Sha Po Lang
Chapter 68 Table of contents

Gu Yuduan sat on horseback and asked, "Is it still?"

Shen Yisheng raised his eyes and looked back: "Yes."

Gu Yu’s departure from Beijing’s day is clear, and it’s a rare ten-day sunny day. The Emperor of Long’an sent the Wenwu Baiguan to the city gate. He was sent to the terracotta warriors and horses all the way, and he was scattered. Only one of the princes of the geese did not leave.

He climbed onto the only remaining watchtower on the collapsed city gate, and looked at the back of General Xuan Tie. He had to stand on the ground.

Gu Yu did not look back, only said to Shen Yi: "Is it all going far? The clairvoyant eye should not be clear, you said."

Shen anger said: "I am afraid that I will see you, and support me once and for all, so that others can still be unclear to me and the prince."

Gu Yu had already prepared a mouthful of excuses: "You can make a steel plate and try to see if you can look back. There is a lot of nonsense."

Shen Yi sneered, too lazy to tear him down.

"Where am I?" Gu Yu paused, and he asked himself to answer his own words. "Don't take your old lady's heart to the heart of the generals."

There is a way to hurt the bones for a hundred days, Gu Yu was smashed out of the dead, and even live and die, the general public is only half a month's situation, not to mention personal, even if the steel is broken, like leisure Not so easy to fix, when Gu Yu asked to go to the northwest, Yan Wang was anxious in court, and almost quarreled with him in the face of Manchu.

Even the broken emperor of Li Feng that "does not graze cattle, let the cattle work" is a bit unintentional.

However, at this time, there must be a personal reorganization of the Xuan Tieying.

Westerners are not surrounded by Beijing. They are half-dead and occupying the south of the Yangtze River. There must be no extra energy to take care of their gangsters. The northwestern front is now a mess of the Western Regions. There are eighteen tribes in the North, which cannot be regarded as a piece of iron. If you can reverse the northwestern war situation and solve the most urgent purple gold problem at the moment, it is also a matter of time before the foreigners are returned to their hometowns.

A thousand troops are easy to get, one will be hard to find, Gu Yu must go in person.

In the end, it was still Chen Guangxue who came forward to solve this problem. She used a special kind of steel plate to make the Lingyuan court rush out, and it can be buckled on the person, and Gu Yu did not have time to fix the long bones. This gave him a set of artificial steel bars.

Although it is not very good after wearing it, it is good to ensure that he still looks like the wind.

Shen Yi sighed: "I said that I am handsome, I will collect your big heart that day. What are you going to do?"

Gu Yu devoted himself to the boat on the chest and made him dumb.

Shen easy to see this person and play this hand, immediately responded with a deep breath, "嗷" a voice to raise the tone, said: "I said handsome, geese ... oh!"

Gu Yu returned to give him a whip, Shen Yi dangerously used the cutting blade in front of him, a pair of eyes squinting his eyes, slap his chest and said: "Good insurance, almost broken - Hey, handsome, good words, you are angry and angry, I see that the master of the idiot is a slap, but the sandalwood fart is not totally unreasonable. I think you are also hard, the red comet makes you gram I couldn’t fly, I couldn’t move it all the time, and it’s all rotten peaches.”

Gu Yu: "..."

Shen Yizhen took a look at the mouth, feeling that Gu Yu's neck may not be very convenient to twist, or he has already rushed over him.

Gu Yu took back the whip and silenced for a moment. He shook his head and said, "How can I do it when I die in the country? It’s a day. Maybe someday, I’m going to wrap my body. I want to do so much?”

Shen Yiwen frowned. He knew Gu Yu. If Gu Yu really didn’t have that meaning, he would have said it for a long time. He wouldn’t be a bit vague. He’s listening to him now, not so much. It is better to say that he has already had a bias in his heart. It is only because of any concerns that he will temporarily stay in the middle of no time.

Shen Yi: "Slow, son, you won't..."

Gu Yu: "Don't say this."

Shen Yi: "That is your son!"

Gu Yu: "Do you still use nonsense!"

Shen Yi looked horrified, Gu Yu irritated and did not open his eyes.

