Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 101 Table of contents

Chapter 101: Wishing You Peace and Health


As Jing Yi rushed into the room and saw Chuxia, pale and semi-conscious, tears almost welled up in his eyes. Gone were his usual shrewd and steady demeanor.


Chuxia was currently in a state of shallow sleep but conscious. However, his body felt heavy, and his mind was foggy. After all, the baby weighing six pounds and six ounces was not a small one, and he had exerted all his strength. Now, he felt a bit exhausted.


Jing’s mother was helping Chuxia clean up, trying to make him feel more comfortable so he could rest peacefully after everything.


Jing Yi quickly walked over, took the cloth from Jing’s mother’s hands, and whispered, “Mother, I’ll take care of this. You rest for a while and go check on your grandson.”


Although Jing’s mother handed the thin cotton cloth to Jing Yi, she was still a bit worried about letting a young man handle her just-delivered son-in-law. She gave him careful instructions, “Be gentle. Chuxia is sleeping; don’t move him for now. Wait until he wakes up before helping him sit up and clean. Don’t startle him.”


“And right now, he must not catch a chill. Change the water in this basin frequently. It mustn’t be too warm; there’s hot water constantly being heated in the outer room. His outer clothes are here; warm them up in the bedding before putting them on him. I’ll go stew some chicken soup for him.”


After saying this, Jing’s mother tidied up and went out, saying as she walked, “Oh, I also need to cook some goat milk for my grandson; he cries so loudly.”


A radiant smile adorned her face, brighter than the sunlight outside.


At this moment, no one paid attention to Jing’s father waiting eagerly in the yard to be called in to see the baby. He looked quite pitiful.


Jing Yi worked diligently in the inner room, wiping Chuxia’s face and neck, changing the basin for warm water to continue wiping his arms. He was planning to open his outer clothes to wipe his upper body when he noticed Chuxia’s hand moving slightly.


It was likely that he had been awakened, given the loud cries of their little master in the outer room. The boy had quite a powerful voice and lung capacity!


Although there was underfloor heating in the room, and a brazier was placed in the corner, Jing Yi still covered Chuxia with a quilt before starting to chat with him.


Before speaking, he kissed his forehead.


“Darling, you’ve worked hard. I’m helping you clean up. Are you cold? Hungry? Or would you like to eat something first?” Jing Yi wished he had more mouths to ask everything at once, afraid of missing something.


“Don’t worry, I feel okay. Not cold, and not very hungry.” Chuxia’s voice was still weak, but seeing Jing Yi still concerned, he thought it would be better to give him something to do.


“Well then, continue wiping me. It does feel a bit sticky and uncomfortable.”


“Alright!” Jing Yi enthusiastically started wiping here and there, completely focused on the task.


“Oh, by the way, where’s our son?”


Even though Chuxia was extremely tired and fell asleep after giving birth, he didn’t miss the midwife’s announcement of the baby’s safe arrival. Now, he was eager to see the little one who had just come into the world.


Whether it was a boy, ger or a girl, he didn’t mind. He loved his child regardless.


Initially, there might have been preferences influenced by societal expectations, hoping for a boy to carry on the family name. However, gradually, influenced by his husband, he came to appreciate the idea of having either. After all, who wouldn’t love a little bundle of joy wrapped in warmth?


“He’s in the outer room. Father and Mother are keeping an eye on him. He cried loudly because he was hungry a while ago, but now it’s quiet. I guess he’s been fed. I’ll bring him in for you to see in a little while,” Jing Yi said, his face full of doting affection when talking about their son.


“Okay! Hehe,” Chuxia couldn’t help but giggle.


“Hehehe,” and there was an even sillier laugh.


The two of them chuckled for a while until they were interrupted by Lin’s mother, who came in carrying the baby.


“Why are you both laughing foolishly? Come on, hold him.”


Lin’s mother handed the baby to Jing Yi, carefully correcting his posture for holding the baby. After that, he checked on Chuxia’s condition, noticing the bright look in his eyes and his improved spirit. He felt reassured.


Glancing at the basin on the stool beside the bed with steaming water, he knew Jing Yi must have been taking good care of Chuxia.


“Alright, you two spend some quality time with the child. I’ll go help your mother in the kitchen. The midwife and Doctor Cen’s red envelopes have been given; the midwife has left, and Doctor Cen will stay until tomorrow. If Xiaxia is doing well by then, he’ll return to his clinic.”


“Sure, Mother. Thank you for your hard work,” Jing Yi replied.


Mother Lin didn’t disturb the young couple, nodded, and instructed his son to rest before heading to the kitchen to assist Jing’s mother.


Jing Yi awkwardly held their baby and carefully approached Chuxia, saying, “Look, Xiaxia, this little guy is so handsome, sticking with us!”


This was a proud father’s view; however, the newborn, red and wrinkled, didn’t quite fit the description of handsome.


Chuxia chuckled but couldn’t bring himself to contradict Jing Yi. Every parent believes their child is the cutest.


With compliments exchanged between the couple about their baby’s big eyes (which were still closed), high nose (questionable), and seemingly intelligent little head, Chuxia suddenly asked, “Ah Yi, we haven’t decided on a name for the baby yet.”


The process of naming started with the news of pregnancy. Traditionally, the grandfather gives the formal name, and the father gives the nickname. However, not only had Jing’s father not decided on a formal name, even the nickname was undecided.


