geuk held Man-soo’s sword, bloodshot eyes fixated on Seo-jun.

“What a damn world this is.”

“Oh, geez… now I feel bad.”

The reaction almost made Seo-jun hesitate, scratching his head.

“Looks like it’s my fault now.”

Jang Geuk grinned, though his eyes were anything but amused.

“No need to feel bad. Life’s like this. If you’re that sorry, how about letting me go?”

“Afraid not.”

If the Saheulnyeon’s forces grew, the Namgung Clan would be in trouble. Even if they were innocent warriors, letting them go would be a risk.

“I’ll make it quick and painless, though.”

“That’s kind of you…”


Huangbo Jun charged in, swinging his fist. Jang Geuk bared his teeth as he blocked with his weapon.

“No mercy, huh?”

Jang Geuk swung his foot, driving Huangbo Jun back. He turned to Seo-jun, weapon raised, charging at high speed.

He’s fast. The qi gathered on his weapon isn’t negligible either.

Seo-jun infused his sword with qi, striking.


“What the—?”

His sword was deflected. Startled, Seo-jun surrounded himself with a blooming aura of plum blossoms.

Jang Geuk, cloaked in a defensive qi, barreled forward.

“You’re new to the Absolute Pinnacle, aren’t you?”

Jang Geuk grinned, swinging his weapon. It was strong, but why did it feel so overwhelming?

Seo-jun recalled Namgung Jincheon’s words about his martial arts.

“Your skills are impressive, but they may not be as effective against opponents of similar rank. They’re more suited for large-scale battles.”

Was this what he meant?

“You’re mine, bandit!”

Huangbo Jun lunged at Jang Geuk. Seo-jun leaped into the air, gathering qi in his hand.

What am I missing? The scale? The mindset? The focus?

He wove together yin and yang, forming a Reverse Taiji.


Jang Geuk flinched, dodging the Reverse Sun and Moon Art.

So the Reverse Sun and Moon Art does work on him.

Seo-jun paused, watching Jang Geuk and Huangbo Jun’s clash.

Boom! Boom!

Fists and weapons collided, with no explosive aftermath—the force was fully absorbed.


So it’s an issue of concentration, perhaps? Like comparing a mage, who excels against many, and a warrior, who’s best one-on-one.

But does that mean his path is wrong? Seo-jun didn’t think so.

“If more’s needed, then more it is.”

While Jang Geuk seemed to channel his energy fully into his weapon, Seo-jun didn’t need to rely on that.

He could do it with qi alone.

He aimed his sword at Jang Geuk, its hilt charged with qi and thunder. Kicking it loose, he sent it spinning.


The blade streaked toward Jang Geuk’s head. Jang Geuk used Huangbo Jun’s punch to twist and evade.

He’s good.

Didn’t Chun-bong say he had exceptional talent? She wasn’t wrong.


Gathering yin and yang in his palms, Seo-jun formed a taiji sphere.

A concentrated Reverse Sun and Moon Art. This time, with rotation, trapping the energy within.

“Take this!”

Seo-jun fired the sphere. Jang Geuk slashed at it with his weapon,


A three-meter-wide blast annihilated everything within range.

“Are you trying to kill me?” Huangbo Jun yelled, but Seo-jun ignored him.



Bloodied, Jang Geuk ignored Huangbo Jun, charging Seo-jun instead.

Seo-jun gathered all his inner power into his hand.

‘Just like Jongin and Talhom Ma, who also mastered Absolute Pinnacle.’

The martial arts of the Twenty-Four Plum Blossoms Sword and the Dark Water Demon Palm covered vast ranges, but perhaps there was more.

‘Did they focus like this?’

He infused the Dark Water Demon Palm with chaotic qi, then struck.


Jang Geuk flew back, crashing into a tree.


Seo-jun leaped from the tree, retrieved his sword, and heard Jang Geuk’s laughter.

“Hahaha…! It seems this is my grave.”

He swallowed something, and immediately, his aura exploded, his power intensifying drastically.

“Ah, the Giant Spirit Pill,” Seo-jun muttered.

As Jang Geuk’s energy surged, a mysterious pressure settled over the mountain. The power of the Giant Spirit Technique, enhanced by the pill, raised his aura to a nearly overwhelming level. Behind him, an ethereal form of a giant seemed to materialize, exuding an ancient, otherworldly presence.

Seo-jun grinned, unfazed.

“Looking lively now, aren’t we? Alright, how about giving me some feedback on this next one?”

“Feedback? I don’t understand your fancy words, boy,” Jang Geuk growled, his voice carrying an unnatural rumble.

Right, as if a mountain bandit would know English.

“Oh, never mind. I’ll take the feedback myself.”

Yellow qi coursed through Seo-jun’s sword, sparking with thunder as he gathered his inner energy. He had reverse-engineered the Giant Spirit Technique from Jang Geuk’s demonstration, pushing his own martial arts to their peak.

Giant Spirit Technique against Giant Spirit Technique.

His heart raced, his chest swelling with anticipation as he prepared to clash with Jang Geuk, who stood taller, his strength magnified by the Giant Spirit Pill.


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