Sha Po Lang
Chapter 86 Table of contents

After half an hour, Shen Yi said that there was something in the evening. I had to go to the North Camp. I didn’t eat at home. I left Shen’s father with an old trousers. In addition to chanting, it’s an ostrich all day long. The orphans and widows who left their brothers used rice, and the three mothers and mothers left and left.

The mother and the son just walked to the door, and they listened to the goddess of Shenfu, and they sent a message. This flat-haired big fairy sent a small sedan of the three ladies, and fluttered with wings and wings: "婊 / 子遛皮皮狗, 癞皮狗."

Shen Hui’s face was black on the spot, and Shen Yi, who was pinching his nose and giving away the guest, bowed his nose and covered his mouth with a smile.

He originally thought that the bird's mouth was not dry and annoying. In the next day, he should squat down and pluck the hair. He didn't expect the foreign enemy to be able to charge for one or two at the moment. He was very relieved and decided to give the old man a good rice bubble. Drinking wine.

However, on the surface, Shen Yi explained: "This animal is hanging at the door all day. People who come and go to see whoever they are seeing are teasing. They learn a slogan, and the cousin does not give general knowledge to the beast."

Shen Hui was a ruined boy who was hollowed out by the wine. He did not dare to smash the thorns in front of the southwestern admiral. He had to smile like a toothache and fled.

Shen Yimu sent the mother and son to go far, and the complexion sank. He stood at the door for a moment and reached out to touch the tail of a starling bird. He said to himself: "I have heard that poor people can't afford to eat rice." Female, have you seen running to the general to buy a general?"

The starlings did not distinguish between me and the enemy. They turned to give him a sip and said, "Oh, stupid animal! You can't get a pin on your pants!"

Shen Yi: "..."

Still stewed.

He laughed at himself and walked back. He saw Shen’s father’s appearance as a sacred bone. He waved his hand and waved at him: “Ji Ping came over, I have a few words to tell you.”

Shen Yicai’s outsiders are embarrassed to attack. At this time, the nose is not the nose, not the eyes, striding over, and Shen’s father said: “Lv is the door of the noble, I despise, I want to marry you. Don't worry about the three uncles, even if you don't directly let people know what to expect."

Father Shen silent for a moment and said slowly: "You don't want to see the cat from the kitten. The father didn't expect that you could wait for the price one day, and you really have the honor."

"..." Shen Yi took a moment and angered. "You don't know anything about the old man. Stop the ostrich and stop, let me do something!"

"Although I am too old to breathe, I still know a little about the outside," said Father Shen, who was too warm and said, "I started from the emperor of Wu, especially the civil and military officials. I have heard of the generals of the military power, the story of the princess, and the rare show of these famous families has rarely happened. Not to mention you, that is, Gu Shuai...I was not only engaged in marriage, but I have not yet had time to pass the door and died. What about the bride?"

His old man spoke and sang like a play, but also dragged a long sound, dragging his eyes and eyes, always felt that the long-term short-term inside is rich.

Father Shen ignored him and shook his head and sighed: "Since the siege of the capital, the emperor was forced to return the Xuan Tiehu and Gu Shuai. When today, there are so many people who are increasingly not looking at the emperor."

Why are you still taking care of me?

Shen Yi did not return to the taste, and after careful consideration for a long time, he found out a little meaning - since the Westerners were surrounded by the city, Li Fengxian was forced to return the military power to Gu Yu, and then was burned by foreigners. Xijing Huayuan and the three generations of the royal dynasty of Ziliujin... Even now the four worlds are unsolved, the powerlessness of the Emperor Longan is infiltrating little by little, and I want Li Feng to know it myself, otherwise he That dog temper, how can he take the initiative to repair the relationship with Gu Yu?

Father Shen said with a ghostly voice: "I watched the stars yesterday, seeing the greedy wolf win the purple radiance, the square stars are bleak, the human heart is like a weed, and the deer has gone down to the Central Plains, and the chaos will begin..."

