Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 50 Table of contents

In Alozin's "Retracement", Xuan Yuan was once pitted by Sheng Lingyuan with a perspective problem. After watching the video displayed on the screen, he was immediately sensitive and asked: "But in his memory, why can he See him? "

The researcher next to him pushed his glasses and answered with a proud look: "Director Xuan, this is not memory. The Nianyiyi is our greatest invention in the past ten years. What do you think it is? Hypnosis or mind reading?"

Xuan Yuan: "..."

What's wrong with this researcher, do I have to speak in the tone of this hero's mother? It's the same thing he did himself.

"The Nianyiyi is actually a huge database with the world's most advanced supercomputers as hardware support. Oh, the computer room is downstairs," the researcher pointed at the screens on the four walls, looking at the mountains and mountains. "When we enter a variable--that is, the unconscious suspect over there--the perpetual instrument will make information based on his personal information, life trajectory, special energy flow patterns, and the brain's response to stimuli, etc. Comprehensive deduction and simulation ... "

"Wait," Xuan Yuan interrupted him in a fog, pointed to the screen and asked, "That is to say, this is the result of your machine's deduction, not true."

The researcher is an ordinary person. Ordinary people are always inferior in the foreign control bureau. Therefore, they look down on these talented people who have not read any books. They rely on God to reward their meals. I think "cultivation" is a mess of logic, and I feel that I am quite amazing.

He pushed his glasses impatiently, and said, "You can rest assured that Wannianyi deduced the events in the last 24 months with an accuracy of 98% ..."

Xuan Yuan could not help but interrupt him again: "What about twenty-four months ago? For example, three thousand years ago."

"The fewer parameters, the higher the degree of freedom ... the more likely it is, can you understand that?" The researcher glanced at him mercilessly, trying to translate his meaning into vernacular, "Miannianyihui According to the probability of an event, arrange the derived possibilities on these screens and distribute them from high to low according to the screen number. Because there are only three thousand screens, you can only see the first three thousand cases with the highest probability. "

"Ah, it's amazing," Xuan said after he heard it, his face suddenly realized, "It's so great, such a bland name like 'Nianyiyi' really doesn't deserve it."

The researcher's expression was slightly loose. Although he felt that the director Xuan also looked like a "deep mountain old forest species" and did not graduate from primary school, he would still say a few words.

However, before he was too proud to spread his face, he heard Xuan Yuan saying, "It should be called‘ two-year instrument and 9,000-year-old Monte Carlo (note) simulator '! ”


"How come you are so poor!" Xiao Zheng stepped in before the researcher was angered by a heart attack. "You don't have to do any work, right?"

With the order of the general dispatch, the strings of the headquarters of the Exotic Control Bureau tautened, and the high-speed multi-purpose machine room “buzzed”. When the Huang Bureau arrived, they had already drawn a startling list. .

Among the suspects involved in concealing the number of casualties with the mirror flower water moon butterfly, including four cadres at or above the director level-the old director, Minister Song of the field security department, all 11 people at the director level or above in each region, the remaining All are front-line field elites.

This seems to be a paradox, because the waste snacks are all engaged in logistics, there is no need to take the initiative, and of course there is no risk.

Only the best field workers will be sent to handle the most dangerous tasks. On the one hand, they work on the edge of the knife edge. On the other hand, they are subject to strict management regulations. At the end, the road left to the former "heroes" seems to be There are only two left-either like Yan Qiushan, who used to be “Fengshen One”, ca n’t even keep his knife, and leaves the scene sadly; or, like the old director, he finally bought from Gong Chenggong thousands of years ago. The witch cast a curse, stepped on his conscience, and climbed higher.

After reading the Yellow Bureau, I returned the list to Xiao Zheng and sighed: "Xiao Xiao, I'm an ordinary person. What I say, I just stand and talk without backache. What do you think?"

Xiao Zheng said with a stern face: "The yellow round, we both live well, our relatives and friends are alive, and what we say, we both stand and talk without back pain. What should Bi Chunsheng think?"

Huang Ju shook his head: "Isn't this chilling, does anyone want to do field work in the future?"

Xuan Yuan: "But in the yellow round, the hero has become a evil dragon.

Huang Ju was silent for a while, and finally pulled out his pen and signed the arrest warrant.

On the Honor List of the Exotic Administration's intranet, those photos representing the glorious resume were urgently taken down by half, and the page was too late to be re-edited, just like a dog.

The old director was detained at home, and Minister Song of the Ministry of Security was disarmed at the door in the morning. The golden dragon in the lobby of the headquarters climbed up in the air along the column, and the murmur of dragons echoed in the empty hall.

Xuan Yuan stared at the dragon for a while, and suddenly asked Xiao Zheng: "Lao Xiao, if one day you know that you are not mortal, what will happen?"

