Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 103 Table of contents

Chapter 103: Hundred-Day Banquet Part Two


Jing’s old estate had been expanded just after last year’s autumn harvest. Although it was still a courtyard upon entering, it had been enlarged.


Besides the main house facing south, the eight side rooms were primarily occupied by Jing’s servants. Additionally, there were two storage rooms and a woodshed, storing items that weren’t frequently used in the main residence.


Lai Da and the two thugs he brought were detained in the woodshed of the old estate. At the moment, Jing Renyi was keeping an eye on them with two young men.


The servants, trained over the past few months with proper food, clothing, and regular exercise, had developed robust physiques and acquired some combat skills. Although it was three against three in the small woodshed, the confrontation was entirely one-sided.


With a creak, the courtyard door of the old estate was pushed open, and Jing Yi, accompanied by Steward Tong and others, walked in.


“Lai Da, long time no see. You’re still so wretched,” Jing Yi said, settling into a chair brought by Renyi. It seemed he intended to have a lengthy conversation.


“Hmph! Surnamed Jing, let me tell you, release us immediately!” Lai Da shouted, struggling despite being bound.


“Hehe! You know who I am! Did you come here for me?” Jing Yi asked calmly.


“Master Jing loves to take advantage of people. Hurry up and release us!” Lai Da shouted, continuously attempting to break free.


“Haha! Are you rushing to meet your doom on my son’s joyful day? And now you want me to release you? Check with others; am I known as a charitable person? Do you not know the consequences of crossing me?” Jing Yi responded.


“Haha! Those little guys may fear you, and I can make sure you won’t have it easy!” Lai Da continued with his absurd remarks.


“What do you want to say? Is it your uncle or the Liu family?” Jing Yi asked.


“You know it! So, I advise you to release me, let the siblings bow down respectfully to me, and I won’t pursue this matter further. I’ll consider the past settled!” Lai Da spoke cunningly.


Hearing this nonsensical speech, Jing Yi sighed, realizing that it’s tiresome to converse with someone who doesn’t understand the situation.


Helpless, he turned to Renyi and instructed, “Make him understand the situation. Let him know what ‘the situation is stronger than individuals’ means.” Jing Yi then walked to the hall in the north, leaving the woodshed.


After about a cup of tea’s time, Jing Yi adjusted his mindset and walked back into the woodshed. He couldn’t avoid talking to the fool.


“How’s it going? Does my Jing family’s ‘good fruit’ taste good?” Jing Yi asked with a smiling face.


“Master Jing, just tell me what I need to do to be released,” Lai Da replied with a swollen face and a bruised nose, seemingly begging for mercy. However, his eyes kept rolling, indicating that he wasn’t fully convinced and was afraid of getting beaten.


“You’re acting as if I forced you to come here. The right path is available, yet you chose the path to hell,” Jing Yi said.


“Fine! It’s my bad luck this time! I beg you; don’t bother with me, Master Jing. If my uncle finds out, it won’t be easy for you, right?” Lai Da revealed his true nature again while speaking.


“What’s difficult about that? The Liu family, known for their charity, can’t they shield you? As for your uncle, I’m not afraid. Haven’t you heard? The head of the Liu family discovered his secrets in the backyard, and they’re about to report it to the authorities for justice!” Jing Yi confidently stated.


“What?! I don’t know anything about backyards and front yards!” Lai Da started with surprise, then reacted, pretending to remain calm. However, he felt uneasy; this matter was probably true. The Liu family was adept at finding scapegoats.


“Oh? You don’t know? But I heard there’s also some business of yours involved here, and you helped handle those bodies in the backyard. If I turn you over to the authorities, I might get praised by the county magistrate.” Jing Yi boldly tried to coax him, feigning contemplation.


Lai Da, now concerned, disregarded everything else. He was naturally foolish and lacked critical thinking. Upon hearing that he might be handed over to the authorities, he started cursing loudly. “Damn Liu Shengfu! He does evil things and expects your old man to take the blame? Damn it!”


The following string of vulgarities was not suitable for hearing. Even a servant, usually fond of foul language, showed a hint of disgust. Jing Yi, who only cared about the key information hidden in the obscenities, remained unperturbed.


It seemed that the Liu family’s poverty alleviation efforts were a mere façade, potentially involving human trafficking or abduction. This line of investigation should indeed be revisited, but it was no longer Jing Yi’s concern.


After listening, he left without further words, instructing steward Tong, “Pack these three up and send them to Dean Wen tonight. Explain the situation to him. Remember to gag them; we don’t want too much commotion, don’t startle the snake.”


After a moment’s thought, he added sternly, “Tell the men who were present today to keep their mouths shut.”


“Rest assured, Master.”


Last time, Jing Yi heard from Dean Wen that the newly appointed county magistrate in Anchang County was definitely aligned with the Crown Prince’s faction. As such, leaving these people to Dean Wen was sufficient, as they could serve as witnesses to taint the Liu family.


