A Terminal Healer Needs an Obsessive Maniac
Chapter 53 Table of contents

As he was looking at Choi Gang-hu’s profile with complex eyes as he immediately raised the temperature setting on the mini air conditioner, Jung Woo-bin caught his eye.


Jung Woo-bin, who had stopped abruptly beyond the shade covered by the parasol, opened his mouth after seeming to ponder for a moment.

“The temporary tent setup is all done.”

It meant [Sanctification] could be withdrawn. Jung Woo-bin stared intently at the two people’s hands clasped tightly together. It was a strange look.

From the perspective of someone unaware of the necessity of mana charging, how would this scene appear? Following a long habit, one corner of his mind shrank reflexively.

There was no reason to keep holding on now, he could just let go of his hand, but for some reason he didn’t want to pull away immediately. Strength entered his fingertips.

“Mr. Choi.”

Though he wasn’t the type to be hurt even if let go of coldly as if his usefulness was over, he found himself looking at him as if seeking permission. It was a completely different feeling from habitually being mindful of others.

“How much longer will it take?”

Choi Gang-hu, who had squeezed his hand tightly as if regretful before slowly letting go, asked suddenly. Though he must have sensed his presence long ago, he didn’t even turn his head, as if he hadn’t heard Jung Woo-bin’s voice.


“Until you can heal yourself.”

Having secretly attempted self-healing just yesterday, he felt inwardly flustered. Wondering if he had found out about the terminal illness.

Mana 417

His mana stat had surpassed 400 before he knew it. It was an absurd number. Even if first-generation hunters revered as heroes of the Great Change put all their stats into mana, they wouldn’t reach such a number.

“To be honest, I’m worried.”

The voice settling by his ear was calm, but tinged with sincere concern. It was understandable to think strangely of someone who would cough up blood and stagger at random.

Logically, there’s no way an S-rank healer with a mana stat that’s through the roof couldn’t cure their own illness. It was stranger that he hadn’t expressed doubt until now.

“I wish you would take care of yourself before others.”

Did he think he was putting off caring for his own body by prioritizing his socially assigned role and duties as a healer? The gently chiding words were meltingly affectionate.

“…I will.”

Though he answered readily, he felt his blood run cold.

Status: Remaining lifespan 9 days 23 hours 53 minutes

There really wasn’t much time left now. It felt like he had been pulled by the hair from wandering a dream-like world into cold reality.

If he couldn’t solve the terminal illness problem, he would die in vain without knowing why. Ryu Seo-ha reviewed the plans he had made once again.

First, tomorrow he was scheduled to visit Prague to meet another S-rank healer. It was an appointment arranged by the chairman of Gangseong Group. He had to move anyway to throw out bait for the Hwang Munseok rescue operation.

Even if the treatment fails at that meeting, there’s still a chance left. He would immediately enter an S-grade dungeon where he could obtain an elixir after returning home. The time was approaching to reap the fruits of the seeds he had sown.

“Thank you for your concern.”

Hiding his anxiety, he smiled nonchalantly. After releasing [Sanctification], he stepped out of the parasol’s shade. It was to attend the representatives’ meeting scheduled after the tent installation.

“Oh, Hunter Ryu Seo-ha! Come in! You’ve worked hard!”

As he entered the individual tent for the meeting, an IHLC committee member belonging to Italy, the host, greeted him warmly.

Choi Gang-hu blocked the approaching person with his body as he came forward for a bisous. With a cold expression, looking like he had no intention of allowing the cheek kiss greeting.

“Oh, I almost offended a valuable talent. There are cultural differences too, haha. Come, please sit comfortably.”

The other person hesitated briefly but didn’t show any displeasure. Rather, he invited them to sit with an expression full of goodwill. Still with flamboyant hand gestures.

“Really, thanks to Hunter Ryu Seo-ha, we’ve been greatly relieved. How should we repay you? We’re truly grateful.”

Understandably so, because despite numerous injuries, the death toll was currently at 0, including the spectators sitting nearby during the first explosion set off as an example.

“I truly felt that the world’s best healer is indeed different. I was very impressed.”

It was thanks to Ryu Seo-ha taking care of critically injured patients during the tent installation. Healing while maintaining [Sanctification] was burdensome enough to make him dizzy, but not entirely impossible. Because Choi Gang-hu had held his hand the whole time. With his help, he was able to heal them one by one slowly.

The organizers had reason to be pleased. Just avoiding fatalities would allow them to escape the stigma of being the worst closing ceremony.

“You’re too kind. It was only possible because others took quick action first.”

It was treatment he could attempt because nearby hunters had quickly provided first aid with potions and skills to those with fatal injuries after entering the popup dungeon.

“Above all, if we’re talking about credit, the facilities created by the organizers deserve the most.”

