Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 88 Table of contents

Seo-jun looked down at Jang Geuk, who was kneeling before him, then shifted his gaze to Huangbo Jun, who took a hesitant step back.

With a sweep of his eyes, Seo-jun surveyed both the Golden Steel Unit and the Qingfeng Unit before releasing a surge of dark energy. The shadows around him seemed to warp and twist as his aura intensified.

“This energy may resemble demonic energy,” he mused aloud, “but since I don’t follow the path of the demonic arts, I wouldn’t call it that.”

He paused, considering his own words. Is that really so? He found himself questioning his resolve. Was there any reason not to fully embrace the demonic path? If he continued down this road, he could eventually claim the position of Heavenly Demon, ruling over the martial world.

Just as his thoughts started to veer towards darkness, an absurd echo resounded in his mind: - Brother! If you turn into a demon, Chunbong will cry. Sniffle, sniffle.

Snapping out of it, Seo-jun laughed to himself. Bluetooth Chunbong effect—very effective. He reached up and, with a swift motion, severed the horns that had sprouted from his temples. The sharp pain helped clear his mind.

“Alright, let’s call this qi… ghostly energy. I’m no demon,” he declared, his voice firm. “As Namgung Jin-cheon, Lord of the Namgung family and the Azure Sky Sword Saint, would vouch for me, I am not demonic.” He had permission to invoke that name, after all.

The declaration seemed to work as Huangbo Jun relaxed and gave a nod of relief. Seo-jun then turned to Jang Geuk, who was still kneeling.

“And as for you, don’t take this the wrong way.” Seo-jun extended his hand toward Jang Geuk’s head, resting it momentarily before withdrawing it.

He had initially intended to end Jang Geuk’s life but, after discarding his horns, a rebellious impulse had taken hold. Instead, he implanted a small amount of energy in Jang Geuk’s baihui point at the top of his head.

“You’ve got a year,” Seo-jun explained, smirking. “After that, this energy will dissipate on its own. But until then… you know what happens if I decide to detonate it?”

Jang Geuk’s grin widened at the unspoken threat. “So you’re accepting my loyalty! Excellent! Though, while I’m at it, could I perhaps learn a bit of that Giant Spirit Technique?”

Seo-jun chuckled. “We’ll see about that. Besides, you’re fine with it? I just took out five of your men.”

Jang Geuk sighed, heavy but resigned. “It couldn’t be helped, and it’s no fault of yours.”

Rising, Jang Geuk offered a respectful bow. Seo-jun mirrored the gesture, a faint smile lingering on his lips. Just then, he felt a strange twisting within himself. He refocused his energy inward, feeling the imbalance as his qi, essence, and spirit began to distort slightly.

If this state solidifies, it’ll be a real problem, he thought. Destroying one’s inner core to access a temporary boost was risky at best. He knew he was courting disaster.

He began the delicate process of reconstituting his core. He felt the familiar flow of energy and the steady blossoming of three strange flowers behind his head, almost as if his body was mocking him.

Seo-jun staggered, feeling a brief bout of dizziness. He’d need to recuperate, perhaps for days or even weeks, to recover fully.

“Master Seo-jun,” came a concerned voice from Hwan Bae-ho, who approached to offer his support.

“Ah, thank you,” Seo-jun murmured, leaning on him. As he absently touched his now hornless temples, a realization dawned on him: the spots where his horns had been were completely bald.

“Oh no…” he muttered, trying to hide the panic rising within him. I might actually have bald spots!


Seo-jun's small yet profound dilemma continued to haunt him as they moved forward. He knew that the passage of time would ultimately reveal whether his hair would grow back, but he couldn't shake the fear of being marked by such a permanent reminder of his demonic encounter. While Bae-ho and the rest of the units watched with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, Seo-jun was left to grapple with the devastating notion of possible bald patches.

As he walked, Jang Geuk approached again. “I’ve given it some thought,” he began, “but I’m unsure what to call you. Would you prefer ‘Master’? Or perhaps ‘Lord’?”

Seo-jun sighed, composing himself. “Well, if you insist on calling me something, I guess ‘Lord’ will do.”

“Understood. But are you sure about this arrangement? You’ll face some trouble for taking me in as a subordinate.”

“Oh, you have no idea,” Seo-jun replied with a sly smile. “My father-in-law’s influence is pretty vast, so I doubt the martial alliance will mind too much. After all, their forces just got stronger, right?”

As he glanced over at Huangbo Jun, Seo-jun couldn’t help but notice his reaction. Huangbo Jun seemed visibly shaken, his earlier bravado fading in the presence of the unflinching Seo-jun.

“So, what are your plans now?” Seo-jun asked, eyeing Jang Geuk with interest.

“Well,” Jang Geuk replied, “I assumed I’d be following you to the Namgung family. Was I wrong?”

Seo-jun thought for a moment, then nodded. “Ah, makes sense.”


As the group pressed on, Seo-jun’s senses suddenly picked up a faint disturbance ahead. He raised a hand, signaling the units to halt. Bae-ho, ever vigilant, tensed as he scanned the area.

“Do you sense an enemy?” Bae-ho asked, readying his weapon.

“No, not quite,” Seo-jun replied. “It’s just… there’s a kid over there running around. Bae-ho, can you bring him here?”

“Yes, sir!” Bae-ho replied, sprinting toward the source of Seo-jun’s gaze.

Moments later, Bae-ho returned, carrying a scrappy young boy no older than fifteen. The child looked battered and worn, eyes wide with desperation.

“P-please help me!” the boy cried, tears streaming down his face. “My little sister… she was kidnapped!”

Seo-jun's eyes narrowed. The boy’s story might have seemed unlikely, yet the desperation on his face was genuine enough.

With a gentle pat on the boy’s shoulder, Seo-jun rose to his feet. “Bae-ho, we’re going to help this kid. Get the others ready.”

Hwan Bae-ho seemed concerned, urging caution. “Sir, given your current condition, we should call for reinforcements—”

“No, this one’s personal,” Seo-jun replied, a shadow of determination settling over his face. “Besides, we have a new recruit.”

He gestured at Jang Geuk, who grinned, stepping forward with a confident stride. Seo-jun looked at Huangbo Jun as well, who seemed to tense.

“We’re going in. You have a problem with that?”

Huangbo Jun shook his head, finally relenting. “I’m in.”

Seo-jun smiled, gesturing for Bae-ho to carry him. As he did, Seo-jun called to Jang Geuk, who moved to help the boy onto his back.

“Alright, kid,” Jang Geuk said with a comforting smile. “Tell us everything you know, and we’ll handle the rest.”

Seo-jun watched with a smirk as they set off to face the unknown. Here comes Seo-jun, protector of the soft and squishy! he thought with a grin.



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