Sha Po Lang
Chapter 126 Table of contents

The little prince was scared in the chaos of the soldiers, and he couldn’t find the North. He could only hold Chang Geng’s hand tightly.

The two armies were in chaos, and the civil and military officials rushed to the ground. The emperor was scattered on the ground, and the man was scattered, and the goal was concentrated. The assassins who deliberately mixed the water rushed over to Chang Geng and the Prince.

The original words of the adults before coming to the party are "must kill the geese, if there is a chance, don't let the princes pass."

Astronauts saw that these two goals were actually together, it was a special trip to them!

An arrow flew over the head of the prince and flew over. The prince was dragged by the Chang Geng puppies, and they couldn’t call it out, scared to twitch.

Suddenly, someone reached out and wiped the tears on his face. The prince saw through his sly eyes and saw his four emperors wipe his tears. He raised his hand to reveal a black iron wristband, and the sleeves that popped out instantly fell apart. An assassin's wrist, Yan Wang grabbed the assassin's knife, and the handle was turned. "Dangdang" hit a passage in one go.

"When I was like a Prince, I was besieged by a group of hungry wolves outside Peking University." Chang Geng said very smoothly. "At that time, there was no one in the snow, no one in the distance. I only had a knife for the children in the country. It’s not ordinary wolves. It’s the barbarians who raise them in their own way. They are used to kill people. They are big and stand taller than me.”

Yan Wang has always been known for his outstanding style. Both the enemy and his friends have to admit this. He is different from most of the princes who have grown up in the capital, and he has few glitz, but he is also a soldier with a cold warrior or a military. Different, there is no cold and suffocation. He looks very quiet, but it is not the master of the ancient light of the ancient Buddha, he is like a fierce stone statue in the temple - people are daunting, but also filled with silence. Many people secretly learn the graceful and graceful tone of the geese, and it is difficult for others to associate him with the hungry wolves.

The little prince was stunned.

At this time, the two assassins rushed in tandem, one person chopped to the little prince in the hands of Chang Geng, intending to force him to retreat, and another person sealed his retreat from behind.

Chang Geng sneered in a low voice.

Children who grew up playing with swords and shovel from Houfu, will they retreat in front of opponents of this level?

The sword in the hand of the assassin on the Chang Geng horizontal knife bar, the other side of the horror was too late to withdraw the sword, the hand blade suddenly collapsed, his hands across the chest indiscriminately, was smashed by the geese.

Then Chang Geng kept on foot and flew the first three steps. He turned back and pulled out the blade by the force of turning around. He was scared that the chasing soldier had retired two steps and slammed into a rifle on the lance.

The little prince has never seen a chicken, let alone kill? Immediately, I was so frightened that I closed my eyes in a hurry, but even if I was so, I was so smoldering that I was screaming with blood and screaming, "Small Emperor..."

"There is nothing to be afraid of." Chang Geng said faintly. "The people who have the skills are not at the front line, or they have already been wounded by Ma Ge. The rest of the group is a waste. Without the ability to kill the enemy, they can only scare." Frighten the child - are you still a child?"

The prince grievously said: "I am."

Chang Geng seems to know what he is thinking, and his mouth is slightly bent.

"It's still a child," he thought. "It won't be soon."

At this moment, the Guardian Army who rushed over with the gun shouted: "Wang Ye! Your Royal Highness! Come here!"

The little prince instinctively wants to follow the past, and Chang Geng pulled back with a scabbard and pulled back.

The footsteps of Prince Edward have not yet reached the point, and they have been splashed by blood. Only those who shouted in the blink of an eye split into two, and a heavy armor did not know where to rush out -

At this time, Li Feng, who was held hostage, finally found that these people who escorted him did not go in the palace, but in the place where no one was running. He jumped in his heart and raised an incredible guess. He immediately turned to ask: "What happened? Fang Qing, where are you going to take you?"

Fang Qin’s footsteps kept going, and he did not hesitate to worship. Lang said: "There is a performance of the singer."

Li Feng is hard to set the channel: "What do you say? Stop! Hey, let's stop!"

No one cares about him. The two fake guards set up the dragon's dragon body and forced him to go.

"The priest is to be the prince of the prince, Li Yu," Fang Qinyi said from a word. "He colluded with the unscrupulous business, borrowing the name of the fire ticket, selling the official prince to the point of no shame, this sin. For the Son of Man, there is no filial piety for the emperor. Instead, in order to win over the military, he often stays in Houfu for the night. He still calls it the "father of the righteousness" after the sergeant. This is a sin of the sin of the father, no father and no king..."

If Li Feng does not understand what this is, it is probably that his brain has been stupid. He has a deep voice and immediately shouted: "Fang Qin, what are you doing!"

