Sha Po Lang
Chapter 125 Table of contents

A wooden bird has not yet flown into the handsome account, and he was caught by the guard. He put the little thing in his hands and flipped it over and over again. He did not play with any name, but he was thinking of his enemies. When I took the military to see the army, I suddenly whispered to the side: "Give me."

The guards looked up and saw that Shen Yi came in from the outside and was busy offering the wooden bird hands.

Shen Yi took over and touched a dull bird, and kissed him, feeling that he seemed to hear Shen General sigh.

The wooden bird was attracted by the magnet left by General Zhong Rong. Shen Yi gently held it into the account, the light in the account was dark, and several military doctors quietly entered and exited, a sultry The smell of the medicine comes from the nose, and there is also a bit of **** smell that can't be washed.

Yao Zhen is standing on one side, turning his head to look at Shen Yi, his look dignified.

In the water war, in order to delay the time, Gu Yu’s main ship was hit by the enemy, the main ship disintegrated on the spot, and the golden scorpion exploded into a dazzling flower on the water surface. Fortunately, although Gu Yu was stunned and embarrassed, it responded quickly. I felt that it was wrong, and the first time I abandoned the ship and jumped into the sea.

Because the jump was timely, when the eagle took him out of the water, the good man was still not cooked.

The Western Ocean's ocean supply line was cut off, and the upper reaches of the Neijiang River was controlled by Gu Yu in the southwest. The two supply lines were completely broken. In desperation, they had to retreat from the Dongshui waters.

If the coach is not seriously injured, this battle is definitely the perfect victory in history.

This time, Gu Yu prepared all the props such as the war report and the family letter in advance, and the outsiders were squatting together. Even in the two rivers, the news was overwhelming, except for a few high-ranking generals and guards. The medic and the few hawks who had brought him back, knew nothing about it.

It can be imagined how much pressure Shen Yi and Yao Zhen took.

Shen Yi: "How?"

"It’s just right, people are awake," Yao Zhen whispered. "Gu Shuai's transfer of you is too prescient. Ji Ping brother, if you are not here, I probably think that the sky will collapse."

Shen easily smiled and said: "Where, once again, I will be cooked twice... You will stop first, and I will say two words to him."

Yao Zhen nodded and waved with the medics to withdraw. Shen Yi walked lightly and gently, holding up the palm of his hand.

When the bed was put down, the handsome man came in and out, and Gu Yu was completely unaware. Until then, he felt that there was a thick blade on the claw in his hand. He knew that the coming person was Shen Yi.

Gu Yu’s body and bones are not good. The body is covered with steel plates. The whole person is fixed and unable to turn his head. When he is slumber, he will be awakened for a while. Only then will his eyes blink and the cold sweat of the forehead will begin to squat. Even if he opened it, he would not be allowed to focus. The military doctor said that people would easily hurt the eyes and ears in the huge earthquake. He has added more than one time to his own snow. Now his eyes can only be slightly sensitive, not to mention the glass mirror, even if it is a thousand eyes. It does not help.

"I don't know if I can still be good." Gu Yu thought in his heart, "I won't really see it in the future?"

When Shen Yi looked at his stunned eyes, he was sour, and he wrote on Gu Yu’s hand: "The Linyuan Pavilion has a letter."

Gu took a look.

Shen Yi took the wooden bird apart and prepared to write it to him. Who knows how to sweep the contents of the note, his face is first tight.

Gu Yu waited for a while and didn't see him snoring, his fingers twitching on the back of Shen Yi's hand.

Shen Yi is a good-tempered person. In addition to playing with Gu Yu, he will roar a few words in a half-truth, and rarely move the real fire. At this time, he is definitely sitting on the edge of the bed, holding the wooden bird’s hand and suddenly shaking. Come, the chest violently fluctuated a few times, "Card", the wooden bird was smashed by the living bird.

"What is this?" He said, "What is this! Who are we born to die for, who are doing it for everyone? Is this meaningful for him?"

Gu Yu’s heart was tight, and I was afraid that I would not be able to take care of my own eyes. I couldn’t take care of my own eyes.

There was a wound on his throat that was scraped out by shrapnel. It almost hurt the big veins. It almost overlapped with the old scars. Although it didn't become a reality, it was very difficult to talk, like a broken bellows.

The broken bellows asked: "Is it still necessary to insist on peace in the DPRK?"

Shen Yi’s eyes are all red blood, and he wrote in the hands of Gu Yu: “The Linyuan Pavilion sent a special person to monitor the foreign affairs group and found that some of them were secretly communicating with the Western messengers. A group of people with unknown origins were mixed into the foreign affairs group. ."

