Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 49 Table of contents

Dongchuan is a quasi-first-tier city. The scale of the First People's Hospital is not comparable to that of Chiyuan Small County Hospital. People with severe illnesses in the surrounding provinces will basically gather here. Although it has just been expanded once in the previous two years, this will still be overcrowded. The elevator is for friends who need others to carry it, and the staircase provides an emergency passage for the hurrying doctors and nurses to run upstairs and downstairs. The remaining patients and their families all lost their faces and walked slowly in line.

There was a two- or three-year-old child, probably sick and uncomfortable, with a flushed face. He kept crying in his mother's arms, and his hands and feet were chaotic. The child mother is alone, and holding such a big child along the way is very powerless, and can only control the child in a hurry, while whisperingly apologizing to the passers-by who have encountered it. One didn't pay attention, and then saw that the child grabbed it A hand-this bear child pulled a long strand of people's hair.

"Relax!" The child's mother gave out a sweat, "I hit you! I'm sorry!"

The person who was pulled by the hair leaned his head along the child's hand and gently hooked the child's paw. The hand was very cold, jade-like, the child was hot, and naturally wanted to get close to the cold, and let go of the hair. , Holding on to the finger that was handed over.

It was a pair of men's hands, slender, well-knotted, with thin cocoons on their fingertips. The mother found out that the long hair was actually a man, standing on the first step below.

"That ... sorry."

The man turned his head halfway and smiled at her. He spread his palm and put a light touch on the child's forehead, and the comfortable coolness came up. The crying child brake was quiet.

"It's nothing," he said. "My nephew is also very difficult to bring, kid?"

The mother shook her face with that half of her face, and when she came back, she had already gone far.

Sheng Lingyuan pulled back the long hair pulled out by the bear child, and suddenly couldn't help thinking of his prince.

The prince's name was left by his parents, and his nickname "Tonger" was from him.

The child was born with inadequacy. From the day he was born, he cried day and night, endlessly, as if living in a world like this, the degree of pain is no less than being "forced to be good", that is an unwillingness.

This child has a special status, his parents died early, and Sheng Lingyuan had no trustworthy person around him in his early years, so he could only take it with him, and was tortured by the "night crying". His hand is pressed on the child's Tianling cover or on the small neck every day, and there are about seventy or eighty times a day, the thought of "either he died or I died".

Later, it may be that he is used to it, or it may be that he finds that the little child is a mirror that can cry and make trouble, and can shine through the heart of an adult's calm mask.

Sheng Lingyuan once used the prince as a "grinding stone", forcing himself to calm down in that sharp cry, and lived out an unshakable heart.

He glanced through the gap in the stairs toward the bustling clinic hall.

Now that the fire in Abuchi is extinguished and the world is peaceful, the child is probably doing well.

At this moment, a group of white coats rushed past the emergency department: "Let a let, let a let!"

With a distance, Sheng Lingyuan glanced at the young man who was being rescued by others—still qi, but the spirit had already dissipated. This great rescue was doomed to no avail. Behind a pair of middle-aged men and women, it should be his parents, who followed slyly, the woman knees softly on the ground, covering her mouth, dare not cry loudly. The gray-haired man gave the dark-haired man a pity.

Sheng Lingyuan folded his arms and watched for a moment, looked up and saw the guideposts hanging from the ceiling, and barely recognized the word "emergency". Those white coats were so busy that someone was pushed from time to time.

In fact, Xuan Yuan's "identity" is easy to get. A pair of superimposed eye-catching methods, choose the right time, and just put a dead person on the line.

At first, the mortal recruits will feel that he is the original owner, with the same face as the original owner. After spending time with each other, they can subtly modify people's memories in daily contact, work slowly and carefully, and gradually make them feel themselves. The person I knew was like this, and it did n’t matter if the details were omitted. Anyway, most people lived in a mess and occasionally found some wrong details, and would make up a reason to convince themselves. It's much easier than urgently modifying the memory of everyone nearby in a circle of police cars outside the hotel.


Sheng Lingyuan quietly went downstairs and left the hospital.

He thought, what did he want this thing for? That little demon is really thinking about it.

These people ’s days are fresh and it ’s okay to take a closer look. It ’s too busy and noisy, he is not used to it, and he has to solve the gloomy sacrificial ritual that is disturbing and quiet. Find a place to settle in, and hope that after centuries and thousands of years, no future generations will dig him out.

