Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 43 Table of contents

At first Xuan Yuan saw him with a light face and thought it was okay. He hesitated to take a few steps with Sheng Lingyuan. He hadn't figured out whether to rescue the deteriorating relationship between the two people first, or to ask serious things first, and then saw him. Knelt without warning.

"Hey you……"

"Don't touch," Sheng Lingyuan's forehead was cold sweat, his breath was shaking, but he blocked his hand, "Yes ... cough, blood."

Xuan Yuan stunned, and immediately remembered the bad luck that the old ghost had done before, his fingers that had touched his shoulders retracted into his sleeves, and turned his head and shouted, "Lao Wang, come and take your hands!"

But the voice fell, Sheng Lingyuan completely lost his intuition and smashed into his hands.

Xuan Yuan stunned, thinking: "It's hot."

"What do I need? Would you like to send it to the hospital? But the hospital specialty doesn't seem to be right, can't he cure the sword spirit?" The Wang team came over and grabbed his hair. He didn't know which brain circuit was shorted again. "This ... Isn't it possible for him to do MRI? "

"Can't put it in the microwave yet. (Note)" Xuan Yuan replied angrily, "Go and open the door for me."

He carefully noticed whether there was any blood leaking from Sheng Lingyuan, leaned over and hugged the person, and put it in the van.

Wang Ze mumbled something inexplicably: "Don't you say that you want me to take a hand when you call me?"

The van didn't know which restaurant to send the seafood to. The taste inside was not very good. Fortunately, even the artificial leather seats were soft enough in the eyes of the ancients. When Sheng Lingyuan was moved, he unconsciously opened his eyes and his body was instinctively tense, but from the perspective of opening a gap, he saw the dawn of Dongchuan just for a while, and suddenly forgot himself When and where you are, you fall into a deeper coma.

The semi-tilted car seat gently wrapped around him, and his thoughts returned to the unreachable Witch tribe with the handful of ashes blown away by the wind.

He remembered that there was also an injury on his body at that time, unlike the pain in the chest this time. He felt very cold that time, and the whole body's blood was about to dry out. The old patriarch covered him in his cloak and carried his back carefully up the mountain. Dasheng's cabin was warm and dry, filled with the smell of licorice ... It was too warm, and he broke the tight strings in his heart.

After some time, he was awakened by the crisp childish sound. A child pretended to be careless, walking around the root of his window, humming the nursery rhymes he did not understand, in an attempt to attract his attention.

It was also a dawn, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the splendid rising sun picking a gold thread from the top of the mountain, and then it was out of control. It was luxuriously filled with half a hillside. There was a thick pear tree in the back window of the cabin. It is flourishing in all seasons, half blooming flowers, half hanging fruit, and then the outside house starts to enter and exit, the wooden door "squeaks", every time you open the door, the seductive fruit fragrance takes the opportunity to go Drilling in the room, like the singing child, lest others don't know they are cute.

The fruit of the large sacred pear tree was as large as a fist, half of which was given to the clan, and half was stolen by Alozin.

The boy climbed up the tree like a monkey and ate it every time he ate it-when he was full, he smashed his clothes to reveal the wheat-colored back that was sun-baked, walked shirtless, and took it outside the altar In the small mountain cave, dried into pears, I thought no one knew.

There is a cold pool under the altar, and Sheng Lingyuan is greedy and cold. He likes to spend time there. He is tired of reading and studying. He goes to the "treasury" of Alozin to take away a handful of pears. His majesty refuses to be a thief. He deliberately hid the signs, but unfortunately, Arozin was so careful that he did not find that his collection was small.

"Lingyuan, come on, I stole Dasheng's human face butterfly!"

"Why ... why are you still out of the circle and hurry back to find a fight?"

"Hey, don't tell my father that it's enough, I'll take a look and don't let it go. Brother, do you say that this thing can really summon ghosts and gods and bring the dead back to life?"

"Dead is dead. People die like lights, ghosts and gods are all made up to lie to themselves."

"Then ... isn't there nothing when I'm dead? Can I not die?"

"Everyone is interesting unless ..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you get into magic."

"Really!" Little Arozin was startled, his eyes flashed, "Isn't that terrible?"

"Child, what's so great about this?"

As soon as the young man became emperor, Arozin refused to give up this topic, and insisted on asking him. He was so entangled that he couldn't even read the book: "Why? Brother Lingyuan, can live a long time. "

"Because there is no good thing in the world that lasts, I heard that the most beautiful flower will take a long time to bloom. Once in a lifetime, I will thank you for a moment. They are fleeting like stone fires. My teacher said that only those who ca n’t survive or die ca n’t die—don’t talk nonsense, you can send the butterfly back to Dasheng, and the child is fine. Life and death, don't you know taboo? Anyway, you are still early to die. "

But it was a long time ... a long time ago.

