Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 102 Table of contents

Chapter 102: Hundred Days Banquet


An An’s hundred days banquet was ultimately decided to be held in the village, as it was the roots of the Jing family. Moreover, most of the relatives and friends were in the village, while those in the town were more like business partners. There was no need to prioritize the latter over the former and inconvenience their own people.


On May 11, with the onset of summer, tomorrow marked the hundredth day celebration for Jing Ruizhe, the grandson of the Jing family.


The celebration was divided into two parts: an open invitation for external guests during lunch and a lively gathering for close family and friends in the evening.


Jing Yi learned from the dean that the Emperor’s health was deteriorating further, with a prognosis of anywhere from a few months to half a year. The so-called “elixirs” had damaged his health foundation, making it almost impossible for him to extend his life, even with the skills of a legendary physician like Hua Tuo.


Fearing that An An might miss out on such festivities for the next year, Jing Yi decided to make this hundredth-day banquet especially grand.


Numerous guests were invited from the town, and every villager in the village was included. Even if there were previous disputes with the Jing family, Jing Yi chose not to dwell on them on this joyous occasion; everyone was invited.


Several large tents were set up in the spacious field on the east side of the house. In total, thirty-six tables were arranged, each accommodating around ten people. If there were many children, squeezing in a few more chairs would easily accommodate twelve to thirteen people per table.


Xiwan Village was not a small village; it could be considered a third-tier village with over two hundred households and less than a thousand residents. With three rounds of feasting, the celebration would be more than sufficient.


The venue was mainly adorned in vibrant red colors. Large red silk balls were hung on the pillars of the tents. Each table had a vase containing a bouquet of colorful wildflowers, fresh and lively, expected to last until the next day with proper care.


In addition, Jing’s father suggested constructing a small stage on the north side. They invited a local acting troupe to perform lively and cheerful plays like “Harmony of the Dragon and Phoenix,” “Grand Court Ascendancy,” “Heavenly Maiden Scattering Flowers,” and “Heroes Gathering.” Jing’s father insisted on including anything with abundant flowers, symbolizing wealth and auspiciousness.


Family and friends, along with guests from the town and partner villages, were arranged inside the house.


Although the Jing family residence was a two-courtyard structure, the large courtyard was spacious enough, easily accommodating eight large tables without any strain.


While the house didn’t have a stage, the arrangement was noticeably more high-end than the tents. Tables and chairs were wrapped in fine red fabric, and the utensils were delicate porcelain with exquisite patterns. Adorned with wildflowers, each table looked elegant yet lively.


A parasol was placed above each table, specially crafted by Jing Ming to be both attractive and provide shade.


The gallery in the courtyard was adorned with red lanterns, creating a festive atmosphere. Even in the casual corners, potted flowers and plants added a touch of greenery.


After Jing Yi and Chuxia did another round of inspections, ensuring that everything was in order, they took a break. Tomorrow was undoubtedly going to be a busy day.


As the saying goes, “In a bustling market, no one asks about the poor; in a remote mountain, there are distant relatives for the wealthy.” The Jing family’s status had undergone a tremendous change. Despite hosting the celebration in the village, there were still many guests, with almost the entire village in attendance and a sizable number from the town. Jing’s father and Jing Yi were both at the entrance, with Jing Yi mainly welcoming guests from the house, while Jing’s father handled the villagers in the tents.


On the tent side, with a large number of people, the village head and his wife, along with the third uncle and his wife, were specially invited to help receive villagers. Jing’s father was concerned about exhaustion and potential difficulties in managing the crowd.


Jing’s mother and Chuxia took care of the children inside the house and welcomed close relatives such as sisters-in-law. Although the number of people wasn’t particularly high, most guests had the tact not to insist on entering the inner rooms to see the children.


Many village women were more focused on enjoying the feast and watching the play; they didn’t have time for anything else.


