Sha Po Lang
Chapter 85 Table of contents

When Jiang Chong and others explained their affairs during the period of the south, Chang Geng finally rushed back to Houfu before the sun set, and he saw that Gu Yu was starting to direct his family to pack his bags. He himself sat in the courtyard railings. Next, in the hands of Chang Geng to send his white jade flute, when not often to the mouth to blow a few * sound.

...... If there is any regret in Chang Geng at this time, it is regrettable to give Gu Yu an eye-catching flute. I know that it is good to play with him.

Seeing Chang Geng coming back from afar, Gu Yuchong waved his hand: "Chang Geng comes over, I will blow you a little song."

Chang Geng feared that he was really moving, and he made a big stride to walk over. Gu Yu, who took the railing, took him down and put him in his ear: "Leave your mouth and do something else."

Gu Yu: "..."

He found that it was really black, and Chang Geng became more and more own.

The two walked together to the inner court. Chang Geng asked: "How did you suddenly say that you want to go to the front line of Jiangbei at the meeting today? Scared me."

Gu Yu’s back, the white jade flute reciprocated back and forth at the tip of his finger, and his mouth was smiling with a smile: “I didn’t want to stay in the capital, I’m soaking in this smog, it’s not as good as the front line.”

Chang Geng laughed and said: "Don't you go to the heart?"

"Well, distracted," Gu said. "I don't trust you either."

Chang Gengyi, the smile of the corner of his mouth gradually solidified. For a moment, he knew that Gu Yu said casually, "I don't trust you," but he was not assured that he took a few scholars to the frontline of the emigrants, but A quirky thought is still uncontrollably from the bottom of my heart.

A voice said in Chang Geng's heart: "He doesn't worry about me? Is it because I am afraid of what I am doing, or is it afraid that I will join forces with the old Jiangbei garrison?"

When Gu Yu saw his footsteps suddenly, he looked back inexplicably and looked at him: "What happened?"

Chang Geng touched his calm eyes, suddenly took a deep breath, reached out and rubbed his own eyebrows, and said: "Where am I going, crazy?"

Gu Yu used to be his consolation... Now I want to come, this comfort is stopped by the moment when the emotions flood, since the moment when Gu Yu looked back at him, it is no longer.

Ruthlessness can be comforting, but affection is a magical obstacle.

There is love, desire, color and fragrance, and there is day after day of greed, fear and sorrow, hatred and sorrow, and suffering and suffering...

The seven emotions and the soul of the soul are reversed, and the six are covered by red dust.

Chang Geng rushed to catch up with Gu Yu’s hand with a few moments, as if he had only held it in his hand, and his heart would be settled. Gu Yan’s long eyebrows were raised, and he did not care. He spread his hand in the same place and let Chang Geng put his hand into his hand.

In the hot summer, the general's hand did not warm where to go, only the palm of the hand, a firepower, all gave Chang Geng.

Just as this was, Wang Bo walked quickly, just to see the virtues of the two people pulling in the courtyard, and immediately bowed his face in an oddly sullen manner, and he did not bother to report: "Hou, the Prince's Temple is down." "

"Ah?" Gu Yu was taken aback. "Come please."

Chang Geng loosened Gu Yu and frowned.

After a while, the eight-year-old little prince ran to the front of Gu Yu with a pair of short legs. Hou Fu was too big. In order to maintain his prestige, he refused to hold it. When he came to Gu Yu, the tip of his nose had already taken off. Khan, just entering the hospital, I saw Chang Geng at a glance, and immediately took the trot, and walked into the square with eight hundred steps. First, I wanted to call "Imperial Uncle". I think that Gu Yu seems to be a little disliked, so I am like a little adult. Hearing the ceremony: "Gu Shuai, the four emperors."

Gu Yu talked to him half a squat: "Why did the Prince come out of the palace so late?"

"I heard from the father that Gu Shuai wants to go down with the four emperors, and specially for the uncle and Gu Shuai." The little prince said with a glance, saying that half of the words were forgotten, turning his eyes and thinking for a while, the ears were red, face On the top, he pretended to be calm and self-sufficient. He said, "I hope that I will go to Jiangbei all the way and return soon!"