Shen Yi: "Hey, was it not cloudy last night?"

"Ignorance," Father Shen did not look at him. "I asked you, who is the name of the prince of the Imperial Army?"

Shen Yi took a moment - how many lords in the Yulin army, but according to the usual practice, although they also have qualifications and family history, the highest commanders are generally those who are transferred from the Peking University and are armed with military merit.

However, when this time the capital was surrounded, more than half of the elites of the Royal Forest Army and the former commander Han Yu were in Beijing, and their "female family" North Camp was almost completely annihilated. The damage of the guards in Beijing was terrible. Most of the rest of the Yulin army was that Han Han couldn’t see it. The young masters who stayed under the Imperial City’s roots had a military service. The young masters had military strength and the position was also rising. The top commander did not pass the Beijing University. Camp tempering - it was the next time in the Han dynasty, named Liu Chongshan, is the younger brother of Lu Changchang.

Shen Yi pondered for a long time in his heart, only to be clear about the relationship between the roots and the wrong, the heart is cold, take two steps, press the voice to Shen Shengzi said: "Hey, **** is still old, or you give pointers When Gu Shuai and Yan Wang just left, Lu’s family will figure this out. What do you think?”

Father Shen hit the ground with a rosewood crutch and said: "I know the ostrich, I don't know anything. Are you not the wings hard? What do you want to point!"

Shen Yi was bullied by Gu Yu every day. He had already raised a temperament of a big man who could bend and stretch. When he was cold, he couldn’t hear it. He frowned for a moment and lowered his voice and asked: "Is it a little assistant, dare... ..."

"Little little servant?" Shen’s father looked up and glanced at him and sneered. "The generals, the Fangjia half-shoulders, the Lu family, the relatives, and the death of a country in the backcountry of the country, is easy." Believe it or not?"

Shen Yi: "I don't believe that the Emperor Adou, who hasn't been able to mention it since ancient times, hasn't seen anyone who wants to rebel in the day-to-night. This is a violation of things..."

"Establishment? Yan Wang is down the south of the Yangtze River, Lu family will be a big event, and then the class will often wait for the door to copy it! Is it a fight now? Who is willing to bully the contract?" Shen said, with a cane I took a few words from Shen Yi’s left leg. "Going here is a dead end!"

Shen Yi instinctively went to the right side and escaped from the lower body. Shen Laozi picked up his crutches and slashed his right leg from the other side: "Go here, as long as you dare to do it, open a lifeline." Can you be a great person, which leg do you take?"

Shen Yi frowned: "They want to use the geese..."

This thought is somewhat horrified, and the Yulin army has always been the emperor's confidant. If the confidant is reversed and there is no precaution, the Beijing battalion that cannot be called into Beijing cannot be saved.

Once the Yan Wang compromised, it was really impossible to prevent them from being pushed to the throne. What about Gu Yu?

Will he indulge those who steal the country because of his own personal feelings? According to Shen Yi’s understanding of him, Gu Yu is definitely not.

However, the foreign enemy is stunned, and half of the Jiangshan fall has not returned. If Li Feng is dead, will Gu Yu fight against the Yan Wang Xingbing on this kind of festival, and still be in the eight-year-old prince?

Shen Yi found that he did not dare to play this ticket.

...just no matter how Gu Yu chooses, this way, regardless of the father and son, the friend's righteousness, or the affair with the children of the outsiders, probably have come to an end.

Shen Yi thought sharply... No, he can think, can't the Yan Wang think? As long as he really looks at Gu Yu, the Yan Wang will never...

Shen’s father intercepted him and said: “So, you can repair a book, think of a safe reason to say it, and personally go to the door of Lu’s family and push the family down.”

Shen Yi said: "Is it pushed, what is it? And then it is not a retirement, what do I personally do?"

Father Shen looked at him deeply and snorted, not taking care of Shen Yi.

