Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 42 Table of contents

The bones smashed down like raindrops, "Tuk Tuk" nailed the ground, and Xuan Yuan was almost nailed into a specimen. But it wasn't him who nailed Alozin to the coffin board for thousands of years, who would it make sense to!

The landing spot was just a little downhill, and Xuan Yuan closed his wings. Because of inertia, he rolled forward a full 20 meters, a wind blade followed, and the thick crown of the big tree was split open with a knife. And slammed his head.

Kings team: "Look at the car!"

Three "Fengshenyi" members rushed over in a van, Zhang Zhao stepped on the brakes, slammed the steering wheel, and swept out of the rear of the car, just hitting the fallen canopy, Gu Yuexi opened the door, Xuan Yuan pulled up: "Sit tight!"

Xuanyuan Yuguang saw the large words "So-and-so Seafood Supply" on the body, and suddenly he felt an ominous premonition: "Wait a while, where do you get the car?"

"It was expropriated by the roadside, and the situation is urgent," the Wang team showed him his feet. He had shoes on one foot and the hotel's disposable slippers on the other. "I didn't even wear my shoes. "

Xuan Yuan was shocked: "Now the foreign control bureau's field service has to slide the door and lock the door?

"She," the Kings rushed to Guxi Yuexi and raised his chin. "Look into the eyes and pry at the artifact."

Xuan Yuan was speechless at first, and then he suddenly remembered something, panicked, covered his pants / crotch, his voice changed: "What, do you see through your eyes?"

Gu Yuexi: "... You are really the pro-leader of the" Barren Land "."

The van shook fiercely, and one side of the window was pierced by bones, and half bones were still attached to the bones. The kings slammed it out with an elbow, and they turned their heads to see Arojin fall When he got down, right next to the speeding van, his feet were slightly off the ground, like a ghost, as if he felt the eyes of the Kings, turned his head, and a strange smile appeared on the mask and face.

The Wang team was trembling with laughter, and even his leg hairs stood up.

Gu Yuexi said quickly: "The blood holes in his body are the core of energy."

The Wang team reached out to her, and Gu Yuexi passed a gun in harmony. The Wang team directly drew the muzzle into the window opening and shot three shots in accordance with Alozin.

Although he couldn't find the north, the shooting technique was absolutely national-level. Special bullets flashed scorching white light and fell into Alozin's body. One of them hit the blood hole made by the nail on his brows.

Xuan Yuan: "Ten ring players, brother!"

But before he had time to laugh, he saw that the blood cave exploded by the bullets healed quickly. Those specially treated bullets were like sand thrown into the sea. They could not be beaten by a ripple and were sucked in. Arozin's speed has not decreased, and another wind blade has formed in his hand!

"What the **** is this, my mother!" The Wang team cried with a throaty voice. "Director Xuan, do you have any other tricks besides setting fire? It's really impossible. You can burn him and try it. The forest is lit, I will destroy you! "

Xuan Yuan: "Shit!"

It is not that he has high quality and pays attention to environmental protection. Even a tree cannot bear to burn. This forest park is too close to the city. A demon head like Alozin, which is refined from the fire, has a higher fire resistance than asbestos. It can catch the monkey brother who rolls in the alchemy furnace. The ordinary fire sprays him, basically warming him up. hand.

The fire that could hurt him was enough to burn the entire Dongchuan into an oven, which was how a king of a hybrid carp could be destroyed.

At the same time, a question flashed through Xuan Yuan's heart quickly—he saw Sheng Lingyuan nail the devil with a coffin, which was harder than wedging a few nails to hang oil paintings on the wall. I have an illusion, as if this Alozin can only play with some strong winds and small raindrops.


Was it just because he and Alotzin attributed to each other?

But he had no time to think about it. When the blade of Alozin's hand was about to take shape, the air flow would make a sound like metal friction. Xuan Yuan visually observed that his "knife" could cut small bread into toast. sheet.

"Give me a gun," Xuan Yuan said, and raised his hand to Zhang Zhao's shoulder. "Brake!"