Gu Yu was teased by him. He listened and laughed. The little prince sneaked a glimpse of him. He was not angry when he was joke. He stumbled out two safety symbols and gave Gu Yu and Chang Geng one person.

Gu Yu teased him: "What is the command of the Prince?"

The little prince was just embarrassed to say that he had not stretched for a while, and carefully took Gu Yu’s clothes corner: "I still want to ask Gu Shuobao, the father said that he used to have emperors... Gu Shuai's copybook. "

Gu Yu liked it, and said nothing, he leaned over and picked up the little prince. He wrote a copy to him directly in the study room. The little prince ordered the servant to use the box and rushed back to the palace.

All the way to the prince sent the prince out of the house, Chang Geng said: "When the Emperor took me as a **** to hold you, now Li Feng is a master of skill, use the Prince to repair your relationship with you?"

Gu Xiaoxiao said: "What is the child's vinegar to eat?"

Chang Geng looked at him with a smile and smiled. Suddenly, "The father is eccentric, never holding my hand and teaching me a letter."

Gu Yu: "..."

Who used to imitate his handwriting, seamlessly to deceive He Ronghui of Xuan Tieying?

Gu Yu: "Are you eight years old?"

Chang Geng calmly took his words and poked his heart: "No one taught me when I was eight years old. Hugel would only take the fire stick that I just took out from the stove..."

"Good," Gu said, "Give you back?"

Gu Yu said, he took the pen from Chang Geng and took his hand from behind. The other hand was on the table, and he lowered his eyes slightly. He thought about it and took Chang Geng down on the paper.旻" word.

Chang Geng was covered with a touch of medicinal scent on his body, and he took a deep breath: "I don't write enough words. I used to copy the scriptures at Huguo Temple."

"..." Gu Yu took a hand, "Go to you, want to exhaust me?"

Chang Geng did not say anything, and he stared at him motionlessly. After a moment, Gu Yu served, and confessed his chin to Chang Geng’s shoulder, and his left hand took his waist and half-squatted on him. His stunned car chanted, feeling that this person has become more and more arrogant and arrogant in recent days, and he simply can't manage it.

Three days later, the deputy and the imperial concubine - Prince Yan and the right deputy inspector made Xu Ling out of Beijing under the **** of Gu Yu and the 20-guards.

Xu Ling is the flower of Li Fengqin in the first year of Long'an. If the name is made, the person looks like a face, and looks like a powder. If it is not the murderous fraternity of the stable Hou, the inspector will stand with Yan Wang. It will be like two sons who are traveling together.

After leaving the Nine Gates, Gu Yu directly took the group to the North Day Camp. Xu Ling was a scholar. He was not too afraid of Gu Yu’s legendary black iron weapon. He bluntly asked: "Hou, we are coming to the North Camp. what for?"

Gu Yu smiled and said: "Change the horse."

The future of this trip was awkward. Xu Inspector made preparations for being devastated and tired of coping with local corrupt officials. Even though he was accompanied by a stable, he did not add much sense of security - especially when he found that Anding Hou was very happy, as if Going to the Longtan Tiger Cave, it is like going to an outing.

Xu Ling Zhengzhang's second monk couldn't figure it out, and Ge Chen had already entered Beidaiying with familiarity. After Ge Chen went to the public door, he gradually took over the military combat preparation from the public letter. He often came to the North Camp to run his legs and all became familiar.

Ge Chen brought a group of people into the lighter steel warehouse of Peking University in the light of the road: "Wang Ye, Xu Daren, please here."

Subsequently, Xu Ling was shocked.

I saw that there was a "鸢" on the flat ground, which was the same size as the red-headed owl of the year. The outer skin was much simpler and lower-key than the red-headed pheasant. There were no carved jade pillars with only a gray roof.

This "鸢" is quietly parked in the same place, and there is no fire wing on both sides. Instead, the four bases are equipped with rows of iron muzzle-like thick holes, and the lines are smooth and elegant. It is like an eagle that has magnified countless times.

