Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 95 Table of contents

Chapter 95: How Does One Know the Joy of Fish?


Since Dean Wen and his party left, Jing Yi returned to his office with a heavy heart, needing some time for contemplation.


Dean Wen was the one who discreetly delivered the notes to him, displaying remarkable skills that aligned with his mysterious and formidable background in the town.


Could he infer that the Wen family and the Huang family were allies, both serving the Crown Prince? Moreover, compared to Huang’s overt actions, Dean Wen now seemed to be covertly aiding the Crown Prince, making him more trustworthy.


Such speculation led him to believe that Dean Wen’s resignation from his official position years ago was intentional.


It was rumored that the Emperor’s health had been deteriorating in recent years, intensifying the competition among his three sons for the throne. While there used to be hidden undercurrents, now it was an open struggle, a fierce battle of wits and strength.


Jing Yi had no interest in getting involved in the princes’ power struggles. He had kept his distance from the Huang family, even separating their business dealings, conducting transactions in a buyout manner with no further involvement.


The Jing family was an ordinary business transformed from agriculture, not as deeply rooted as the Huang family, and certainly not as renowned as Dean Wen and his husband in Qing Prefecture. In the eyes of those in higher positions, Jing Yi was, at best, a relatively prominent ant, that could be easily crushed.


Although he didn’t want to get involved, since he had offered advice to the Huang family, he was undoubtedly categorized as aligned with the Crown Prince’s faction.


Despite the seemingly small town of Fuyang, it now appeared to have clear factions behind the scenes. For example, the Liu family was undoubtedly aligned with the Third Prince.


However, since he was already a grasshopper on a string, he was willing to provide some assistance from a safe distance from the power core, considering there was no danger. After all, he had high expectations for the Crown Prince.


The Crown Prince was the legitimate son of the Empress, even though she had passed away early. The Crown Prince’s maternal family, General Yue, had provided substantial support and education throughout his upbringing.


The Yue family had a long history of loyalty and patriotism, and General Yue deeply engraved the principles of serving the country and the people in the Crown Prince’s soul. Therefore, the Crown Prince was characterized by his upright character, combined with political acumen and strategic thinking.


In the eyes of Jing Yi, who had heard and read about multiple emperors in his past life, the Crown Prince was indeed an outstanding heir.


Having come to terms with the fact that he couldn’t delve too deep into the intricacies of the power struggle among the three princes, Jing Yi decided to focus on understanding the Crown Prince and ensuring that his immediate superior was reliable and capable. Knowing too much might only add unnecessary troubles.


Once he had this realization, Jing Yi continued to lead a carefree life as a small wealthy man. He believed that as long as he went with the flow, everything would naturally fall into place.


Little did he expect that things would take a turn so quickly.


After having lunch at the manor as usual with Chuxia, Jing Yi hurried back to the estate to resume his busy schedule. This afternoon, he needed to inspect the orchard. Winter had seen two snowfalls, and the young trees were susceptible to the cold. He had to check whether the transplanted fruit trees had been affected.


To his surprise, as he was finishing the orchard inspection, he spotted Dean Wen and his husband taking a stroll in the peach grove. Although the peach grove was right behind the accommodation area, the winter weather had left the ground frozen, and the trees were bare. Yet, the two cultured men seemed to be enjoying their leisurely walk.


“Dean Wen, Master Si Yuan, good afternoon. Did you enjoy your lunch?” Jing Yi greeted them, pretending to be unaware of any clandestine information regarding the message sender.


“Very much so. Thank you, Boss Jing. The warmth of the mortal world truly touches one’s heart,” Si Yuan replied, showing a much milder attitude, indicating that the lunch had indeed suited his taste.


“Boss Jing, you’ve been considerate. The food was delicious. My husband, with his discerning palate, rarely praises a meal. Your culinary skills are commendable. Haha, what is Boss Jing busy with?” Dean Wen started a casual conversation, pretending to be engaged in polite small talk after receiving a subtle glance from his husband.


“Just finished inspecting the orchard. Those fruit trees were planted just last September, and although they seem to have grown well, they are still young, and I’m concerned about them getting frozen,” Jing Yi explained.