Xiao Zheng took a sip of coffee with a pair of dark circles on his face. He listened to this question and could not help raising his eyebrows—daddy is handsome and handsome, and is just right. It is not the same thing as your poor and ordinary people.

However, when he looked up, he saw Xuan Yuan's arms crossed on his chest, his face was rare and thoughtful, and he was not kidding.

"I said it literally." Xuan Yuan said, "Not mortal, but ... For example, you belong to another species. Better than humans, high above you, but this superior power is sealed somewhere, if you know This secret, would you like to open the seal? "

"What a mess," Xiao Zheng didn't seem to understand. "How many years have the feudal serf system perished? Is it still" high above the ground "? Is it on the rocket? Where are all the antique thoughts," the lives are waiting "."

"Everybody waits." Xuan Yuan bent his eyes silently, turned around and asked, "how do you treat that" Zhichun "knife?"

Xiao Zheng hesitated, speechless.

Xuan Yuan pressed a hand on his shoulder: "It's hard."

Yong'an's sun rose as usual, Dongchuan was still busy, and the closed door of the Alien Control Bureau was so earth-shattering that it did not affect the smooth rotation of the earth, but the news that the wings were inserted quickly reached the ears of caring people.

The Penglai meeting was suddenly interrupted due to the arrest of Yuedegong. Then, the yellow round did not bid farewell. The gangsters were all ashamed and angry. On the contrary, the host Jade mother-in-law is the most qualified to pass. It's okay, and while comforting everyone, what should be done.

At 4:30 in the morning, Jade's mother-in-law finished her meditation, she was well-groomed, and breakfast was always a congee. She lifted her mouth silently, finished eating for a moment, rinsed her mouth with clean hands, and looked dignified like a jade-carved bodhisattva. Then she said to the ghostly maid next to her, "Stop it, invite the guests in."

The maid bowed and took away the chopsticks—she had a clear eyebrow, but her face was slightly stiff, a bit like hyaluronic acid. She didn't know what was wrong, and if you look carefully, there are two at the corners of the two mouths to the chin The vertical line is active from the lower lip to the chin ... just like the kind of puppet for folk artist performing belly language!

For a moment, a weird puppet woman brought in a man.

The man was very tall. As soon as he entered the house, Jade's hut seemed to be cramped immediately. His hair was a little long, and he arbitrarily tied it behind his head. His beard was not shaved, and he was wearing a dusty atmosphere. The sword eyebrow has a sharp face and a pair of sharply lit eyes in the sunken eye socket, and a piece of metal with large nails is hanging around the neck.

After entering the room, he looked around calmly. This is the habit of the nervous field at all times, and then he said, "I'm disturbing you."

"Swallow team," Mother-in-law nodded at him, "sit."

"It's not a swallow team for a long time. If you don't hate it, just call me Akiyama-hey, thank you." The man did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and he also picked a corner to sit. The gun, he took the tea handed by the puppet maid, but did not move, found an envelope from the outer bag and handed it to the mother-in-law.

The envelope was red and black. I do n’t know what the texture was. The red place was like blood, and the black place was not reflective at all.

The mother-in-law's eyes jumped, and she held up a tea cup to block half her face.

"I don't usually like entertainment, and the polite words are not very good. I'm afraid to delay your time. I'll be honest, don't be surprised." Yan Qiushan said, "I guess you know that too Because of the concealment of the number of casualties, the Foreign Exchange Control Board changed blood last night, and even the old director caught it. "

Jade mother-in-law replied calmly: "Isn't this great? I organized this Penglai meeting, and I wanted to explain it to the Foreign Exchange Control Bureau."

Yan Qiushan lowered his eyes and smiled. He was a bit tough-minded, but his arch was narrow and beautiful, so it seemed innocent to laugh. His eyelids lifted, but his eyes looked like a knife: "I think No, mother-in-law, everyone is your own. Let ’s make it clear-these years, the foreign control bureau has to control everything. There is a policy for three days and two heads. I do n’t discuss it with you at all. You should be unbearable. Right? The new director is an ordinary person, and it does n’t look like it is very popular, 'can't pick it up'. The seniors just want to take advantage of the scandal in the foreign control bureau, and beat him, so that they don't care too much in the future, right? Anyway, it is impossible for them to find out all the scandals that can't be ended. "

The corner of her mother-in-law's eyes jumped: "Swallow team, you're right, one of you who came out of a different control bureau, even if it is a traitor, is full of authority."