Although the banquet was busy, it was somewhat organized in the chaos. Moreover, when Lin’s father and mother arrived with Dongjiang and Dongshan, providing additional assistance, things became even more relaxed.


Initially, everything proceeded smoothly. However, halfway through, there was a sudden commotion nearby. Fortunately, it quickly dissipated. Jing Yi’s eyes flickered, and he gave a subtle look to Steward Tong. Then, he appeared nonchalant and resumed chatting with the owner of the silk shop who had just arrived.


Around 10:30 in the morning, the feast in the large tent was in full swing, and the first song, “Grand Court Ascendancy,” had already begun on the elevated stage, creating a lively atmosphere.


Almost all the villagers had come, and those who missed the first round of feasting stayed to watch the performance. They occasionally urged familiar villagers to eat quickly and make room.


“Brother Li, hurry up and eat! I’m starving!”


“Hey! It’s your fault for being lazy and not coming early. I won’t talk anymore; I’ll grab a big piece of pork first!”


“Xiao Zhuzi, hurry up! Haven’t you seen Fourth Uncle waiting?”


“Oh, I just noticed. Fourth Uncle, you sit here and eat first. Come, come.”


The dishes presented by the Jing family in the tent were not particularly focused on intricate presentation but emphasized delicious flavors and substantial portions. Dishes like stewed pork knuckles, braised chicken pieces, assorted meatballs, pickled pork belly with preserved mustard greens, dried bamboo shoots with braised duck, and steamed fish were definitely on the menu.


In addition, two special dishes, boiled shrimp and steamed clams with eggs, were added for the villagers to taste something new.


Two cold dishes, a braised meat platter, and a large mixed vegetable dish completed the feast, creating a perfect balance.


Although there weren’t many types of dishes, the quantity was more than generous. A table of people, even if they were all hardworking individuals, would find it satisfying. The goal was to ensure that everyone felt fully satisfied and not wanting for more.


As for soups and desserts, they were placed on a separate table for self-service, with two house servants keeping an eye on them.


Since rural people don’t have the tradition of drinking soup before meals or having desserts after meals, allowing guests to serve themselves made things convenient and relaxed.


As for the feast inside the house, it was more refined. The dishes were meticulously presented with a perfect balance of color, aroma, and taste. Jing’s family had even enlisted the help of a skilled chef through Second Brother Huang, ensuring an exquisite dining experience.


Though not as lively as the tent area, the atmosphere inside the house was warm. People engaged in diverse conversations, and many astute individuals seized the opportunity for socializing and potential collaborations.


At an appropriate time, Jing Yi and Chuxia walked around with little An An, allowing everyone to meet today’s protagonist.


At over three months old, An An was no longer the small, rosy, unopened bundle he was at birth.


Fair-skinned, chubby, lively, and affectionate, he especially clung to his two fathers. Seeing Chuxia and Jing Yi, his eyes lit up, a sight that enchanted the two fathers, often leaving them slightly dazed.


He had grown more handsome, resembling both Jing Yi and Chuxia. His small, straight nose had started taking shape.


His round, watery eyes now appeared perfectly circular, yet the brows and eyes bore a resemblance to Jing Yi, still tender but showing a hint of sharpness.


His chubby little mouth and chin resembled Chuxia’s, and he sported an identical little dimple. When he smiled, it was so adorable that the whole family couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with affection.


Whenever he mischievously played around or cried loudly enough to almost drive Jing Yi crazy, Jing Yi resisted punishing him because of that little dimple.


An An was an expressive baby. Today, he graciously gave face to his father, behaving well both inside and outside the house, proudly displaying his little dimple for everyone to see.


However, he had a temper too. If someone tried to touch him, not to mention that his fathers would surely intervene, even he himself would frown, twist his little face, and express his dissatisfaction with incessant “ah ah ah” sounds.


“Hahaha! Boss Jing, like father like son. Your son will be extraordinary in the future.”


