A Terminal Healer Needs an Obsessive Maniac
Chapter 52 Table of contents

After the chaos subsided somewhat, the hunters decided to create temporary shelters to protect civilians and form patrols to prepare for attacks.

This was the result of a meeting among representatives selected from association officials from various countries, hundreds of hunters, and organizers’ staff.

“Can’t we just leave right away?”

Of course, there were people who couldn’t understand and wanted to choose the option that seemed immediately convenient. The conquest itself wouldn’t be a problem.

“We can’t leave before wiping out all the terrorists.”

“What’s the big deal about those guys? They were weaklings who couldn’t even awaken.”

“It’s because of potential civilian casualties if bombs go off. Let’s think a bit before we act, huh?”

The problem was the thousands of spectators who had been in the audience seats. The retrieval of modern weapons denied entry to the dungeon is determined based on whether their owners are alive or dead.

“What are those bastards doing making a fuss with explosives? If they want to die, they should just die quietly by themselves.”

If the popup dungeon is conquered while the suicide bombers aren’t all dead, as soon as they exit, the time bombs retrieved by their owners would all explode at once, with the blast intensity greatly amplified by chain reactions.

“Judging by their dazed eyes, they didn’t seem to be in their right minds. They didn’t even fight back at all.”

In the end, they had to deal with the terrorists gathered in one part of the dungeon first before they could leave with peace of mind. In the meantime, measures had to be taken to prevent civilians from falling victim to monster attacks.

-I apologize, but could you please endure a little longer.

In the end, Ryu Seo-ha inevitably agreed to maintain [Sanctification]. At least until temporary shelters were created using items and skills, and patrol shifts were finalized through discussion.

Some hunters requested him to attack the terrorists within range of the characteristic with debuffs, but he refused, saying it was beyond his abilities. There was no need to comply with every request when it wasn’t urgent.

In fact, it was the first time he had spread [Sanctification] over such a wide area, so it felt burdensome. With Choi Gang-hu beside him, mana quantity wasn’t an issue. The problem was maintaining control.

Thanks to practicing with occasional mana intensive training from Choi Gang-hu, he could now spread a much wider range several times more stably than before, but not enough to simultaneously perform other tasks requiring delicate control.

“Weren’t there guys who demanded government dissolution with dead fish eyes last year too?”

“Right, they hacked the RAI (Italian public broadcasting) news channel.”

“The ones who kept repeating the same thing like parrots?”

“Then could it be that the marionettist has appeared again?”

Some hunters installing temporary tents with basic barrier protection began to murmur. It was while they were wetting their throats as floor construction was delayed due to quicksand.

“What’s that?”

“You don’t know the marionettist? That famous group? Are you really from Europe?”

“I don’t watch the news. I hate complicated stuff. Is it some kind of international criminal organization? Like the mafia?”

“It seems they’ve absorbed some of those forces too. Maybe that’s why they have anarchist tendencies…”

A brief discussion opened up about one of the more credible speculations among various guesses about the terrorist group.

“They can’t be that stupid, why carry out a terror attack at the IHL of all places? Where else are top hunters swarming like this? I really don’t get it.”

“What do terrorists aim for? Inducing fear, spreading anxiety, drawing attention, expanding social impact, that sort of thing, right?”

“So what?”

“Geez, what event gets as much global media attention as the IHL?”

Though they were sweating profusely under the scorching sun, perhaps due to low fire attribute resistance, they never stopped talking. It was fortunate for Ryu Seo-ha. The glances that kept coming his way had been quite burdensome.

“Even so, it’s useless if they don’t succeed, right?”

“The exposure level is different regardless of success or failure. Which would be more effective on consumers, flyer ads or TV commercials?”

“True, even if just the suicide scene had been broadcast, it would have been shocking. The government would have been criticized for failing to protect citizens too.”

Even now, most people, except for some hunters engrossed in conversation, were still watching this way while pretending not to. Understandably so. It looked like they were on vacation.

A parasol wide open under the blazing sun, a sun bed balancing fluffiness and coolness, a cute table with various drinks lined up, mini air conditioner and humidifier using magic stones as fuel, even an air purifier.

“…Mr. Choi.”

Seeing the beads of sweat on Ryu Seo-ha’s forehead, it was a creation Choi Gang-hu had made in an instant.

“Is it very hot?”

A hint of worry subtly showed on his face, as if carved by a master craftsman of the century. A cool scent wafted from the hand that reached out as if to touch his forehead.

