Sha Po Lang
Chapter 65 Table of contents

The next moment, heavy armor moved.

The dilapidated city wall trembled in the neat and incredible footsteps. The black iron armor of a water was immersed in the snow and white steam that could not be scattered in the wind, and the artillery fire of the enemy's tide was countercurrent.

The first batch of heavy armor was like a squad that could block everything. The whirlwind swept through it very quickly and pushed directly into the enemy's line. The broken head and limbs were broken and fluttered, but the fire would eventually burn. Iron, as long as the gold scorpion does not burst, the corpses that have not been mastered can mostly remain upright, the squadron* is dead, and the mechanical gear is still spinning, as if the soul is not scattered and continues to rush forward.

When it is unsustainable, there will be a latecomer who will open the golden scorpion behind the mysterious armor and ignite the lead hidden in it.

The soldiers under the iron masks are not divided into each other, thousands of people, one thousand households and the newly recruited Beidaiying small soldiers are the same - or with the gunfire hand-held cutting blade to roll over the enemy's first level, or the original fried into a A purple fireworks with an unknown name.

Li Feng stood on the red-headed shackle and suddenly said to Tan Hongfei, who was ordered to stand on the side: "Auntie?"

Tan Hongfei was named after him. He stunned and replied: "The king of the county is on the wall."

The hot wind blew the anger on Li Feng's face. He calmed down in the devastation and threw the sword in his hand to Tan Hongfei on the eagle eagle: "The rumor is rumored, the country is in trouble, the prince is too young to be heavy, and there is no virtue." Jiangshan Limin is here, 愧 列 列 列 列 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 列 列 列 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁 雁

Tan Hongfei: "..."

He hurriedly caught the heavy sword and glanced at Longyan, his eyes swept over the two gray scorpions of the Emperor Longan.

Li Feng waved his hand indifferently.

Chang Geng took the longbow to the wall and took the air battlefield.

Tan Hongfei fell on the side of Chang Geng in the roar of Bai Hong, and sang the sword of Shang Fang like a hot potato: "His Royal Highness!"

Chang Geng’s eyes will know what he is going to say.

Tan Hongfei: "His Royal Highness, the Emperor said..."

A wounded soldier with only one leg left in the city ran over: "His Royal Highness, the rocket is gone!"

"There is no need to change the iron arrow for the rocket. If the iron arrow is gone, the wind blade will be taken up by the owner. What is it?" Chang Geng’s eyelids are not awkward, but the words are very rude. "We kept the wall collapsed." So far - Tan Tongling, you go back to the thing, tell Li Feng, I don't owe him, don't treat him as the lord of this lonely family. Also, he is now the roots of the flag, the two armies against each other, the flag can not Hey, the brothers and the brains are all supported by this flag. You should take care of it, don't let him die."

At this moment, at least for Tan Tongling, ten Li Feng’s speeches are not as useful as a Chang Geng. He heard that he did not have any words. He threw back the words of Sheng Shengkou and heard a long whistle in his mouth. A few eagle eagle stood together on the side of the emperor's red head.

The people who lived under the heavy armor of the city broke through a path, and once the heavy armor broke into the enemy's army, the roaring long and short guns and the majestic white rainbow arrows were useless. The ground must be a deadly battle, the Western Army. There will be no way to do it for a while, and it will suddenly aggravate the air attack.

Countless pieces of the wind-cutting blade that has been left without the Lord are on the long bow of Baihong. After the command of Yanbei Wang, the legendary soldiers are shot without regrets like iron arrows. The rotating white blade turns into a blossoming flower. The wind is also smashed, and the name of the person who died is rolled up to a large number of Western Eagles.

Chang Geng wiped the clumps of dusty ash with his fingers and grass, and clipped it on the nose of the high nose. He said: "The second batch of cutting blades."