Who knows this life is so short and so long.

When Xuan Yuan lowered Sheng Lingyuan and found that the man had just opened his eyes, his eyes were lost for a moment, and then his eyelashes slowly subsided. His eyebrows stretched out, and the corners of his mouth were slightly faint.

Xuan Yuan stunned, but before he could see clearly, the smile disappeared again.

It's like a flower that blooms once in a lifetime and withers at the finger.

When Xuanyuan lined up, the entire box of mineral water and the water tank of a van were filled with warm water vapor, like a steamer. The Kings gathered the water vapor together and hung it on the top of the van. When it was cold, they refilled it into the car water tank.

Although this bread looked a little old, it unexpectedly "old and strong", and ran and ran all the way, but Gu Yuexi opened his stomach and reloaded it, and the return trip actually worked well.

"I heard that Director Xiao was hacked by Lei." The Wang team called the colleague who cleared the scene and turned around and said to others, seeing a weird expression on everyone, he quickly pointed to his face, "No ... ... Comrades, please look at my grim expression. I mean it literally, not scold him. "

Zhang Zhao wondered: "It didn't rain. Where did the thunder come from, besides that Director Xiao himself wasn't the thunder and lightning department, how could he be hacked by thunder?"

"This is not the point," Gu Yuexi hurriedly asked, "how are people?"

"But fortunately, it is a thunder and lightning department, otherwise everyone will have to hold a memorial service for him tomorrow." Wang said, "I am now sent to the hospital, but my colleague who accompanied the past said that the situation is stable and the problem is not big."

The field staff heard that the collective breathed a sigh of relief, Xuan Yuan looked at them, and reassuredly thought, "It's still a bit of friendship."

I saw Gu Yuexi patted her chest: "It scared me to death. What if father Xiao really has three strengths and two weaknesses, what can we do if we have an overrun budget for our actions? Who should we go to?"

Xuan Yuan: "..."

The truth on earth is really red / naked / naked.

The Kings team said in a few words, roughly what happened on the witch's grave, and then asked Xuan Yuan again: "Yes, Director Xuan, did your sword spirit just say that he had put a thunderbolt?"

Xuan Yuan rubbed his eyebrows: "Well, he should have made hands and feet on Alozin's body, and deliberately stayed there waiting for the man who manipulated the gloomy sacrifice, but it seemed that it was only a avatar / body. The split / body was thundered, and the real body can still call us. We can check back before we get the call. "

Gu Yuexi saw that his face was not right, and asked sensitively, "What's wrong?"

"Alozin-just the demon just now. He said that the people who clothed the gloomy sacrifices wanted to make the Abyss fire re-burn. Many of the terms were mentioned. I didn't understand them very much, and the pronunciation was close to the 'monster' shadow family 'And' Takayama clan '... Don't ask me what these are, I don't know, "Xuan Yuan said heartily," I suspect it's not over. "

Zhang Zhao asked, "What does" Abyss fire re-burn "mean? What will happen if it burns? Does a volcano erupt?

Xuan Yuan shook his head without answering.

Will the fire in Abuchi reignite, as Arozin said, really return to the pre-Kyushu scuffle? He couldn't help but glance at Sheng Lingyuan. Sheng Lingyuan quietly leaned on the half-down seat, leaning his head out of the window, nostalgic.

There was actually one more thing in Xuan Yuan's heart that he couldn't understand at all--is the person summoned by the gloomy ritual random?

Those who are qualified to become the big devil will not be gentle and peaceful. Then, the man who manipulates the gloomy rituals will not be afraid of the strong twisted melons, and will he bring in a bunch of troubles for himself?

Anyway, this first place is very uncooperative.

This operation sounds like playing with fire and hitting a fortune, which is not in line with the style of a conspirator.

So ... if not random, what kind of person would respond to that ritual?

Xuan Ye remembered that when he first met Sheng Lingyuan in Akabuchi, he said, "The gloomy sacrifice is the art of communicating heaven and earth. Since I am awakened by this person, there must be something in communication with him, otherwise his blood flow will not Into my coffin. "

To put it all, everyone has similarities. The human nature framework is there, and there are only a few basic emotions. The concept of "commonness" is too broad.

What would it be

Dongchuan's day has begun. The major booths are steaming early, and early signs of early morning peaks, and the return speed is much slower.