"I don't go around those useless circles. You listen to your ears because I'm talking about ideas." Yan Qiushan did not change his face, "but you didn't expect this old maniac with a surname of Huang to eat a tiger as a pig. The Penglai conference was so packed that it changed people's hands to level up Yue Degong's old nest in Dongchuan, and he was not afraid of the scandal. He returned and caught his ex. He encountered this kind of gangster and devious hob. Meat, it's hard for you to ride a tiger now, isn't it? "

Mother-in-law stared at him for a moment and smiled: "Who is the person behind you? Would you let me be a lobbyist?"

Yan Qiushan nodded to her: "Thank you, I'll just tell the truth."

The mother-in-law took the dazzling envelope from the puppet maid, opened it, and found a gloomy woodcarving token inside, painted with a weird totem, dragon head, bird wing, snake body, tiger tail, and eyes cracked, On the back was the word 'Skyfire', which was red and shocking.

The mother-in-law slammed the wooden sign upside down on the table, and slowly said, "It's too whimsical to rekindle Abyss."

"I don't think so," Yan Qiushan said calmly. "Achiba looks to me like a man-made dam, trapped in what should have belonged to us. In those days, the emperor wiped out the Quartet and forced to go against the sky. It seems to me that he is too whimsical. But the lie left by this whimsical person has deceived us for more than three thousand years, so that now all our fellow citizens think they are human and willingly give their lives to the people, isn't it ridiculous? ? "

Jade mother-in-law was silent.

Yan Qiushan bowed his head: "I'm the most senior special talent in the world, and the old man of the last" Qingping Division ". I don't say these things, you should be more clear."

The mother-in-law sighed finally: "I am old and can't move anymore."

"Where," said Yan Qiushan, "you are less than a thousand years old. You must know that before the Kyushu melee, the monster powers within Chitose were still young. If it wasn't for Akabuchi, how would you be young? , Feeling powerless? "

This sentence finally poked into her mother-in-law's heart, no one was not afraid of ruthless time.

She remained silent for longer: "What do you want?"

Yan Qiushan raised his eyebrows sharply: "During the Kyushu melee, there was a Gaoshan tribe. The Gao tribe did not have much ability, and they were not armed. They were also good at casting weapons. Legend has it that the swords they punched were spirited, so all forces wanted After swallowing them, the King of the High Mountains was trying to survive, and he didn't dare offend either side. Finally, he took refuge in the human race and sent his adopted son to the Emperor to serve as an attendant. He just wanted to find a chance in the troubled times, and the Emperor was still not satisfied with them. Going around, crossing the river and tearing the bridge after use, making this race completely disappear from history. "

Mother-in-law Yu said, "The people behind you know so much."

"Not only that," said Yan Qiushan. "The adoptive son of King Gaoshan who was a guard next to the Emperor got the news in advance and escaped. Before being pursued to death by the Emperor, he hid a group of spiritual soldiers ... ... "

Mother-in-law Yu said: "I vaguely remember that this happened, but the Qingping Division followed the millennium until it disbanded and found nothing. You have to ask me where they are ..."

"You don't know," Yan Qiushan interrupted her, "but some people know-for example, that mountain prince, the burial place of the mountain prince has always been the secret of the human race, hidden in the deepest part of the Qingping Division, mother-in-law, have you seen it? "

"Are you crazy? The mountain prince is dead ..." Jade mother-in-law first thought about it, and then thought of something, "Wait, you mean ... that gloomy sacrifice?"

Yan Qiushan smiled.

Jade mother-in-law's gaze fell on the metal fragments around his neck: "Why, is this ritual written by you? Would you like to wake the Prince of the Mountain and repair a knife for you?"

At the headquarters of the Exotic Control Bureau, the investigation team had rotated for 48 hours, and finally the dust settled.

The matter of Jinghua Shuiyuedie is about to come to an end. Xuan Yuan saw that he was fine, and he walked alone to the file room of the foreign control bureau, brushed his work permit, and put all the information about the abyss and the twice in the foreign control bureau. The materials of the battle of Pingyuan have been copied, and they are planning to ask for a few days off to check with the Hui people.

When he took the elevator and went up, the building's elevator power supply system did not know what was wrong, and suddenly the power was cut off, and the backup power supply was started immediately, but it didn't wait for the lights to turn on and failed again.

The elevator stopped.

Xuan Yuan waited for a moment, and simply reached out and fastened the elevator door. He was not mortal, and his hand strength was of course unusual. He squeezed out without much effort, looked up, and found that he was exactly ten underground. Six floors.

In addition to the elevator, there is also underground public lighting. However, because the Nianyiyi is extremely expensive, it uses another energy system, which is suddenly on in the dark corridor.

Researchers who worked overtime went to help repair the electricity, and no one was around.

Xuan Ye sucked his nose, and the foot ghost who originally wanted to go to the staircase turned the direction of the god, and walked towards the Nianyiyi. 2k novel reading network

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