If they hadn’t avoided instant death thanks to the basic barriers installed in the seats from the start, he wouldn’t have even been able to attempt such treatment.

“Oh, modest too!”

The IHLC committee member kept expressing admiration no matter what Ryu Seo-ha said, while representative hunters from various countries came in and sat down behind him one after another.

“Then let’s start the meeting.”

As soon as the Italian hunter serving as temporary chair announced the start of discussions,

“We should strike immediately.”

“No, those guys’ items are no joke. They’re wrapped in S-grade stuff!”

“Even so, they can’t hold out long if we gather our firepower and attack.”

“We need to consider the monsters that will appear too…”

“It’s about to be night, and the attribute resistance…”

“Where’s their backing that they have so many S-grade items…”

Opinions poured out regarding the method and timing of eliminating the terrorists. They were all claims with their own rationale.

“To avoid interruptions during battle, we need to identify the dungeon type first. Given that the number of people who can enter exceeds thousands…”

Koo Myung-ho, who had become the Korean representative, was on the side of caution. Even if it looks like a general dungeon on the surface, it could be a type with special missions given.

The logic was that if a mission is activated when recklessly engaging in combat with the terrorists, it could unnecessarily hinder them. Ryu Seo-ha, attending as an observer, quietly listened for now.

“If the terrorists are really appendages of the marionettist, we need to be vigilant with the worst-case scenario in mind.”

“Even so, aren’t they non-awakened? No matter how many there are, would they be a threat?”

“They retrieved them even though they failed their suicide mission. They must have a way to reuse them, that’s why they took them back.”

“Right. There must be a purpose for calling them back even while using expensive items.”

Choi Gang-hu, who was attached as a bodyguard without formal speaking rights, showed little interest in the issues being seriously discussed. He just stood behind Ryu Seo-ha, fiddling with his shoulders.

“If the opponents are truly puppets of the marionettist, we French hunters cannot kill them.”

“Surely you’re not going to maintain your lofty principles in this situation?”

“We’ve simply judged that we can’t indiscriminately eliminate those who have had their free will forcibly taken away.”

“You’re going to let terrorists go based on an urban legend without solid evidence?”

In Europe, there was once a rumor that an unidentified group would kidnap normal people and turn them into stupid dolls. If that was true, it meant the terrorists were once innocent citizens too.

“We don’t mean to just let them go. France will only provide support from behind.”

“Excuses come in all shapes. Does anyone want to kill for the sake of killing?”

“It’s not an issue to discuss lightly. But shouldn’t citizens’ safety come before criminals?”

“According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, even criminals’ rights…”

The debate without a clear answer continued for a long time. Eventually, a majority vote was held. The decision came quickly. To form combat teams in advance and deal with the terrorist group right after the darkness that had just begun to fall retreated.

The desert night with a bright full moon now rising brought bitter cold. A biting wind that was hard to endure without ice attribute resistance scratched the skin.


Right after the meeting that had been dragging on drowsily ended, Choi Gang-hu, who had been standing quietly behind, spread his coat wide and completely enveloped Ryu Seo-ha.

The biting wind that even temperature-controlled outerwear couldn’t fully block, and the dusty smell wafting from the sand floating around, were instantly cut off.

He couldn’t feel the gazes of people scattering to relay the meeting results to their members at all.

“Mr. Choi.”

As he called his name while leaning against the cozy, comfortable embrace, he felt the sensation of a brief kiss landing on top of his head.

“You can fall asleep like this.”

“…You want me to sleep standing up?”

“Shall I lay you down on a bed?”

With so many eyes watching, worried he might immediately pull out a bed from [subspace], Ryu Seo-ha quickly shook his head saying no, no. If the hotel banquet hall was embarrassing, how much worse would the middle of the desert be?

“Then shall I carry you on my back?”

Shaking his head again at the absurd suggestion that made him wonder if he was mistaken for a kindergartener, he stepped out of the cozy embrace.

“You’re sleepy, aren’t you?”

Choi Gang-hu, who had obediently let Ryu Seo-ha go, revealed the reason he had suddenly said it was okay to sleep. It was a reason that made him feel anew that he was a man who acted immediately without filters.

“Let’s get out of here first.”

His earlobes burned hot as he felt occasional curious gazes. To leave the tent first, unlike usual, he began walking a few steps ahead of Choi Gang-hu. And then,

Whoosh─, Clang clang clang!

A sudden gust of wind swept through the tent once. Perhaps because he had grown accustomed to being unable to follow situations with his eyes. Without even being surprised, he turned his head thinking something had happened again.


He saw Choi Gang-hu pointing hundreds of sharp blades at some man. It was one of the hunters who had participated in the meeting until just moments ago.

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