Fang Qinlang said: "Your Majesty, now I have set up a heavy ambush, just waiting for the thief of the thief, Fu Chen, the minister, etc., although incompetent, willing to follow the sages, such as the traitor is difficult to swear, swear to death side!"

The voice did not fall, and the surrounding party feathers immediately echoed: "If the traitor is difficult to do, swear to death and clear the side!!"

Li Feng was stunned. When he looked around, he saw all the strange faces. The imprisoned army of the armor was surrounded by him. The faces that looked familiar to the temple are now more strange than one, and all of them seem to be draped in human skin. Ghostly, blue-faced and fangs ready to embrace him.

This is the monarch.

Is this the same when Emperor Wu was in power?

Is this the same when Yuan and Xiandi were in power?

Li Feng knows that he may not be able to compare with Wudi’s life of opening up the territory. Isn’t that even the father who has been secretly dissatisfied in his heart can’t compare?

He can't accept this anyway.

However, it is no longer acceptable. It seems to be true. When Yuan and the emperor were in power, there was no foreign enemy around Beijing, and there was no wave of anti-thieves thinking about pulling him down the golden throne.

At this moment, Li Feng did not have too much anger or fear. He only felt that a big slap in the face was on his face. He has been more than 3,000 days and nights since his succession. He has not had a good night's sleep, staying up all night, nowadays It seems that it is all in vain, but it is not as good as the first emperor who spent the whole day in a woman's pile of wounded spring and autumn.

He watched his self-esteem smashed and smashed in front of the indifferent rebel army.

"Okay..." Li Feng was trembling. "You are so... great courage!"

Fang Qin bowed his head and did not go into contact with him. At this point, Fang Qin knew that he was no longer difficult to pretend to be loyal to the loyal minister: "The emperor forgives sin, and Li Wei covers the sky with one hand, and cannot see the ancestors. The ministers waited for the peace of mind, and there was no other way to do it. Only then did they sin, but they were sinful. However, the thief was rampant, and the party’s forces were all over the country. When Yan Wang died, these people must be in chaos and ask the emperor to make a decision. Clean up thoroughly."

Li Feng gritted his teeth and said: "What are you going to do?"

Fang Qinli went to the ground and looked at the ground. "The minister does not dare. The Weichen knows that the emperor is frightened and his mind is uncertain. He has already made the intentions, please take a look."

After that, immediately next to someone, holding a sacred hand in both hands, it really deciphered, all-inclusive, only the jade seal.

Li Fengfa opened the two of him and took a step forward. He grasped the collar of the man holding the imperial edict and then took a nap.

Under the wrath, Li Feng completely forgot his own lame leg that had not been well-received. This time he did not stand firm, and the person he shoved did not move. He himself went down one side.

Under the Lang Lang Qiang Kun, there was no one to help him. The real family and the fake banned army watched the emperor fall into an angry fart/strand, and scornfully indifferent.

At this moment, a person with a defensive appearance ran all the way, presumably also a counterfeit goods. This person first looked at Li Feng and then turned his head and said, "The grown-up, the chaotic thief has already been in a hurry!"

Li Feng’s legs completely lost his strength. He sat ridiculously on the ground and pulled out a few words from his teeth: "What about Prince?"

The fake **** first looked at Fang Qin and got the approval. Only then did he carefully care about Li Fengdao: "Prince... Prince is assassin... Hey, please the Emperor first to mourn."

Li Feng’s mind slammed and blew.

His chest was cold, and when he came back to God, a blood coughed out. Li Feng sat on the ground and watched the thick black blood flowing down his fingertips. He thought to himself: "Why? So embarrassed?"

Fang Qin’s hesitant look flashed over and subconsciously reached out. He seemed to want to help Li Feng, but he still didn’t touch him. He stretched his hand halfway and shrank back. His face hesitated and could not bear the tide. The fading, he said coldly: "The Emperor is not only a prince under the knees, even if the three emperors are still young, and the great hall is diligent and eager to learn, smart and good, please take care of the dragon body for Jiangshan Society, and focus on what you want!"

After that, he smashed the "Decree" held by his hand and asked Li Feng: "Please the Emperor!"

Li Feng waved the "fake imperial decree" in Fang Qin's hands to one side: "You dream!"

Fang Qin silently wiped a face that had been smoked by the fake sacred ceremonial, keeping his posture in a squatting position. The upper body leaned forward slightly, sighed and whispered in a very gentle tone: "The emperor, your dragon body In our hands, even if there are hundreds of thousands of outside... Even if the North Camp is coming, no one will dare to move. Today, this sacred decree, you have to go down, you have to go down, what is wrong with the emperor? He heard that his temperament is gentle and restrained, and he has quite a royal style. It is different from the wild species of Yan Wang, which is unknown. This is what I should have in the royal family. Don't you think?"

