Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 58 Table of contents

Wang Ze and Yan Qiushan are too familiar. When Yan Qiushan is first cooked, he can see the trend behind him. That is a spell that can only be used by metal-based abilities. It can instantly empty a person. All the energy allows the free electrons in the metal product on his hand to be redistributed, generating a sufficiently large potential difference, and the arc will penetrate the air in a small range, and is generally used to detonate dangerous goods.

Especially in confined spaces!

Between the sparkles and fire, Wang Ze understood what he wanted to do, widened his eyes in horror, and stared at the "blood paint" covered with walls.

This kind of pigment called "鸩" is oily, and likes fresh flesh. It can penetrate quickly even through paper towels. It is afraid of light and fire, because the oily substances in it are easy to ignite, and the toxins contain鲛 Human blood has a very high energy density, and once ignited, it will explode immediately.

At this time, the closed enchantment produced by the gloomy sacrifice is unbreakable. Here, the wall full of "鸩" can blow the mountain prince into dregs!

In this way, no one can resurrect these ancient demons that should have been buried in the earth.

After Zhichun was hit by sea poison, Yan Qiushan frantically searched countless sources-about sea poison and about Tao Island.

But the more he checked, the hesitant he became. Because he found that there has never been a precedent for the island of Li to appear on the continental shelf.

Zhuodao is composed of tapeworms. Although they are disgusting, they are a very sensitive creature. They are afraid of "living gas". There are many fishing grounds and cruise ships along the coast. Humans and various marine life are frequent. It is impossible to approach. Because you have n’t waited for the human activity area, the maggots will flee because of fear, and the island will naturally disintegrate.

Not to mention a densely populated country, even those sparsely populated continents, Lidao has never been near.

So ... Where did that island that was almost approaching the land come from?

Yan Qiushan was not a conspiracy theorist because he knew he had nothing to conspiracy with. The blood of his family is too thin, and most of his relatives are ordinary people, walking very little. He was poor and white, only Zhichun. But Zhichun is invaluable to him. To others, it is actually nothing. He is neither as famous as the top ten knives, nor as sharp as those handed down magic knives and monster knives. As an "ancient sword", Zhichun is too gentle, lacks sharpness, and is not even regarded as a top grade.

People are insignificant people, and knives are insignificant. What on earth is worthy of others' calculations?

Until someone came to the door and asked him if he wanted to repair Zhichun.

He understood that those people lacked a ritual.

Yan Qiushan thinks that in the field like him, there are tens of thousands of foreign control bureaus, and the soldiers in the iron department are running. Even if this group dies, there will be new recruits in the future. But this so-called "prince of the mountains" is an ancient demon. The "ancient demon" is not the same. You can count it with one hand and die one less. The baby is very precious.

He is equivalent to using a taxi running across the street for a limited edition classic car, and earns no money.

Over the years, all the things he found have been sealed. Wang Ze ’s kid still has a conscience. Since he can come along with the tiny clues left by him, it means that he hasn't forgotten himself ... then he should find himself Something left.

"It's a pity," Yan Qiushan calmly thought, because the blood was too thin, the other party always regarded him as a disposable tool. Without too much attention, he could not reach the core. "I'll be more pure. Can detect their boss. "

Will there be a soul after death?

I knew it would be better to convert to a belief, and just do anything. In this way, he can convince himself that death is imminent. After that, there is still a soul. The soul can go to heaven and earth, find everything that has been lost, and end all things that are not perfect.

"Yan Qiushan!" The dagger left a familiar spell on the stone wall where the Prince of the High Mountain was sealed. Wang Ze burst into a roar that was even more heartbreaking than his eyes. His eyes were red, "Are you stupid!"

Yan Qiushan stood facing the wall, his blade cut through the human blood. From the sharp gap, he faced the wall of Prince Takayama's face still crying after death. The corner of his mouth passed a smile: "Wang Ze, I think you are tight Now. "

The dagger crossed a beautiful and precise arc, and was about to end.

At that moment, Zhang Zhao initiated a pause for one second.

Xuan Yuan lifted Wang Ze's neck: "Go away!"

A burst of fire light burst from his fingertips. After the flame changed a few colors, it finally became a weird snow-white, and the oxygen in the bubbles was instantly emptied, letting the water at the bottom of the sea squeeze against him, so he whole Man is like launching light.

As soon as the snow-white flame touched the gloomy sacrifice enchantment, the enchantment immediately "slapped", and the place where the flames had stung was bleeding, dripping the dark red and nearly black thick liquid.

