Sha Po Lang
Chapter 124 Table of contents

This is the first time that the Emperor Longan expressed his own position in the Great Dynasties. He did not disclose half of the words beforehand. Not only was Fang Qin a party, but even the military aircraft was 12 points. .

Jiang Chong looked at Yan Wang with a blank look. He said: "Is the Emperor eating the wrong medicine?"

Chang Geng’s face was inconspicuous. When he stood up for the first time, he did not take a salty or sloppy shot. Although he played with his power, he was born with the scent of a person who was extravagant. The posture of the flattering was very humiliating. It is exactly the same as Li Feng’s collusion.

Someone changed his face at the time.

Li Feng knows a lot, knowing that Yan Wang intends to borrow his own power, and the Manchu dynasty is full of ghosts, but this does not matter, he can set a step for the geese, or can give anyone a step.

This time, Li Feng used the two decrees to push the military plane to the cusp of the cusp. He wanted to see that those who took the first emperor’s book vouchers said that he had no choice but to be a half-way monk. The king of geese.

On this day, Jinghua is destined to be a sleepless night.

In the military aircraft office, Jiang Chong whispered to Chang Geng: "Wang Ye, what should we do, let's follow the original plan?"

Chang Geng did not hesitate to say: "Hot hot iron."

Jiang Chong looked at Chang Geng deeply and asked: "Wang Ye, if they push too tight, what should they do if they jump into the wall?"

Chang Geng turned to look at him, meaning profoundly: "I am afraid that they do not jump, Han Shixiong, do you know what is the most useful sentence I have learned in my life?"

Jiang Chong heard the smell of a screaming out of thin air.

Chang Geng Road: "When you are on the road, whoever wants to die will die first."

When Chang Geng left the military plane and went home, he just happened to meet Fang Qin’s car. He told Huo Wei: "Let Fang Daren go first."

Huo Wei responded with a sigh of relief. After a while, he ran back and said: "Wang Ye, Fang Daren said that he did not dare to be rude, and he has already let the road go."

Chang Geng picked up the curtain and politely rushed to the square to admire the hand. The two men passed by in a sigh of relief. It seems that they did not want you to die.

Chang Geng leaned on the carriage, thinking that if he and Fang Qin were in the same place, he would endure the limelight at this time, and wait until the newcomers in the DPRK could not catch up with the traffic finances, and they were unstable and expanded too fast. When I pushed it on, I was waiting for Li Feng’s shot to be right. It’s full of cobwebs like aristocrats. There are stories everywhere, and there are forces everywhere. If you are willing to stop, wait until the battle. Later, some are opportunities to restore the old system.

Chang Geng also knows that Fang Qin’s security is sure, and he certainly thinks so.

So even if you are walking along the tightrope, you must not let him wait for this opportunity calmly.

Fang Qin had been watching the Yanwang car drive away, and told his family to continue walking. The twilight around him and the twilight slowly slipped into the long night. He seemed to vaguely see the general trend of the veins, and rushed through the water like him. And too. However, he was unable to stop. The long levee that he stepped on under his feet was piled up in the sand. It seemed to be mighty and powerful. Actually, there was no way to borrow power. It was the boundless world that was contrary to him.

Back to the Fangfu, the government has already been waiting for the guests in the government. The university scholars don’t take care of the immortals and receive them in the front hall. When Fang Qin entered the door, everyone stood up and looked at him differently.

There is another ominous premonition in Fang Qin’s heart: "Hey, what happened?"

Fang Shi’s face said: "Your sister-in-law is guilty of colliding with the palace in the palace today. She has just been banned and is not allowed to visit relatives."

Mrs. Fang’s relationship with the emperor’s mother Zhao is very good. It’s a joke that Fang Qin’s third brother recognized Zhao’s righteous mother. There is no such thing as Fang Qin’s head. It’s just a politeness to the cousin, and Zhao’s name in front of outsiders. The daughter who is on duty in the palace is "Yimei."

Fang Qin said: "Why?"

"Why? What reason does not have to be there," said the university scholar slowly. "I want to wait for Gu Yu to be a "uncle" in the same year. I have been arrogant since childhood, but I will be imprisoned without a word, let alone My generation - this moment is ruthless, ruthless and unrighteous, it is really chilling."

Fang Qin’s thoughts turned sharply and immediately turned to his family and told him: “Let the horse upload a letter to Zhao Guogong, let him stop playing this naive moth, and accept it when he sees it.”

When he said this, he was suddenly stunned. Someone stood up and said: "Fang Daren, how do you turn your elbows out?"

Fang Qin ignored the others, only staring at the university scholars: "Hey, can't you see it? The emperor is not the emperor. Everything can only follow him. If you let him feel that he is persecuted, he will inevitably be His rebound, we are going to eradicate the Wang Wang party, and what is the use of the emperor?"

