Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 2 Ch. 38 Table of contents

Guided by the patiently persuaded Mr. Nicholas, this time Violet finally took the right path.


Actually, even without a guide, this level of maze posed no difficulty for the priestess and her pet. While the rock walls were smooth and hard to climb, they were only about ten meters high. Flying over them made it easy to overcome.


If needed, using magic to directly pierce through these stone walls and create a new path was also an option.


However, in doing so, Nicholas’s subordinates would lose their cover. Since everything had been settled, there was no need to go to extremes.


The maze created by the “Wishing Elf” didn’t cover a large area. In reality, it probably only occupied about one-tenth of the entire Oaken Canyon. After turning the last bend, the scenery suddenly opened up.


This area was probably the narrowest part of the entire Oaken Canyon, easily defensible and hard to attack. Only a faint light shone from above, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere—this was what people referred to as a one-line passage.


The not-so-wide path could accommodate only about five or six people walking side by side. If it were during wartime, this place would probably be a prime defensive location eagerly contested by military strategists. No wonder the “Wishing Elf” chose to place the entrance and exit of the maze here.


“Lady Violet, there might be scouts from Norton Castle left here to monitor. They know me, so…,” Nicholas said as he pointed to the long sword at his waist and made a gesture of slitting his throat, clearly indicating his intention.


When dealing with entities with confirmed hostile relations, Mr. “Vicious Wolf” wouldn’t hesitate.


“No need for that, and besides…”


Although Violet had no qualms about killing, she wouldn’t engage in pointless slaughter. When she decided to bring Nicholas out, she had already figured out a solution for such matters.


After all, Lilya was a princess and possibly the future queen. In the Human United Kingdom, the law was nothing more than a plaything for the powerful. Of course, if Nicholas wanted a pardon, he had to demonstrate his own value.


There was indeed something hidden in the shadows here, something that couldn’t be seen, but it wasn’t the hunters chasing the “Vicious Wolf.”


The faint stench of decay wafting in the air already hinted at their identity.


“Nice to see you again, the Eternal Throne’s little rodents.”


In truth, Violet didn’t hold any special animosity toward Lilya’s competitors—the princes. She had no intention of using her own power to forcibly intervene in the competition for the throne. This was the battlefield belonging solely to the princess.


In the end, there was nothing inherently good or evil about such matters. Good and bad, right and wrong, were all just for the sake of a crown. The victor would naturally be seen as righteous.


Perhaps some people used underhanded methods and were more ruthless, but that had nothing to do with Violet. As long as they didn’t foolishly jump onto her turf, the priestess had no interest in meddling.


But there was one exception—the 【Eternal Throne】. She really disliked them.


From the mouth of Prakaka, the rat-man who had once sought refuge with Violet due to a fear of death and was now working diligently for Lilya in the capital, the priestess had learned about the organization’s objectives and actions.


They, in collecting, researching, and obtaining special items related to powerful entities, especially those involving the existence of “gods,” whether pseudo-gods or true gods, the 【Eternal Throne】 would resort to any means possible to seize them.


It seems that their leader, the “Eternal Mage,” insists that there is some inevitable connection between “gods” and “eternity” and has been conducting relevant experiments.


To achieve this goal, killing and looting treasures are the most merciful methods.


Prakaka’s knowledge includes deception, brainwashing, physical modification, live dissection, and even massacres, as well as observing changes by turning the souls of creatures into grudges, all of which are actions that even Violet, with her current mindset, finds outrageous.


They can be described as utterly without morals.


The priestess can overlook a certain degree of wrongdoing done for the sake of profit because such things can never be eradicated entirely; at most, she can manage the parts she comes into contact with.


However, Violet cannot accept cruelty born purely out of malice, whether in the past or in the present. She cannot tolerate it.


In being human, having boundaries is crucial.


Perhaps becoming the undead, paying the price for “eternity,” has caused them to lose the most basic conscience and values. Individuals like Prakaka, driven only by a desire to survive, who merely kill people, may be considered a relatively benign type in comparison, as they are more of the “fear of good, avoidance of evil” variety.


Of course, Violet cannot fully trust the words of the cunning rat-man and has verified them using lie-detection tools.


What it said was all true.


So only the 【Eternal Throne】, Violet sees one, kills one.


