Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 41 Table of contents

Who knows that this is not the end. As soon as Sheng Lingyuan was out of sleep, a few strong lights swept at him, and the siren called twice: "Do not move! Raise your hand!"

It turned out that His Majesty was locked in the basement, and Xuan Ye had completed a group of "homestay demolition", and took the "big kite" Alozin to the south, leaving a scene of a chicken flying dog ... … And the three aftercare personnel who are crying and tearless—the temporary labor leaders of the aftercare department have also been temporarily recruited into the field.

During the peak tourist season, the major security departments in Dongchuan were already nervous. It was said that some people had demolished their houses in the middle of the night on the street of the homestay. The gangsters were disgusted and stunned a tourist. They were shocked and immediately called the police. . As soon as the crime scene was reached, the police car had not stopped yet, and the underground garage next to the hotel exploded.

Well, there are "comrades" who haven't run clean.

In this way, Sheng Lingyuan was surrounded by a circle of police cars flashing red and blue lights at the gate of the large complex in the downtown area.

The person in charge of the operation took a colleague's flashlight and glanced at the "suspected arrester". He saw that he was wearing an empty "skirt" and the material was a bit like a straw rope. He didn't know what the performance art was, and a "wig" He snored, poking straight in the middle of a pile of bottles and jars, and his manners were quite good-the shop that had broken his glass was a perfume and cosmetics seller.

"The suspect ... may have a mental problem," the police officer hesitantly said to others, "I don't know if there is a weapon, so I can help you."

Sheng Lingyuan: "..."

Ping Qianru, Yang Chao and Luo Cuicui hid next to each other and did not dare to take the initiative. They did not know who to contact first.

Because the Exemption Bureau is a secret department, they asked the public security department to cooperate. They must follow the "top-down" formal process and show their work permits to the grass-roots police. People will definitely not recognize them. And their decent department leaders are in "flight mode", and they can't count on it for a while.

Luo Cuicui saw that the two precious hairs on her head were in danger, and touched the phone without tears, called Xiao Zheng, the call was connected, and she hung up as soon as she rang--

On the side of Xiao Zheng, the sword formed by the white mist trembled and pointed at one of the crowd in the field, but before the others responded, the field took a hard blow, and his knees fell softly on the ground, his mouth Shouted, "What!"

His voice faded, his sword pointed slightly, and turned to the person next to him. The second fieldman stiffened, and he jumped in horror until the point of the sword pointed at another person again: "Something just passed me!"

There was an uproar in the field, and the crowd seemed like an invisible ghost. They were taking the body of the field as a springboard and hiding with the sword formed by the white mist.

On the sword condensed by the white mist, the sparks lingering more and more, and the thunder in the sky is getting closer and closer. Several lightning bolts cut through the night sky one after the other, as if they are about to follow the "sword." The electric and optical connections on the site, and the field workers were shocked to find that they were like playing a deadly "drum and pass flowers". I don't know which unlucky egg will be thundered along with the invisible enemy.

Xiao Zheng gritted his teeth: "Apart from the special ability of Thunder and Lightning, the others quickly dispersed ... uh ..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a cold feeling on his body. Xiao Zheng felt that his entire body was immersed in cold water, and it disappeared. The Qiqiao and the five senses seemed to be covered by something. He could not control his limbs. You may feel that the hairs on your hands are standing up, so dead, at this time, Luo Cuicui, who was plagued, called him!

Xiao Zheng only had time to greet the 18th generation of the ancestors of the aftermath in his heart, and the whole person was flooded with electric light. All the abilities that did not have a long time to run around the arc hit the arc. In the thunderous sound like a crack, it was mixed with With a terrible roar, a shadow of white shadow died out.

Luo Cuicui did not knowingly. He didn't know that he had split the "daddy" who could pay them for the relocation. He couldn't find Xiao Zheng, so Liu Shen squeezed Qianru's eyes flatly and asked silently, "What should I do? "

Ping Qianru was more panic than him, she was afraid of the man with long hair.

Although their propaganda director claimed that this "human" was only "sword spirit", but with some instinct, when she saw the man's appearance, she immediately thought of the same face talking and laughing and killing the corpse.

So far, although there is a mess, there have been no casualties, and there is still room for everything. But in case the big man who has a mysterious history is not happy, he will kill the ring, then ...

However, to her surprise, Sheng Lingyuan didn't have any brutal reaction. He just glanced in the direction of the two aftercare personnel, and then raised his hands in coordination—although the movement was not standard, others asked him to raise it. Hand, he raised one.