There were countless screams in Xuanyuan's ears—as he heard from the beginning, the screams lingering at the bottom of the Abyss.

The ring was gone, and those memories that he thought he had forgotten suddenly became clear again.

There were countless chaotic pictures flashing in Xuan Yuan's eyes, but he had no time to look closely.

The one-second pause ends and time doubles.

Yan Qiushan's dagger "呛" broke in his palm, and a shocking spark burst on the stone wall.

"Boom", the enchantment of the gloomy sacrifice will be broken just before the blood explosion of the Tatar. Wang Ze has never used such a strong water system in his life. When the enchantment broke, more than a dozen bubbles flew out at the same time. On Yan Qiushan, he didn't know that the set was not set, and was shattered by the shock waves produced by the explosion.

Then, the entire graveyard collapsed, and the huge waves threw everyone out, whether it was a **** or a demon.

The oxygen in Xuan Yuan ’s bubble was burned by himself, which would just explode directly, and the bubble would simply break into slag-he is both a fire department and a birdman. The submarine combat is simply an away game. .

Shouldn't he be a cheerleader on this occasion, how could he inexplicably become a vanguard? !!

The rampant water slammed into his chest, knocking out the little air left in his lungs, and Xuan Yuan's eyes were dark.

At the same time, it might be the burning pain in his lungs that reminded him, a scene flashed back-he was surrounded by a group of people and was in fire.

The people around him described the withering, all of them were exhausted, their faces couldn't cover the skull, but their eyes were glowing with enthusiasm.

Eighty-one mouths, one by one, recited the mantra that opened the **** on earth, "buzzing" into a ball.

Those people were abnormally tall. Xuan Yuan first stumbled, and then realized that it wasn't that they were too "tall", but that he was too small.

He is probably only as big as those adult men.

Before Xuan Ling had reacted, what kind of image would he have, he felt pain in the top of his head, eyes, throat, wings, chest, and Dantian at the same time. Then, he rose into the air and was nailed in a twisted posture. Something, the "thing" is soft and warm, and there are faint fluctuations ... a heartbeat can be heard.

It's a living body!

Xuan Yuan didn't have time to be scared, the distant thunder had fallen, the bronze mirrors at the four corners were illuminated, and his eyes were pierced through, but strangely, he could still see things, just like ... who he was sharing with, use Like the eyes of others!

For a moment, when he saw the lightening of lightning, the reflection in the bronze mirror--

A two- or three-year-old boy was hung under the seat of the Suzaku, hanging on a bronze tripod. The tripod was burning in flames, and a big slap chick was nailed to his chest.

Surrounded by jewel-like glittering eggshells, the birds seem to have been cut directly from the eggs. The hair is not yet full, and the ugly group doesn't know what kind of breed it is. The blood of the boy's heart Leaching out, flowing through the whole body of the young bird, dyeing it blood red.

The second thunder roared and shone brightly around the surroundings, as well as those ghost faces.

A huge statue of Suzaku is white in the silhouette of lightning. The statue is a man in a feather coat. He has wings on his back, a human face, and a gorgeous long magpie like a bird.

In the thunder and lightning, the corner of the mouth of the idol showed a weird smile.

The fire in the bronze tripod blew up, the flames became white, the boy and the bird were swallowed together, and they were burnt to ashes. People who were crazy around them were also caught in the tongue of fire, but they did n’t seem to know Life and death, without knowing the pain, danced in unison, and shouted in unison: "Heavenly Demon! Heavenly Demon Sword!"

Lei dropped one after another, and the madmen were burned to burnt corpses, and the temple fell apart. But the boy's bones in the copper tripod rekindled the vitality from the corpse, and once again grew new flesh and blood, the fledgling disappeared, fell to him, and became a sabre.

The hilt on the hilt is engraved with complicated patterns, and a pattern is clustered in the middle-just the marks of Xuan Yuan's nails.

Countless times, he has seen this sword in the dream of the ring of flame.

This is the sword used by Sheng Xiao in the Wannianyi to cut the demon king.

"I am ..." A thought came out of Xuan Ye's hypoxic brain, "Is that the sword?"

The next moment, someone grabbed him by the shoulder and put his head back. Xuan Yuansan's consciousness fluctuated a bit, and it felt like he saw Sheng Lingyuan's face.

He remembered the small county near Abyss, where the man said lightly, "I am a delusion of humans."