After waiting for the opening of the university, Fang Qin went on to say: "I also want to keep the third brother, but I have to go on like this. It is not a third brother who is folded in. Everyone is here, I am saying It’s not good to hear, are you really Zhao Guogong’s own fart/shares wiped clean? If you let Yan Wang catch the handle of the problem, you can only be more passive! You can't let it repair a railroad line, except for adding to Li Wei. In addition to blocking, is there any real effect? ​​Gu Yu said that the troops will be mobilized, so that your foreign affairs team can't get to the front line! What else can you do? Simply cut off the frontline supply and sell the country?"

He was not happy for a long time, and he burst out of his brain, and even the face of his relatives was not given. He was quiet for a while, and then one person said, "Is that adult wanting to swallow this breath?"

Fang Qin: "..."

He found himself and these people simply unable to communicate, especially after the university graduates re-entered.

Presumably, everything will be exhausted, not from the outside world. If you are a big country, you don’t have to have a few surnames in your family. You can have a family in the first generation. You don’t have to be shocked, you don’t have to be martial arts. As long as the brain is clear, self-awareness, and understand what you should do or not - then with the accumulation of several generations, the Yanwang one party will not climb to their heads even if they have three arms and six arms.

Fang Qin looked around and sneered with nothing to say.

Fang Shishi sat down and reached for the beard. "The dogs are invisible and let everyone laugh."

Next to it, there is a veteran priest who is too old to open his eyes. "The second son is talented, but he is young and full."

With Fang Qin’s age, it’s really not to be called “young and vigorous”. However, the university’s university staff shook his head meaningfully: “It’s true that when Emperor Wu was in office, he was still young, he had not experienced those things, and he had lost some experience. I don’t think there are some things to let the juniors know. It’s not bad enough to save them. When the emperors brought the emperors to the throne, they are still here. Going back to the children and grandchildren, maybe there is something that can be done. Strength... But my filial son said it right, let Zhao Guogong converge on his pediatric methods recently, and he can’t kill it with a single blow. What does it cost to do? It’s not enough to make people laugh.”

However, Yan Wang did not give Zhao Guogong a chance to converge.

On the second day, the first branch of the Lingyuan Hospital declared that the steam car had undergone rigorous tests, everything was ready, and the words of the Emperor Longan were kindly asked to see it. Li Feng was glad to take the Prince to go, and he personally sat for a while. As a result, after returning to the palace, he did not wait for the fresh excitement, and he received the fold of the Yaozhen reminder rail line. This successfully piled up the anxiety of the Emperor Longan. stand up.

In the evening, Yushitai sent the last grass to ignite the anger of the emperor.

Yushitai ginseng Zhao Guogong had no sin, and he indulged several crimes such as the embezzlement of the family and the plundering of the farmer's field at a low price.

The Canal Office and the Lingshu Hospital, which are in charge of the steam rail line, quickly followed the rafters, and a large number of people who deliberately pushed the waves to follow suit quickly detonated the situation. The power of Yan Wang’s years of warfare revealed the tip of the iceberg. At the beginning of the last year, Emperor Wu’s rising channel of slow congestion began to be a corner of his life.

Reports of illegal land occupation in various places have been premeditated in general, and finally led to the long-standing illegal land occupation of the girders.

Immediately, there were a few people who watched the excitement and stood up and asked for a full investigation.

Of course, this ridiculous proposal was dismissed by Li Feng. Even if Li Feng wanted to give the family a horse, he would have to gradually collapse. He did not have such a big appetite at one time.

However, Zhao Guogong’s stupid bird could not run away. In a few days, he was arrested. Later, he was implicated in a large number of people who were squatting. When the confession was taken, the onlookers even climbed up the wall and looked up. The storyteller of Wangnan Building compiled a new book in two days, and the fans were very popular.

When the Prince just started hearing, he met such a big case. The young boy grew up and had a good knowledge. He was stunned by the side, so he had a good knowledge.

When I was going down, the Yan Wang, who had not been very vocal, suddenly asked: "How do you see the Prince?"

The little prince was well protected by Li Feng, and he was so innocent. He didn’t have so many eyes. He used to ask Li Feng’s life to “request” his four emperors. When he listened to Chang Geng’s question, he blurted out the words of teaching others: “Han Feiyou Saying, "Jun has no skills, it is hidden in the upper, and the minister can't be chaotic." The stability of the country is in the law. People have sin and loyalty, and there are merits and demerits. If the law is unclear, the party will be rampant and the villain will be rampant. , then... is it true that the politicians will not be able to manage it?"

His childish voice was not over, like a schoolboy who was picked up in the classroom and answered the teacher's father. After reading it, he looked at Chang Geng with great expectation.