The police team's popularity was bad, even if the neurosis destroyed the public property in the middle of the night, he was caught on the spot and dared to mock the police!

"I asked you to raise your hand, who asked you to answer questions in class!"

Ping Qianru almost wanted to pounce over and cover the mouth of the police comrade.

Just then, she heard Sheng Lingyuan's voice in her ear: "In this case, what do you usually do?"

The sound resembled a very thin thread, flying from a distance, directly penetrating into her eardrum, Ping Qian was as excited.

"Transfer into the room." Sheng Lingyuan said in rusty Mandarin. "You have something to say in a whisper, I can hear you."

Ping Qianru glanced at the probe, her hiding place was at least 50 meters away from Sheng Lingyuan, and she wanted to cry without tears, and she said that this can only be heard by the radar?

But this is already the case. She had no other choice but to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor. She whispered and said in a low voice, "If anyone saw something that should not be seen before, we used the" echo sound "to deal with it. Is a special sound wave that can quickly modify people's memories. "

Sheng Lingyuan watched several policemen come up, shackled his wrists, and did not resist: "Why not?"

"No," Ping Qianru whispered, "we must first evoke the party's memory through conversation, and then play the" echo sound ". The principle of the echo sound is brain resonance, which weakens the synapse of the party and this memory. Stimulate the hippocampus again, and input the modified memory into it. It is very complicated, because the modified memory usually carries a lot of strong emotions. When the person recalls these things, there will be other physiological reactions-the amygdala is active, The hpa axis continues to be hyperactive or something. Sometimes even if a memory is modified, other neural activities of the person cannot be coordinated together. The party will then have unexplained convulsions and fears. If it is not good, it will collapse. If you want to deal with it, even the most Experienced people also have to rework many times ... Well, actually, after Bi Sheng was born, it was more convenient to use her talents, but ... "

Sheng Lingyuan: "..."

Where is this little girl from? Why is the dialect of their hometown so difficult to understand?

Sheng Lingyuan: "Simply say, what's the difference?"

"There's no time, let's say we don't have enough manpower." Ping Qianru said, "Xiao Yang's ability to empathize is too strong. He is always taken by the client. He has never been on the 'echo machine' before, so I and Uncle Luo ..."

Sheng Lingyuan interrupted her: "Anyway."

Ping Qianru: "And the reverberation sound can only be put in a closed environment. Otherwise, the sound wave radiation range is too large, and any passerby's brain will be resonated in, and the operator will not be able to bear it."

Sheng Lingyuan: "I'm here."

Ping Qianru had no other idea, so he had to listen to him, and pulled out a small round box with a big slap from the bag, poked on the ground, and the four round corners of the small box immediately extended several antenna-like "tentacles". Ping Qian For example, divide the special earphones to Luo Cuicui and Yang Chao, then lift the lid of the round box and take out a pair of instruments that look like wireless headphones: "I only brought a ten-fold amplifier, how can I give you ? "

Sheng Lingyuan was handcuffed, pushed by a police officer, and took a half-step, but his voice and tone remained very calm: "What's that?"

Ping Qianru: "Simply put, it is the props that make your consciousness dominate within the scope of the reverberation."

Sheng Lingyuan: "No need, let it go."

Ping Qian hesitated a bit, and had to put on the earplugs and input the playback instructions.

The special sound wave “wowed” and radiated in all directions, quickly covering the entire area.

What the "echo sound" was, Sheng Lingyuan didn't understand it, but he knew that Ping Qianru mentioned that Bi Chunsheng had a little "beast" bloodline.

Bi Chunsheng's bloodline is already very thin. The real "Dai" is extremely difficult. Masters in the clan can single-handedly trap an entire army of soldiers in his fabricated dreams, until he can't distinguish between reality and illusion, and he is alive and sleepy. Die inside. In order to deal with the puppets, the human monks and the witches joined forces to make a "windbreak stone"-after refining it in a special method, cut it in half, took one half with it, and gave the other half to other colleagues in the army, any of which When one side is trapped in the array, the other can sense it through the "windstone" and break the array from the outside.

When the windbreak stone was aroused, the two people holding the same stone could share the same joy and sorrow, and work in the same way as Ping Qianru's "echo sound".

It's just that the "echo" is much more subtle.

There were countless noises in Sheng Lingyuan's ears. Everywhere the sound waves were, all the brain waves that were still active were captured, some were awake and some were asleep.

The policemen holding Sheng Lingyuan saw the people caught by them raising their heads and saying something silently, and then "hum" in his mind, staying in place, and the "prisoner" wrist shook gently. The handcuffs were like a size three bracelet, which slipped gently from his hand.