A small soldier next to him spontaneously acted as a guardian of the pro-infantry, and heard the words of the young scorpion who had not yet had time to change his voice and said: "Upper arrow -"

Then he turned to Chang Geng and whispered, "What should I do under the Highness, and the wind blade is finished? Are we throwing stones under the city?"

Chang Geng gave him a look. It seemed to be a smile. He said: "Although this time I have tried my best, I have been accumulating for many years. I have some more in Beijing, and I can’t help but learn from General Han Han. I poured Ziliujin from the wall and burned the capital together. I don’t want to take away the foreigners."

The little sergeant was living in a shiver of his careless words.

Chang Geng: "How old are you?"

The little sergeant snorted, and Nene said: "Ten...18."

Chang Geng smiled and said: "Let me come to this set."


Some poor children can't afford to raise their children. They will send half-size children to the military to eat military sergeants. If they are too young to accept, they will do some false-handed reporting.

"15," Chang Geng whispered. "When I was in the fifteenth time, I was in trouble with Gu Dashuai in the Jiangnan Cha Weiwang. I didn't know anything. You are better than me."

At this moment, the Western Eagles in the distance were lifted up under the command of the Pope.

One by one, the Western Eagles held a long gun to the city, and the long gun that should have been guarded by the chariot arm was very strong. The gunfire flew out. The man holding the long gun immediately fell to death. .

This group of Western Eagles, the death squad in general, hit the cannons inside and outside the walls, and the walls immediately collapsed.

The red-headed owl was swayed by the turbulent waves, and the kingdom screamed and cried, holding the mast, and Zhang Feng, who was crawling up and panting, pushed away.

"Emperor!" In the letter, the referee also took off his clothes. He held a fish belly in his hand. The fish belly was swaying with purple and purple purple gold. The red head was almost shaken by a big horse, next to it. The guards were so scared that they rushed forward to catch the dangerous goods.

In the letter to the public: "The emperor, the ammunition is empty, the old minister is under the sacred king of the king of Yan Yan, and now all the existing purple rushes in the city are transported to the gate of the city, and they have begun to load them in batches..."

"The Emperor is careful!"


The gunfire that flew over broke the letter of the letter, and was rubbing Li Feng’s red-headed scorpion. The red-headed scorpion was immediately blown up by a corner, hoarsely and slammed, and leaned to one side.

Another cannon was chasing it, and it was hitting the abdomen of the red-headed pheasant. Only after the heavy red-headed scorpion had gone out of control, Li Feng’s pupil was shrunk into a small point like a needle in the screaming of the crowd. .

Tan Hongfei screamed, his wings suddenly opened, and the black wings fluttered in the sky.

In the moment when he hugged the long gun, the eagle spurred the fastest speed, and the high temperature and the impact moment bombed the old part of the mysterious iron that had been cherished for twenty years ago, together with the one. Together with the cannon, it turned into a diamond monkey that never went back.

... fortunately not insulted.

The cutting blade that harvested countless foreigners' lives on the wall finally broke out. Chang Geng looked back at this intimate capital, and it was a pity that he could not see Houfu here.

Then he waved the longbow and slammed the tip of the iron arrow into the fire. When the air was fired at the enemy, the fire and oil passed through the air at high speed, and there was a fire on the arrowhead, and the meteor swept through it - this is a signal.

In the letter of the generals, the sleeves are rolled up: "The red head is ready!"

In addition to Li Feng's location, the last dozen red-headed owls in the capital floated up the city, like a group of dancers dressed in bright red makeup. Lianbu moved to the sea of ​​knives and mountains, carrying purple gold, and came to death in the air. The Western Eagles collided.

The emperor changed.

Chang Geng on the wall was the first to bear the brunt, and the light armor that was temporarily hung on the body could not stop the airflow from the squatting. He felt that he had knocked on his chest vigorously. He was black in front of him, spurting blood, and temporarily lost consciousness. .

The teenager who had ordered him for him screamed and tried to protect him.

The wall finally collapsed completely.