But having said that, it was him first, and then Arozin of the witch tribe, then the next one who was disturbed by the gloomy sacrifices ... Where is the old acquaintance?

Sheng Lingyuan pondered for a moment, his eyes finally nailed to the south, and he left the west gate of the hospital.

At the same time, Xuan Yuan just arrived at the hospital-unfortunately he entered from the east gate.

He hurried to Xiao Zheng's ward. After entering the door, he split his head and covered his face and asked, "Lao Xiao, has anyone been here just now?"

"Your sword that is cheaper than you." Xiao Zheng pressed one hand on the overloaded energy detector, replaced the sick suit, and the golden chicken raised his pants independently. "It also destroyed public goods ..."

Xuan Ye glanced at the one-person detector, which was expensive at first sight, so he left without saying a word, and turned away: "I can't afford it, I will send the resignation report in your mailbox, and go back to my hometown, bye."

At this moment, he eagerly wanted to take a look at the altar in the Hui clan.

Although Xuan Yuan looked at the extroversion, he was not an emotional person, and he rarely had great sadness and joy, but Sheng Lingyuan repeatedly evoked his inexplicable emotions.

If it was the Witch's mound, it can also be said that the environment and the sword resonated, but what happened to that unlucky dream in the morning? At this moment, his chest was still uncomfortable. If there was not a trace of reason left, then he would almost turn out the "full responsibility agreement" and sign it.

If there is no **** tradition in their family ancestors, then their family must have deeper **** with the Emperor Wu of the year. How deep Xuan Yuan can't imagine.

Because the fire keepers are often born in the years of war, famine or natural disaster, and their eyes are the scene of the previous burial of fire. The inherited memory is almost a history of 3,000 years of suffering, but even if they are swallowed by Akabuchi, they are also Intergenerational heritage is isolated-similar to a protection mechanism, that is, Xuan Yuan can "remember" the death from the memory heritage of the previous generation, but the huge fear and pain caused by the moment of death are not Will not reach him.

Even the emotions caused by death can be isolated. Why would Sheng Lingyuan give him such a deep and real touch?

"Wait, stop!" Xiao Zheng anxious, waved a series of electric sparks, blocking his way.

The Xuanyuan people were at the hospital, and the soul had run for ten thousand miles, and they were caught by the electric shock. "Bang" almost hit the door frame and covered his chest in pain: "Are you sick with rabies, Pikachu Shaw!"

"Don't try to run, you are the one who caused it, come back to the General Administration with me!" Xiao Zheng leaped over with one leg and held his shoulder with one hand. "Also, sign the full responsibility agreement and take care of your family. That broken sword spirit. "

Early in the morning of Zhou, a big earthquake came in the special energy world-and aftershocks continued.

The General Administration's internal investigation of the notice of Jinghua Shuiyuedie turned out without warning, scaring away all the sleepy worms. Before it was too late to understand the notice, it was found that a colleague next to him had been recruited unexplainably, and immediately followed the headquarters. A second notice was issued, stating that the one was not an official document and contained a virus.

In a panic, Zhongzhao collapsed and was quickly isolated.

Worried about the truth, he was also poisoned, and his keen sense of smell started to feel that there was another hidden feeling in his heart.

Xiao Zheng slashed and ordered all units, including the headquarters, to be closed, and "everyone is banned from entering and exiting until the virus is contagious."

In the entire special energy system, a whirlwind-like search swept across the country without warning.

"It's okay in the local area," Xiao Zheng put down the phone and said to Xuan Yuan. "The investigation team said that the situation at the headquarters was the worst. A total of 17 field and front office staff had symptoms after contacting the e-mail-oh, but then again, These people are dizzy, and they have to be tried and sentenced before conviction. Are you sure there will be no sequelae, right? "

Xuan Ye was watching the video that Ping Qianru passed on to him from his mobile phone. It was sent back from the General Administration by a colleague on duty who stayed in the aftermath.

I saw a man in the field elite chewing gum, swiping his cell phone, and stepping proudly over the golden dragon at the door, waiting for the golden dragon on the floor to protest. The man suddenly stepped, and the whole person emitted a red light. There was a butterfly pattern on the eyebrow flashing, but one fell down, and immediately there was a commotion around the camera. The camera stayed on the man's face, the red light on the man faded, and his face was ashamed of death.