Zhang Zhao kicked the brake subconsciously to the end, and Alojin didn't watch out, but he rushed forward, and the flying blade wiped the front windshield.

Xuan Yuan's palm touched the gun that Gu Yuexi gave him, and the gun was full of inscriptions. As his fingers passed, the inscription was activated and a flame-colored light burst out.

"Do me a favor," Shen Xuan said to Wang Ze. "The bullets that I shot out are wrapped in water. Don't miss Mars. Dongchuan has a gdp of nearly two trillion yuan a year. We can't afford it. "

The King team responded, "the fire and water are not allowed" the duo rolled off the car from both sides of the van at the same time, Xuan Yuan raised his head, his eyebrows exposed the flame-colored lines, which is an ancient totem that has been circulating for three thousand years, from the fire and dead bones Born, sad and solemn. So when he stood there without a smile or expression, the strange, weird and contradictory deity passed through time again and emerged.

Arozin reached out and hooked a big tree, using the tree as an axis, turned himself around and faced them. The face of the former witch patriarch is still a bit naive, with long hair and robe sleeves jumping, and butterflies wearing flowers and trees, almost showing a certain naive beauty.

Then he smiled faintly, pushing a wind blade, and the whole person pressed down towards Xuan Yuan.

Xuan Yuan jumped up, his toe point over the wind blade-too light, he could walk on the wind, raised his hand and pulled the trigger: "Wang Ze!"

When the bullet carried the firelight, when it popped out, a layer of water film condensed in the surrounding air, firmly wrapping the sparks in the middle, but the flame temperature was too high, and the water continued to evaporate. All I could do was keep grabbing the water vapor around me, my face flushed.

Gu Yuexi looked around, and the perspective fell into the cargo box behind the van. She pried open the cargo box, pulled out a box of mineral water from the inside, unscrewed the lids one by one, and threw it into the sky: " Here comes the water! "

It was a pity that the shot was not hit. Sufficient water was wrapped around the meteor-like bullet and passed through Alozin, shot into the ground, but for some reason, the fire in the bullet was not extinguished. The fire was not extinguished, and the Kings did not dare to withdraw the isolated water polo. They had to say to Gu Yuexi, "Don't stop the water!"

Xuan Yuan stepped on Aluojin's shoulder, and Aluojin held his ankle fiercely, trying to stab him down, Xuan Yuan condescended and shot him a second shot, then the other leg was fierce. Alozin's wrists, after leaving, still inertia led him to rotate for more than half a circle, his posture is graceful like figure skating ... except for a slight misalignment-still not hit, the bullet was set in the ground again.

After waiting for the Kings to protest, Xuan Yuan fired the third and fourth shots soon ... The Kings were about to collapse, because every gram of "into the ground" bullets did not die, and every additional bullet, he The pressure is one point higher, he can't take it anymore!

Gu Yuexi: "Boss, mineral water is gone!"

"Find a way!" Wang Ze shouted, "Director Xuan, brother! Are you a negative ring 10 player? I beg you, get a Parkinson's to shake your hands! Why do you come back!"

During the talk, Xuan Yuan had hit the sixth bullet, and the Kings team couldn't even wipe off the cold sweat from their body: "Gu Yuexi, water!"

Gu Yuexi suddenly remembered something, braved the flying blade of the sky, crawled out of the car, disassembled the engine three times, five divided by two, and pulled out the water tank in the car: "do it."

The sixth bullet nearly choked a tree vine on the ground, and the Kings hurriedly drew the water from the water tank, wrapping it around dangerously.

Xuan Yuan was chased up and down by Alozin and Fengdao, and flashed a few times in a haircut. He walked on the tip of the blade of the wind. Suddenly, he didn't notice his feet and was tripped by a tree vine. For a moment, although he didn't fall, the whole person was stunned, and the rhythm was immediately disordered.

"Burn it again," Arozin stared at him fiercely, and murmured in shamanic words, "burn it again!"

The soft and low-sounding shamanic word broke in his throat, which sounded chilling all over his body. He condensed a wind blade with a length of three meters in his hands, facing Xuanyuan like a hill. Pushing it down, Xuan Jie rolled away embarrassedly, and a laceration was scratched on his neck, just the symmetry that Sheng Lingyuan had nailed in the witch's grave.