Chang Geng did not know how long he had fainted. After a long while, he gradually recovered consciousness. He found that one leg was stuck in the middle of two scrapped gears, and only the one who protected his little man had only one arm left, and he was on his shoulders. People have been unable to find it, and they have become a pair of **** short cloaks on his body.

Chang Geng bit his teeth, feeling that the pain in the whole body is still tolerable, because it is far less sad when there is no Ul bone attack.

The ear is probably bleeding, and the far and near voices are not clear, chaotic, and blurred.

Chang Geng thought: "When the child does not take the medicine, is it like this to him? It is also quiet."

The city wall has collapsed, has the city been broken?

Is Li Feng still alive?

Yes, there is Gu Yu...

When Chang Geng thought of Gu Yu, he would not dare to continue, for fear that the two words would take away all his courage. He cut off his thoughts cleanly, curled up his body, groped to the seam of the steel arm on his leg, smashed the eight locks and dragged himself out.

There is still an iron arrow behind him, and the longbow has not been crushed, he can kill another person.

As long as this interest remains...

Just as Chang Geng had just pulled out his legs and had not had time to stand up, he suddenly flashed in front of him.

Chang Geng did not catch up, subconsciously looked back and instinctively pulled out the iron bow in his hand.

A small wooden bird fell in front of him, and was cut into two halves by the iron bow. A group of seaweed paper fell out of the belly.

Chang Geng was stunned.

Then, the Yanbei King, who was calm and terrible, suddenly trembled. The light, floating paper was spread on the ground. He couldn’t pick it up when he raised his hand twice. It’s almost impossible to close his hand. It was discovered that the steel arm on the arm had already been disengaged, and the joints of the **** had been disengaged.

He vaguely heard someone calling "the reinforcements arrived", which should have been good news that everyone has been waiting for for a long time.

However, Chang Geng did not have much time to brew, but instead raised the unspeakable fear after the shock.

Because only when he is determined to go to death, can he temporarily put the fact that Gu Yu may have been ironed.

This well-planned Huangquan Road suddenly broke into a branch, and it was hard to keep him on this side. Chang Geng was stunned for a while.

"Big brother!" He faintly heard a call, the next moment, a light ride flew to the arrival, the coming is just a long time away, the dusty servant Ge Chen.

Ge Chenfei got off the horse and supported Changgeng, who was so embarrassed, and explained: "Big brother, I, I, I received your letter, just in the case of General Shen, but at that time in southern Xinjiang..."

Chang Geng did not listen to half a word, and the konjac-like intercept interrupted him: "What about the son?"

His voice was vague, and Ge Chen didn’t hear it for a moment: "What?"

Chang Geng swayed his hand and struggled to stand up. He walked away from the city regardless of his position. He didn’t know what was hurt on his back. A large piece of blood ran down the clothes, and I was unaware of it.

Ge Chen: "Big, Big Brother? Your Highness!"

Chang Geng turned a deaf ear. Ge Chen looked at a streamer and rushed over Chang Geng, and he didn't know how to dodge. He was so busy that he flew away from the ground and pulled him away. However, Chang Geng's eyes were so red that he could bleed.

Ge Chen took a sigh of cold air and said: "Bad, Hou Ye will not have an accident?"

Ge Chen didn't lack a decision since he was a child. When he broke his hand and made a knife, he squatted on Chang Geng's neck and stunned him.

On this day, the imperial city has always experienced the most **** battle in history. The emperor took the flag as the flag, the general died in the war, everyone went to the point of desperation, and finally came to the reinforcements when the wall collapsed.

The experience and composition of this support army are complicated and difficult to say. The commander is the southwest admiral Shen Yi. The veteran general who has retired for many years has come forward to fight for him. There is also a small army of Jiangnan water army inside. That is after the defeat of the East China Sea, Yao The remnants of the town.

The Western Army saw that the general trend had gone and was forced to withdraw.