Xuan Ye had a hard time saying, "Who knows then."

That ancestor and no legal concept, in case his elderly people think that these people are "discussed as crimes", then they can be "discussed" directly without even going through the procedures.

"Ah ... yes, huh." Xuan Ye squeezed a grin and glanced out of the window—they are now on a private jet that is urgently deployed, and on the way back to the headquarters, Xuan Yuan started thinking about either himself Just "jump and run" forget it.

Fortunately, Xiao Zheng didn't pay attention, and his cell phone and email reminder sounded one after another.

"Director Xiao, in the three field-related accounts at the headquarters, found a successful transfer record to the former head of the rehabilitation department, Gong, with a maximum amount of 180,000 and a minimum of 34,000. We checked the transfer records for 72 hours before and after All of their communication records found that in addition to Gong Chenggong, they had contacted the old director, most of them were by phone. One of the field service sent a message to the old director after the transfer-'You asked me to bring the souvenirs I have handed over. To Director Gong, Director Gong asked me to convey my gratitude to you and come back in person in return. "

Xiao Zheng changed hands and copied the information to investigation teams across the country.

Soon, he received feedback from all over the place. Many of those who have moved the mirror, water, and moon butterfly appear in the communication record.

“If it ’s not for the simplicity of your bureau ’s customs, wherever you go, you bring souvenirs to each other ... This 'native souvenir' should be the key word,” said Xuan Momo, rubbing his chin. At the time of the accident, when the number of casualties exceeded the limit, I went to Gong Chenggong to buy mirror flowers, water and moon butterflies to whitewash the peace-not everyone can buy it, and I have to introduce them through acquaintances.

Xiao Zheng sneered: "Bribery Gong successfully under the name of" local specialty ", get the butterfly, and watch" reward ", probably Gong's success will give some benefits to the" intermediary ", the industry chain is really clear."

Xuan Yuan asked again, "Why are the amounts different, and there are odd ones?"

Xiao Zheng picked up the phone and called the headquarters: "Tune the‘ millionaire 'and check if the suspect has been responsible for any tasks within one week before and after the transfer. ”

Xuan Yuan asked curiously, "Huh? What is it?"

When he was a kid, the plane landed at the headquarters of the Exotic Control Bureau, and Xuan Yuan saw the huge "multi-year instrument".

The "Nianyiyi" is on the eighteenth floor underground and is four or five meters high. The hall where it is stored is almost the size of a standard football field. The four walls are stepped screens, and the date and approximate location are entered. After the coordinates, the temperature and humidity around the multimeter were immediately adjusted to the conditions at the time, and even thunder showers could be simulated.

At the same time, the surrounding screens began to scroll through important events that day, the distribution of abnormal energy responses around the world, and so on.

Xuan Yuan saw several research institutes opening the Nianyiyi and stuffed a coma-related involved field into it. The instrument hummed and various numbers on the screen jumped around.

"The principle is that everything that has happened in the world can be traced," said Xiao Zheng. "The chronometer can trace some of the energy reactions that happened to this person through some analysis and calculations, and then use simulation to restore the then The environment, and the energy response of the respondent, activate the respondent's suppressed hidden memories-of course, the respondent must first be a special energy, the energy of ordinary people is too low to reach the threshold, and the perpetual instrument cannot check ... sometimes the respondent will consciously resist, but these unconscious ...

His voice faded, and the face of the subject appeared on the screen around the Nianyi.

The well-dressed field was embarrassed and covered in dust, and he trembled and held the phone: "Secretary, please ... I accidentally clicked on a gas station when arresting the mutant scorpion ... It was not intentional ... Dead, dead ... "

The image on the screen moved with his gaze. There were dozens of corpses on the ground. Most of the corpses were blurred by the staff at the gas station and the tourists who just docked nearby.

Xiao Zheng narrowed his eyes narrowly: "It can be used as a testimony."

The investigator turned his head and asked: "Director Xiao, what now?"

Xiao Zheng waved his hand: "Arrest and give a formal report to Huang Ju."

At this time, Xuan Yuan stared thoughtfully at the Nianyi, suddenly asked: "How long ago can this thing go back? Hundreds of years? Thousands of years?"

"Historically," a researcher who operated the tenterometer turned back and said to him, "Of course, too far can only check the weather at that time, because no living person remembers it." 2k novel reading network

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