The wealthy gentleman, who didn’t get to touch the baby’s face, wasn’t offended. He just stroked his own beard, looked at the back of his baby’s head, and complimented.


“Hahaha, following in my and his mother’s footsteps, indeed, he is cute and handsome. But his temper has grown a bit, forgive us.” Jing Yi accepted these praises modestly, and his little treasure was indeed cute. There was no need to downplay it.


Chuxia felt extremely embarrassed on the side, nearly curling his toes in discomfort.


The busy afternoon came to an end, and the feast concluded. First, they bid farewell to the friends from the town, and then the servants quickly tidied up the courtyard.


The last group in the tent area hadn’t finished their meal yet. Moreover, the performance had only reached the beginning of the third act. The villagers who had finished eating were still reluctant to leave. A chance to watch a play like this might not come around for the entire year.


Jing Yi, considering the need for entertainment and not wanting to make the villagers uncomfortable, addressed them, “Grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers, and sisters, thank you all for coming to An An’s hundredth-day celebration. I apologize for any shortcomings in our hospitality!”


“No need to rush! Those who haven’t finished eating can take their time, and those who are full can enjoy the play. The desserts on my stage will be continuously replenished, and later, we’ll serve some mung bean soup to cool off. It’s scorching under this midday sun.”


Hearing this, the villagers relaxed. Just as they felt a bit awkward when they saw the guests from the town leaving earlier, Jing Yi’s words made everything more comfortable.


“Hey! That’s great! I’ll take my time to eat. Your culinary skills are much better than mine, young man.”


“Hahaha, thanks a lot, Xiao Yi. I’ve truly satisfied my appetite for drama today!”


“Maybe the Jing family is going to strike a big deal. Their conduct is really something. Nothing to complain about!”


“Goodness! You, go, serve another bowl of soup for my parents.”


After Jing Yi spoke, he returned to the courtyard, leaving behind the villagers in the tent area to enjoy their meal and watch the play. They also chatted about Jing Yi’s family, making the atmosphere festive.


Back in the courtyard, Jing Yi saw Chuxia waiting for him.


The courtyard had already been cleaned up, but the tables, chairs, and decorations were left for the evening. Only the sunshades were carefully put away, ready to be taken to town tomorrow.


In the evening, there would be another round of dinner for Jing’s family and their close friends, including employees and servants.


“Xiao Xia, why don’t you take a break? You must be tired.” Jing Yi sat down on a chair next to Chuxia, holding his hand.


“Not tired. I only walked around after the feast, and you were the one holding An An. But you, take a break and have some mung bean soup. You’ve been busy all afternoon.” Chuxia poured a bowl of mung bean soup for Jing Yi and lovingly wiped away his sweat.


“No problem. Is An An asleep?” Jing Yi took the mung bean soup and gulped it down.


“Take your time. Hmm, yes, he’s asleep. Mother and father are resting with him in our room. Uncle and the others are also settled in the guest rooms.” Fortunately, they built more rooms when constructing the house, or else there wouldn’t be enough space for everyone to rest.


“Later, I’ll accompany you to the side room for a nap.” Jing Yi was concerned about Chuxia’s rest.


As the couple chatted, steward Tong walked in. Jing Yi knew he had something to report about the earlier commotion. “Who was causing trouble earlier this morning?”


“Master, it was Lai Da. He brought two people and was lurking behind the house, caught by our lookout brothers. When they were apprehended, it caused a bit of a commotion. Currently, they are locked in the woodshed on the old estate.” Steward Tong reported.


“Haha! He’s really eager to come here and meet his doom voluntarily!” This fool came and now wanted to go back in one piece?


Jing Yi got up while talking, intending to go meet him with Steward Tong. He instructed Chuxia, “Xiaxia, go to the side room and take a nap. Don’t worry; I’ll be back soon.”


Chuxia nodded and said, “Okay, take it easy.”


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