I didn’t see this old mother when I missed it. When I saw him, I felt so annoyed. Gu Yu simply smashed the horse’s belly and flew out from Shen Yi’s side. He took out a white jade flute from his arms and blew his throat. It’s up.

In addition to playing music, I don’t need to play something that I will ring. What kind of instrument can’t make a good sound in my hand, and Gu Yu, who is clipped into a steel armor by a steel plate, has a lack of breath, and the sound is a little shaken. The tone ran around the girders, which was a bit funny.

But at this time, the sound of the flute was rolled up in the wind, wrapped in a sigh of the west out of the sun, actually beaten in the strip of unspeakable desolation, people can not laugh after listening to it.

Gu Yu’s back was clipped straight by Chen’s steel plate, like a beam column that would never fall, with two wind-cut blades with disabilities on the back... No one was his own.

Chen Chen, who was accompanying the army, listened to the sound of the far and near flute behind him. Suddenly, he felt a little guilty. He said: "With the words of the monarch,..."

"With the words of the monarch, I will cover the matter," Gu Yu flew past her, licking her lips and snoring. "A piece of ice is in the jade pot, hahaha."

Chen Xiaoxue: "..."

Being so picked up, she actually couldn’t remember what the latter half was!

Gu Yu marched like a wind, anyway, with a sage Chen girl, not afraid of the steel plate on his body, left Beijing after the road all the way, just left the territory of Zhili, has been hit by two waves of invaders, not a climate One hit and go back, one touch away, like a few wild dogs that probe the brain.

"I just stared at us just after leaving the capital." Shen Yi said to Gu Yu, "I have handed over to them, hey, the ground is familiar, and I found that I can’t run immediately. I can’t wait for a long time, I hate it. Very well, when I came here, I was hearing about the siege of the capital. I was really annoyed by the rushing army."

Gu Yu snorted and handed the clairvoyance to Shen Yi: "I am afraid that the dog-headed division will still read a few books."

Shen Yi: "How?"

Gu Yu: "I heard that when the retreat is retreating, it is necessary to "make the flag" in order to attract the other party to catch up. Unfortunately, the soldiers did not understand the spirit. The flagpole was cut by themselves. I saw it."

Shen Yi: "..."

Gu Yu frowned: "These artificial things are what they are, do you know? Can you live longer?"

"Where," Shen Yi sneered. "You think the people are too good. Even if there is nothing to do in the land, most of the people will find some small business, or learn a craft, and they will not survive. This group of hooligans." In the middle of the Central Plains, the emigrants of the two places are some casual people, and they are organized by the minded people. In addition to harassing General Cai, they are specializing in the sale of the house. The generals Cai will chase them and run, and will calm down and return. I heard that in addition to fighting homes, there are rules. If someone goes out of adulthood and rebels with them, this family will no longer have to be attacked by these thieves, and their wives and sisters can be saved without having to worry about being taken away. "

"..." Gu Yudao, "Slow, you are familiar with this statement. Isn't this the same as the gimmick system? The military does not pay taxes."

Shen Yiren couldn’t bear to say: "Hey, what is your side?"

"Well, don't worry," Gu said. "Isn't it more and more like a bandit? Not only "tax-free", there is a team to follow, but I can avoid the war, who is the head?"

"Listen to people who are looking at a very scary old bandit. I have been doing this for many years. I have a knife and my face has been burnt. I claim to be a "fire dragon." Shen Yi sighed: "What do you think, we Fast horses and whip two days to bypass this wave of mobs, go directly to Cai Wei Northwest reinforcements station?"

Gu Yu slid in the same place for a moment: "The internal and external troubles are mixed. The cooking is a little bit. There are tigers and wolves in front. There is no worries behind. I want to make a discount and report it to the military aircraft office, saying that we have to stay here for three or five days. "

After the encirclement of the capital, Li Feng immediately took the initiative to abolish the left and right phases of the corpse meal. Later, in order to facilitate the dispatch, he followed the former official system and set up the "Military Aircraft Division" to lead the six departments, and enabled a group of writers who saw the truth in the disaster.