“With Boss Jing’s meticulous care, it’s no wonder he can make big deals,” Dean Wen remarked. Then, seemingly casually, he inquired, “By the way, how is the military chess game in the study arranged? How is victory and defeat determined? Could Boss Jing kindly enlighten us?”


Jing Yi couldn’t help but find it amusing. The rules for the military chess were clearly stated beside the board. Wasn’t an Imperial Scholar like him capable of understanding that? Besides, each steward had been educated on various games within the estate.


This move by Dean Wen indicated that he had other intentions. If he could, he might as well engrave “I have something to discuss with you” on his forehead.


Jing Yi had no choice but to join him for a chat.


“Of course, Dean Wen, Master Si Yuan, please!” he replied, instructing the two villagers to go back to work while he accompanied the esteemed guests into the Peach and Plum Pavilion.


“You can talk; I’ll have Ming Yan bring in tea later,” Si Yuan said, aware that his spouse had official matters to attend to. He excused himself and left.


Once Si Yuan had the tea brought in, he left the room and Dean Wen began the conversation.


“I’ve heard a lot about Boss Jing’s intelligence and capabilities, and seeing you today confirms that seeing is believing. Truly, a young hero!”


“You flatter me, Dean Wen. I feel unworthy in your presence.”


“Haha, let’s not flatter each other. It might seem impolite to suddenly invite Boss Jing here today, but there’s a reason.”


Dean Wen smiled gently and went straight to the point, “Your business dealings have indeed been helpful to His Highness. I wish to express my gratitude on his behalf. Although Boss Jing is known for being indifferent to fame and wealth, we couldn’t bear to let a rare talent like you slip away. Hence, this invitation.”


Dean Wen was direct and made his background and purpose clear. He was indeed a cunning old fox; this approach might seem straightforward, but it reaped the most benefits.


Dealing with clever individuals required clever methods. There was no need to underestimate others and think that one’s own skills could easily deceive. Too many traps could end up ensnaring the wrong person. In such cases, intelligence could be misused against the clever.


Jing Yi found it refreshing. It was sincere and straightforward. Communicating openly was more effective, especially when extending genuine courtesy.


Jing Yi was surprised that his mere involvement in two money-making schemes could reach the Crown Prince. Moreover, the Crown Prince dispatched Dean Wen, this secret ally, to mobilize him. It was indeed a great honor.


Considering the financial support behind various modern elections, it was no surprise that there would be backers. Though not a major financial consortium, Jing Yi, the “money-making expert,” held his ground.


Faced with the Crown Prince’s invitation, he couldn’t outright refuse. Politely declining, he said, “Your Highness’s favor is overwhelming. I should be at your service. However, I hope Your Highness and Dean Wen can understand. I was born and raised in the countryside. It’s an honor to be considered indifferent to fame and wealth, but I truly only wish to tend to my  land, ensuring my wife, children, and parents live a carefree and joyful life.”


“Grateful for Your Highness’s esteem, though I can’t serve directly, in my heart, I wish to contribute to the country and Your Highness. If Your Highness doesn’t mind, I will do my best to alleviate concerns in the countryside.”


After Jing Yi finished speaking, Dean Wen’s expression remained unchanged, seemingly anticipating Jing Yi’s lack of interest. He added a condition, “Boss Jing might not be aware; we are now on the verge of reaching our grand goal. Following His Highness will undoubtedly lead to prosperity and elevation. Marrying into the imperial family is just a matter of time.”


After saying this, he scrutinized Jing Yi, hoping to discern any hesitation. However, Jing Yi remained steadfast, causing Dean Wen to inwardly admire the young man’s ability to resist temptation at such a young age.


“You don’t need to test me intentionally, Dean Wen. I’ve always heard of the Crown Prince’s farsightedness, wisdom, and benevolence towards the people. I believe he won’t judge a person’s worth solely by material possessions or appearances. With His Highness in my heart, I’ll strive to shine wherever I am,” Jing Yi replied, skillfully avoiding unnecessary conflicts.


He saw through it. Without surprise, it seems the Crown Prince’s position is secure. This visit from Dean Wen might indeed be a recruitment effort on behalf of the Crown Prince. However, it appears they won’t press him too much. As for the peculiar choice of words, it’s likely just Dean Wen’s twisted sense of humor.


“Hahaha, you’ve said all the good words. We naturally can’t make things difficult, especially for capable individuals,” Dean Wen laughed heartily, showing no signs of anger.