“It’s quite challenging,” Jing Yi admitted, genuinely struggling with the naming task.


“Then, let’s not stress about it. Right now, I just hope he has a safe and smooth life. How about we call him ‘An An’ (安安), signifying peace?” Chuxia suggested.


Jing Yi readily agreed. Plans for the child’s future were forgotten in the joy of the present. The focus shifted to the baby’s well-being and happiness.


The addition of the new baby brought increased busyness and joy to the Jing family. Even Xiao Shu and Xiao An, when returning home, made it a priority to see their little nephew.


Xiao Shu, behaving more like a little adult, daily inquired with Jing’s mother or Chuxia about An An—whether he cried, how he ate, and how well he slept. At eleven years old, he was deeply concerned.


An An was the first child of the next generation in both the Jing and Lin families, prompting the elders to want the best for him. From the moment of his birth, both grandfathers embarked on the journey of selecting a formal name.


Meanwhile, the grandmothers began planning An An’s one-month celebration and one-hundred-day banquet, even discussing the traditional Chinese celebration known as “Zhuazhou.” It was a time of celebration and joy for the extended family.


Jing Yi went along with the decisions of the four elders, but plans couldn’t keep up with changes. Just as the Jing family was about to send out invitations for the baby’s one-month celebration, two days before, the teahouses and taverns in Fuyang Town suddenly buzzed with rumors from the capital.


“Did you hear? The Emperor fainted during the morning court.”


“The Emperor loves his people like children; it must be exhaustion.”


“I heard he’s been bedridden for several days. Prince, in a critical moment, is now in charge of the court.”


“Prince regent, with his bravery, kindness, and enlightened virtue, is a blessing to our people,” even the cynical agreed.


“Exactly! Plus, there’s General Yue’s family; we don’t need to worry. Let’s just pray for the Emperor.”


“Yes, yes! Let’s pray!”


While free speech was allowed in the Da Yuan Dynasty, people still held back when discussing such matters, touching upon them briefly before spontaneously shifting to other topics.


However, everyone knew that the allure of that position was too strong; this might just be the beginning.


Upon hearing this, Jing Yi didn’t pay much attention. He had heard some hints from the dean earlier. Still, to be cautious, he discussed with both families and decided to cancel the one-month celebration, fearing any taboo if the Emperor’s condition worsened.


As days passed, during the full moon celebration, only the two families gathered for an intimate meal, and due to the absence of outsiders, it was even more warm and lively.


During the gathering, Jing’s father and Lin’s father announced the name they had contemplated for a whole month: Jing Ruizhe.


The two characters encompassed meanings of wisdom, excellence, and farsightedness, reflecting the deep care and expectations of both grandfathers.


They also decided on the middle character for the next generation of the Jing family. For boys, it would be Rui, and for girls and gers, it would be Xi.


In return for this naming help, Jing’s father promised Lin’s father that in the future, when it was Lin family’s third generation, they would also help with naming – a mutual agreement.


By the time An An reached two months, he could already smile at people and even enjoyed gnawing on his little fists, a sight that amused Jing Yi. He worried that soon the little feet would join in the exploration.


Meanwhile, news broke out in the court about the embezzlement and bribery of the Minister of Revenue, involving serious misconduct. The Crown Prince dismissed several officials.


As for the Minister of Revenue, due to the Crown Prince’s compassion and considering his over twenty years of service to the country, and the fact that his daughter Xinfei had served the Emperor, he wasn’t implicated in the punishment after his house was searched. Only the Minister of Revenue was executed, and his direct relatives were sent to the southern frontier, while distant relatives were banished from the capital, and all their assets were confiscated.


By the time An An turned three months, he already displayed signs of cleverness.


It is said that at three, a child should turn, at six, sit, and at eight, crawl. By the age of three months, not only had he mastered turning over, but he had also become quite proficient. Sometimes, upon waking, he wouldn’t cry or fuss; instead, he would independently turn over slowly, continuing until he reached either his father or mother’s side, playfully bumping into them to attract attention.


Moreover, adults were increasingly fond of teasing him. This little sweetie would mimic your laughter and respond to your words. Regardless of what you said, he would babble in response, ensuring a lively atmosphere. He was undoubtedly a joyous delight.


Meanwhile, another major news erupted in the court. The third prince, due to a breach of etiquette in the court, was punished by the Crown Prince with a one-month seclusion for self-reflection. Additionally, the current Empress Dowager, without explanation or proclamation, led a group of people to intrude into the Emperor’s sleeping quarters at the Zichendian Hall. A conflict with the Crown Prince occurred outside the Zichendian Hall.


According to palace rules, she should have faced confinement, but due to the Crown Prince’s deep affection for his mother and excessive longing for the late Emperor, he chose not to pursue the matter. Instead, he merely requested his mother to return to the palace to resolve the issue.


The Crown Prince’s actions garnered widespread praise in the court and among the people. In the Da Yuan Dynasty, filial piety was still highly valued, and everyone hailed the Crown Prince for his filial devotion, brotherly respect, loyalty, and profound understanding of righteousness.


At this time, Jing Yi made a trip to the Qingyuan Academy to enjoy some drinks and play chess with the dean.


Upon returning in high spirits, the Jing family began preparations for An An’s one-hundred-day celebration.

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