The next wind blade was formed before the previous one was completely launched, and then chased it. This time Xuan Yuan seemed to have nowhere to hide, the Kings changed their faces, Gu Yuexi couldn't help but look away, Zhang In a hurry, he watched for a second.

Time was paused, but Xuan Yuan didn't hide, he actually used this precious escape to shoot Alozin's feet for a second.

Wang Ze: "You are crazy ..."

The moment the seventh bullet landed, there was some connection with the other six bullets buried in the ground. A large flame-colored net floated out, and Alojin was right in the center of the net.

Xuan Yuan drank aloud: "Receive!"

Alozin was shocked at this time, and it was too late to hide, and the fire keepers who guarded Abyss had dealt with the evil spirits who wanted to break out of the earth for generations. Even if there were faults, some of them were to deal with the demon head.

The "big net" was based on seven real fires, which corresponded to several blood holes nailed by Alozin. The fire was like a thin thread, passing through Alozin, "sewing" him in. ground.

The dangerous wind blade disappeared, leaving only a shallow trace on Xuanyuan's clothes.

A Luojin earns a lot, but he ca n’t open it. Those “threads” do n’t move. First, the white bones around him fall down. Then, the “fine threads” are closed and his waist is bent. He growled in pain and began to stiffen.

The Wang team looked at the demon head trapped by the net, and planned to tilt his head to say something to Xuan Yuan. At a glance, when he saw his totem, there was no fear in his heart and he forgot a word.

Xingyue over the forest park does not know when to leave. There is only one star in the night sky, and the East is dimly lit.

The whole night of barren and wild horses is about to pass.

Xuan Yuan's look flickered, the lines on his brows disappeared, and his forehead brightened, and his temperament became young and bright.

He pulled back a half step, leaning back exhaustedly on the big tree behind him: "Brother, you are really a porter of nature, do you have to have a ready-made water source? OK, now the water tank is empty How can we go back? "

The Kings looked at him haltingly.

Xuan Yuan glanced at what he was thinking: "Dream, get away! I'm not a passenger!"

Gu Yuexi and Zhang Zhao got out of the car, did not dare to approach Alozin in the lineup, glanced at it from a distance, and asked, "What should I do?"

"I don't know." Xuan Yuan sighed with a headache, "sleep first, go back and ask that ... that ..."

And deal with that person.

As soon as I remembered this, Xuan Yuan was as tired as he had not slept for ten and a half months. He was sulking and didn't know if he would resign now. Can the Extermination Control Bureau close his first month's salary first.

"It's really amazing. Did you study the formation method yourself, or was it a family tradition?" Gu Yuexi carefully studied his formation method, and the more she looked at it, the more delicate it became-in her eyes, the seven bullets on the ground formed a closed loop. , Cleverly put Arozin in the middle. In this way, even if he has the power to move mountains and seas, he is just fighting against himself.

The more Alozin struggled, the more he consumed himself. The mask on his face was emaciated, bleeding from the inside and outside of the eyes, flowing down his cheeks.

Gu Yuexi asked inadvertently, but Xuanyuan's expression passed a layer of shadow, and he did not answer.

This formation is on the map of Qian Yao. Xuan Yuan originally thought that the remnant of the ancient book was a bachelor's book. After walking out of the witch's grave, he realized that it had something to do with the mysterious emperor Dan Li.

But why did Dan Li's things fall into their hands?

Is it true that the ancestor has something to do with that person?

As soon as I remembered this, Xuan Yuan was inexplicably troublesome.

The trapped Alozin suddenly roared heartbreakingly, and those "thin lines" drew into his flesh, but the mountains of Dongchuan were silent in the morning mist, and from the first time he took young The moment his family left, the landscape of his hometown never responded to his voice.

In human life, there will always be hatred and regrets. Many people have daydreams of "if everything can come back", but when the dream wakes up, knowing that it is impossible, just forget it.