Li Feng had a terrible chest pain. The whole person was like a icy cave. He was very cold. He hurried a few breaths and sneered. "And then? Ai Qing will not wait for the account after the fall, then what are you going to do? Or directly killing? The Queen's body is weak and disregarded. The Queen's mother's family is full of copying, and there is nothing to rely on. It is a good material to be a good man... It really sounds a good calculation!"

Fang Qin shook his head in disappointment: "Otherwise, the emperor? The Prince is unfortunately killed, and the traitor Li Wei has already been in a hurry... Oh, of course, if you want, you can pass the following three priests. But the three halls are too small, both Haven’t entered school yet, are you not kidding the ancestors?”

In a person, there may be thousands of ritual and religious constraints. It seems that the tying is impregnable. In fact, it is not so strong. As long as the sorrow is put back, it will be a step further. In the future, it will be shameless and broad, and there will be no taboos.

At least Fang Qin did not think that he would say this one day.

Just as he was slightly distracted, the ground suddenly trembled, and everyone was nervous for a while - this neat step statement made it look like a well-trained team, according to the tremor, at least there is heavy armor!

Could it be Beidaiying?

Fang Qin’s heart was "slightly", and this section of the festival was not in the plan, I am afraid it was born! He took the initiative and waved his hand, and several claws flung up to hold Li Feng: "The grievance emperor escorted us a journey."

Several fake guards surrounded Li Feng around, left and right, and pulled him back in the other direction. Who knows that he had just turned a corner, and the person who opened the road suddenly stopped - there was a team of guards in front!

How did they get out of the way?

No... It’s nothing to get out of, although it’s a little faster than you think, but once you hear the wind in the palace, the guards will immediately fall out of the nest, and it’s really easy to hold the situation down.

The question is how did they find it?

Fang Qin looked at it and looked back. He looked around and found that the detective who had come back to return "Yan Wang and Prince is dead" is gone.

There are traitors!

The footsteps behind him gradually approached. Once again, it was not a heavy armor that forced them to choose their way. It was just a pile of shovel that didn’t know who to pull out from home!

Fang Qin had a cold sweat and slammed back to God, knowing that they were falling into the trap of others.

However, this is the end of the matter, and he is not allowed to scrutinize him. He grabs Li Feng and uses a sharp sword to reach the fragile dragon's neck. He says, "Who dares to move!"

The emperor is a golden object, and no one wants to bear the reputation of an indirect prince. The pace of the Guards has stopped for a while.

Fang Qin never dreamed that he would be so bad, and he was scared for a moment. He had a sore throat and gasped for a few times. He couldn’t wait for the countermeasures from the confused brain. The Royal Forest Army finally arrived at a slow half-shoot. At the same time, an eagle came from outside the Nine Gates. It was the Eagle of the North Camp who was requesting to pass the ban!

Just listening to the "噗通" next to it, a party feather was scared to kneel down.

Fang Qin slammed his teeth and said to the Emperor of Longan: "Please ask the emperor to let them go."

Li Feng was embarrassed and sneered: "Dreaming."

At this moment, a feather arrow suddenly came from behind and just wiped Fang Qin’s shoulder. Although it did not cause any substantial damage, the burning pain of the skin opened suddenly broke into Fang Qin’s mind. That string.

The delicate balance was broken.

Li Feng saw the opportunity and pushed him a lot. He immediately rushed out.

However, the lame leg dragged him again. Li Fenggang stepped forward and his feet were soft and squatting out uncontrollably. At the same time, Fang Qin was chased after the sword and instinctively pushed the sword forward. One delivery -

Li Feng violently twitched, and the dying fish seemed to fight quite a bit. Fang Qin’s face was pale, and he subconsciously loosened the hand of the sword. He even retired three steps and saw the ghost-like squatting Li Feng’s back. sword.

The ban on the original rat trapped the device and fried the pot.

Suddenly, Li Feng heard a crying child's voice plunged into his ears through countless chaotic thieves. He looked up hard and saw the little prince yelling at him while calling him "the father". Not far behind, Yan Wang - his four brothers, who are standing in a lot of hair, stood there, and Wang Yan stopped his footsteps, his hands behind his back, using his unique The calm eyes, looking down at the emperor of the wolf.

The Guards and the Royal Forest Army rushed up and quickly cleaned up the chaotic thief, Li Feng was lifted out, and the rushing squad leader yelled and ran to ask the doctor, but they knew it well, but it did not help.

The little prince was crying on him and was helpless.

Li Feng wanted to touch his delicate little son, but before he could accumulate strength, one hand fell on the shoulder of the Prince. Yan Wang stood silently and comfortably touched. On the shoulders and neck side of the prince, it seems to everyone that this is a pair of sad and warm uncles. Only Li Feng feels that he understands the threats implied in the gesture of Yan Wang.