When Jing Yi left, Renyi cheekily approached steward Tong, saying, “Hehe, Brother Tong, you look quite exhausted. How about my brother and I help you go to the town later in the evening?”


Steward Tong, shaking off the goosebumps on his body, replied, “No need, young man! Give it an incense stick’s time, and then I’ll close and lock the doors.”


Renyi immediately gave him a thankful little punch to the chest and ran off to find his brother. This was an excellent opportunity to avenge Zhao Miao and Zhao Yu; they had to personally take action! Steward Tong watched the running figure with a helpless smile and shook his head.


He had followed his master for several years and had grasped his master’s principles of action. For trivial matters like seeking personal revenge without causing harm, his master wouldn’t mind. They could make their own decisions.


This was one aspect that he admired about Jing Yi – at a young age, he trusted people without suspicion and remained cautious of those he doubted.


In the evening, in the backyard of the Jing residence.


The evening gathering consisted of family members, including the Jing family, the Lin family, Jing’s third uncle’s family, and some familiar families from the village. Of course, there were also the Jing family’s servants and employees from various stores, including those from the Leisure Summer Villa. They closed their businesses early today, and Jing Yi hired several carriages to bring them all together. This even included the elderly couple who served at the villa.


Employees from the soap factory, being villagers, had attended the luncheon earlier and weren’t invited again.


As the guests arriving in the evening were relatively close, mainly family members, the atmosphere was informal and lively. Jing Yi didn’t impose too many formalities, opting for a novel approach with a self-service buffet. People could choose what they wanted to eat, sit where they liked, and move around freely during the event.


It’s summer, and the banquet starts at five o’clock, while the sky is still quite bright.


After settling the troupe’s payment and sending them off with good food and drinks, only three musicians remained to entertain the guests with music later in the evening. Jing Yi assured the troupe leader that someone would be sent to the county the next day, so he need not worry.


Originally, there were supposed to be four musicians, but one lady who played the pipa kept making eyes at Jing Yi. She not only expressed her gratitude for his hospitality but also complimented the elegance of his residence. Jing Yi felt uncomfortable and quickly dismissed the “Miss Lian,” who didn’t even bother to eat and kept leaning on him, speaking in a feeble and timid voice. He couldn’t stand her!


Moreover, he didn’t want any misunderstandings with Chuxia. If he got the wrong idea, he’d immediately report this “Miss Lian” to the yamen for attempting to ruin someone’s family!


“Hmph! Alright, I get it. You’re innocent. Go to the yamen only when necessary,” Chuxia said, suppressing his laughter after hearing Jing Yi’s exaggerated description. He continued to playfully scold his husband, “Keep it up!”


After some playful banter, the couple enjoyed the buffet together, lavishing affection on each other without caring about the onlookers.


When they were about seventy to eighty percent full, they finally remembered their son. After searching for a while, they found little An An sitting in Third Aunt’s arms like a little emperor, being pampered and entertained by the older generation.


His round eyes were fixed on her plate, estimating that the glossy braised pork was probably the target of his small hand reaching out eagerly.


Realizing his futile efforts after a while, he didn’t cry or fuss. Instead, he tilted his head, revealing a shameless smile to her, using his little dimples to charm her.


“Hmm… Quite clever.”


“Looks like he has a good appetite.”


“Husband, I heard from Mother that children can start eating other foods at around four months.”


“That’s great! Our little lord can finally spare his little feet.”


Time would prove that Jing Yi had relaxed too early.


After the lively and joyous hundredth-day banquet and gathering, life in the Jing family returned to tranquility.


Speaking of tranquility, it carried a hint of sweetness. Even Jing Yi heard about it; a few couples had formed during the gathering.


The Jing family’s servant system had long been publicized, and with the higher ranks came a reward of emancipation. This goal motivated many young individuals, as it meant less hesitation in their pursuits.


Although achieving this goal might take years of effort, they were all still young and unafraid of hard work. Moreover, the emancipation they earned was not for themselves but to provide a broader and freer future for their descendants.


In light of this, Jing Yi specifically instructed Steward Tong regarding the new servant policy.


“Let them know that if they truly succeed, I’ll handle the marriage ceremony, but it must not be forced on anyone. In the future, I’ll build several small and large courtyards in the village and near the estate. Those in need can purchase them from me at 60% to 80% of the market price based on their employee rank. Consider it a staff welfare benefit. It doesn’t matter if they are married or unmarried, men, or women.”


Once this news spread, it immediately caused a sensation, even more so than emancipation, stirring people’s hearts.


After all, many who had sold themselves were solitary and struggling. The Jing family’s generosity, irrespective of emancipation, was already something they appreciated. However, having their own house meant something different – it was not just about shelter but providing them with a true home of their own.


As the Jing family members worked diligently toward their goals, urgent news spread across the states.


On this day, everything was about to change.


The Emperor, has passed away.

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