“Nicholas, I have the first task for you now. Twenty meters to the southwest from here, there’s a recess in the rock wall. Kill the creature inside, its weak point is in the brain. Can you do it in one strike?”


“…I can.”


The Swift Wind Flow is a type of swordsmanship characterized by listening to nature, being still as a mountain, and swift as a fleeing rabbit. The most crucial aspect is training one’s perception, excelling in attacks, and practicing to the point of simulating the laws of “wind.”


This swordsmanship, similar to Lilya, who learned air magic in the 【Illusory World】, might be beneficial for her. This is one of the reasons why Violet decided to spare the man’s life.


The “Vicious Wolf” grasps the hilt of the sword, closes his eyes, and the wind passing lightly around falls silent.


It’s like an instant, yet it seems like a long time has passed, and the sound of the wind rises in the canyon.


Moving with the wind, ceasing with the wind.


When the wind rises, the sword is drawn.


“Wind Slash!”


The long sword cleaves through the air, the roaring wind transforms into invisible sword energy, sweeping across the location marked by Violet.


With a crisp sound, a head fell from the air and landed on the ground along with a decapitated body that had shown its form, rolling a few times before becoming still.


Instant kill.


“I’ve shown my incompetence.”


Mr. “Vicious Wolf” casually sheathed his sword, and though his attitude seemed humble on the surface, he was secretly quite pleased.


In order to demonstrate his own worth, he deliberately employed the most profound swordsmanship he currently mastered, using an invisible wind to decapitate his opponent from a distance.


Perhaps because he had been oppressed too harshly before, rebounding from the bottom, Nicholas felt that this sword was in excellent condition. It could be said that it was the peak of his skills in the past few years, even giving rise to some insights into reaching that realm.


How about that! Even if pure strength is overwhelmed, in terms of skill alone, the Swift Wind Sword Master won’t lose…


Nicholas turned around, and what caught his eye was a priestess holding the hem of her robe with one hand, preventing it from being blown around by the wind, and the other hand gripping a crimson staff.


Five golden spears were inserted behind her at different angles and distances on the mountainside or in depressions.


Each spear accurately pierced a body dressed similarly to the one Nicholas had previously killed, directly into the head, with perfect angles. The farthest person even hung on the cliffside hundreds of meters away, swaying.


In an instant, five spears were launched consecutively, accurately controlling the attack on enemies in different positions. Nicholas didn’t even notice when Miss Violet behind him had made her move.


“Hmm? Ah, not bad… barely passing. Just, when you make a move, don’t make such a big fuss, creating a bunch of weird winds blowing all over the place. Are you a fan or something?”


However, being a novice sword instructor should be enough.


The black-haired girl commented as such.


Though the bodyguard behind her didn’t speak, the strange look she gave Nicholas made the “Vicious Wolf” feel like the proud person he was before was nothing but a clown.


Indeed, these two women, aside from their appearance, were completely bizarre monsters. Wasn’t she supposed to be a priestess…?


Nicholas could no longer muster any one-sided comparison thoughts.


“Alright, let’s go quickly. We need to enter Norton Castle before it gets dark.”


“Huh? Aren’t you going to investigate the intentions and lair of these strange people?”


Nicholas could tell that Violet clearly had a grudge against those strangely dressed guys. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have come in for the kill right away. Considering the power disparity between the two sides, it might just be that this lady wasn’t happy with them.


If that’s the case, they encountered enemy scouts, indicating they might be plotting something, yet they just casually dealt with them and left them alone?


Hard to understand.


Moreover, regarding what tempting things might be in the Oaken Grand Canyon, the only thing Nicholas could think of was the 【Wishing Artifact】.


Is this lady not worried that the other party getting hold of that treasure might pose a threat to her?


“Huh? Why do I have to specifically do that kind of thing? It’s very troublesome, you know? There’s no need to specifically target a group of annoying pests.”


Anyway, they’ll likely clash when they reach the capital.




The “Vicious Wolf” was stunned. What kind of thought process is this? Sometimes she seems clever, and sometimes she seems a bit foolish. Isn’t it troublesome not to stop the enemy’s plans now? It might become especially troublesome in the future if they confront each other.


But… well, he doesn’t have the qualification to question Miss Violet’s decisions. The powerful blonde girl is clearly her subordinate, so it’s better not to say unnecessary words.


She’s truly a girl he can’t understand. Are all strong people this strange?

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