In Alozin, he was attracted to the glorious dreams of the earth in his youth. The youth rebellion was a delusion born from the burning of blood. He grew up in a land of flowers and flowers, knowing the cold and heat, and suffering, walking in countless unrealistic dreams. . Then those dreams are broken one by one, only the last poisonous one will not wake up.

"As long as the Abuchi fire is burning, Dongchuan will return to its original state, as long as ..."

Therefore, he went into trouble and could not die.

Gu Yuexi was startled by him and stepped back a few steps: "Let's contact the General Administration as soon as possible and let people find a way to deal with it ... Oh, yes, Director Xuan, is he the person sealed in the coffin? How could it Run out? What's going on with Director Xiao? I'll contact ... "

Before waiting for her to unlock the phone, a call came in, an unfamiliar number, but looking at the prefix, it was an extension call of the central office.

Gu Yuexi quickly connected: "Hey,‘ Fengshenyi ’field Gu Yuexi, we just have a situation to report to the superior ... Hey?”

There was only rustle on the phone.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Gu Yuexi frowned. "Maybe the signal is not ... ah!"

There was a sudden pain in the palm of her hand, and the cell phone suddenly burst into a dark flame, corroding Gu Yuexi's palm, and the cell phone rolled to the ground, and a hoarse voice came from her, she couldn't understand word.

That is……

"Gloomy sacrifice, let it go!" Xuan Yuan first stunned, then pushed away the nearby Kings, a coin flew out from his fingertips, smashed Gu Yuexi's mobile phone, but it was too late-

One of the seven bullets was shaken halfway out of the ground. Alozin yelled and made a living. He knocked it out. The delicate array suddenly broke. The flame-colored "thin lines" carried magical anger. , Doubled back towards Xuan Ye, he didn't even have time to think about losing his job in the first month without losing ...

Just then, a figure passed by, blocking him.

Xuan Yuan's pupils suddenly enlarged, and all the thin flame-colored threads penetrated into the man. The comer trembled slightly, but did not say a word.

Until then, the breeze he brought was brushing Xuanyuan's hair late.

There is an old and extravagant smell in the wind.

Arozin watched Sheng Lingyuan, who was standing between him and Xuan Yuan, suddenly hesitated.

Sheng Lingyuan slowly raised his hand and caught the "thin line" pierced into his chest. The blood suddenly poured out along the "thin line". The crazy Alozin suddenly seemed to run into a natural enemy and hurried back. .

But Xuanzhen's formation was too complicated. The thin lines were tied to him in knots. Sheng Lingyuan's blood quickly covered the fire on the thin lines as if there was life, and then penetrated Alozin.

Dark air permeated Arosin's eyebrows, limbs, chest, and abdomen, leaving a spider-like crack on his face.

He looked at Sheng Lingyuan with a stunned smile, and suddenly said in a witch's words, "Lingyuan, are you the same?"

Sheng Lingyuan's eyes did not fluctuate.

Arozin said softly, "Otherwise, why can the gloomy ritual awaken you? In fact, you are the same as me. Will you live a happy day in your life ..."

He didn't finish talking, and people were like cracked mud germs, cracked along those black lines, and then, together with Xuanyuan's formation, turned into ashes.

At that moment, in the forest park of Dongchuan, all the silent birds and birds screamed into the sky together, and the morning mist in the mountains suddenly scattered, revealing a clear ridge.

Sheng Lingyuan tore off the "thin threads" that had been pierced into his chest without any change. The wound and the torn clothes healed quickly. He said lightly: "The thunder sign I left was touched, but it seems What came out was just an avatar / sorry. Sorry, it was a mistake. "

Xuan Yuan's lips moved: "You ..."

Is it alright?

Sheng Lingyuan glanced at him with a narrowed eyelid, and said with a smile: "You are not old, so angry."

After speaking, he didn't look at the place where Alozin turned to fly ash, walked up and down, walked a few steps, suddenly remembered something, stood by holding a tree, Xuan Yuan thought he had What to say, saw Sheng Lingyuan bend his knees and walk down the tree.

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, I just couldn't log in to the background.

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