Sha Po Lang
Chapter 67 Table of contents

When Chang Geng pushed the door in, he saw Gu Yu leaning against the bed, with a mottled wind-cutting blade on his knees. There was an indescribable fall on his pale face.

Although I couldn't hear the door, Gu Yiyi felt the fine wind infiltrated at the door, and immediately converges on the moment: "How come you back..."

He thought that it was Shen Yi who went back and returned. Unexpectedly, he looked up through the glass mirror to see the coming person, and suddenly he stopped.

Gu Yu’s hand touched Tan’s cutting blade with imperceptibility, and his heart was “finished” and he couldn’t help but think: “Is it still too late to get rid of it?”

Heaven and earth conscience, this is the first time Gu Dashuai has wanted to escape.

But heaven and earth have no conscience.

Chang Geng went straight to him, and if he had nothing to do, he picked up Gu’s paws, put his fingers on his veins, and quietly put a pulse. This time, Gu Banyu finally saw him through glasses. I don't see it, Chang Geng has lost a circle, his lips are a bit blue, and he is the kind of person who can't breathe or poison. The whole person's look is like strong support, and it is empty.

Gu Yu’s heart was slightly reduced, and he frowned. "Where is it, come over and see."

"I don't get in the way, although Chen claimed to be a teacher, she is indeed a contemporary sage." Chang Geng paused, and said, "Hello, I will be fine."

Chang Geng is never willing to sink like Dan Shen and then screaming at the neck. His fingers are still on the pulse of Gu Yu, so there is no gesture, so the whole sentence, Gu Yu basically did not hear a few words. Only received the kind of eyes that are as real.

Gu Yu: "..."

Young man, what are you talking about?

The next moment, Chang Geng's hand slid down his wrist, and he naturally grasped Gu's hand.

After a serious injury or serious illness, the blood is often not continued. It is easy to be cold in the 5th and 6th days. Chang Geng will hold his hand and put it in his palm. He looks very serious and not only takes care of it. On each acupuncture point, it also takes care of the most sensitive place between the finger joints. When you use the fingertips, you can gently swipe it to blatantly remind Gu Yu to know that I am not filial to you, it is hurting you, don’t deceive yourself. .

Gu Yu: "...It’s not enough for your righteous father to be cheap?"

Chang Geng looked up and smiled at him. His eyebrows were very handsome. It was a kind of special handsome mixed with foreign nationality. The sharpness seemed to be somewhat impersonal, but the temperament of the whole body was very peaceful, and he could pretend to be impersonated. The sorghum swayed and swindled, and the contradiction and the slantingly suppressed the point with the innate sharpness. When it was laughed, it seemed a bit sweet.

Gu Yu was shaken by the glass mirror. When a person's mentality began to change, the angle of view could not help but change his face.

He had to admit that for a moment, his color was inexplicably moved.

Gu Yu is not an old monk. The color can move at any time. Although he is not a trousers with a wave of shape, he also knows that it is mainly because there is no conditional wave, and he does not want to, so it is not too serious.

But after all, it is not someone else, it is his little Chang Geng.

Gu Yu is really not going to this hand.

Just when his conscience of the melons and jujubes stood in a row and condemned him, Chang Geng suddenly reached out to solve his clothes without any warning.

The guilty Gu Yu instinctively hid behind, suddenly burst into tears.

Chang Geng took the medicine on one side and gestured slyly: "Change the medicine - I am not a beast."

Gu Yu actually worried that he was a beast. He couldn’t help but laugh at him. He said, “How to make it like this.” He smiled helplessly. A smile involved a bone that was not long in the chest and abdomen. No, that tastes simple.

Chang Geng said: "Okay, I am not making trouble, don't mess."

He did not dare to take care of him again. He took out the seriousness of the doctor for the time being, carefully untied the clothes of Gu Yu, gave him a new medicine, and tossed it. Both of them made a thin sweat. Chang Geng gave me a fine I rubbed it all over, and I was as skilled as I didn’t know how many times I did it. When Gu Yu remembered Shen Yi for a while, his face slightly converged and whispered: "How do you do this kind of thing yourself? Not suitable."

