Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 2 Ch. 60 Table of contents

Because Violet gave clear instructions, Miss Dragon had truly “let loose” as she swiftly approached.


Her long and powerful platinum dragon tail swung, directly sending three undead individuals nearest to her into the wall like projectiles.


Xiao Guang didn’t bother with weak points like heads or bellies. The pure and brute force in a single strike completely sent these three resilient undead away.


Although she used some skill to avoid getting her meticulously maintained tail stained with disgusting fluids, judging by the airborne state of those three brothers embedded in the wall, there was no chance for them to climb out.


“Half, half-dragon person!?”


“What the hell, can’t believe even this kind of thing has infiltrated the Courage City!”


“Can you idiots have some common sense? The scales of the half-dragon people in the Beastman Kingdom are black. This woman is definitely not…”


“Don’t waste time talking! Adult half-dragon people are legendary. Go quickly and get Lord Leopold!”


“Uh, both lords just happened to leave in the morning…”


It’s safe to say that the thought processes of these people are probably a bit faulty. Faced with a formidable enemy, their first reaction wasn’t fear. Instead, they chattered and discussed Miss Dragon’s species. No wonder they’re all wearing white coats, there might be professional divisions among the undead.


However, Xiao Guang’s sudden display of terrifying power, combined with some features reminiscent of dragonkind, subdued over a dozen arrogant undead. After witnessing the miserable state of those three who rushed the fastest, the remaining Eternal Throne members who had reached halfway immediately hit the brakes on the spot, looking quite comical.


Little Dragon Lady’s intimidation skill was maxed out for real. Once the battle started, even though these undead were originally humans with little connection to dragonkind, they couldn’t withstand it. After all, the level difference was there.


Their whispered plans were completely exposed to the keen hearing of the two higher-level entities.


“Then call for reinforcements! With just our dozen or so, aren’t we basically delivering ourselves to the rumored defeat? Pili, you’re fast, go for help, and the rest of us will try to hold them off as much as possible.”


Afterwards, one of the slender men, taking advantage of his companions’ cover, quietly retreated and stealthily slipped away.


Such a sneaky move, of course, couldn’t escape the notice of Miss Priestess and her pet. Without Violet’s command, Xiao Guang transformed into a golden blur, instantly crossing the seemingly nonexistent enemy line and appearing behind the man. Using her palm as a blade and dragon claws descending!




Under the absolute overwhelming power of strength and speed, this elite undead assassin, who should have had considerable strength, didn’t even have time to react before being split in half from top to bottom, turning into two halves of a corpse.




“Pili got taken out in seconds? Wasn’t that guy Sky-tier!?”


“Forget about fighting, run!”


It seems that the madness and fearless aggressiveness of the undead also have certain limits, or rather, they excel more in bullying the weak with their strength.


In the face of the overwhelming superiority of the higher beings on the opposing side, the instinct of fear of death and selfishness was fully triggered.


It’s unclear who shouted, but the dozen or so undead, who seemed to be planning to stall for time, immediately scattered like birds and beasts. They each used their means to rush toward the only exit kicked open by Violet!


Two individuals who seemed to have higher status even emitted the light of spatial teleportation!


It must be said that these guys had average strength, and they did have a few tricks up their sleeves to escape. Even with two legendary beings here, it might not be possible to simultaneously stop all of them.


Unfortunately, they were facing beings with intelligence far beyond that of ordinary humans.


“Can they escape?”


Miss Dragon’s mouth curled into a cruel and murderous smirk as her claws sliced through the air.


“Super·Temporal Rift.”




A strange, seemingly infinitely elongated cutting sound echoed from somewhere. At the end of the golden-haired girl’s soft murmuring, the entire experimental field’s space suddenly took on a layer of gray-white light, like paint that had lost its color.


With this strange phenomenon, everything came to a standstill.


Paper lifted in the air froze in place, the thrown weapons used by the enemies for distraction solidified instantly, the cloth on the corner iron cages, blown by the wind, revealed the eerie contours behind it—where over a dozen children lay unconscious.