Gu Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and moved to the neck where he was caught. "What am I supposed to be... Isn’t the list of foreign missions already sent? No sudden addition, it’s true, it’s big. They are outside the station, it doesn't matter."

Shen Yi: "Because of this embarrassment, the foreign affairs group had no reason to come back to the front line. They were on standby in Pengcheng and asked the court for a purpose. Li Feng said that the original road was not good enough to return, so he would take a break in Pengcheng. When the court’s military supplies are allocated, they must be sent to the front line of the two rivers together, counted as...”

Gu Yu slightly raised a long eyebrow, Shen Yi paused a little hard, and wrote in his palm: "The army."

These two words were too sensitive to all the old parts of Xuan Tieying. Gu Yu obviously twitched, and then was forced to be tied back to the original position by the steel plate on his body. The cold sweat flowed down the corner.

Shen Yi hurriedly pressed him: "Zi Zi!"

Such a toss, Gu Yu's bandage at the chest apparently bleeding, the taste of blood broke through the heavy gas, thick ink scattered in the air, which made his face more pale.

Shen Yi has the illusion that his whole person is slowly evaporating.

And he still refused to faint.

Actually, it is necessary to maintain a illusion of both internal and external.

What can one have for a living and forgetting to die in front of him?

Even though there is a history of glory, it is just a block of cards.

When the aristocrats of later generations think about it, they will come up with two free-standing allusions, or deliberately swear a few words to show that they are broad-minded and different.

When the people in the city think of it, most of them like to compile some anecdotes that catch the wind and catch the shadows. They arrange him together with one of the inexplicable red sleeves in the life of the Emperor, and run away one hundred and eighty times. Yan Fu is dead.

Shen Yi: "I will write a letter to Chen girl immediately. I am... I will accompany you to resign and go home. You will simply abduct the highness of your temple, be willing to raise and cure the wound, be willing to cure the disease, and control what Li Jiazhang’s family !I……"

Gu Yan sighed and gently held his hand.

Shen Yi was so angry that he couldn’t speak, and he made a preparation for crying in the place where Gu Yu couldn’t see it, but he didn’t dare to tremble and twitched too much to be noticed by Gu Yu. Inhale with your mouth silently, and tears will continue with your own steel armor.

Gu Yu still feels it, but he has not debunked it. He patted him and whispered: "It's not a big deal, you don't have to fry... Chang Geng has news?"

"Yes." Shen Yi wrote, "Your Majesty said, "You don't have to worry about anything else. If there is a swearing intention to make a mess, it is the temper to kill. If the capital collapses, he can hold it."

Gu Yu smiled weakly.

Losing blood will make people's minds unclear. He has to spend a lot of energy and go all out to concentrate on the things in it: "I said how this is... I haven't finished playing, some people want to cook first. I... cough, it really is the capital city, some people jumped to the wall, there is bound to be a battle between us and foreigners, I can’t walk now, can’t help him too much... you put the foreign mission in, and then immediately buckle Strictly guard, cut off their connection with the capital, if the Westerners are in it... cough... what role is played... it’s better to count..."

Shen Yi does not say anything.

Gu Yu: "...Ji Ping?"

Shen Yi suddenly asked: "Do you think it is worth?"

Gu Yuyi.

Shen Yi’s eyes swiftly passed through the blood of his chest, close to Gu’s ear, and sent his words into the ears of the blind man word by word: “What you think is that there is bound to be a battle between us and foreigners. What other people think is how to pull down your general. Do you think it is worth it?"

Of course, Gu Yu’s heart can’t be completely ruthless, but unfortunately there is such a love for the fragile hair. They get along with each other, no matter what they think, they must have a hairdresser. One is responsible for calmness, and Shen Yi preempts the role of the former. Gu Yu has no choice but to act as the latter.

Gu Yu: "When you spend five or two silver dollars to buy the broken girl, it is worth it. Isn't it a big deal?"

Shen Yi: "I am guilty of a woman I like, and I should be divided. I am not a shame. Who do you give this monk?"

Gu Yu replied slowly: "Sure enough, there is no dutiful son in front of the bed, and you are filthy."

Shen Yi: "..."

In the half life of Gu Yuma, how many times have he thought of leaving people in his heart, and Shen Yi’s thoughts on how many times he “had no matter what the money is.” He opened his hand and turned away. He said, "You love death and not die."

Gu Yu: "Ji Ping!"

His hand grabbed a handlessly in the air, grabbed an empty space, his fingers were tied with bandages and wounds, and his fingers were almost deformed. The five fingers were not close together. The pale skin was covered with scars and exposed from the dead bandage. At that point, I will feel uncomfortable in Shen’s heart, and suddenly I have no attitude.

Shen Yi: "Don't move!"