Chang Geng laughed and said nothing, Li Feng sneered at him with a slap in the face: "According to the display of this Xuanke, go back and work hard, don't slack off."

The prince did not dare to scream, but he had to hold his head, but his childish language was said to be unintentional.

People who have their own personalities, even if they see a half-large child, they will feel that this person is as full of heart as himself, and the sentence is hidden.

In the evening, the eleven-year-old Prince’s words went away from the deep palace. The university’s scholars sang Fang Qin and brought together the old sergeants who had once stood the emperor, and pulled every spit of the prince. I analyzed it again and understood the meaning of Li Feng.

"Three generations," Fang Shishi sneered. "It’s hard to get into the sky. You must have seen it. The emperor asked the Prince to listen to politics. He was eager to see the life of these old things."

Another person said: "At that time, if it wasn’t for the kingdom to smash the bureau, let’s make a good plan. It’s said that the geese have now been robbed of the throne by confusing the royal lineage, and they have been sent to the backcountry. The wild species that climbed out are also afraid to ride on us. On the head, Yao Wu Yang Wei, Fang Xiong, when it is broken, may be subject to chaos."

Fang’s cheeks stretched out a sharp mark. He slowly looked around and whispered: "You may wish to write your heart in your hand."

Years ago, this group of ambitious conspirators had come together to show their palms, and the names of Yuan and Xiandi were written in the palm of their hands. At this time, they were already thin, old, dead, and rejoined. Together, spread out their own old palms -

"Qing Jun side."

"Qing Jun side."

"On the side of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor has no mother."


"In the same year, Su Wang was pretending to be sick. It was the oldest intention to know that he wanted to secretly enter Beijing. He asked the Princess of the Long to let the Peking Camp intercept it. He took it in the name of "rebellion" and pushed the emperor to the top. The king was defeated." Fang Shishi whispered indecently. "Now the situation in the capital has also been seen. How to get started first, and who is available, I think it is necessary to come today.

Fang University is not a hot brain. He knows that this time he did not care about his family standing on their side. It is impossible to mobilize the Beijing University. Since the last time the Yulin Army Liu Chongshan was in chaos, the establishment of the Yulin Army has also made great adjustments. Anyone who has more than 100 households must undergo strict verification to confirm the innocence of the family, and the military products are really cheap, and some people are eliminated, and they are managed in two ways. They mutually restrain each other and do not interfere with each other, and strictly guard against the fact that some people in the forest army are covering the sky and committing chaos.

However, all things have advantages and disadvantages. The Liangliang family is divided into civil and military, and the generals also have public servants. However, most of them have declined. Otherwise, no one in the Yuan and the years will be available to let one and a half children lead the troops. After these famous ancestors, if the text is not a martial art, it will enter the lining army through the back door like Liu Chongshan. In the same year, he will mix a few years of qualifications, and then find a head can squeeze a military power, and pacify.

After many years of running-in, these special young men and the real soldiers have formed a special kind of ecology, and the two sides give each other face, which can guarantee the combat effectiveness, but also take into account the relationship and face.

Unfortunately, this balance was destroyed by Li Feng after the transformation of Yulin Jun.

The law of the upper class may be self-righteous. At that time, no one reminded Li Feng, who was on the anger, that he had blocked the promotion dreams of the young masters of the capital.

Which young master is not spoiled? Who can be willing to be a small military for a lifetime?

It is not terrible to offend the young master. The important thing is that the ancestral martial arts in the early years of the dynasty, the ancestors left a privilege - the military lords can raise their families, retain part of the armed forces, and shelter the future generations. When the crisis is in danger, it can be the last force of the country. When Liu Chongshan Lu Chang and other people rebelled, Fang Qin used these forces to contain the rebels and dragged them to the North Day Camp.

Fang Shishi looked around and said: "Gu Yu is a soldier in the southwest, and at the same time he is working hard in the East China Sea. The people in his hands are struggling. At present, his people are all guarded in the four borders, and the North Camp is not called. Li Wei is The famous acquaintances are not very grateful. When they go there, they are just following one or two old things. I heard that he is good at riding a shot, but he just played a few times on the castle floor, and he can’t burn a few nails. It’s not difficult to get rid of him - just don’t know if you want to be "dark" or "Ming and Qing"?"

Someone next to him asked: "Don't ask Fang Gong, what is dark, what is Ming?"

I only listen to this half-faced college student who does not change color: "If you want to be dark, just ask the sorcerer to be twenty or thirty people, stay in the middle of the night and lie in the middle of Li Wei, kill it, drown the evidence, etc. At this time, the calm and calm, and the Emperor has no way. If you want to come to the ... ... then you have to let the emperor know, who is the loyal minister, who is saved by his Jiangshan community, how is the chaotic thief taken The next one - there are people who can be treasured."

