Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 94 Table of contents

Chapter 94: Recreating Huizhou Ink


Since its opening, Leisure Summer Villa’s business, overall, has been neither hot nor cold. However, the word of mouth among the visitors has been exceptional, and it’s only a matter of time before business booms.


Currently, the main source of customers relies on the ‘old brings in the new’ model, and there is no need for promotion in the various establishments owned by the Jing family. Yet, this word-of-mouth model adds a touch of sophistication and exclusivity to Leisure Summer Villa.


This business is different from others, bringing not only wealth to Jing Yi but, more importantly, allowing him to integrate further into the upper echelons of Fuyang Town.


Now, almost everyone in Fuyang Town knows Jing Yi, who, following Jing’s Small Restaurant, Jing’s Hot Pot, Ningxia Pavilion, and Ice Nectar Pavillion, has established a high-end and elegant leisure villa.


Smart individuals, with a quick calculation of the estimated value of several industries, understand that the Jing family has long been wealthy.


From ancient times to the present, most people admire strength. While they used to look down on Jing Yi as a rural person, they now say, “A hero doesn’t ask about his origin.” Jing Yi, though from the countryside, has significant capabilities.


As the year-end approaches, more and more people are coming to the villa for leisure and consumption. Jing Yi has been busy these days, returning home only after the sun sets.


Now, his whole family is living in the adjacent manor.


Due to the unique nature of the villa’s business, the visitors are mostly distinguished guests. In the initial stage, Jing Yi is personally involved, as he is not yet confident in selecting a suitable successor. He is considering trying to mentor Chen Jiawen, even though he is still young.


Therefore, he brought along Chuxia, along with Aunt Cui and Ah Qi, to stay in the villa.


Then, as the New Year approached, Jing An and Jing Shu’s Qingyuan Private School also went on vacation. Jing’s mother couldn’t wait and hastily packed up the whole family. Without even having dinner, they came to the manor to accompany Chuxia.


On the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth month, today is still waiting for Jing Yi to come back and have dinner.


Originally, Jing’s mother didn’t want to wait for the eldest son, considering Chuxia’s pregnancy and fearing he might get hungry. She suggested they eat first, but Chuxia insisted on waiting.


So, in the afternoon, she separately prepared a small stove for Chuxia, stewing chicken and vegetable porridge and making two or three small dishes. Eating less but more frequently in a day is also good, and it also complies with the doctor’s advice.


At the dinner table, Jing’s father asked about the holiday arrangements for Jing Yi’s several shops this year.


“Xiao Yi, are the holiday arrangements for the Chinese New Year the same as last year?”


“Yeah, it’s rare to take a break. We’ll have a regular holiday for the Chinese New Year, but on the twenty-ninth to the last day, let’s finish work early and organize a year-end celebration. However, there are too many people now, and I estimate our backyard won’t be able to accommodate everyone. How about coming to the villa this year? I see there are two banquet halls in the leisure area that haven’t been rented out. We can just pick one and decorate it casually.”


“The other shops will operate as usual until the eighth day, but here at the villa, we need to start on the fifth, as there are important reservations.”


Jing Yi made arrangements one by one, also contemplating informing each store’s manager early next year about the specific business direction for the coming year.


This year’s New Year was spent both busy and cautious.


Busy because Jing Yi’s several shops were thriving, and Chinese New Year inevitably involved visiting relatives and numerous social engagements.


Cautious because Chuxia is now six months pregnant, his belly has grown considerably, and the entire family is constantly attentive to him.


Even Mother Lin, apart from necessary visits, spent the remaining time during the New Year repeatedly coming to the Jing family to take care of his eldest grandson. Jing’s mother was not dissatisfied; on the contrary, she was very happy. Good friends should chat and play together to be happy.


Due to physiological reasons, gers have a shorter gestation period than girls, around eight months, and they can give birth.


With two more months to go, Jing Yi has already nervously started preparations in advance. He has finalized the renowned midwife in town and invited Doctor Cen to come and preside over the delivery.


Then, he also reserved two nursing ewes at Uncle Meng’s house. They will be taken to the manor a month in advance to adapt.


Yes, the whole family discussed and decided to place the delivery in the manor. The most important reason is that Jing Yi believes it is the most crucial matter at this stage, and he must be fully involved, paying constant attention.


But Chuxia felt that other people also give birth, and he hasn’t heard of husbands setting aside their work because their wives are giving birth. It doesn’t have to be that extreme.


So, after some discussion, or rather negotiation, Jing Yi compromised, considering their circumstances. They decided to give birth and have postpartum recovery in the villa. This way, it would be convenient for Jing Yi to manage the affairs of the villa, and after all, it’s just a five-minute walk home.


On the fifth day of the New Year, Leisure Summer Villa opened for business.


Today, there are only two waves of reserved guests, but Jing Yi attaches great importance to them because both waves are quite special.