When I arrived at the hotel, I saw a lot of people surrounded by the mall downstairs. It seemed to be saying that the floor was "collapsed." Feeling back the car, slipped back quietly.

Xuan Yuan put Sheng Lingyuan back to the hotel and tried his temperature, which was not so hot anymore.

Fortunately, he thought, otherwise I didn't know what to do.

The body of Sheng Lingyuan will bleed, be injured, and have a fever. It looks almost like a normal child, but Abyss does not burn and he has been a sword for 3,000 years. Is it dead or alive? Which species does it belong to? This is unclear, there are real problems, and people's medical methods must not be able to handle them.

After finally breathing for a while, Xuan Ye made a cup of tea for himself, took a simple bath, and leaned on another bed. He wanted to close his eyes for a moment, but when he closed his eyes, the block always appeared in front of him. The back in front of him, lingering, could not sleep again and again.

So he found out his mobile phone, searched a copy of "The Emperor Qiwu Emperor" on the reading software, and paid for it.

It is said that although this is a popular book, it is written by an old expert in ancient history. As soon as the book cover was opened, the five big and three rough portraits jumped out. Xuan Yuan couldn't help but glance at Sheng Lingyuan, shrank his cellphone into the quilt, and held it in his palms ... Popular science books, his reading posture is like Gou peeking at the small yellow book on the subway.

"... Wu Di Sheng Xiao was born in the first battle of Pingyuan. Some people said that he was" born in jealousy ". The tragic battle opened the prelude to the 20 years of war. Withering, the newborn little prince was also lost in the imperial defeat of the emperor's prime ministers, and was only recovered by the ministers two years later. "

"I do n’t know what kind of process they have experienced. How did the courtiers determine the true identity of the little prince and found no relevant historical data. There is a school of thought that the Emperor Wu is not the son-in-law of Emperor Chen, otherwise, His later aunt's behavior was too anti-human. I personally believe that such speculation is lacking evidence. "

"First of all, the" Qi Shu "does have a related record of" Queen Chen is pregnant ", and it is inferred from Sheng Xiao's birth records according to the time of birth. In addition, it is also difficult to stand on the ground that the" raccoon cat is a prince ". Because Sheng Xiao was before, Queen Chen had another son, Sheng Wei. The emperor Wudi was three years older than him and stumbled to live in adulthood in troubled times. It is not necessary for Queen Chen to pretend to lead other people's children in order to consolidate their status. It's even more unreasonable to abandon parents and children and pass the throne to children who have taken the throne. "

"To sum up, although some 'fans' cannot emotionally accept Sheng Xiao's killing of his mother and put forward various hypotheses to try to rationalize it, there is not enough evidence to support it. Throughout Emperor Wu's life, there are enemy siege At times, as the bait that protects people in a city from slaughter, there is also the dark side of tyrannical killings and six relatives who don't recognize it. We should look at historical figures from a more objective and fair angle ... "

A large section of the author's historical point of view later, Xuan Yuan skipped at a glance, turned to the next chapter, see the author quotes a personality psychologist's evaluation-

"It is said that although he was born during the war and grew up in the army, his personal habits are very sophisticated and he has a strong desire to control. As mentioned in" The Book of Qi-The Emperor Wu ", Sheng Xiao hates disheveled clothes, except in his youth. In the days of vicissitudes, even if her own biological mother wanted to see her, she had to wait for herself to bathe, change clothes, and take care of herself before appearing. Once she was seriously ill and was in a coma for three days. After waking up, the first thing was to retreat. Managing his personal image. This seems to be a kind of compensation for his inability to live in his early years and the environment out of control ... "

Xuan Yuan's gaze stayed for a while on "very hated the disheveled dress", and then his gaze drifted to Sheng Lingyuan's rough rotten robe and messy hair.

Then he spooked the **** and got wet, soaked the towel, and thought, "What's the matter? Am I sick ... what's wrong, I'm righteous, revengeful."

The propaganda director with "clear grudges" thought seriously, "Wei Guangzheng" came to the bed with a large wet towel, carefully studied how the straw robe "Ancient" was tied for a long time, and finally found the complexity Belt buckle.

"I'm not a hooligan," Xuanzhen thought, as he explained, "I'll just look at the injury he was stabbed when he was back bitten by the formation ..."

A pale hand suddenly caught his pulse.

Xuan Yuan: "..."

Can your Majesty be better? It ’s not the time to come, it's not the time to faint, the blood is not the right time, the "Bluetooth" isn't the right time ... It's not even the time to wake up!

The author has something to say: Note: NMR is the same as a microwave oven, and metal cannot be tucked into it.

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