Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 104 Table of contents

Chapter 104: Resolving the Liu Family – Part 1


The urgent edict from the court first arrived in the capital cities of various provinces. The governors of each province dared not delay for a moment. They immediately consulted the procedures for announcing national mourning, dispatched officials and fast horses to notify the county magistrates in each county, and then spread the news layer by layer.


By the time Fuyang Town and Xiwan Village received the official notification, it had been seven days since the emperor’s passing.


The emperor passed away on the fourth day of the ninth month, and the whole nation mourned.


The mourning regulations for the national mourning period in the Da Yuan Dynasty were not significantly different from the historical events familiar to Jing Yi.


From the day the emperor passed away, officials, both civil and military, and all citizens were prohibited from engaging in festivities for one hundred days. Slaughtering animals was forbidden for forty-nine days, and marriages were forbidden within the borders of the Da Yuan Dynasty for one month.


Moreover, after the emperor’s death, officials and civilians were required to observe a mourning period of twenty-seven days, while the people were expected to wear plain-colored clothing as a sign of respect. During these twenty-seven days, any memorials to the emperor had to be written in blue ink instead of red, and the official seals of various government offices had to be changed to blue as well.


Upon seeing the notices posted by the local authorities, Jing Yi immediately summoned people to inform all the Jing family’s shops and the Lin family’s stores to remove the bright decorations. For those that couldn’t be taken down in time, they hastily bought white silk from the cloth shop to cover them. Every member of the family also changed into plain-colored clothes.


The uniforms for each store’s employees were well-designed and vibrant, but now they couldn’t continue wearing them. Jing Yi decisively sent the staff back home to change into plain-colored attire before resuming work.


Given the gravity of national mourning, everyone dared not delay. Disrespect could be considered a capital crime.


Jing Yi even temporarily closed down the entertainment-oriented Leisure Summer Villa. The small restaurant and hot pot restaurant were transformed into vegetarian establishments, and even spicy dishes were removed to avoid drawing attention with their bright red appearance.


Even Ningxia Pavillion prepared only plain-colored soaps.


In ancient times, imperial power was supreme, and they couldn’t afford the slightest mistake. Every family took such precautions. Everyone was extremely cautious.


For a moment, Fuyang Town, Anchang County, Qingzhou Prefecture, and even the entire Da Yuan Dynasty fell into a solemn quiet.


In the court, although the new emperor had to observe the mourning period, the country could not be without an emperor for a day. Within two days, the enthronement of the new emperor had to be completed, and the transfer of power and the fulfillment of the emperor’s duties had to take place.


In ordinary circumstances, the enthronement ceremony to celebrate the first year of the new emperor would take place after the one hundred days of mourning.


So, two days later, the Fuyang Town government posted a new notice alongside the national mourning announcement. It contained an ode celebrating the former Crown Prince’s ascension to the throne as the new emperor.


The Crown Prince was the legitimate eldest son, and over the years, he had implemented several practical measures benefiting the people. Regardless of the fierce struggles among the imperial princes in the court, in the eyes of the common folk, he had always been the people’s choice.


“Oh, luckily our little An An was born at the right time,” sighed Jing’s mother while holding her eldest grandson.


If the birth had been a few months later, not only would they be unable to hold a feast for the baby’s full month and hundredth day, but they wouldn’t even be able to see bright colors. People would have to discreetly refrain from picking up the newborn, fearing that they might violate some taboo.


“Mother! Be careful of what you say!” Jing Yi quickly stopped his mother.


Realizing her mistake, Jing’s mother nervously shrank her neck, repeatedly saying, “I won’t say it anymore, I won’t say it anymore. I seek redemption, I seek redemption,” then carried little An An to the toy room in the eastern wing to play.


At seven months old, little An An could already play with many toys independently. Many of the bright-colored ones were put away, leaving behind mostly natural wooden toys. The set of building blocks, in particular, was An An’s favorite. Although he was too young to assemble them correctly, he had a strong interest in them. Usually, he was accompanied by Zhao Yu and Ah Qi, playing alongside him under Chuxia’s care.


In the main hall, only Jing Yi and Chuxia were left, now discussing the matter of the Liu family.


“Husband, now that the overall situation is settled, has Dean Wen mentioned when we’ll resolve the matter with the Liu family? How should we cooperate?” Chuxia inquired.


“Dean Wen is taking one step at a time, and he must have arranged it properly,” Jing Yi patiently analyzed the situation for Chuxia. “During our previous discussions, he mentioned that the factions of the third and sixth princes must be eradicated, or else they will become future troubles. Their strategy is top-down; once the big trees above fall, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals below won’t pose a threat.”


“The Liu family has occupied Fuyang Town and even Qingzhou Prefecture for many years. Liu Shengfu has been managing Fuyang Town for many years and has visible and hidden businesses in several nearby towns. He is wealthy. His cousin, Liu Shengxing, holds the position of a sixth-ranking magistrate in Qingzhou Prefecture. He used to work for the third prince and has some influence. It’s like fixing a boat with three thousand nails.”


“The Liu family’s lawlessness and numerous evil deeds cannot be easily forgiven. Dean Wen has confirmed their immoral business of trading people under the guise of aiding the poor. The evidence is conclusive.”