The first wave of guests arrived around 9:30 in the morning. Considering the journey from the town, this is quite early, especially in winter. It seems they can understand their eager and excited feelings.


This group of guests consists of seven people, three girls, and four gers, all children of prominent merchants in Fuyang Town. Perhaps influenced by the recommendations of their brothers or previous advertisements for the soap shop, they have now decided to come.


Jing Yi arranged for a ger and a girl housekeeper to receive them carefully, ensuring that the guests feel at home. Because in ancient times, it was not easy for young gers and women to travel, let alone arrange a meeting with friends.


If this visit to Leisure Summer Villa satisfies them, making them find it fresh, interesting, and safe, then there will undoubtedly be a continuous stream of such distinguished guests in the future, and all of them will be well-off.


Jing Yi has even started envisioning the possibility of building another large courtyard in the future for beauty and massage projects. Considering the prosperity of modern beauty salons, it wouldn’t be much different even in ancient times.


For the second wave of guests, Jing Yi is even more cautious. When they made the reservation, the servant reported the title of the dean of Qingyuan Academy, the master of his younger brothers.


Jing Yi has always felt that this person must be remarkable. In the small town of Fuyang, it’s not easy to become a Jinshi due to issues with teachers and the educational environment. Still, he not only achieved it but also, in his thirties, managed to become a fifth-ranking official in the rich but treacherous officialdom of Liangzhe. He is said to be a person with real power, and this is truly remarkable.


But what makes Jing Yi sigh is that he could retire from officialdom while in his prime and didn’t fall into obscurity, unlike the common saying of “cold tea.” It is said that he is now a prominent figure in Qingzhou Prefecture. During the New Year, the county magistrate actively visits him, and many people want to curry favor with him.


Jing Yi is not foolish; he won’t flatter, but when an opportunity presents itself, he will surely strive for it.


Around eleven in the morning.


“Squeak,” two plainly decorated carriages stopped in front of the reception hall, one after the other.


The first carriage was a middle-aged couple, probably around forty years old. The man was refined and gentle, always wearing a smile that made him seem approachable. This must be Wen Zhiqing, the dean of Qingyuan Academy.


However, there was always a sense of detachment about him until he looked at his husband, then warmth appeared in his eyes.


Jing Yi couldn’t help but marvel at the complexity beneath a smiling face; it’s truly unfathomable.


Dean Wen’s husband was a somewhat reserved person. Although he was of some age, he still possessed elegance, a glimpse of his beauty in his younger years.


The second carriage carried a young couple, and the young man looked exactly like the two, bearing a striking resemblance to Dean Wen.


He was holding a boy of about two years old, lively and clever, constantly inspecting left and right, asking questions non-stop.


Now that everyone had disembarked, Jing Yi, without reservation, walked a few steps forward to greet them. He greeted them with eloquence, “Dean Wen, nice to meet you. Happy New Year!”


“Boss Jing, Happy New Year. I hope we’re not bothering you on the fifth day of the New Year. This is my husband, Si Yuan.” Dean Wen spoke casually but maintained an attitude that didn’t make people feel neglected. While exchanging pleasantries with Jing Yi, he introduced his husband.


Jing Yi, being astute, sensed the subtle cues and immediately greeted Master Si Yuan respectfully, “Master Si Yuan, hello. I am Jing Yi, the elder brother of your student Jing Shu. Thank you for your guidance.”


Seeing that Dean Wen values his husband so much, Jing Yi feels that they might have common topics and could get along well.


Dean Wen’s son then stepped forward to introduce their small family, likely accustomed to introducing themselves.


“Dean Wen, since you are having a family gathering, why not choose ‘Peach and Plum Pavilion’ for your stay? Although we don’t have many rooms, and the courtyard is not the largest, we have intentionally arranged a playroom for young children, which is quite delightful.”


Jing Yi watched the Wen family’s little one, who had already moved from his father’s arms to his grandfather’s, insisting on being held by his young grandmother.


Seeing this, Master  Si Yuan smiled and took the child. It was the first time Jing Yi had seen him smile since their arrival, indicating the high status of this little one in the Wen family. He was convinced that Master Si Yuan’s favoritism made him the household’s beloved.


Hence, Jing Yi recommended Peach and Plum Pavilion, handing the introduction brochure to Dean Wen.


With the demeanor of a literati, Dean Wen casually lifted the sleeve of his right hand with his left and took the brochure. After examining it, he glanced at Si Yuan. Seeing his subtle expression, Jing Yi knew it was settled.


“Well, please arrange it, Boss Jing.”


Seemingly lost in thought for a moment, Jing Yi recovered and replied with composure, “Dean Wen, you’re too polite. I hope you all enjoy your stay.”


He watched as Dean Wen and his group left for the accommodation area, then muttered to himself, “Hui ink.”

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