The undead, likewise, stopped in their various poses, transformed into lifelike flesh sculptures. Even the expressions of confusion, cunningness, or fierceness on their faces were vividly captured in every detail.


Only Xiao Guang, who tore through the spatial dimensions, creating rifts in time and space, and emitted a burst of golden light automatically to block the erosion of the black-and-white force, retained her rich colors and lively demeanor. Miss Dragon even had the leisure to wink at her somewhat helpless owner not far away, playfully stuck out her pink tongue to please her, then turned around. At a rather leisurely speed for her, she approached the enemies locked in time and space, swiping her dragon claws.


After dealing with all the enemies and taking away the two scrolls that had started emitting a silver-white glow but were still held in place by the power of time and space, Miss Dragon got up and snapped her fingers.




The force of black and white quickly receded, and color filled the entire space again.




Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch…!


Countless jets of pitch-black corrupt blood spurted from every undead body, whether fleeing, counterattacking, or teleporting. In an instant, they all turned into a pile of shredded meat, crushed to death by the power of the dragon.


The noisy experimental field instantly quieted down, leaving only the lingering slightly tainted smell of blood and the still undispelled, intense lingering resentment.


“Master, it’s done.”


Miss Dragon patted her pristine, untouched pale hand, returning to Violet’s side. Her expression remained calm, as if she had just done something insignificant.


“Well, these seem to be elites, right? I feel like there were several Sky-tier among them. Taking care of them casually should make things a lot easier for Lilya.”


Violet glanced at the children who had been covered by black cloth, those she had glimpsed during the time-space rift. They were slightly older than the orphans from the orphanage, dressed differently, likely residents of the city captured by the Eternal Throne.


Why were they brought here? Were they intended for some kind of experiment?


Violet had no intention of waking them up or taking them away. There were too many people, and since they were still alive, with the enemies here already dealt with, it seemed more practical to leave them for Lilia and her team, who would arrive soon.


However, she was still somewhat curious. What exactly were these undead secretly researching?


After instructing her pet to move freely, Miss Priestess began to rummage through the experimental field, examining the scattered pages on the ground. Most of them were densely filled with records and data.


Violet picked up a random sheet.


“[New Calendar] Year 1372, October. 167th Combat Puppet Experiment Record.


Experiment Subject: Obsidian Steel-tier, male, age 34, no apparent physical defects.


Number of Drug Modifications: 5 times.


Combat Target: Mithril-tier, female, age 25, unmodified.


Result of Combat: Defeat.”


Evaluation: Based on the physical condition and combat power assessment, the experimental subject should have had a near 100% chance of winning. However, it seems that the drugs weakened cognitive and reaction speed, and the experimental subject and the combat target were from the same squad, with some special emotional relationship. This led to severe delays during the battle, resulting in eventual defeat.


From this, it can be observed that there is still a significant gap between the puppet potion and the intended effects. Currently, it is still impossible to mass-produce warriors equivalent to the puppets created by the Fourth Eternal Throne, Lords Bark and Buckle. Further improvements and continued experimentation are needed.


Puppet creation… Could this potion be similar to the one used on the little princess, Menna, by the Eternal Throne?


Huh? Wasn’t there a name just now that sounded familiar?


Wait, Bark, Buckle… Aren’t they the two mummies I knocked out with a single blow?


After all, did they get inspiration from those two practically defenseless things? It suddenly feels less interesting…


Tossing the paper aside, Miss Priestess picked up another open notebook from the table.


“Hmm? What’s this…?”


The signature on this notebook was Leopold.


From the conversations of those undead, it was easy to deduce that he was the unfortunate one crushed by the door earlier, and probably one of the leaders of this experimental field.


His notes should be valuable.


Violet turned to the cover, where several handwritten black letters caught her eye.


【Integration of Resentful Spirits, Legendary-level Mass Production Plan.】

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