Sha Po Lang
Chapter 66 Table of contents

It’s easy to be impulsive, and how to end the impulsiveness is a problem.

If there is no such a big disaster in Beijing, Chang Geng will certainly not make such a daring thing. Before this war, he did not even have any unrealistic expectations for Gu Yu, otherwise he would not hide for four or five years. .

Gu Yu is his lifelong comfort, but according to normal development, probably this life will stop there. He has already cut his mind to this point, and Gu Yu has already used his most gentle and euphemistic way in his life to open his words. With Chang Geng’s self-respect, he will never have any substantial entanglement with him.

What he did to take care of him and what kind of path he took was his own business.

He has a heart, but he is not willing to use it for Gu Yu - it seems too cheap.

The two of them will take this feeling of embarrassment as a somewhat embarrassing secret, keep it for a long time, wait for Chang Geng to honed himself one by one, can use these ideas to make fun, casually laugh, or long time Gu Ke, who had no heart and lungs, forgot about this.

Chang Geng used to be restrained, and as long as he was not completely mad, he would always resist to death.

It is a very painful thing to have desires and desires, especially unrealistic desires and desires, whether it is financial desire, power desire or anything else - in fact, it is the shackles of the body, the deeper it is, the more it is The tighter the shackles, the reason that Chang Geng’s heart was too clear, so he did not dare to indulge for a moment.

Unfortunately, the reason is clear and useless - anyway, it is too late to say anything.

The difference between the next reading of the city, let him take this step out, plus Gu Yu’s response without responding...

Don't you say that Chang Geng can't let go of it as happily as he never got any hope, that is, in Gu Xin's heart, can he still do nothing like it?

As for the wounded and sick Gu Dashuai, he was almost two big laps.

He believes that his responsibility is relatively large, and it is really guilty to say, because under normal circumstances, if it is not his acquiescence, Chang Geng is unlikely to touch him - and even if the chaos did not return to the moment, there was " "The accident", he should not be the kind of laissez-faire follow-up reaction.

Gu Yu actually couldn't tell what he thought at the time, and he probably couldn't think of anything. As soon as he closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to see the gunfire in the city under the city. Chang Geng stared deeply into his eyes, as if in the middle of the day, only the next one in his eyes.

No one—especially a man—can be indifferent to that kind of look.

Gu Yu has a nose and two eyes, no special place to other people, but also seven emotions and six desires.

He couldn't just treat Chang Gung as a close descendant as he used to, but when his son had been raised for so many years, he suddenly changed his taste, and he was not so easy to turn this rib.

At this time, Chang Geng slowly leaned down and down, and reached out to cover Gu Yu’s eyes that were not very useful, and prevented him from seeing his respect at this time.

Gu Yan didn't have a place to listen to, but he couldn't see it. He didn't have the strength to say that for the first time in his life, he was powerless to be indecent, and he was stunned. He said: "Do he dare to bully the wound? What is Tianli! "

Immediately, he felt that his face was swept by a thin nose, and the breath of another person was too close to be overlooked.

Gu Yu: "..."

Mother, this kid really dare!

Gu Yu’s throat moved involuntarily, but Chang Geng did not do anything. He seemed to stay for a long time, then gently touched Gu Yu’s mouth.

Gu Yu’s eyes were covered, and he couldn’t help but develop a rich and self-loved association along the subtle touch. He felt like a pitiful little animal. When he was robbed, he slammed into his arms and spoiled him. He is going.

At that time, his heart was soft. Although he did not have time to ask about the casualties in the army, Gu Gu’s heart was already quite a few. If he changed his mind a little, he couldn’t help but sorrow, and Chang Geng would have to sit at his bed all the time. For example, he seems to have recovered and lost. Gu Yu suddenly did not want to care about so much. He wanted to reach out and hold a long Geng, but he did not have the strength to raise his hand.

Gu Yu’s pity and unspeakable troubles are quickly mixed up, and he can’t bear to blame Chang Geng. He only hates to go back to the moment when he is not in the city. He used to slap himself in the past – look at what you do. What are you doing!

"Zi Yu." Chang Geng screamed in his ear, Gu Yu's eyelashes crossed his palm, this time, it seems that only holding each other crying and laughing, can vent a little stretch Panic and fear, but unfortunately he was also powerless at this time.

Chen girl banned all his fierce emotions, and made him a complete facial paralysis. With the strength of eating milk, he couldn’t squeeze a smile. He had to open a small hole in his heart, and the water flowed out.

After Gu Wei’s serious injury, he was seriously injured and his energy was not good. Although he supported it, he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Chang Geng silently gave him a good quilt, and reluctantly stared at Gu Yu for a while, until the stiff bones of the body were unbearably screaming, and he slowly stood up on the bedpost. Take a zombie step to leave.

As soon as he pushed the door, Chang Geng saw Chen Guangxu waiting for a long time. She slid back and forth at the door of Gu Yufang, and the green grass was stepped on.

Chang Geng pretended not to see a corpse, and said hello to her very seriously, but because of the look of the wood, it was particularly serious: "I am tired of Chen girl, this time if you are not in danger, I really don't know what to do."