“I think we don’t need to take the lead; it’s safer this way. When the time comes, just deal a blow to a drowning dog. I’ve already prepared a written complaint in advance, including our father’s grievances and Jiawen’s grievances. By then, we’ll join forces with other victims who have been wronged before and present the case to the authorities handling this matter. With multiple charges, it’s bound to…”


At this point, Jing Yi didn’t continue speaking. It was certain that the mastermind of the Liu family wouldn’t survive, given the severe crimes they committed. There was a significant possibility of collateral consequences, so he refrained from explaining everything too explicitly to Chuxia.


Chuxia vaguely understood Jing Yi’s thoughtful intentions and wouldn’t press for more details.


During this period, apart from earning less and the town being quieter, the atmosphere in Fuyang Town wasn’t much different for the Jing family. Even taking advantage of this time, everyone could focus on their own affairs. With Jing Yi’s assistance, Chuxia even managed to develop facial creams and masks for skincare, giving him a sense of accomplishment and deepening his commitment to managing Ningxia Pavilion.


Since recovering from postpartum, Jing Yi gradually returned to a busy state. He had been diligently training Liu Xiaochen, the future manager of the county branch, a candidate he and Jing Feng had selected after discussions. When the time came, Jing Feng would be dispatched there, too, forming a husband-and-wife store. The capability of the couple was undoubtedly trustworthy.


Liu Xiaochen and Jing Feng had already planned to get married at the end of the year. After their marriage, Jing Yi and Chuxia intended to provide them salaries in the form of dividends. With this arrangement, they weren’t worried about the two brothers slacking off.


During these months, it was still Jing Yi and Chuxia who ran around.


Not long after everyone finished the days of consuming vegetarian meals, the Liu family finally encountered trouble. On the morning of October 24, soldiers surrounded the Liu Mansion in the town, and they didn’t spare the five nearby estates owned by the Liu family either; all were surrounded by soldiers.


In Jing Family’s hot pot restaurant:


“Then, the soldiers didn’t knock; they just kicked the door open and stormed in, each one looking fierce, arresting people on sight.”


“Don’t mention others; I heard even that kind-hearted Liu Dashen was directly dragged from the bed of his concubine, handcuffed, and taken to the county town, awaiting trial.”


“That’s right. I heard my second uncle passing by there every morning to deliver goods, and it’s said that not a single direct relative from their family was spared. Those left behind have soldiers guarding them.”


“Oh my, what kind of outrageous thing did they do?”


“Seriously, every year, we see the Liu family distributing porridge.”


“Why not! People may seem familiar, but you never know their true intentions. Besides, those soldiers don’t look like ordinary yamen runners. I think they’re from the military! Just think about it; it’s not a major case if it doesn’t mobilize the military, right?”


At this moment, a neatly dressed but somewhat unfamiliar young man stood up, repeatedly gesturing to the crowd as if to say, “I have a big secret to share, and I’ll only tell you guys.” He signaled everyone to be quiet and listen.


“Hush! I heard, I heard… from my second uncle’s third son-in-law’s uncle works at the county yamen. I heard that the Liu family committed a crime punishable by death.” This storyteller knew how to build suspense, saying only half of it and then pausing. When everyone urged him impatiently, he continued contentedly.


“Do you still remember that over the past few years, poor families from various towns and villages have been going to the county town to report missing family members? Even in our town and the surrounding villages. I heard that the Liu family is related to these missing persons.”




Everyone was collectively shocked!


This was a major event! It was truly an astonishing revelation!


“It’s not over yet. Those servants from the Liu family who were dismissed by the old master were actually doing his dirty work. They received compensation to take the blame for him. In the backyard of the Liu family’s estate south of our town, they say they even unearthed…”


This young man stopped again, not to keep people in suspense this time, but because he noticed some small children who came with their families for a meal, their little faces showing a mix of fear, anticipation, and curiosity. It seemed he didn’t want to be too explicit in front of them, so he blurred his expression.


“Cough, anyway, just a few not-so-good things.”


Well, using “a few” as the measure word, if you understand, you understand; he blurred it but not completely.


The children who didn’t understand continued asking their parents, but a piece of meat stopped them, keeping their mouths occupied.


“This is unreasonable! The Liu family’s conduct is so wicked, deceiving everyone in our town!”


“I’m not just saying this in hindsight. I always felt there was something wrong with their family. Apart from those favorites, their servants all looked gloomy and joyless.”


“With so many people involved in the previous missing persons cases, didn’t the county magistrate do anything?”


The young man thought this was a good question, perfectly setting up his next narrative. “The current county magistrate, I heard, is newly appointed this year. The previous magistrate was colluding with the Liu family. Rumor has it that even the promotion at the end of last year was arranged by the Liu family in the capital. He turned a blind eye to everything!”


“So… so unfair!”


“Hey, don’t get angry, brother. The Liu family case involves a lot of people; it’s not something we common folks can intervene in. Besides the Liu family in the capital, I heard there are big officials from the capital involved. It goes even deeper; we can’t say much.”


“But now is the chance for revenge. The emperor has ordered a thorough investigation, and our new magistrate is someone who understands justice and gets things done. Seek revenge for grievances and resolve disputes. If anyone has grievances, just tell the magistrate. He’ll surely give a result!”


With these impassioned lines, he quickly took a sip of water to moisten his throat.


Yes, this performer was a storyteller hired by Jing Yi from a teahouse in the capital. This was his “gift” to the Liu family.


A crafty rabbit has three burrows. Jing Yi was afraid that the Liu family might find a loophole even in the matters that seemed settled, so he prepared a backup plan. He let the victims’ families, who had been suppressed and threatened, voluntarily come forward. This would ensure that the Liu family couldn’t turn things around.

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