Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 2 Ch. 39 Table of contents

Until they left the Oaken Grand Canyon, the trio did not encounter members of the “Eternal Throne.” It’s unclear whether they realized something was amiss and fled or if they had ventured deeper into the canyon.


In any case, Violet didn’t keep pursuing them. Instead, they arrived at Norton Castle smoothly before nightfall.


As expected, the priestess with the “Vicious Wolf” was stopped by the city guards, even forming a circle with hundreds of spears pointing at the three of them. They were ready to attack at the slightest provocation.


At times like this, the identity token bestowed by the princess came in handy.


As Violet had anticipated, Nicholas’s so-called “heinous crime” meant nothing in front of a princess. Once the authenticity of the token was confirmed, the general’s expression changed immediately. He hurriedly dismissed his subordinates, not mentioning Mr. Vicious Wolf’s matter at all. Instead, he brought the castle lord and the chief city guard.


These two, even though their titles were higher than the lord of the city, showed utmost respect to Violet as the “trusted envoy of the Fifth Princess.” They were accommodating and fulfilled every request. Clearly, this castle was aligned with Princess Lilya’s faction. Otherwise, even as the princess’s emissary, there would be no need to go to such lengths unless she were the queen.


It saved a lot of trouble.


Without lingering in Norton Castle for long, after a night’s rest, following Violet’s request, the lord prepared a sturdy and comfortable carriage for them. Driven by Nicholas, the three set out along the official road, heading straight to the capital, the Courage City.


Human United Kingdom, Capital City, Courage City.








The tolling of the bell, three times, emanated from deep within the royal palace, bringing forth an announcement that sent shivers down countless spines.


“The twenty-first generation king of the Human United Kingdom, Anchorro Melchior, has returned to the ancestral spirits this evening, at the age of sixty-seven.”


The news spread like a tidal wave, covering the Courage City in just a few short hours and rapidly expanding outward at a terrifying speed.


Some wept bitterly, some rejoiced madly, some were anxious and uneasy, and some couldn’t believe it.


But more importantly, people began to act.


Human United Kingdom:


– Second Prince Ben Melchior;

– Third Prince Patrick Melchior;

– Fourth Prince Devitt Melchior;

– Fifth Princess Lilya Melchior;

– Sixth Princess Menna Melchior.


Except for the already deceased first prince, all of Anchorro’s children gathered at the palace gates within fifteen minutes.


“Sister! I heard that Father… sniff, how, how could this happen so suddenly…”


When the last little princess, Menna, arrived, she found that all her brothers and sisters had already gathered. No one spoke, not even Lilya, the fifth princess who usually doted on her. They all had solemn and silent expressions.


Menna wiped away a tear and faintly sensed something unusual.


It was so quiet, and everyone… seemed to have completely lost their usual harmonious and peaceful demeanor. There was a trembling atmosphere that made the little princess’s pores contract.


Compared to her immediate sorrow, the other brothers and sisters did not seem surprised at this. Instead, their emotions seemed more focused on mutual wariness and distrust.


“Brothers and sisters… Father has just passed away. Whatever you’re thinking, at least wait until the one-month mourning ceremony is over, okay?”


Lilya Melchior made a solemn suggestion. Standing beside her was a young woman with crimson short hair, carrying a short bow on her back. Everyone knew her as the Scarlet Flame Flora, one of the three legendary adventurers of the Courage City and the guardian of the kingdom.


“Well said, Fifth Sister. The immediate priority is to handle Father’s affairs after his passing.”


Ben Melchior nodded in agreement. Standing beside him was a man in a black robe, his face not clearly visible. However, the powerful aura emanating from him was no less than that of the Scarlet Flame Flora.


“Let’s go with that. When the ritual official comes out, we’ll all pay our respects to Father’s body together. Just to make it clear, I currently have no plans, but if anyone dares to make any moves, hmph…”


The third prince, Patrick Melchior, had the most people with him—eight warriors clad in armor. Although individually they might not give the same impression as the Scarlet Flame Flora or the old man, the combined presence of the eight made them the most formidable force on the scene.


“Sigh, never thought Father would leave so quietly. Clearly, when I met him last night, his condition seemed relatively stable. Fate is truly unpredictable, and life is full of difficulties…”


The fourth prince, Devitt Melchior, seemed to be the most heartbroken among them. He appeared even more dramatic than the youngest princess, Menna, with a mournful expression. Tears flowed freely from his eyes.


Moreover, he was the only prince present who had not brought any subordinates to pay his respects. At the moment, he was being supported by the palace guards, appearing vulnerable and harmless.


During the conversation, more and more high-ranking officials and nobles hurriedly arrived at the palace.


In the face of this sudden change, unlike the usual separation into two factions, this time everyone instinctively and tacitly stood behind a certain prince or princess.


As the youngest princess, Menna, was already close to the fifth princess, Lilya, groups began to form in front of the palace gates, gradually becoming more defined.


Princess Lilya’s group was the largest, occupying nearly half of the supporters. Next were the second prince, Ben, and the third prince, Patrick, with similar numbers. The fourth prince, Devitt, had the fewest supporters, just a couple of minor nobles or courtiers, and even those were only a handful.


With the passing of the old king, the situation began to clarify.


However, everyone tacitly avoided mentioning this matter or revealing their stance openly.


According to tradition, within the first month of the old king’s passing, the new king could not ascend the throne. Violators would be shunned by the spirits, becoming lonely souls unable to enter the realm of the departed.


Therefore, no matter how intense the storm was brewing, everyone had to follow the established procedures, endure their impatience, silently wait, and prepare until the mourning ceremony concluded, and the clouds holding back the hurricane broke open.


Click, click, click, click….


The massive palace gates slowly opened. Several princes and princesses exchanged glances—some with indifference, some with seriousness, some with sorrow, and some with confusion. Then, under the escort of courtiers, they stepped inside.


Within the Courage City.


Countless royal guards in silver armor and the city defense forces in black armor emerged from various places, wielding weapons. They solemnly patrolled the streets and alleys.


Decrees jointly signed by the interim council were delivered to every city resident through the mouths of the soldiers.


“His Majesty the King has returned to the ancestral spirits. Starting today, the entire nation will mourn for three days. There will be a curfew in the Courage City for one month! During this period, from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM, no one is allowed to go outside. Anyone found attempting treason will be dealt with accordingly!”


“The security checks at the four gates of the royal city will be intensified. Every effort must be made to prevent any suspicious individuals from entering the city. If necessary, force may be used for direct arrests. Residents are advised to minimize leaving the city unless absolutely necessary! That is all!”


Dark clouds loomed over the city.


Everyone began to realize.


The storm was approaching.

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