Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 89 Table of contents

Seo-jun felt a sense of ease, almost like using a map hack, as they followed Hwan Bae-ho's guidance, reaching their destination swiftly.

As they traveled, the boy hesitantly shared a short story. In a small village, which couldn't even be called a city, martial artists had invaded and taken all the villagers away. While playing hide-and-seek, the boy had luckily avoided being caught, unlike the others. His parents, friends, and even his younger sibling had been taken.

When Seo-jun's group encountered him, he only asked about his sibling. Curious, Seo-jun asked why, and the boy responded, "Well, my mom said... I'm the one who has to protect my sibling..."

Seo-jun clicked his tongue, giving the boy a reassuring pat on the back. Then, he discreetly observed the rough building that Hwan Bae-ho pointed to. It was midway up a mountain, not far from the spot where they'd fought with the Supremes. It seemed like a stronghold set up to support them.

For now, Seo-jun could only sense martial artists below the Supreme level. It seemed weak for a base established openly within the orthodox realm's territory.

'Or maybe not? Over-investing in an orthodox area could be dangerous,' Seo-jun thought. Guessing the thoughts of smart people was a fool's errand. That was a task for other smart people, not someone like him who just needed the ability to smash everything in front of him.

"Hmm..." Seo-jun hid behind a tree, staring at the Black Lotus base. Hwan Bae-ho approached him.

"Young Master." "What is it?" "What’s your plan? Are you going to attack immediately?" "Well... It sounds like there are hostages. That could be dangerous, right?" "Hmm... but dragging it out wouldn’t be ideal either."

Hwan Bae-ho explained that the Black Lotus frequently infiltrates enemy territory to kidnap people. These captives are then used as sacrifices, with various kinds of sorcery that gradually kill them over time.

"Sorcery, huh?" "Yes, it can temporarily increase their strength or help locate specific targets. With sacrifices, sorcery becomes much easier." "Oh..."

Seo-jun scratched his head, then stood up, glancing over his battle-worn uniform, which was tattered and dusty but somehow still passable. He handed his sword to Hwan Bae-ho.

"I'll go inside, and when I signal, rush in and take them down. Got it?" "That's dangerous." "Dangerous? For me? Or for them?" "I'm saying it's dangerous for you, Young Master." "Ah..."

He doesn’t get the joke.

"Don't worry. Who else can do this but me?"

Hwang Bo-joon and Jang Geuk were likely recognizable by the Black Lotus. Both were well-known, and Hwang Bo-joon, especially, looked unmistakably like a martial artist. If he couldn't act, breaking things was all he'd be good for. As for the Cheongpungdae and Geumgangdae, they were Supremes, but they might struggle if something went wrong. The Green Forest? Obviously out of the question.

That left only Seo-jun.

"Young Master, I hate to say this, but... you're more important than any hostages in there. Think of all the people you'll be able to save in the future and the lady waiting for you back at the Namgung family." "Hey."

Seo-jun interrupted, stretching his arms.

"Even in this condition, those Supremes are no match for me."

Probably. After all, he was Seo-jun, the God of Bullies.

At his words, Hwan Bae-ho recalled the demon flood, his mouth opening slightly.

"Ah..." "Alright, everyone got that? When you see the signal, come in fast."

Seo-jun strode forward, his hand waving leisurely as Hwan Bae-ho watched, letting out a low groan.

"Ugh... Let's prepare so we can move in quickly."

Watching the Young Master walk away, Hwan Bae-ho prayed to the heavens that they wouldn't lose him.


Seo-jun hummed a tune as he approached the Black Lotus base. He suddenly remembered his terrible acting skills, but it didn’t seem to matter much. He really was hurt, after all.


He let himself appear as injured as possible. No one could mistake him for anything but a badly beaten civilian. As he staggered toward the stronghold, the door creaked open, and two men appeared.

"What’s this?" "Should we kill him?"

Oh no, that would be problematic.

To break the tension, Seo-jun shouted.

"Geeble...!" "What the hell is he saying?" "Geeble Oogly Beeble...!"

"He's just some lunatic."

One of them rolled his finger near his temple, laughing bitterly.

