Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 2 Ch. 61 Table of contents

“【Integration of Resentful Spirits, Legendary-level Mass Production Plan】”


“[New Calendar] Year 1366, July 9th. In order to further enhance the power wielded by us immortals and delve deeper into the relationship between souls and life, this special experiment of significant importance is officially initiated.


Research has shown that intelligent beings born from extreme resentment or fear upon death, known as resentful spirits, often miraculously possess powers far beyond their previous lives, the reasons for which remain unclear.


The Integration of Resentful Spirits plan aims to artificially create a large number of homogeneous souls filled with hatred, aggregating them in units of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands, giving the collective entity power comparable to legendary levels while maintaining control.


Through collaboration with Ben Melchior, the second prince of the Human United Kingdom, the organization can obtain a sufficient number of experimental subjects, ensuring that breakthrough progress can be quickly achieved in the experiment.”


The subsequent content mostly details Leopold’s descriptions of the details and methods of creating resentful spirits, such as how to make people feel extreme pain in a short period, when the killing is most effective, and every meticulous detail, filling hundreds of pages of notes.


Moreover, from the wording of the text, it is evident that the person who wrote this record has no sense of guilt or hesitation about such actions. On the contrary, readers may get the impression that the “experimental subjects” mentioned are not real people, but rather batches of bred livestock, creating a disconcerting illusion.


However, the latter part of this document indeed dedicates a considerable amount of content to detailed records of each experimental subject’s gender, age, changes in status, the quality of the formed resentful spirits. Towards the end, it even draws the conclusion that “the purity of children’s souls is extremely high. Although not suitable for creating resentful spirits, they can be used as samples for nourishment.”


Presumably, this is likely the reason why those children would be kept here, but where exactly are the resentful spirits?


Although the resentment here is heavy, it seems scattered, and honestly, it probably doesn’t pose an obvious threat.


And what kind of method is used for their supply?


Although Violet is not yet clear, she imagines it won’t involve gentle means.


To be honest, no matter what kind of outrageous things the [Eternal Throne] comes up with now, Miss Priestess finds it hard to be surprised anymore. She suddenly realizes that these individuals are fundamentally different from normal people.


The creation of the undead is an imperfect method of “extending life,” and perhaps in them, the concept of humanity has long ceased to exist. Even their values seem to be twisted and chaotic, only appearing normal on the surface.


No wonder there seems to be a subtle change in Prakaka’s personality after the resurrection. At least, in the Tepaya Basin, it absolutely didn’t have the courage to mock Miss Priestess back then.


If we judge the fear of death on a scale of 100 based on the behavior of that old mouse when it was still a throne, it’s probably only about 70 now. It has become a bit more courageous, and its behavioral logic is no longer solely focused on monotonously seeking survival; this is the normal state that a living creature should have.


However, Miss Priestess doesn’t seem to care much about these changes. She just uses that old mouse to infer the psychological state of the Eternal Thrones, a group of lunatics.


At the end of this record, Violet noticed that after numerous human experiments, the Eternal Thrones seemed to have actually produced some powerful fused vengeful spirits.


However, those things either lack reason, only understanding indiscriminate attacks on their surroundings, or they can’t maintain a stable state and decompose on their own after a short time. The only one that has truly survived until now is the successful one.


As for the reasons for success and specific information, Violet flipped through what should be the last page containing these, only to find…


Perhaps because the compiled volume didn’t have a real cover, this last page happened to be pressed at the bottom. In the recent chaos, it got stained with the strange liquid spilled from overturned instruments, and most of the content is now unreadable.


“What the heck? Playing this trick on me at a crucial point?”


Miss Priestess frowned unhappily.


Staring at the blurry page for a long time, Violet could only recognize half of a vaguely written name.


“Li… something, right?”


This information is too brief, almost like having none at all.


Forget it.


In the end, it’s just more powerful vengeful spirits. Where do these Thrones come from? They are all messy and flashy. Like those two Thrones wrapped in burial shrouds, they look eerie, but when it comes to actual combat, their strength is just average.


It’s best not to appear in front of Miss Priestess, or Violet wouldn’t mind helping with the physical purification of these sinful creations, condensed from the lives of countless people.


After casually wandering around in the messy experimental field and flipping through some experiment records, all of which were extremely cruel and, in Violet’s eyes, meaningless attempts, she quickly lost interest.


Although she had not found any records related to the activities of the 【Heart of the Red Dragon】 or the guys in the Oaken Grand Canyon, Violet had no desire to continue exploring further.


“Boring. Let’s go, check out somewhere else.”


“Oh, okay, Master!”


Waving at the little dragon girl who had already found this place boring and had gone to sharpen her claws on the side while staring curiously at the ceiling, Violet, although she didn’t find the so-called vengeful spirits, still applied a barrier around the iron cage holding those children, allowing only the living to approach, just in case.


After that, Miss Priestess and her pet left the experimental field through a large hole in the wall, leaving behind a place full of broken corpses and seemingly thicker resentment.


The two women returned to the corridor outside the experimental field. According to Eli’s description, the prison cells for the unlucky ones captured should be located further back from here.


In fact, judging by the markings Violet had made for the maid earlier, she was indeed nearby, so it should be correct.


Originally, the plan was to capture a leader, interrogate for information about the 【Heart of the Red Dragon】, and then dispose of them. Who would have thought that the leader would be crushed to death by the door directly?


As for the other small fry, Violet had no interest in getting involved with them. After all, the dragon treasures obtained by the Eternal Thrones were definitely placed on important individuals, possibly even Thrones themselves.


According to the information from the guys in the experimental field earlier, both Thrones here happened to be absent. With Lilya leading an assault on the stronghold, the opposing side wouldn’t easily come back to expose themselves.


Don’t think that having twelve legendary Eternal Thrones is impressive. Compared to real world powers, they may have cutting-edge combat strength, but they can never directly confront the strength of an entire nation.


Moreover, only a fool would think that the entire Courage City only has three legendary-level powerhouses or that the Human United Kingdom can’t reveal any trump cards beyond the legendary realm. The true strength of a nation is never openly displayed.


Therefore, it’s highly likely that this mission will end up empty-handed.


While thinking about these things, Violet’s steps did not slow down at all, and soon she arrived at another, larger iron door with Xiao Guang.


Doors like this, thick and heavy, requiring mechanical assistance for ordinary people to open, are usually used to seal off secret chambers or imprison important figures to prevent escape. The reaction of the markings behind this door indicated that this was the place.


However, what caught Violet’s attention was that this door was actually partially open, giving the impression that someone hastily pushed it aside, but due to its weight, couldn’t completely close it.


Are the members of the Eternal Thrones so careless? Is this the rigorous and secretive underground organization they claim to be?


Because of the fear of causing any misunderstandings and since the door wasn’t locked, Miss Priestess decided to let them go this time. After pushing the door open with her hands, she descended the short spiral staircase.


A damp, musty smell greeted them as they descended, causing Violet to involuntarily frown. Although she had a high resistance to such things now, it didn’t mean she liked them.


On the other hand, the little dragon girl was more adaptable. With her keen perception, she immediately locked her faint golden vertical pupils onto the figures in black robes lying on the ground like disillusioned salted fish in the distant corridor of the prison.


“Oh, Master, it seems someone has beaten us to it.”



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