In the military aircraft department, it was brightly lit in the middle of the night. When Jiang Chong pushed the door in, it was already three. The steam lamp was like a dragonfly, but the prince of the geese had fallen asleep on the table, and he still had a pen in his hand.

Jiang Chongben didn't want to alarm him. He personally took the shackles held in his inner servant's arms and threw himself down. He walked in with a light hand, but he was a civil servant after all, and he didn't hide his voice. Chang Geng was still alarmed. . I saw the moment when the quaintly princes of the geese in the weekdays blinked, and the red marks flashed through the eyes. It seemed like a murderous fierce light, rushing to the people in front of them.

Jiang Chong did not respond, and the cold sweat on the back bones came down. It seemed that the rabbit locked by the beast's murderous involuntarily stepped back. The long sleeves scraped the Chang Geng's pen holder, and the pen holder suddenly collapsed.

Chang Geng was so awake, and in a flash, he gathered the murder of the genius and gathered it back. He stood up and said, "I don't get in the way, let me clean up."

Jiang Chong looked at him with trepidation and wondered if he was tired and confused. He asked carefully: "Is Wang Yefang being stung by dreams?"

"Nothing." Chang Geng had nothing to do. "The reason for suppressing the chest... The face is not good to scare you. I am a little bit angry. I just fell asleep and almost didn't figure out where I am."

He said so, Jiang Chong is not good to ask again, always feel that the gas of the King of Goose is a bit too angry.

Chang Geng sorted out the pen holder that was knocked down. Then he asked: "Why, what is the cold stone brother?"

Jiang Chong came back and sat down opposite him: "For the sake of the prince’s squad, the singer’s whistle was not small, and the imperial court borrowed money from the people. So, isn’t this telling the world that China’s library is empty? What is the face of the court?”

Chang Geng doesn't seem to be very awake. He sat on his chair and glared at his eyebrows. He said with a smile: "Half of them are gone, is it a face?"

Jiang Chong: "Is there anyone who proposes that the imperial court will not be able to pay for the money? The treasury is the bottom of the family, and Wang Ye knows it."

"Put the time for repayment of money, and the second and third batches can be reissued. The demolition will be completed. The turnover will come over," Chang Geng said. "The first batch of people who bought the fire ticket can give some benefits. The title, the vacant position in the DPRK, the privilege order, the franchise order... can be, the most ideal thing is that if the matter is implemented, the people can use the bonfire ticket to use the silver."

"If that's the case," Jiang Chong hesitated. "Isn't that the ticket to fly all over the sky? It is inevitable that it will be worthless."

Chang Geng: "If the court is slowed down, you can buy it back. If you slow down this tone, it is the repayment of money. It is a special institution or a special law."

Jiang Chong said again: "There are still people who ask, if there are people in the future who are making fakes, what should I do if I have a fake ticket to ask the court for money?"

Chang Geng was laughed at by this saying: "This matter is to ask the spiritual hospital to go. Is this fine detail to be taken by the military aircraft? Do we want to talk about how to regulate the toilet specifications tomorrow?"

Jiang Chong smiled bitterly: "The words are this truth. His Royal Highness Yushitai also knows... There is nothing wrong with quarreling. I heard that I was writing a slap in the night to see you doing it."

Chang Geng sighed: "Tell a thousand kinds of truths. Now it is only an emergency in the wartime. What else can you do? Is it a heavy tax on the flooded people in the city, or is it necessary to dismantle the emperor’s palace to sell money? I can mention it at the meeting. I can answer in court. If I don’t think about it, I will go back and think about it, these people..."

This court is like this. There is a small group of people who are responsible for the work. Most of the rest are responsible for finding faults. If it happens in the future, it depends on his own thoughtfulness. If nothing happens, it is "why didn't listen to me that year."

This is not to be counted, and there are still various opportunities and interests to mix the water. If you want to do something, it’s harder than going to heaven... No wonder everyone knows the truth of "considering listening," but the most in history is still arbitrary. The emperor of the DPRK and the authority of the lord of the dynasty.

"I am not rushing at you, Hanshi brothers don't blame," Chang Geng waved his hand. "I have been pulling too much around me recently, and I have a bit of a sigh."