Gu Yu whispered: "These two days... Dong Hao must have a messenger secretly looking for us to contact, and after all, it is a civil servant, you have to rely on you..."

Shen Yixin is sore: "Oh, don't say it, I know."

Gu Yu was interrupted by his voice, and he was not angry. He didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly he laughed and gasped for a while. He said to Shen Yidao: "Chang a country, become a world famous, After a hundred years, the people will give you a slogan, and how good it is to eat incense."

Shen Yi ridiculed: "What is your seal? Anyway, the door **** has already, can't it be a window god? Bed God?"

"It's all the same," Gu Yu said with a low smile. "In any case, they don't care about... Which temple to worship, they are almost like... Hey, he is promoted to be rich, and he wants marriage.... And the baby."

Shen Yiyi, well, isn't this a liar, a matchmaker and a son Guanyin?

His heart was even more sorrowful and he didn't want to be with this kind of person.

Gu Yuqi is like a silky road: "Shen Daxian, give me the flute in the bedside box."

Shen Yi sighed and took out a small box that he had collected on the pillow of the handsome account. There was a sleek white jade flute, a stack of thick, unknown paper, and a few handles carved differently. The cutting edge of the name of the person.

This little box seems to have all the love and righteousness of Gu Yu.

"I won't die." Gu Yu grabbed the cold jade flute at his fingertips and thought firmly in his heart. "They didn't kill me on the spot, I won't die. Chang Gung's Ur bone has not solved yet." There are so many people who want to find him, I can..."

What can you do? When he didn't have time to think about it, he was once again in a stunned exhausted coma.

A thousand miles away, the night is half-three, Fangfu.

Fang Qin looked like a water in the house, silent for a long time, slowly raised his head and asked: "Really? You heard it?"

The little cockroach in front of him trembled uncontrollably and nodded quickly.

The family of this generation suddenly laughed at the family. After a while, he covered his face with one hand and shook his shoulders. I don’t know if I was crying or laughing. Fang Qin once designed Lu Chang to go on this road. He once thought that Yan Wang was ambitious. Maybe one day he would embark on this road. He never expected that the first step was actually his relatives.

When the literati first read the words of Mr. Hengqu, "for the sake of the heavens and the earth, for the sake of the people, for the sake of the sacred school, for the peace of the world", every literati had tried his heart and thought that he had One day to achieve the unparalleled national sergeant, the ability to smash the country for thousands of years. However, the blood of this snack will always be called the name of Lilu to grind a little, and the time will be gone to the point. The world will speculate and grind it a bit, and it will be worn away, and it will fall into the "窠臼" for a lifetime...

Throughout the ages, there are so many talented people, and how many people are there?

On the night of the night, Fang Qin sat in his study for a night, and the next morning, he ordered his central belly and secretly sent his wife and children away.

When the first jingle of the fourth day sounded, Fang Qin thought that he would rush out and drag the geese to the ground to inform the upcoming premeditated rebellion.

Unfortunately, this process imagined hundreds of times in his mind, and finally did not make a trip.

Loyalty and filial piety are both perfect. He knows that he is not a national sergeant and he has to end it all the time.

Five days later, an unidentified gossip flew into the capital and was introduced into the ears of the big-age ambitions. After a few days after the foreign mission to the squadron arrived at the Jiangbei battalion, the Jiangbei battalion suddenly became unexplained. Closed up.

The news received by Fangjia is more detailed. The university student received a note from his student, which simply wrote the words "what happened."

At this point, the university scholars had a long sigh of relief. Obviously, they did not expect that it would be so smooth. The Westerners who looked at them helped him such a big favor. His heart was full of inexplicable excitement, because "half of the country" was completed. Xiongtu’s hegemony is eye-catching.

At the same time, the matter of Li Feng’s birthday was raised by the Ministry of Rites, and Fang Qin took the lead to reconcile. Even the Yan Wang Party did not come out to find it on this occasion, and unanimously agreed to the big office.

Yuan and Xiandi came once every year. During the Long'an period, they gradually became convergent and frugal. Therefore, the process was ready-made. In order to ensure that the flattering was not photographed on the horse's leg, the Ministry of Rites began to secretly prepare for it. The Emperor approved it immediately and methodically. Working, and to the same day, the northwestern messengers have been ceremonious, the fireworks on the nine doors, Jinwu can not help, the bells and drums rang, the lively can not.

The emperor wants to go out to the palace to worship the heavens, and to confess to the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors. This year, there is no one-year-old, and there are some merits. This time, he has a long memory, and he is closely following the thirteen escorts. The official did not bring one, only led a prince, under the altar of Yan Wang led the military machine rate led by the official.