Everyone heard someone say, "Just before, what did you see?"

The voice seemed to have a strong deceptive power, like Faustry's demon who deceived the dying, and for a while, everyone who heard this voice followed and remembered what had just happened.

Sheng Lingyuan shook his fingers, and the silent illusion overlapped with the echo sound and scattered away. At the same time, people were drawn into the illusion. The night in the illusion was calm, like forcibly calming down those undulating hearts.

Unwilling to be blinded by consciousness, he began to struggle instinctively, and backfired through the echo. Sheng Lingyuan frowned slightly, and the blood on his face was a little scarce again. Like a calm sea, he accepted and then devoured countless frightened thoughts.

I do n’t know how long, the resistance is getting weaker and weaker, the “echo sound” is like a thin line, piercing the temple of Sheng Lingyuan. At the same time, the people around are at a loss, dull, and then calm down gradually.

The police closest to Sheng Lingyuan fell down first, and Sheng Lingyuan took it in hand, and leaned lightly against the car next to him. Then, people fell down one after another as if they were infected with doze. There was finally silence in the area.

The aftermaths who blocked their ears were stunned, and Sheng Lingyuan waved his hands behind them, signaling that Ping Qianru turned off the echo. Luo Cuicui stepped on the small box playing the reverberation sound and yanked the earplugs off: "Now! What kind of brand is the director's sword? This function is too powerful!"

When the voice faded, I saw Sheng Lingyuan shaking, and barely supported the front cover of the car before kneeling.

The "sensor" Yang Chao held his head in pain at the same time.

Ping Qianru stepped forward quickly: "Hey, you're fine ..."

She didn't finish talking, Sheng Lingyuan had moved, and the figure moved away ten meters away in an instant, and only said one sentence: "There is something else to do."

The words were still there, and people were gone.

Ping Qian was stunned. In her previous work, she had not been exposed to human-conscious "non-humans". Those things were powerful or weird, and IQ was high or low. But without exception, they did not respect the laws of human society. -Some don't even understand it at all.

This "sword" is not the same. She has a strange feeling, as if he is very familiar with the secrecy rules of the Exotic Administration.

"Is it so spiritual?"

"Don't feel sorry, hurry up!" Luo Cuicui shouted, "I clean up the scene, Xiao Yang, you write a story for the accident scene, Qian Ru, you are responsible for handling monitoring and various driving records or something!"

He said that more than a dozen green vines fell from him and quickly took root on the ground. They grew into a lush large group of green vines and rolled into the driver's seat of the police car. Lao Luo and Yang Chao worked together to plug the police comrades. Go back to the police car, and then pat the car bottom: "Slow down, don't speed."

Luluo calmly and steadily where the police car came from.

The aftercare team got a god-like teammate here, and the work went beyond expectations. Compared to the announcement, the director Xuan almost lost his meaning.

Xuan Yuan believed in the cruel navigation of the Kings and left the city all the way south, only to find that there is a large forest park to the south.

The ecological environment of Dongchuan City really has to say, the only problem is-

"Captain Wang Ze, hello? Do you still remember that I am a fire department? Take me to the forest park, why don't you just tie me up with flowers and send them directly to the head?" Xuan Yuanren could not bear to ask, "Where the **** are you!" "

"No," the Wang team screamed, "up north, down south, left west, right east-the map says that the south is an inland lake, Director Xuan, can't you find the north?"

Gu Yuexi stared into his eyes, his eyes penetrated the Kings team, and saw his mobile phone map, speechless: "Boss, you misread our initial position."

Kings team: "Impossible, there are signs in real time!"

Zhang Zhao: "The signal is not good over the hotel, there is a delay in real-time location."

Xuan Yuan: "..."

However, it was impossible for him to fly out of this forest with Alozin. Although Alozin was a little bit axe, he grew up in a troubled world. After his teens, he fought around the Quartet with the Emperor. Xuan Yuan would be constrained by the environment. Although he didn't understand why, he felt that Xuan Yuan did not dare to set fire in the forest park, and immediately decided: "This place is very good."

The bone-butterfly at Arozin's feet shattered apart like a large arrow, shooting at Xuan Yuan's flat wings.

Only then did Xuan Yuan see the shape of those bones—they were all human bones, so he did n’t need to know where they came from. He got a goosebump and dived down sharply. The “bone arrow” was like a cruise guide / bomb. Followed him and turned around, chasing after him. 2k novel reading network

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