Chen lightly swayed his hand: "Yes, hey, Your Highness waited for me for a moment, I turned back to give you a needle... That, and that..."

The tongue of the Chen family who used to be in the big scene was playing a festival. The face of the dignified and muddy face was a little hesitant.

Chang Geng Wuer’s bone attack did not dare to let people know that the outside world could only pretend that he was seriously injured. Chen Guangxuan used silver needles to suppress the poison on his body. He did not dare to fake his hands on others and had to be forced to stun him alone. After listening to the dreams, I unfortunately put together a truth that scared her, and she was so upset that her face was wrinkled.

Chang Geng originally intended to nod to her, but the neck was really not bent, but had to owe it, and it seemed more polite: "No, I can get it myself, I will go into the palace after a while, don't bother Chen girl. It is."

The city collapsed a wall, but the siege was temporarily solved, but the follow-up was still a mess. Except for Gu Dashuai, who couldn’t get out of bed, no one else dared to relax and hang in the air.

Chen lightly listened to the matter and nodded, and swallowed back what he wanted to ask.

Who knows, at this time, Chang Geng suddenly said: "But if you want to ask..."

He paused a little and looked at the closed door of the house. Chen lightly mentioned the eyes of the blind man.

Then His Royal Highness, with his coffin face in his face, admitted confessingly: "I am really worried about my righteous father."

Chen Xiaoxue: "..."

This sentence... Speaking in such a frank and calm tone, it sounds really weird.

"He also knows, please also Chen girl..."

Chen lightly rushed back subconsciously: "I won't say it!"

Chang Geng arched his hand, his cloaked cloak on his body was light and fluttering, and his graceful temperament passed through Chen Guangbu, like a fairy who smashed the sky... I couldn’t see a hedgehog inside.

If Gu Yu will be grateful to Li Feng in this life, it is the next day that Li Feng will leave Chang Geng in the palace.

That really made him breathe a sigh of relief, hate to go to the book, please the emperor to open a single room next to the West Warm Pavilion, let him live in and go out.

Sand injury is a common occurrence, Gu Yu has long been used to, wake up is to spend the most dangerous stage, and lay a day, he already has the strength to speak to pick up.

The first guest to pick up is Shen Yi.

Because Chen lightly refused to take Gu, he could only wear a glass mirror and scream and talk with his surname Shen.

The two men have been separated for half a year. It’s just a matter of facts. When you say goodbye, the cape is full of enthusiasm. When you return, a bandage is lying on the bed. You can’t have air intake and no gas, and another month runs. The whole person is like a radish in the south of the Yangtze River.

Shen Yi rushed to Gu Yudao: "We all thought that we could only collect the corpse for you. I didn't expect to see another one who would gasp, handsome, you will not die, you will have a blessing!"

Gu Yu was stunned by his face and suddenly raised a head-to-head lawsuit. He did not see where his "post-future" was. "Repent" was a basket. Now he said: "You still have a face. Yang Maozi landed in Dagugang for more than a month, and burned the Xijiao Palace in the same way as his mother's stove. What did you do with a waste snack? Eat/屎 can't keep up with the heat!"

Shen Yi: "..."

Gu Yu: "Get off, stay away from me, are you leaking? Spray me!"

"I didn't want to mention this to you. I was afraid that you would block your heart." Shen Yi sighed and rolled up his sleeves. He sat down beside him, "I didn't see the Ministry of Wars revoking the drumming order." So, to get out of the capital, it was cut off, and the small country like Nanyang’s sheep and eggs was looted by fire. I didn’t know how to get the secret road left by the mountain. I fell from the sky overnight, I was caught off guard, let They bombed the southwestern part of the country."

Without the drumming order, Shen Yi, the commander who had just airborne, could not adjust the troops stationed in southern Xinjiang.

"I was so badly burned, it was just pressing the gourd to float up the scoop, Xiaoge just went to look for me, and brought the note under the small hall. At that time, I felt bad food at the first sight, but unfortunately, the body was lacking." Shaking his head, "The wooden bird also sent the Xuan Tiehu and the firearms that you personally issued. Although I didn't realize that the capital would be besieged to such a level, I still managed to split half of the troops and Ziliujin stocks. Bring people back to Beijing."

He didn't have to elaborate on the rest of the story. Gu Yu heard this and understood it. The problem lies in Ziliujin.

The northwest is entangled by tigers and wolves, and the Xuan Tieying and the North City defenses are not dare to move. Otherwise, they will not be able to keep their territory in the second place. If they are not good, they will be chased and beaten. When the capital is trapped, it is really a Western Navy. There is a wolf armor in the north.

The disaster in Shenyi was still solvable. The trouble was that the southwestern sampan was blown up. The Ziliujin inventory of the southern Xinjiang garrison was very limited. The remaining one could not support the long-distance attack.

"I had to go north to find Cai Yu to fight the autumn wind." Shen Yi sighed. "Who knows that the road is repeatedly blocked, do you know who is entangled in the Central Plains garrison?"