"Speaking of the Lingyuan Hospital, the letter to the public yesterday went up two more folds. The next official was first deducted. Wang Ye could see if he could send it up?"

Chang Geng poured himself a cup of overnight tea: "Hey, what did you say?"

"One is to let the emperor revoke the law and lift the ban on the folk long-armed division. One is to let the emperor lift the ban on the folk purple gold trading. It is said that the wealthy businessmen must have their own way, and it is better to play the role of these people. Let me have a lot of ways to send Ziliujin in Daliang."

Chang Geng paused and shook his head: "Follow the letter... Hey, this letter is public."

The old man’s bachelor spirit in the siege of the capital city made Li Feng impressed. Although the temper of this old thing was stinky and hard to recognize, but the loyalty was not said, so he was sometimes nonsense, Li Feng also tolerated.

"Let's take a look at the seal of the law, and there is nothing wrong with it," Chang Geng said. "Is it a matter of purple flow, is it so comfortable against the emperor's dragon scale? He wrote a summary and reported it back.

Jiang Chong reluctantly responded, and was about to stand up and suddenly remembered what it was like. He turned back and said: "Yes, there are still Hou..."

Chang Geng was looking up.

Li Feng returned the Xuan Tiehu Fu to Gu Yu, and gave him the power to deploy the Quartet and the war. It is reasonable to report the big things and small incidents along the way, but Gu Yu did not lead this situation, rules and regulations. Moments regularly on the fold, where it is, what the war situation is, how to do it, and for any reason, all of them are clearly displayed.

Jiang Chong: "Anding Hou has just arrived in the Central Plains. There is nothing to be said. It is only a matter of a bunch of bandits who have encountered a bandit mob. They plan to cook clean, but for three or five days."

Chang Geng snorted: "Leave me to see."

Jiang Chong said with emotion: "The big things are all in the prince here. The rest of the people are listening to the briefings. Only Gu Shuai's folds look closely from beginning to end. The relationship between Wang Ye and the coach is really deep."

When he said, he had to leave and just left the door. Chang Geng suddenly stopped him: "Hanshi brother."

Jiang Chong did not know why he turned back: "What else does Wang Ye have to tell?"

Chang Geng took a hand on Gu Yu’s fold and unconsciously rubbed it for a moment. After a moment of silence, he said with no expression: "I’m tired of helping you collect the objections of the DPRK on the fire ticket, who said, When did I say what I said, I am going to amend the plan as appropriate."

Jiang Chong was shocked - what was the "who said" and "when did it"? He couldn’t help but glance at Yan Wang by the lights of the night lights. His face was young and his eyes were not blue. Hey, at first glance, I feel that I am a noble and elegant son. When I look at it again, my eyes are not spring and rain, and there is a coolness.

I heard that the Emperor of the First Emperor entrusted the Four Dynasties to Gu Yu before his death. He grew up in Anding Hou, and Jiang Chong was shocked. His Royal Highness and Hou Ye were not at all similar.

Jiang Chong: "...Yes."

Chang Geng slightly decapitated, are smart people, do not need to explain more.

When Jiang Chong was in amazement, Chang Geng only spit out a sigh of relief. His sleep was not good. He was so groggy and unhappy. He was so upset that I was afraid of this. Su is not close to the eye, he stood up and changed the indoor incense, and ordered the girl's Anshen San.

Chang Geng stood silently for a while in front of Anshen San, who was unable to remember the content. The nightmare that disturbed his heart was like a needle-like pain. Some outsiders barely resisted it and did not show it. He rarely felt a few times when he felt a urinary attack.

Because of Gu Yu’s injury, Chen’s girl went with the army. When she left, she deliberately called him to the side, letting him increase the weight of the Anshen, and he could rest as much as possible.

This joyful and sorrowful toss, the foundation that he has cultivated for a few years of meditation has been defeated, and it will be more difficult to suppress it later. Ur bones are the most taboo-thinking.

But what is the solution? It’s hard to make a fool and leave, watching Gu Yu being trapped in this broken mountain?

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