"This... Fang Gong, it’s not easy to be clear." He spoke of the son of Pingning Hou, one of the three marquis of the capital, and the old Houye had already passed away. This person had a big belly and was struggling to walk. After several times, the door was completely different from the famous, but the brain was unexpectedly clear. At this time, he said, "Why don’t you talk about how to avoid the Guards and the Guards when you start, you will say that if you succeed, you will be the emperor." Not for the temper of the temper, he will not pursue it in the end? The thorns of the North Camp are indeed dead, and now they are not called by the boss. If they are really angry, they will be called? Far from the distance, then the palace ban and the prince priest? Liu Chongshan Lu Changyi party's transformation has not been so far, I am afraid it is not so easy."

"There is no ban in the palace. The Yulin Army is not in any place to go in. After half a month, the emperor has a long life. This year, the East China Sea and the two rivers have a good news, and the Ministry of Rites will take the opportunity to make a big slap. There will be a lot of holes in the drill," Fang Shishi wrote down. "As for the emperor to attack afterwards..."

When he said this, the voice paused and smiled. The narrow and long drooping eyelids lifted up: "Then I have to let him "can't get up", Zhu Gong really didn't have Li Wei, the emperor would Let's let go of it? The Prince said this morning, and everyone heard it. The Prince is a small child. Who knows what is going on in the country? Who is the one who taught him? At the age of eleven, he is full of anger. "Going to the party to destroy the party", when the court refers to the sang, it is pointed to the fact that we have the nose to say that my generation is a villain. If you are constantly breaking, do you have to wait for the future Prince to ascend the throne and give him a white seal?"

This statement is not concealed, and it is awe-inspiring. Fang Shishi is not a veteran of the Yuan and the emperor who took the stage. He is bold and boundless. If he does not move, he will have to make a big vote. He said, "If the emperor does not do it, he will do the emperor." His big brother who has no mother is coming."

Ping Ning Hou’s eyes have been stunned for a long time, and he has raised a bit of a terrible question: "So... will you be willing to give up?"

"The foreign affairs group is still on the road, and it has already been arranged," Fang Shishi said with a low voice. "The front line, the squad of the squad, the squad, the squad, how can it be so good, you can’t think of it." What happened before?"

A storm is brewing in the center, but the geese on the mouth of the storm still seem to be unaware, still squatting every day, and spare no effort to promote his new policy.

I have just happily received a letter from Gu Yu.

This letter was sent directly to the family, and it was a well-written book. When Huo Wei handed it to him, Chang Geng’s eyes suddenly lit up and Huo Tong led a big red face.

"Does he still have three heads and six arms?" Chang Geng lifted the envelope and pointed it at the light, carefully observing the contents through the envelope, and complaining to Huo Wei half-truly, "while dealing with foreigners, On the one hand, there is such a leisurely feeling, let me say what is good for him."

Hou Fu has never had a "mistress" in the traditional sense. Hob is a close-knit guard who knows something vaguely, but it is still difficult to adapt to it. In particular, he can't discuss his family's letter with the special "other master." Listening to the words of the geese, he felt that his character had changed from a family to a broken mouth, and he had to be prudently poked aside as a ruined neck.

Since the beginning of the war, Gu Yu has sent such a thick letter to Chang Geng for the first time. Chang Geng was a bit reluctant to take it apart. He took the envelope in his hand and repeated it, and sniffed it in the tip of his nose, as if he could smell it. A little bit of the taste of the distant person, a face addicted.

The blood on Huo's face oozes out of the pores and stutters: "Wang, Wang, you... what are you doing?"

Chang Geng glanced at him. It seemed that Huo’s face was very funny. He deliberately teased him: “I dreamed of my righteous father yesterday. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep. I know what I’m going to say. "Turning to the side", I received his letter today, you said that it is a coincidence?"

Huo Wei: "..."

The word "my father" made him chill, and Huo Wei thought with grief: "What is Xiao Houye doing? How is it bigger? The more it is not like this! This is to be the coach under Jiuquan. Live with the princess!"

Chang Geng sneered a little, and was about to open the envelope with a knife. Suddenly, a Linji wooden bird came in. On that day, Liu Zhong came to vote, and Chang Geng did not believe him very much. He sent a clear and dark two Linyuan Pavilion. The people accompanying the two rivers, clearly pretending to be Liu Jiaxiao, contact Liu Zhong and the capital, secretly a master, follow the tour group to explore various changes, and always send letters to the capital.

Chang Geng was busy taking Gu Xin’s private letter into his arms and first saw the wooden bird.

After a moment, he sneered a little - some people thought quite well.

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