Li Feng stared at the eyes of Yan Wangbo’s unsettled eyes, remembering the words of his mother who had died younger than many years ago—these pretty women were enchanting, and the small wild species that were born were also ominous things that ruined the country and the people.

"Ominous things" Yan Wang kneeled down on one knee, but his hand still stopped between the shoulders and necks of the Prince. He whispered Li Fengdao: "Is there anything else to be told?"

Li Feng: ""

Yan Wang pressed his voice lower and said in his ear: "You can rest assured that the younger brother will take care of the Prince."

Li Feng’s lips slammed fiercely, and there seemed to be a fire in his eyes. Then the fire slowly extinguished as his life passed. He twitched out a hand and was held by Yan Wang. .

... It turns out that such a cold hand can also pinch a brother and brother who is a false and false.

At this time, the ministers who had been rushed by the chaos of the army had even rushed to the ground, and the flocks of the flocks ran wildly. The geese were rushing to Li Feng gently in places where no one else could see them. After a smile, the voice is very sad and sincere: "Emperor brother, what do you have to say?"

The little prince was crying and couldn't stand up. Li Feng looked at him and then closed his eyes gently.

He never compromised who he had in his life. He always insisted on being tough in the end. Who knows that the last journey fell into this desperate situation... Strong and powerful, conspiracy, and young children, no support behind them.

"Oh... it’s a lifetime," he whispered indifferently. The two students and the housekeeper listened to a voice and knew what he was going to say. They couldn’t even cry at the moment, all rushed to breathe. Listen, I am afraid that I will miss the words of the emperor.

Li Feng seems to have tears in his eyes, and then said: "Pitching on the heavens and the people, for more than ten years, the heart ... is really difficult, after a hundred years... Prince... Prince... Prince is young, hard to shoulder heavy responsibility... "

Chang Geng gently licked his face and looked far away from the shovel group outside the crowd. One of the armored monsters without life was watching him softly. It accompanied him to practice the sword and make snacks for him. I followed him many times to ring the door of that person.

At this point, its eyes flashed purple, like a person in the far front, through this lifeless big guy, watching himself quietly.

"...The prince of the sacred geese, who succeeded in enthroning the ancestors."

On the first day of March in Longan, Longan Emperor Li Feng died and died in the hands of the chaotic thief. When he died, he skipped the Prince and passed the Prince of the Geese. It was also a miracle.

Yan Wang quickly smashed the family of the rebellion, and uprooted several major names in the capital.

The name was just plainly washed and washed, and the military aircraft station pushed three laws and regulations overnight, and stabilized the situation in Beijing.

Can not wait for Jiang Chong and others to perform three refusal three, Yan Wang - now the emperor will leave the capital without warning.

If he had not experienced any chaos in the military office, the sky would fall down and he would have to fry.

Chang Geng called Jiang Chong, and he explained a lot of things in a deliberate manner. He immediately pushed him in the box with the instructions in advance, and he saw that he had already centrifuged and seemed to be able to fly and walk. Jiang Chong It was only because of the war in Jiangnan that he might have to travel in the near future, but he did not expect to be so caught off guard, and even the whole day was shocked when he heard the news the next day.

Chang Geng borrowed a team of eagle guards from Beidaiying overnight and planned to fly directly to the south.

He is sure that the front lines of the two rivers are not too flat--whether they are mixed in the foreign affairs group, or the Cao Chunhua that he sent to Gu Yu, even Gu Yu himself... Their letters are all in the front line. It is not normal to recover the posture of Wanlihe Mountain.

If you don’t report your worries, you can’t report your worries, but the reason why Linyuan is called “Linyuan” is to be cautious and clear-cut, and even if the front line is really an overwhelming victory, they also In it, we will find out all the risks that may occur, and remind the Gu Yuan and the Linyuan wooden card owners of the capital city.

But no, not even mentioning a word, it is not right.

Chang Geng promoted his own deployment at the level of Beijing, and it seemed to be easy to handle. Actually, he could not sit still.

But he can't look at Gu Yu at this festival. There are too many variables in the capital. At the last moment, he doesn't know if he can achieve his goal smoothly. Once there is a little accident, he may have to pick up the knife and take it. The name of "disorder thief" and "sister brother killing", so he can't be involved with Gu Yu in the whole process.

He can only be placed on the front line he can't see.

When the eagle flies north and south, it is impossible to stop at the middle of the journey. When Chang Geng is restless in a military station, the eagle is refueling. A red label is expedited just passed by, and was intercepted by the Beijing battalion and sent to Chang Geng. on.

The Western Army has sent troops from the East China Sea, madly counterattacking -

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