Suddenly, the whole body was cold.

When Sheng Lingyuan arrived, he was catching up with Yan Qiushan and blasting the tomb of Prince Gaoshan.

The entire tomb has collapsed, and the crystal walls that sealed all kinds of corpses, ancient, modern, Chinese, and foreign, have collectively shattered into slag, whether it is the corpse of a child buried in the mountains, or a grave robber who has been a "window model" for many years-everyone who is lucky to explode China has kept the "integral shape", and you all pushed me to float.

The corpses did not know to form a line. The quiet sea floor was crowded and chaotic for a moment like the Spring Festival scene.

Sheng Lingyuan quickly grabbed a "live bird" from the dead, and really didn't understand it. Xuan Yuan is a bird species ... Yes, he is not a water bird, why should he follow the black carp to the sea floor?

This one who looks pretty smart usually doesn't look like a lack of mind!

Xuan Yuan didn't know if it was conscious or simply a desire to survive. When he touched him, he clung to him tightly, his hands were as big as he was about to get into his bones.

Large air bubbles burst from his mouth and nose, and Sheng Lingyuan estimated that he could not stick to the sea.

The thirty-sixth fire keeper in Abuchi can stand up to the sky, and no one looks at it. It would be funny if he drowned in the sea at last.

Sheng Lingyuan couldn't help but think of a sentence that was heard by others in the store the other day. He didn't understand it at that time because it seemed to be grammatical. Now he understands how to use that sentence without a teacher—

"Look you can!"

He squeezed Xuan Yuan's chin and thought disgustingly, "Hey, salty."

Sheng Lingyuan wanted to open his lips violently, but Xuan Yuan ’s stronger teeth were loosened the moment he met. He took a quick sigh of relief and immediately noticed the trust of the other party's almost unreserved, suddenly a little strange, thinking: "Are you confused?"

Sheng Lingyuan grabbed Xuan Yuan with one hand, and silently read the sentence.

In the tomb of the seabed, the cold corpse gas accumulated for three thousand years resonates with his homologous source. A huge vortex swirls up, stirs the surrounding seawater, like a hurricane, and sprays all the living people and the corpses upward.

Fortunately, when the Tomb of the Prince of Takayama first shaken, the relevant departments along the coast of Yuyang immediately launched measures to respond to sudden natural disasters, and all work boats went to "evacuation", otherwise, in this case, we don't know how the aftermath will happen. circle.

Xuan Yuan was trapped in the tomb for a day. Several members of the aftercare team waited on the speedboat for a day, ate all the food in Ping Qianru's pocket of the "mobile cafeteria", and did not wait for digestion. Wonderful scene of the "Bundled Body".

The speedboat was hit and flipped back and forth, Luo Cuicui lay on the side of the ship, looking at the eyes of a corpse. The corpse kept the expression of astonishment before death. The large eyes and mouth seemed to use the same as Luo Cuicui A modeling.

Luo Cuicui: "..."

At this moment, a pale hand climbed up the boat and tilted the speedboat to one side. Then, a human body "flyed" out of the water, hitting Luo Cuicui's back.

Luo Cuicui was finally frightened and collapsed, as if the tortoise that had been squeezed into the shell, scrambled on all fours, and wept.

"Amitabha, Jade Emperor ... Help ... Guanyin Bodhisattva, Hallelujah ... I want to resign ..."

"Ah, don't cry in a hurry, and still have anger." Sheng Lingyuan shook his head with his loud snoring sound, and hissed again, Xuan Yuan held his wrist like a life-saving straw. And a strand of hair, "Excuse me ... can you let him loose it first?"

There was a bubble on Wang Ze's body. When the explosion happened, he had no time to distinguish between the human and the corpse. No matter what it was, he was exhausted when he was rushed to the surface. He groaned and sank, and took a few sips of water. Zhang Zhao's eyes stole for another second, and together with Gu Yuexi, he fished him out.

"My **** ..." The Kings were out of breath. "Is it the first water system that has almost drowned in history ... Kekeke ... What about the Yan team? The Yan team!"

The large and small bubbles condensed by Wang Ze floated on the surface of the sea, like large and small rescue cabins. He touched the water on his face, bumped back and forth in it, and finally turned over to Yan Qiushan.

Yan Qiushan was in a double-layered bubble with blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and his left arm was unnaturally hanging beside him. He didn't know whether it was a fracture or dislocation, silent. 2k novel reading network

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