Sacrifice to the heavens and the earth, worship the ancestors, a bunch of things are well organized, and no more moths appeared. Li Feng’s heart was finally relieved, and the shadow left last time was over and ordered to return to the palace.

The emperor stepped up and drove back to the palace, and the imperial forest outside the imperial city was handed over to the ban, and it was changed at this time.

I don't know who suddenly screamed: "There are assassins!"

The voice did not fall, and several Dongjiao's boomerangs broke through the air and went straight through the crowd of officials. They wiped a Hanlin's sleeve and slammed the row with a cold light. The old Hanlin didn't say anything, two eyes. After turning over, the two teams of internal and external guards responded at the same time. Some people called "protection" and some people called "to catch assassins."

Who knows that suddenly a Yulin army violently smashed into a prince, Chang Geng left the Prince recently, slammed the ground forward, grabbed the prince's belt, and dragged the person back dangerously.

Someone in the chaos cried: "The Royal Forest Army is against it!"

The commander of the Guardian Army who performs the main **** mission is inexplicable and blurted out: "Fart!"

At this time, some people wore defensive clothes, and found a small cockroach from their arms. They hit Li Feng’s steps and Li Feng almost rolled down from the steps. The Guardian Army commanded the heart: "The Guard Rebellion, but also to try to let us recite the black pot, this is not the case!"

"Slow! There are traitors in the Guards, assassinating the Emperor, and winning!"

After the Yulin army was changed into two parallels, for mutual restraint, the two sides had no communication and competition. One side performed the main guard, and the other side cooperated with the supervision. Of course, the coordination was a loss, and all the way to go, the same work, But can't show his face in front of the emperor, how can he serve?

The main guards believed that the assassin was hidden in the Guards. The Guards believed that the main escorts were not in control. The Guards believed that the Guards of the Guards had changed. Under the deliberate provocation of the people, the three parties suddenly fell into chaos.

The DPRK generals all Nadeqilai Gu Yun almost all been transferred around the garrison, now stranded capital in addition to wimp is a malicious schemer, the presence of a suddenly deserted them.

Fang Chin, who saw the opportunity to find any way deliberately rushed in front of Li Feng, surrounded them and said: ". Danger here, please come quickly leave the emperor."

Followed by a group of unfamiliar guard, Chin Fang: "The emperor under the Pacers Chendeng please swear to guard the emperor!."

Panic, Li Feng did not pay attention to many details, grabbed Fang Chin's arm: "? Prince of it."

Fang Chin Chong guards while winking to Li Feng said: "It was there to protect the Prince, just to see Chen Yan Wang also there, fear is temporary break up, you go first, Chen immediately sent someone to go and look."

Li Feng angered: "The North Camp! The lawless things..."

Fang Qin responded, and at the first time, he assigned his own people to pretend to run out of "transfer orders." This is also what they thought early, can not let the defensive reaction, to isolate the emperor early, cut off his connection with the ban and the North Camp.

Fang Qin even swindled and urged Li Feng. The people around him were put on the clothes of the garrison. At this time, Li Feng did not pay attention to it. When he reacted, it was too late.

At this time, the front line also changed.

The Pope received news of his own gangsters mixed into the foreign affairs group. The coup was a coup, and the squadrons sent by the Emperor Daliang to the station were actually assassination missions. They planned to reproduce the scene of the Northwest Xuan Tie Battalion 20 years ago. He is seriously injured and may even be dead. The garrison is forcibly blocking the news, but the inside is already confusing and it is a good opportunity to fight back.

If it is kept in the usual way, the Pope may not believe in such news, at least send people to verify it from other angles. However, he has no such room.

The Liangliang Shuijun cut off two important lines of contact between them and the country. However, on the one hand, the battle between the Holy Land parties has become close to heat. On the one hand, the old colonies have started a rebellion from the Nanyang Islands. He lacks skills, and now he can only go through the East Line.

The Pope did not believe in Dongpu people at all. He always felt that the hyenas could take a bite at any time, so they were eager to break their deadlock.

No one knows better than him. The prestige of the Western Marines on the water is supported by abundant energy. Without a large number of purple gold backing, it is simply a group of scrap iron.

Mr. Ya made a rigorous strategic deployment and sent people to the East Shogunate to request cooperation.

The Dongpu people nodded their heads and then hurriedly sent the people away, turned back into their own yard, and closed the door.

A dusty servant of the East Warrior did not know when to come in from the back door, took down the fight, whispered: "I saw General Gu."

"There is no serious injury, no death, right?"

"I can't be sure, I only rushed to see him, and I was not enough to talk to him in my capacity. But the garrison was well organized, the gunfire filled up, there was no confusion, like I was ready to attack. I have not seen the so-called assassination mission. "If there is, it may have been secretly controlled."

"I know, hard work."

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