After a while, the face of Shen Yi’s face was slightly retreat, and his face was shocked. His meaning was that he was letting him go to the right and not to offend Lu’s family!

Shen Yi couldn't help but raise his voice: "Hey, except for the enemy on the frontier battlefield, I have never done such a double-faced and three-knife thing to others. I want to ask which girl to go out and find someone to say that the media is hired. I can't make a fool in this matter, then who am I? You really think that a group of people can get the next king?"

Father Shen stopped and turned his back to Shen Yidao: "Since the Yan Wang entered the military plane, he first solved the shortage of the national treasury, and then escorted the munitions. He pushed the Xuan Tie Ying to the old nest of the Western Region, and the An Sifang and the Huhu. What kind of work – do you know what he thinks in his heart?”

Shen Yi said: "Wang Wang has been partying privately and arrogantly. He just wants to return to the world to be peaceful, and then bring... to return to the country. Is it easy for him to be young and easy? With the old confusion of your group, you are simply...just unreasonable!"

"Tread your tail?" Shen’s father snorted. "With the fact that Yan Wang is doing today, he still needs to join the party? Some people are willing to follow him! Do you know what is "three people into tigers"? The first person It is through the bonfire ticket and the new high school in the middle of the rule of the Qing Dynasty. The second person really wants to calm down the country and do something for the country for the people - there is a third person, "the third person" is the one he has offended. People, the former two can't wait for him to add to the yellow robe, while the latter can't hate to put him on the fire. This "three people" is the same from the roots! The first two people are willing to push him up, the latter will be willing to push the waves, see him conspiracy Defeat to find an anti-crime! Whoever moves the prince in addition to rebelling against the big sin?"

Shen Yi’s lips moved and she couldn’t speak.

Father Shen: "Do you know what is called "carrying Liangshan"? You know what is called "Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it"? The heart is not as good as the water, the ground is wavering, there are three people who are tigers, you say the future - the future Can the emperor allow him to retreat? Who is confused!"

For a time, Shen Yi was as frosty, and he stood for a moment. He finally turned his face and turned away without saying a word.

Father Shen screamed: "What are you doing!"

Shen Yitou does not return: "Do it! Do your bird!"

Full of Jinghua, are people who can't sleep.

At this time, Gu Yu and others arrived at the front line of Jiangbei secretly. They were very happy all the way. Who knows that the one hundred miles is half a dozen. When they are about to land, there is something wrong. They came unfortunately and caught up with an earth-shattering The thunderstorm, this air chariot in order to balance speed and fuel consumption, can not be too heavy, when the cloudless time is a thousand miles, the prestige can not be done, the wind and rain can be regarded as a break, the big carving became a bald .

The whole eagle was swept away by the wind at high altitude, and others could still bear it. Ge Chen, the vital old spiritual pivot, fell down first, and he couldn’t climb up, and Yan Wang wanted to take acupuncture. The technique suspends his symptoms. Who knows that a needle just plunged in, and the eagle slanted suddenly. If it wasn’t for Gu’s eye, he quickly grabbed the collar of Ge Chen, and he almost slammed into the foot of the bed—the needle that just entered the acupuncture point. Can be wedged directly.

Under the guidance of Ge Lingshu, who was as mad as a gossip, a group of pro-arms had to revise the established direction, bypassing this rainy place, and turned five in the same place.

The clairvoyance in the hands of Gu Yu was covered by the heavy rain of the heavens and the earth, and he could not see clearly. He had to rely on his feelings to command: "Go a little, drop a little!"

Another thunder was stunned and almost passed away with the eagle. The eagle in the wind trembled and shivered. The screaming screamed on the wooden floor. The whole side turned over. Gu Yi might have taken a step and just planted it into Chang Genghuai. In the long, Chang Geng took advantage of him, grabbed the railing on the hand, and held Gu Yu tightly in one hand, his face covered with the moisture of Jiangnan rain.