Chang Geng’s gaze stunned and leaned closer to his ear: “There is nothing wrong with it. You are still here to talk to me here, so I can do it.”

He was too close, and his ears were awkward, and he was a little numb under the roots of his ears, but there was no way - he could not hear him.

Gu Yan sighed: "It's hard for you that day..."

"Don't mention it," Chang Geng interrupted him. "Don't let me think of it, son, you should be pitiful."

Gu Yu is still not used to this name, his lips move slightly, but it seems that there is no face and ask Chang Geng to call him "father." Only then did the moment, Gu Yu wanted to spread the story of the city under the voice of the day - can not help but can not help but how to do it in the future?

Is it possible for Chang Geng to go astray and break the child?

Even if Gu Yu’s veteran scorpion is stinky, regardless of his former father and son, but the prince of the prince is committed to a man, what will other people think of him in the future?

Can't - don't say that Chang Gung is the grandson of Fengzi, even if he is just an ordinary white, with this talent and wisdom, how can Gu Yu let him suffer this humiliation?

It’s a pity that the words that were prepared and prepared were brought to the lips, and Chang Geng blocked it. Gu Yu missed a chance to get out of time.

Chang Geng was on his shoulder, avoiding the wounds of Gu Yu, and hugged him for a while. After a while, he pressed his heart down. I feel that I might have to go to Chen’s girl for a while, and I’m getting more and more depressed in the past two days, so I’ll get down sooner or later.

Chang Geng set his mind and reluctantly retreat: "It's not hot today, the sun is good outside, go out and sit down? It's good for the injury."

Gu Yu: "What?"

Chang Geng replayed the gesture again.

Gu Yu thought about it and then replied: "...not going."

He didn't have any opinions in the sun, but he knew that he couldn't sneak out with his legs for at least a day or two. Gu Yu didn't want to know how Chang Geng planned to get him out.

Chang Geng said: "Are you not sulking in the house?"

Gu Yuzheng said: "Now love."

Chang Geng seems to have no way to take him, put the medicine well, got up and walked away.

When Gu Yu thought that he had sent him, Chang Geng turned back and took a thin blanket. He couldn’t help but wrap it around Gu Yu’s body. Then he picked up his little righteous father who could not resist, and steadyly took it. He took the door.

Gu Yu: "..."

Do you want to rebel?

It happened that at this time, Shen Yi, who escaped from the emperor, was not at ease, tangled all the way, and turned back. Unexpectedly, he ran into the scene and the whole person took a sigh of coolness, so that the threshold of Houfu was a big horse. lie.

Chang Geng took a moment, and then he asked if he was not mad at the face: "Is General Shen falling down?"

Shen Yi laughed, climbed up and played the dust on the bomb, and wanted to cover the half of his footprints: "Do not tighten, drop a footprint... Haha, that... I don't bother." "

After that, the strange singer who had eaten outside the cockroach turned away and fled, lest he would kill him.

The reclining chair has already been placed in the courtyard. Chang Geng will put Gu Yan, who is not angry with one place, and take the wind blade of General Tan from his hand and put it on the side of the tea table next to the recliner. He smiles calmly: "What? One year on New Year's Eve, I don't think people outside want to go out. You are not in front of everyone, so I am going out?"

Gu Yan no expression: " you have turned over the salted fish today, and lined up to find me to revenge."

Chang Geng laughed.

After laughing, he took out something from his sleeve and placed it in Gu Yu’s hand: "Give."

Gu Yu only felt that the tentacles were cold. He slightly took a glass mirror on the bridge of the nose and saw that it was a white jade Piccolo. The whole body was like a sheep fat. It was carved into a whole piece. The jade was very delicate and shaped like a zoom out. The cutting edge of the wind, the hand grip on the cutting blade, the relief and even the cutting edge of the tip are all vividly imitated, and the tail is engraved with the word "Gu".