Xu Lingying stopped watching: "What is this?"

Ge Chen proudly introduced: "There is no name yet. There is only one such a whole beam. We tried to put the power of the eagle on the small raft. It took a lot of time to succeed. This thing can both transport people and compare The giant scorpion moved much faster. It is still immature, and it has only one such thing. It consumes a lot of fuel and can't hold much. This is the first time outside the test flight. When can I solve the problem of fuel consumption, this air chariot will be able to blast those foreign hairs back to their homes for a moment. My master said that if you can invest in the military, you can call it "Giant Eagle."

Xu Ling unbelievably looked at Chang Geng, which was not unexpected. - His Royal Highness Princess Wang, was this premeditated to clean up the locusts in Jiangbei? Everything that is thousands of miles away is ready!

"We went directly to the front line of Jiangbei," Chang Geng Road. "Hou Ye has already greeted Zhong Lao, and left this thing in the frontline garrison. Then I tried to disguise myself from the south to the north. Waiting for it, why bother to drill their sets? How about, Xu Daren dare not take this "air tank" that has not been touched by anyone?"

Xu Ling’s family is poor, disdain to pay tribute to the dignitaries, and does not bother with the merchants. Although he has the name of a child prodigy since childhood, he is a talented person. He is a talented person. How many times are there for those who have the right? The person who traded the money gave way, and even the great talent who was named Jingshi in the past smashed countless years in the middle of the DPRK.

Previously, the DPRK had a rumor that the last time the Prince of the Goose rehabilitated the canal along the coast, it seemed to be vigorous and vigorous. However, the actual situation gave the major families a chance to insert their own personnel. Xu Ling came out with Yan Wang and knew the local official base of Jiangbei. Deep, the forces are intertwined, and my heart is not innocent, lest I find the end, but I don’t know who made the wedding.

Until then, he felt that a little bit of a geese might not really want to do something. When the tide was over, he said with a loud voice: "Where is the king of food, dare to flinch? Wang Ye please!"

When Gu Yu used the eagle to fly from the northwest to the south of the Yangtze River, it was only two or three days. This air chariot is bulky, and it is slower than the mysterious eagle. However, it is not too slow, from the capital to the front line of Jiangbei, but it consumes Two and a half days later, the news that Yan Wang was out of Beijing at this time has not yet been sent to the hands of the people.

And as they walked, some people in the capital began to be tempted.

The Emperor Longan loved diligence. Since the war was anxious, the air in the whole capital was very tense. It was a bit quieter than the national funeral. The song and dance entertainment was completely stopped. No one wanted to touch the emperor of Longan at this time. The halls are closed and closed, and even a place for recreation is hard to find.

When Gu Yu left, Shen Yi lost a place to drink and chat every day, there is nowhere to go, hate can not grow in the military camp.

At first, there was really nothing. Who knows that I have been hiding for two days, and Shen’s family came to catch him back.

Shen Yi couldn't help but had to go to the execution ground and go back to his own house. I don't know if the person has yet to enter the door. The old man who hangs at the door of the old man is yelling at him: "The two-legged little beast is back, the two legs are small. The beast is back!"

Shen Yi picked up a chaff and bounced on the bird's head: "Shut up, flat-haired animals."

The bird smashed and screamed, and it was very screaming. "The little beast has no hair. You are a small beast with no hair!"

Shen Yi stunned and handed the horse's reins to his family. The word "sacred door star" has not been heard for a long time. He couldn't help but ask for a moment: "Who is coming from home?"

The next person replied: "Returning to the general, the three ladies came with the young master, and they are talking to the old lady."

Shen Yixin suddenly had an ominous premonition - the three ladies were the widows of his three uncles. The three uncles were tired for him. They died young, leaving only a pair of orphans and widows at home. The cousin Shen Hui was weak and sick. When I grew up, I added a wave of troubles. I didn’t have any other business activities all day long. I knew that I was mixed in the heap of fat powder, and my kidneys were over-lose.