Gu Yu looks a little deep.

"It is an insurgent army composed of displaced people." Shen Yi sighed. "The strength of Lao Cai was divided by Xuan Tieying and Beicheng. More than a half remained in the Central Plains. Every day, he was screaming with the people. It was all over. The ordinary people who are not going on, do not fight, do not fight or do not like words, Lao Cai hair is white more than half."

Gu Yu relied on the bed to silence for a moment: "How can this be chaotic?"

"The unemployed people from the Central Plains to the south of the Suizhong generation have been in trouble for several years, and they have not become a climate," said Shen Yidao. "This time, some people rushed to fish and fish, and these people were picked up to form a few forces. , Xuan Tie Ying can be half-night, and the courage is also big, just... In fact, you know that Zizi, I have always felt that the mysterious iron camp is too good for these years, and it is one of the taboos, the folklore is too More, in the past few years, it has indeed been able to deter some people with ulterior motives, but once the Xuan Tieying accident, even if it is just a wind and the wind, it is too easy to shake the hearts of the people."

The two were relatively silent for a moment, Gu Yu: "Don't use this kind of useless light, how is it now? How many brethren are there in Beidaiying?"

Shen Yi's face changed and he didn't pick up.

When Gu Yu looked at his expression, he was half cool in his heart: "What about Lao Tan?"

Shen Yi put his hand into his arms and touched it. He solved a wind blade from the light armor and silently placed it on the pillow.

Gu Yu stayed for a moment, unable to prevent a wound, and did not squeak his teeth, and the pain collapsed into a ball.

Shen easy to reach out and hold him: "Don't, son... son!"

Gu Yu waved his hand and muttered: "Where did the Westerners retreat?"

Shen Yi carefully looked at his look: "The Westerners broke the Jiangnan Shuijun and split their troops. They routed them to the Pope and took them from the Daban Port to the capital. The other people were mainly hired by them. The Eastern Warrior, who opened the heavy armored car along the canal all the way north, passed the Shandong Zhili two houses. The local garrison had never seen this battle. At that time, they were beaten up, and we played against them once on the road. It was indeed hard. Hey, later, the old generals of Zhong Rong appeared in Jiangnan, helping Yao Chongze to reorganize the collapsed Jiangnan waterway army, and clean up the remnants north, helping us, and the gangs were forced to retreat to Shandong territory - now the two divisions The Western military is one and the other, returning to the sea, based on the East Islands, I am afraid it is not over."

Gu Yu snorted and his brows wrinkled.

Shen Yi was only wanted, and he called for a dry mouth. He poured himself a herbal tea and sighed. "Don't think too much. It is a serious matter to raise your own injuries first. You can't leave now."

Gu Yu half closed his eyes and didn't say anything.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Shen Yi transferred the topic: "Your home is simply reborn, so it is not so obvious that the mountain is not exposed. When you are in distress, you dare to come out and pick up the beam. I can't recognize it anymore... The emperor will be his king. "The North" word is taken, do you know?"

Yanbei Wang to Yan Wang - although only one word difference, indeed from the county king to the prince.

Gu Yu returned to the gods and shouted: "Which is a good thing..."

In order to please him, Shen Yi said, which pot does not open the pot: "I saw him coming out of the palace with him, and it will come back soon."

Gu Yu: "..."

Shen Yi looked at his black pot face inexplicably, and said: "What happened?"

Gu Yan was sore and wanted to change his posture, but the action was inconvenient. The old mother named Shen was particularly eye-catching. Seeing his hard struggle at the bedside, he didn’t know how to help him. He still asked: "In the first few days, when you played chess with the old man, the old man, the small hall, regardless of his own injuries, kept watching you all day long, and he still had needles on his body, and his neck could not bend. We saw I don’t feel that I can’t bear it. I’m telling you, ah, that’s more than my own...”

Gu Yu couldn't bear it, and violently said: "Let you kiss, how come you have so many words, roll!"

Shen Yifei was not scared. Instead, he licked his nose and put it up on his face. He asked, "Why, what have you done badly to offend others? I told you, ah, your prince is not yours." Just kidding, you are almost..."

Gu Yu whispered: "Ji Ping brother, look at the part of my death for the country, please, let's go."

Shen Yi sharply saw the words "unspeakable" from his face.

General Shen has been bullied by Gu Yu for many years. He said that however, hatred has been in the past for a long time. He finally caught his jokes and refused to give up. He was so curious that he would blow up: "Hurry, you see the current dynasty It’s bleak, let’s talk about your bad luck, happy...”

Gu Yu: "..."

There was no sound in the room, and two people who were screaming at each other were replaced by sign language.

Then, after a fragrant time, Shen Yi’s face was thundered and floated out of the room, and walked with the same foot.

Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, coincidentally, at this time, His Royal Highness Princess Wang returned, and Shen Yi went to the face.

Chang Geng greeted: "Shen General is coming, how is my father?"

Shen Yi: "..."

The southeast admiral Shen General faced Chang Geng, his look changed a little, and finally he did not release one of his farts, and he ran away against the wall roots.

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