The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 87 Table of contents

As Steelstone took the red pill and his right arm was restored, he looked back and forth between his arm and me with an expression of disbelief.

"What… What is this?"

"I just regenerated it, that’s all. It hadn’t been too long since it was severed, so it wasn’t that difficult."

"I know a few people with the ability to regenerate lost limbs. But that’s not what I mean. What I’m asking is how I’m even alive."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"This arm was not only physically severed but also sealed by a powered individual’s ability. You remember, don’t you? The confidentiality agreement from Punk Technology."

According to Steelstone, his right arm wasn’t just severed—it had also been sealed with an ability to prevent healing. Moreover, a contract was in place that would trigger a fatal response if he attempted or received treatment.

Yet here he was, alive and well, unable to comprehend how this was possible.

I marveled at the ruthlessness of Punk Technology.

"Are you saying they go that far with former employees?"

"Of course. To them, I was probably the only one who could stop them."

"That’s horrific. But don’t worry about the contract; I’ve taken care of it. It was an unfair contract, after all."

"…What do you mean?"

"Don’t you know that unfair contracts are legally null and void?"

I’d looked into the abilities used in that confidentiality contract. It wasn’t some absolute rule that triggered automatically if the contract was broken. Instead, it activated in a more indirect way: the moment one recognized they had broken the contract, their own hormones or cells would initiate a self-destructive process. So, there were plenty of ways to circumvent it.

"Don’t worry about that. What matters now is something else, isn’t it?"

"…Yes. That’s right."

Steelstone, taking my words to heart, glanced at the TV. It was still showing the rampage of the Steel Titan as it slaughtered heroes and soldiers alike.

Now that the world knew the full extent of the giant robot’s power, heroes and villains alike were banding together. Not that villains had actually joined the fight against it; they’d simply agreed to a ceasefire until the situation was resolved. Even the villains who usually didn’t care about others knew they couldn’t ignore this. No one wanted the hostility aimed at that robot to turn toward them.

"─When a child goes astray, a parent must take responsibility."

Stopping the Steel Titan—Steelstone seemed prepared to do whatever it took. As I watched him, I asked questions I hadn’t managed to ask before.

"By the way, that robot… It wasn’t built purely on technical prowess, was it?"

"That’s right. If it had been, it wouldn’t be rampaging like this. You know as well as I do that the technology that went into building the Steel Titan wasn’t particularly extraordinary."

The Super Robot, the Steel Titan, was made of nothing but ordinary steel alloys and basic computer software.

Sure, the funds poured into it ensured it was the best machine one could theoretically build. But that alone couldn’t explain how it was shrugging off tank shells and missiles as if they were nothing.

The reason the Steel Titan could perform so well was entirely due to Steelstone’s psychic ability.

"My power is the ability to make machines."

A talent for building machines. More precisely, if he firmly believed a machine would have certain capabilities as he built it, it actually would. Hearing about his talent, I let out a bitter laugh.

"That’s a crazy power. If someone like that existed on Earth…"

Humanity could have conquered the universe and toyed with space and time. But there was a limit. If Steelstone didn’t believe it was possible, he couldn’t make it happen.

That was why, instead of a city-destroying bomb, he’d created a giant robot. In this era, a bomb was harder to believe in, while a giant robot seemed more plausible.

It was an unwieldy power, but it didn’t matter. In fact, it was even better. Because if one truly believed, it meant they could produce unbelievable results.

"Let’s do this."


Steelstone’s eyes blazed with determination. I was ready to fan the flames of his resolve.


W City had been reduced to rubble following P City’s attack—more precisely, the assault by the Super Robot, Steel Titan. The devastation was so horrendous that even heroes and citizens unfamiliar with war were now fully aware of its horrors.

A hero was walking through the ruins, rescuing those trapped in collapsed buildings.


"─Is anyone there?"

Hearing a faint voice as he walked, the hero quickly rushed over and began digging through the debris. With strength closer to that of heavy machinery than a human, he turned over the rubble and soon found a citizen whose limbs were mangled beyond use.

The citizen was critically injured, but still alive. That was a relief; limbs could be healed with the help of doctors or healers.

"A… person…"

"Don’t talk! You could get hurt… I’ll take you to a doctor soon—"

As the hero carried the citizen, an ominous rumble echoed from afar—a long, deep resonance like the bellow of a whale.

The sound of the Steel Titan, the king of terror that instilled fear not just in W City’s citizens but even in the heroes themselves. The hero’s face paled as he took off running.

However, carrying an injured citizen, he couldn’t move at full speed and was quickly overtaken by the giant.


The massive bulk of the Steel Titan descended, forcing the hero to stumble and fall. At least he could console himself that he had managed to protect the citizen on his back.

[Punishing evil.]

Enraged by the Steel Titan’s words, the hero shouted back. Evil? Where was the evil here? There were only an injured citizen and a hero trying to save them.

If there was any evil, it would have to be…

"The evil is you, you damned tin can!"

Regardless of the hero’s outburst, the Steel Titan simply continued its task. It lifted a foot and stomped down. There was no need for bullets, beams, or missiles—it would be a waste of energy.

Crushing them like insects, the hero and citizen braced for death, closing their eyes and surrendering to fate, when—

Suddenly, something rushed in and kicked the Steel Titan’s leg, saving the two.


"Are… are we alive?"

The two, now some distance away, gawked at the rabbit-eared woman who had saved them. She smiled brightly and asked,

"Are you both okay? Any injuries?"

"Yes, we’re fine, but… who are you?"

"Good! Now I have to go fight that thing!"

With that, Levithan rushed over to Galrm, who was locked in a power struggle with the Steel Titan. Struggling to push back the robot’s leg, Galrm muttered,

"Hmph—I didn’t need any help."

"Oh, please! You almost got squished!"

"That never happened. Now move. This is my prey."

"You can’t do this alone!"

"I don’t repeat myself."

Seeing Galrm’s resolute attitude, Levithan stepped back and dashed around, checking if there were any other citizens who hadn’t managed to escape.

Left alone, Galrm looked up at the giant robot looming over him and let out a sinister laugh. The source of that enormous presence he’d felt back in P City was indeed this machine.

"─Truly impressive, scientist. What a gift you’ve given me…"

Saying this, Galrm pulled two gene capsules from his pocket. He remembered the scientist’s warning not to consume more than one. There was no telling what adverse effects might occur if he took more.

But it didn’t matter. At that moment, Galrm was ready to die for a fight against this monster.

"A man should die in battle, not by running away."


Swallowing both capsules, Galrm felt a surge of power swell within him and let out a mighty roar.

The next moment, he found himself right in front of the Steel Titan.

"Nice to meet you, tin can!"

[Hostile entity detected.]

"First, a little greeting—!"

With a punch so powerful it felt like it could send the Steel Titan flying a mile, Galrm’s fist struck the robot, sending it skidding back with steam billowing from its frame.

The robot’s eyes gleamed. It had acknowledged its opponent. War machines bristling with deadly weapons sprouted from every corner of the Steel Titan’s body.

[Punishing evil.]


The ultimate weapon of P City and the pinnacle of beastmen clashed violently.


[Breaking news! A beastman has suddenly appeared and started fighting the giant robot…!]

"Looks like Galrm made it."

Hearing the news report about Galrm, I sped up my work. With the adjustments complete, the Steel Series No. 2 was ready to see the light of day.

I glanced at Steelstone, who gave me a nod, understanding my silent question. He spoke up to name the new creation.

"Your name is…"

At the moment the name was given, the new robot opened its eyes and awakened.

[─Steel Falcon. Launching.]

In the next moment, a massive contrail streaked across E City.



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