Honestly, Jing Yi felt relieved when Dean Wen eased up. Despite predicting it with certainty, he still feared the possibility of a one-percent error.


The conversation then shifted to lighter topics, avoiding any mention of court affairs. As the night fell, the two men, still engaged in lively conversation, scheduled another tea session and game for the next afternoon. Jing Yi politely declined Dean Wen’s offer for dinner and returned home.


In the quiet of the night, within the warmth of their bed, Jing Yi gently caressed Chuxia’s belly, sharing the events of the day. He always treated Chuxia as an independent partner, and after resolving any lingering doubts in recent months, even matters involving the court and the royal family were shared openly.


Although this matter involved court affairs, the royal family, and hinted at impending changes, Jing Yi didn’t want to keep anything from Chuxia, even though he feared it might worry him. He first shared the positive outcome, and then, using reverse narration, gradually circled back to the moment when he received the message across space.


“Husband, it’s been so long. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Chuxia wasn’t really blaming him but was concerned about the burden of such a significant secret.


“At that time, I judged him to be a friend rather than an enemy. Besides, it was difficult to ascertain who was behind it. I thought it would be better not to tell you then. You’re emotionally sensitive, and you would have worried needlessly,” Jing Yi explained, realizing his words sounded off and quickly added, “Next time, I’ll make sure to tell you everything. Two heads are better than one in finding solutions.”


“Hmph! You only know how to coax me!” Although Chuxia complained, a small dimple appeared on his cheek.


“I’ve made it clear with Dean Wen this time. From now on, let’s live a peaceful life here,” Jing Yi kissed Chuxia’s forehead. Who needs an imperial son or a noble daughter? He cherished this adorable and lovely little wife.


“Really? But that’s the Crown Prince. Is he really that easy to talk to? Are we considered defying the imperial decree?” Chuxia still had some lingering worries.


“Chuxia, don’t be afraid. Listen to me. Gold shines anywhere. I work hard at home to invent and create. When the time comes, they’ll take ready-made achievements directly, and we’ll avoid unnecessary conflict over profits. It’s a win-win situation.”


“Moreover, my analysis suggests that person doesn’t have much time left. In these two years, even the common people know he’s been focused on alchemy and medicinal inquiries, and his body is likely already overwhelmed.”


“The third prince has influence, but he’s hot-tempered and mediocre. The seventh prince, though most favored, is young, petty, and lacks sufficient accumulated strength. So, this matter isn’t suspenseful. Chuxia, after the change, it’ll be our time to settle accounts with the Liu family.”


Chuxia was initially stunned but then nodded heavily.


Jing Yi contemplated, thinking it’s necessary to hug a big tree, maintaining the right attitude. He had already figured it out. As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first. The cement method is crucial, but ordinary people can’t carry it; it’s easy to invite trouble. It must be handed over to those in power.


He believed this apology and declaration of intent would be very satisfying to the Crown Prince.


“Hmm!” With Chuxia’s grunt, Jing Yi was brought back to reality. At the same time, he felt a little hand and foot kicking.


It was as if the little baby was complaining that his father and mother had ignored him for so long. Was he not cute anymore?


“Alright, I’ll play with you right away. Today, I’ll sing ‘Tian mi mi’ for you. Besides you and your mother, I usually don’t sing it for anyone else! But don’t kick your mother again. Otherwise, after you come out, I might spank your little bottom!” Jing Yi playfully threatened like paper tiger.


Chuxia smiled as he watched Jing Yi chat with the baby in his belly, with words and gentle kicks exchanged. The scene was filled with joy. In this tranquil time, who knows the happiness of a fish except the fish itself?



Here are the english translation of the song tian mi mi…

As sweet as honey

your smile is so sweet as honey


just like the way flowers bloom

in the spring breeze

in the spring breeze


i wonder where on earth

where on earth i’ve seen you?


your smile is so familiar to me

but i still can not remember where!


Ah….. in my dreams!!!


in my dreams ,

in my dreams i’ve met you


with your smile that is so sweet,

so sweet as honey


It is you,

It is you,

the one i saw

in my dreams


i wonder where on earth

where on earth i’ve seen you?


your smile is so familiar to me

but i still can not remember where!


Ah….. in my dreams

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