“No, it’s not that… I was wondering if this isn’t too extravagant.”

Though he mumbled in protest in a whisper, barely hiding his embarrassment, he didn’t avoid that touch. Like a tamed fox, he had come to wait for that uniquely cool warmth.


As if not understanding what he meant, Choi Gang-hu tilted his head and gently brushed up Ryu Seo-ha’s neat bangs with his large hand. The touch caressing his exposed white forehead was very careful.

“Are you bothered by people’s gazes?”

The hand that had moved away only after checking several times that he wasn’t feverish or sweating gently tidied his disheveled hair. Rustling through the strands between his fingers as if savoring the texture.

“Everyone’s staring.”

“Should I make it so they can never look again?”

No, why did your words jump to that again? He hastily shook his head. Afraid he might threaten to gouge out people’s eyes or suddenly act without any warning.

“You don’t like that?”

Laughter overlaid the voice that had lowered deeply. The corners of the mouth visible before him were also curled up diagonally. Realizing it was a deliberate tease, the tension in his shoulders completely relaxed.

“No. I don’t like it, so don’t do it.”

When he replied somewhat curtly, a low laugh flowed to his ears as if finding him cute.


Ryu Seo-ha wanted to ask the question mark killer why he was doing this. Is it not natural for everyone to stare? When he was half-lying under the parasol shade, enjoying cool air alone instead of the rough sandy wind.

“Of course they’re staring. We stand out like this.”

“It’s natural to have your gaze stolen by beauty.”

What are you suddenly saying?

“This is too much. It’s not like we’re at a summer beach.”

Though he was really grateful for the thoughtful care, it was an altogether burdensome way. The rest of the thousands of people were all suffering from murderous heat and dryness that parched their mouths.

He wasn’t thick-skinned enough to brazenly, let alone proudly, enjoy the benefits bestowed by him alone. It felt like a large, heavy stone had been placed on his heart, making him uncomfortable and uneasy.

It must be the influence of his survival method through the harsh process of Chinatown life and early social life. Ryu Seo-ha had always had to sensitively accept others’ evaluations and change his attitude accordingly.

“People will resent it, saying you’re discriminating.”

“Isn’t it natural for Ryu Seo-ha to receive preferential treatment? You’re keeping everyone safe.”

“I think far more people won’t see it that way.”

Ryu Seo-ha glanced at the parasol equipped with one-way sound blocking and shook his head slightly. People tend to judge the world based on immediate emotions rather than rational reason.

“There’s no need to unnecessarily make yourself hated.”

“There’s also no need to live constantly watching others’ reactions while ignoring what you want to do.”

It seemed they always ended up clashing over similar topics. Though clashing meant either vaguely passing over it to avoid conflict or the conversation being forcibly interrupted.

“Are you afraid of being hated?”

“Isn’t everyone?”

“I don’t care what people I’m not close to think.”

“That’s admirably cool. Ah, I’m not being sarcastic, I mean it sincerely.”

Still, today the conversation continued longer than expected.

“Is that why you always speak nicely to me too? Because you’re afraid of being hated?”

Choi Gang-hu’s questioning retort unexpectedly stabbed one side of his heart. At first, that was true. He tried his best not to upset him. But now? Is it still true now?

He recalled how he had frozen excessively after unthinkingly kicking him not long ago. Being hated itself had become much scarier than before. In a quite different sense from the beginning.

“…I’m not sure.”

What’s clear is that at some point, Choi Gang-hu’s presence had taken root terrifyingly large in a corner of his heart. Enough to freeze in vague fear at just the imagination of being hated by him.

“About your thoughts on me? Or your own feelings?”

Choi Gang-hu didn’t easily let go of the tail of the words Ryu Seo-ha had reflexively uttered to avoid. It felt awkward rather than uncomfortable.


Ryu Seo-ha covered Choi Gang-hu’s hand, which he had been holding all along, with his other hand and gently swayed it while smiling softly with his eyes. It was an unconscious action.

“More importantly, could you turn down the air conditioner a bit?”

The following words were the same. Because he knew.

“Are you cold?”

That Choi Gang-hu would stop questioning and first take care of his condition. It was a cowardly strategy unconsciously devised to escape.

Because he was simply afraid to acknowledge his feelings that had grown too large without realizing, and to fully face the identity of the emotions filling his heart.

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