The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
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Chapter 218 Table of contents
Guided by the kidnappers, Eight headed towards the nearby village, letting out a hollow laugh as he gazed upon the empty settlement. The village was clearly neglected, with no signs of upkeep. The lifeless village only had women, elderly people, and children who were wary of outsiders.
There were no adult men to be seen; they were likely all conscripted for war. The madness of the war had reached even this rural village.
"...Who are you?"
As he entered the village, an elderly man, presumably the village chief, cautiously approached him. Watching the man, whose sunken cheeks clung tightly to his bones, Eight clicked his tongue and spoke.
"Is there any food here?"
"We don't have any... The soldiers came and took everything, claiming it was for the military. We can't even scrape together enough to eat..."
That statement was a lie. Eight could tell. There couldn’t possibly be nothing to eat. It’s just that whatever remained wouldn't satisfy outsiders who came with swords at their belts. And if they gave any of it away, the villagers would surely starve.

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