Xu Ling held a mast tightly next to him. He never wanted to go to heaven again in this life. He asked: "Hou, can we still live to check the corrupt officials?"

"Nothing," Gu Yu said with a smile. "Xu Daren is relieved. Who hasn't dropped a few times from the mysterious eagle, don't panic, I am here, to ensure that no one can fall."

Xu Ling: "..."

In the hurricane and bitter rain, the pro-arms said: "Go ahead! Marshal, see the land!"

Xu Ling took a deep breath and didn't have time to read Amitabha. He listened to another guard and said: "Grandma, Ge Lingshu said that there may be problems with the right wing. Let's turn it too big!"

Gu Yu: "Wh..."

The word "么" has not yet been exported, and he feels that the neck is warm. It is actually Chang Geng who is screaming at the neck of Gu Yu when everyone is screaming and eagerly following the eagle.

In a noise, Chang Geng whispered in his ear: "If you can be so lyrical, isn't it?"

Gu Yu: "..."

The prince of the geese, Taishan, collapsed in front of the gods. At this moment, there is still a mood to do this kind of thing. Gu Yu also conquered him. Suddenly, he felt that the letter was justified. His Highness is not born to know what it is called. Are you in a hurry?

The pro-guard said: "To land, help... be careful!"

Gu Yu only felt that the front was black, the big eagle fell to one side, and a fierce squatting on the neck plunged into the ground. The man on the carving was almost smashed out. Chang Geng took Gu 昀 and rolled three times and hit a The top of the mast stopped, only to listen to the "click", Gu Yu grabbed Chang Gung's collar and slammed him to the side, then the mast fell straight down and slammed the two of them.

The scattered soldiers were collectively shocked and screamed. Until then, Gu Yu discovered that he was entangled with Chang Geng’s hands and feet, and looked like a foreigner. He was busy with a cough. , climbed up and looked around.

At this time, it was late at night, and the place where the big eagle fell was a wasteland. When I couldn’t see the side, it’s so quiet. The village houses, the chickens and **** are all gone, only occasionally the summer insects are quietly called. sound--

Gu Yu’s heart suddenly had an ominous premonition: "Where is this?"

A pro-guard slammed forward, and the gas was still not breathing: "Master, we are not paying attention, it seems to have crossed the river."

Xu Daren, who hasn't climbed up yet, heard that he fell again.

They actually got into a fierce battle with a fierce!

Chang Geng turned his head and yelled at the smile: "The handsome man, over the head."

Gu Yu licked his nose a little bit: "This is a big move, don't take the Western soldiers again in a while - ask Xiaoge, how do you deal with this unreliable eagle?"

The two guards will almost go to see the emperor's Ge Chen planing out, Ge Chen's limbs and use the ground to sway the side: "vomit..."

"Don't spit first," Gu Yuqi's collar is not letting him bow his head. The strong man can't, "Is it first to tell me if this stuff can be removed?"

Ge Chen: "..."

Hearing that General Shen had more than three hundred days in a year, he wanted to die and settle down. At this moment, Ge Chen understood him.

Less than half the time of the incense, the guards around Anding Hou followed the guidance of Ge Lingshu, and the power system of the big eagle was dismantled and split into four pieces, consisting of four people. Splitting his head back, leaving a pile of useless scrap copper, Gu Yu went to the big eagle's barrel and exchanged a little purple gold, and found out the fire: "I count one or two, run fast."

Xu Ling was confused and saw that Wang Wang had made a gesture. The two guards set him up and left, and the group flew away from the wind.

Then there was a loud bang, and the huge fireworks quickly shattered the rainy days. Drinking a sigh of thunder in the air, the earth was shaking.

Gu Yu fried the wreckage and burned it!

Xu Ling suddenly changed his color: "Hou, what about recruiting enemy troops?"

"Crap, don't come to the enemy, how do we go back?" Gu Yu said, "Can't you cross the river? Xu Daren, it's okay to follow me."

Xu Daren can no longer believe him.

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