Although Shen’s father has always been jealous of his sister-in-law, but she has always counted the uncle’s early death on Shen Yi’s head. The two have not met for a long time. Shen Yi still remembers that the woman wearing the filial piety pointed at him. The appearance of the star can not help but wonder: "What is the matter of the mother?"

Under the humanity: "This ... the villain is not very clear, just seeing the three ladies gave a lot of gifts, the door is also polite, want to come to relatives to move, there is no bad thing."

Shen Yi snorted and walked in with great enthusiasm. He saw his three sisters and his cousin. The pretty widow of that year is now old, and the three lady's cheekbones are protruding. The mandible is so sharp that it can lick the knife. The state of Shen Hui is even worse. The dark circles are fast on the instep. The whole person is a monkey with a sharp-nosed monkey. The shell, when I saw Shen Yi, smiled charmingly, laughing and being uncomfortable.

Still waiting for the completion of the ceremony, the three ladies have stood up, and the pups in their hands have become a group. They laughed and said: "I haven’t seen it for many years. Ji Ping has actually been so promising, the southwest admiral, that is the seal of Xinjiang. In the future, there is no limit to the future. Hey, I am a mother, it is not as good as your heart. I knew that I would kick your brother who was not a device out of the house. He went to the Quartet, and now he will not grow into this bear. kind."

Shen Yi did not know that she was a few meanings, but she was not a guest.

Sancha seems to be a little afraid of him, barely holding a warm greeting, just sitting on the side and not looking at him, in a few words, Shen Yi understands the meaning of Sanchao - it’s a half-day for his cousin Hui Hui is in trouble, Shen Huiwen is not a martial art, donated a small official who does not enter the stream, and also fished for two days in the sky for three days. A while ago, Emperor Longan banned officials from entering the fireworks, and did not care for the eyes. The hook-tree Hutong on the bright side did not dare to go, so they gathered a bunch of friends and friends to go to the dark.

It’s no problem to steal a cockroach, a few bowls of yellow soup, and because of the jealousy and jealousy of the people, it’s got to Jing Zhaoyin.

The whole country is bleak, and this group of people still have the mood to do this kind of thing. Jing Zhaoyin is about to be involved in the battle of the defeated sons. They are all heads and face-faced people. Their respective activities will come out. Who knows that they are catching up with the Emperor Longan to rectify the atmosphere. , hit the gun.

After Shen Yi listened, his mouth was straight and his heart said: "Shen Hui, if this kid is my son, I have already been killed, and let him go out and throw such a person?"

The three ladies wiped their eyes and said: "For this animal, I can ask my grandfather to tell my grandmother that the relationship that I can go is gone. Later, I was handed over by a handkerchief. I married the criminals in the early years and made a few trips for this obstacle. Only after a good sentence can he redeem him."

Shen Hui indifferently licking the seeds, as if the disaster was not caused by him.

Shen Yi didn't make a fuss for a while. Although he was born into a family, he rarely mixed up with this group of people. Who is the lady who is the in-law of the family?

Father Shen said: "So, we should also be good at it."

"No," said the three ladies, and said, "The next day, I personally prepared a gift to the Lu Daren family to thank him. I know that people are not only not accepting gifts, but also polite, saying that it is a small matter, just to We have a good cause for the Shen family, and we may decide to be relatives in the future. I know that it is the light of our generals."

Shen Yi glanced at her, and looked at her old father, a little laugh.

Shen Yi said stiffly: "I don't know what the words of the mother are talking about?"

He went in and out of the battlefield, and the book was so heavy that he couldn't help but get a little bit of murderousness. He looked down and looked up. The three ladies' faces twitched, as if they were uncomfortable with his eyes and looked away from the sights. "The second brother is not telling the generals about the pro-in recent days. The generals don't know. The siblings handed over by my handkerchief are the successor to the Lu Daren of the Ministry of Housing. The daughter of Lu Daren is waiting for the words, and there are talents and appearances. There is a name, when the generals of the family settled in the capital, the gimmicks were very convinced of the generals - the heroes who don't love it? It's just that our generals have a lot of time, they have never had a relationship with the civil servants, and the girl's face is thin, not good. Come ask, ask me to explore the tone."

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