Nearly 40% of the imperial court officials were buried under the collapsed city wall. Li Feng’s red-headed cockroaches were completely out of control. Shen Yi had no eagle in his hand. He had to use his white sweat to shoot the steel ropes on the railings and dispatched dozens of heavy armor. I have been tossing until midnight, and then I will put down the Emperor Longan hanging in the air.

Beidaiying, together with its commander, almost all of them in this campaign.

Gu Yu was dug up from a Western chariot. The rib fracture broke several times. At first, almost no one dared to move him. When he touched it, he oozes out.

In the end, General Zhong personally rushed to take a look. He said, "He is not so easy to die, I am compensated to die." This sent a few military doctors to fix him on a wooden frame and carry it away.

The entire palace collected a few thousand years old ginseng, hanged his three-day life intermittently, and almost passed, and finally waited for Chen Guangxu who came back from the thousands of waters outside the gate.

She ran a few horses, and after staying in Beijing, she couldn't sleep for a night. Finally, she recovered a stable Hou from the king.

When Gu Yu first woke up, it was dusk. The eyelids only faintly felt the light coming in through the window, but they didn't have the strength to blink, and the pain had already hit.

Not dead, but Gu Yu is not very grateful, first secretly shocked up - Beijing fell? Where is it now?

He violently made a sigh of relief, and he was caught by the hand.

The man gathered in his ear and seemed to know what he was worried about and said: "The reinforcements are coming, nothing... the city is fine."

The familiar Anshen taste wrapped him, and Gu’s consciousness only supported for a moment, and then fell into a coma again.

So faint for a few days, Gu Yu really woke up, the efficacy has long passed, and he is a blind eye that can't be seen clearly.

Gu Yu blinked a little hard and saw a blurred figure at the bedside. It was Wen Geng by the smell.

In his mind, a bunch of problems are not analyzed and poured in successively: How many people are left in Beidaiying? Where did the reinforcements come from? Whose team? Where did the Western Army retreat? How is the emperor?

Chang Geng carefully drank a little water to feed him, Gu Yu instinctively raised his hand to explore, I do not know which wound was affected, the whole person hurts in front of a black.

"Okay," Chang Geng said in his ear. "Shen General is back, and Master is sitting in the town. You should have less snacks and take a break."

Gu Yu: "..."

He took a deep breath and calmed down, feeling that the internal organs were hurting.

Before Anding Hou had nothing to do, he loved to pay attention to Shen Yiying. He said that he had no longevity in the three generations of his family. He felt that he had such a "more illness and more illness" and he was not afraid of this dog life. It’s still blameless, so it’s not dead.

Gu Yu opened his mouth and wanted to scream "Chang Geng". Unexpectedly, he fell asleep for a few days after a serious injury and did not make a sound.

Suddenly, his face was touched by something. Gu Yu felt that one hand took his chin and gently swept his lips with a thin, sly belly, unable to tell the embarrassment.

Chang Geng is sitting on the edge of the bed. If you can see it clearly, you will find that Chang Geng actually only covers half of the clothes, and the hair is scattered. The shoulders, neck and arms are even needles on the head. The gentle hedgehog, sitting on the edge of the bed like a wood man, twisted his head very hard, and his face was filled with emotions and sorrows, and the eyes were sealed. He couldn’t laugh and couldn’t smile. The state of the expression, when a handsome big man.

In spite of this, there are still red marks in his eyes.

In the past few days, the bones of Chang Geng’s body have been attacked several times, and Chen’s light has forced him to forcibly seal the toxins and tie him into a scarecrow.

The Scarecrow said with a low voice that could not be heard. "One more thing, I am going crazy, my son."

Gu Yu: "..."

Although he did not hear what Chang Geng said, but the touch on his lips reminded him of the fading thing on the wall. For a moment, Gu Yu simply wanted to mourn - who can think that he still has to live to face this!

So in this way, Gu Dashuai has become a top-notch stick since his neck.

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