"This idiot must have stumbled in here by mistake." "Shall we just throw him in? We're short on sacrifices anyway." "Yeah, why not."

One of them approached and kicked Seo-jun hard.


Seo-jun rolled on the ground, not hurt but certainly annoyed.

‘Should I kill them, Master?’ ‘Hold it, my inner dragon of darkness.’ ‘Grr...!’

Shaking off the silly thoughts, Seo-jun trembled, and one of the men grabbed him by the hair, dragging him across the ground. For a moment, he worried about hair loss, but as a Supreme, his hair wouldn't fall out from this.

Relaxed, he let himself be dragged and soon was tossed somewhere.


"Oof!" "This person is..."

Peeking through squinted eyes, Seo-jun saw people around him—likely captives.

"New friend, have a welcoming party!" one of the Black Lotus men laughed, patting his companion’s shoulder.

"Thanks a lot." "When’s the next shift? Feels like it's been forever." "Still two more hours, idiot." "Damn it."

They seemed like guards. Seo-jun glanced around, spotting iron bars and noticing the adults were caged with him while the children were locked in another cage across the room.

'Separate uses?'

That really pissed him off.


Seo-jun stood, and a guard kicked the bars, shouting at him.

"Hey, if you’ve come to your senses, stay put. I don't want to waste my strength." "Okay..."

Seo-jun nodded, looking around at his fellow captives. Some stared blankly into space, others watched him sympathetically, and a few even sneered.

'You’re in here too. What an idiot,' Seo-jun thought, but he didn't lash out.


When he waved, most averted their eyes. One even muttered sarcastically.

"Great, another idiot."

"Wow," Seo-jun muttered as an old man tapped his leg.

"Young man, it’s unwise to speak out. They might..."

Before the old man could finish, a club swung between the bars.


"Ouch." "Shut up! Be quiet!" "Okay."

Seo-jun, pouting, whispered to the old man.

"Are these all the villagers?" "I told you to be quiet..." "No, it’s important. Is this everyone?"

"...Yes, this is all of them."

That seemed right, judging by Seo-jun’s senses.

"Even if I said shut up...!"

The guard, visibly annoyed, drew his sword.

"Didn’t they say sacrifices don’t need all their limbs?" "They didn’t."

"Well, now you know!"

The guard jabbed his sword between the bars, but Seo-jun grabbed it.


Seo-jun sent his inner energy into the sword, and before the guard could react...


The guard’s head exploded.

"Oh, oh no..." "Eeek!"

The captives scrambled away from Seo-jun.

"Oh, come on."

Standing, Seo-jun grabbed the bars. The sneering man from before shouted.

"Do you think you can bend those bars, you fool?! What were you thinking...!"

Brave or stupid. Maybe a hidden master? Still, he managed to bend the bars enough to create a passage.

Seo-jun pointed two fingers at his eyes, then at the man.

"Let’s cooperate."

"Y-yes, sir."

Probably not a hidden master. Seo-jun stepped out and headed toward the children's cage.

"Uuuh..." "Mooom...!"

The children, who had been quiet, started crying as soon as Seo-jun approached. They had bruises everywhere. They must have been beaten just for being there, but they were understandably terrified when a guy who just burst a head walked over.

"Oh, hey... Is there someone named Somi here? Your brother's looking for you."

"My brother...?"

A young girl looked up, hesitantly. Her chubby cheeks bore red handprints.

"Damn bastards."

Seo-jun felt anger rising but held it back. He took a few breaths to calm himself down.

"Right. Your brother's here for you. He'll be here soon, okay?"


She didn't seem convinced, her eyes darting nervously. Seo-jun sighed and raised his hand toward the ceiling. A signal flare would be easiest to spot.

Covering his index finger with dark energy and his middle finger with light energy, he intertwined them, releasing the combined energy. It shot up and exploded brilliantly in the sky.


Sensing hurried movements all around, Seo-jun prepared himself. A few Black Lotus members burst in.

"Who are you?!"

Before they could finish, Seo-jun flicked his fingers, sending bullets of energy that crushed their heads.

Turning back to the other captives, Seo-jun smiled.

"My friends will be here soon. Let's wait a little longer."

They stared back, dazed, and nodded.



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