At first glance, Gu Yu thought that the word was hand-carved by him, and it could be fake.

"I lost the bamboo in the past," Chang Geng said. "The capital is dry, it will break for a long time. Then I said that I will give you a better one."

Gu Yu gently rubbed the jade flute, a bit of a sacred saying: "I don't really have a wind blade with his own name."

Chang Geng sat down in front of him and boiled tea meticulously. The gas outlet of the clay pot was steamed. He washed three cups, one for Gu Yu, one for himself, and one for Tan Hongfei's cutting edge.

"Even if Shen Yi has it, I don't have it. When I was young, I always felt that Xuan Tieying was the shackle that the old Houye imposed on me. I didn't feel free because of it."

When he grew up, he felt that this famous engraved iron bar was like a piece of paper, and he had no love, no father, no mother, no wife, no children, no one to worry about, and his suicide note did not know who to leave it. Just holding it in your hand can't make you feel lonely, killing your ambitions -

In the face of Chang Geng, Gu Yu swallowed the latter sentence, just shouted: "It’s all grievances when you don’t know what to do. You listen to it, don’t say it, save your heart. - Old Tan is not a cow. Drinking tea, is there wine?"

"Well, I have forgotten after listening." Chang Geng said, "No wine, General Tan drinks tea, you drink white water, and the two lords are ready to do it."

Gu Yu: "..."

He found that Chang Geng became more and more unkind to him!

"In the past two days, the people in the households have taken stock of their homes." Chang Geng poured two cups of tea and poured a glass of water, gesticulating. "Jingxi’s stock was burned by Han Tong, and the loss of the defending city was amazing. The supply has been broken, I am afraid that we will continue to fight like this. We really have to be unsustainable. Li Feng asked me to ask you what you think."

It’s amazing how a big court is going to kneel down, asking for money and no money, and asking for energy without energy.

"No idea, I can only take a truce." Gu Yu reached out and turned the cup. "The foreigners are actually more expensive than us. They are not only the water and land forces that have surrounded the capital. They also supply the lighter steel for the borders of the 18th and the Western countries." A, it’s not a long-term thing to fight back now, and it’s not necessarily tolerant than us.”

"The Western Marines will withdraw from the sea and will not give up," Chang Geng said. "The cost of paying such a great price is futile. The Western Pope will not be able to go back. They have to fight back. They are now going back to Dongpu Island. If they send troops to Jiangnan, from south to north. Confronting the court, we will be very passive."

The beam is too big, and the court is so poor that it is really easy to lose sight of it.

"Oh... if you can't, send someone to go to the Western Regions. Loulan, the ally, didn't have time to tear his face. As long as he didn't go to the point of rebellion, try to get some smuggling." Gu Yu said, carelessly Starting with a small cup, three fingers were pinched, and I found "Tan General" and touched a cup. "Brother, the king of the geese, regardless of the wine, let the two make do, I can't control him, you can do it."

Chang Geng quietly liked the cup of tea with the windless blade of the owner, and drank it, and sprinkled Tan Hongfei's cup on the ground.

Take tea for wine and sacrifice wine for safety.

After the tenth day, the Western Army gave up the capital, turned the direction, and landed again from the south of the Yangtze River. It was like a broken bamboo. It was already rushed into Lin'an City two days and one night, and the wealthy fish and rice land of the generations fell, and the major families were frightened. Some of them have already gathered up the soft and windy fleeing, and some of them are recalcitrant, invincible, and they are self-defeating after being captured.

Li Feng re-invigorated the old general of Zhong Rong and re-entered the battle. He took Yao Zhen and others and his remnants of the seven-pronged rush to the front.

Gu Yu hard to climb up, hurriedly and the teacher who had been away for many years, took a face, did not have time to deepen, a cup of turbid wine outside the city to bid farewell to the South Conquest, and watched the old generals to go.

On the next day, Anding Hou and Shen Yi went to the northwest together.

The prince of the geese, Li Wei, reorganized the defense of the Gyeonggi Province and led the six divisions. He began his career as a pillar of the East Wall.

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