Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 59 Table of contents

Although Wang Ze has a temperament of "social shaking", he is not a 250 person who lacks "soul and short wisdom." He caught on a bubble, separated by a few meters, and did not dare to swim to see Yan Qiushan.

For a moment, he was afraid that Yan Qiushan was dead, and he was a little afraid that the man was still alive.

Moving to another place, Wang Ze felt that he would not be grateful to the one who picked him up. Therefore, he looked around for a while, then, with a little bit of trembling, turned his head to Gu Yuexi, who was swimming over.

Gu Yuexi ripped open the air bubbles on her body and wiped a handful of seawater: "I have gas, three fractures, and internal organs have bleeding. I have to rush to the hospital!"

"Alive ..." Wang Ze recited this sentence in a godlike manner, and then he woke up like a dream, ignoring the dignity of the water system, using a standard dog planer, blasting all the way up to the water, fishing With that big double bubble, he growled exhaustedly, "Back to land, hurry up!"

"King of Teams!" Ping Qianru shouted from the sound of the wind and the waves. Yang Chao avoided the floating bodies on the water in a hurry and drove the speedboat over.

"Take the wounded aboard!"

"Slow down, he has a broken rib on his right."

"Is there anything that can fix his broken bone? King, will you stop the bleeding ... Oh my God, aren't you a water system, how can this not happen!"

"What about these others?" Zhang Zhao pointed to the puppet girl and the blind man not far away-the water system of the snake skin should have fled, the blind man passed out, and the puppet girl was injured in the tomb of the Prince of Takayama. Insufficient limbs and inconvenience, trapped in the air at this moment, he was tensing nervously, but no one could care about them for a while.

"These couple will talk about it later. The viscera of the Yan team has been bleeding. Is there any treatment department? Anyone who has learned first aid! My gosh! So this is the aftermath except the fight? You do n’t take the boss. A titty! "

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly sail back to shore and call for an ambulance."

"There are too many corpses in the water ..."

During the move, Yan Qiushan opened his eyes unconsciously, his eyes were empty and relieved, and he looked at the stars.

Sheng Lingyuan stood on the edge of the boat with his arms folded, and was not afraid to fall into the water. The sea breeze swept over his wet long hair, and he looked like a water monster. Looking coldly at them in a mess, Sheng Lingyuan stretched out his hands, and the wet water on his body formed ice moraine, which he photographed.

"Don't worry about it," Sheng Lingyuan said without thinking. "He may not want to live."

At this moment, the speedboat bumped into a floating corpse, and a terrible earthquake shook him awake.

Xuan Yuan sat up fiercely like a corpse, and his soul seemed to be sinking into a nightmare three thousand years ago, and he hurriedly exclaimed: "Lingyuan!"

Sheng Lingyuan paused, and his doubtful gaze came.

No one has called his name for many years ... especially this name.

The cold night breeze rolled his face with rancidity and salty smell, declared for a moment, looked down at his hands, his hands were still there, his eyes were still, his heart was still beating, he was not the one in the dream People cut out alive from the eggshells and turned into birds of swords.

Xuan Yuan finally remembered where he was, and said, "What's the matter?"

Why did he suddenly have so much memory somehow?

Also, he was underwater just now, and he did n’t know if he was suffering from hypoxia. He actually had the illusion that Sheng Lingyuan was coming. The man was ...

Xuan Yuan exhaled, covering his forehead with one hand, and discarding himself in the heart—the beautiful skins turned on the TV, and the funny soul swiped a bunch of things on the Internet. Can't he change to another one for a dream? What's wrong?

At this moment, a hesitant voice came from behind him: "Hmm? Did you just call me?"

Xuan Yuan took a sea breeze into his lungs and coughed alive.

Sheng Lingyuan bounced off the water stains and icicles on his body, but the clothing was frozen and pierced. It was strangely uncomfortable. He thoughtfully looked at Xuan Yuan for a moment.

He can now be sure that the slang phrase in search of people in the sea was not learned by the drowning carp. But if this little demon was transformed by Suzaku, where did he learn the slang words?

Are the so-called fire keepers "inherited"? However, as far as he knows, when he used Suzaku bones to seal Abyss, both the Tatars and the Takayama were already drowned in the war, and those who could speak Tatars were dead and clean.

Is it possible, can it still be those memories of Suzaku bone before his death? Bone seals and souls become perfect, which has made Sheng Lingyuan feel incredible. To say that the Suzaku bone can have the memories of his lifetime is even more heavenly.

The dead thing is the dead thing, and the corpse bone is the corpse bone, which is no different from the chicken bone and fish spit that spit out after eating, and for the convenience of carving the word, he picked all the keel processes from the Suzaku tomb-that is, the bulge in the breast In the one piece, a bird cannot have thirty-six breasts. Of course, the bone seals are taken from each of their families. Even if the Suzaku is a **** bird, the memory can still be left on the bones. Memory, who is it?

Also, why can this little demon break his restraint?

It's not that Sheng Lingyuan thinks that he is invincible, and he can't open it if he puts down a ban at the graveyard. Violent destruction is certainly possible. It's like a door that is locked. Other people can pry it open and kick it. Break it open, but hold the "key" that only he has, which makes him curious.

Sheng Lingyuan: "Why, do you have any other sources?"

Sheng Lingyuan's iris is clear, and the corners of his eyes droop slightly, so when he stares at something, his eyes will look focused and melancholy. As long as he doesn't go crazy, even if he looks at a shit, he can watch his emotions.

In Xuan Yuan's heart, half of them were tragic memories that made people burned inside, and half of the "artificial breath" in the water was dying, and Sheng Lingyuan took a look with this look, and the whole person was bad.

Sheng Lingyuan heard that he meant to cough out his lungs, and thought indifferently, "Yes, let you do it."

But it's about Chi Yuan, and he doesn't want to watch the last fire keeper always play for fun, so he vaguely mentions: "You have a heavy responsibility, and think twice before acting impulsively. If I weren't there today, how could I catch up? Well, why not so worrying. "

Xuan Yuan: "..."

He understood the meaning of Sheng Lingyuan, but found that this product may not speak well. If you put a fart, you have to pack it into a flax format like "you are sloppy, and you have nothing to do with it." , Seduce a bunch of big fools to be grateful for the tears, for his liver and brain.

From ** to soul, this old ghost grows according to the standard of scum!

He said bluntly, "Thank you for your care, and don't bother."

Then he bowed his head sharply, avoiding Sheng Lingyuan's gaze, and his colleagues who sprinted on the other side of the speedboat yelled, "Are you all here, are you all right?"

"You finally woke up, something happened!" Wang Ze turned back with cold sweat, Yan Qiushan didn't respond to their shouts at all, and his breath became weaker and weaker. The speedboat stumbled in the floating corpse. Director, is there any strength, can you cremate the big brothers who are blocking the road? It affects the speed too! "

Xuan Ling covered his coughing lungs, got up and glanced around the speedboat. At this moment, Yang Chao, who was sailing, "squeaked" and slammed into several floating corpses, and the boat shook fiercely. .

Sheng Lingyuan raised his hand and grabbed him: "Fun steady."

Xuan Yuan shook off his hand as if he had been electrocuted, and stepped back tremblingly, almost falling into the water.

Sheng Lingyuan is inexplicable, wasn't he okay when he was in Dongchuan. Why don't you see it for a few days?

Xuan Yuan hides him a little bit further, the coin rolls over the tip of his finger, "snap" and bounces into the air, and a small flame jumps from above, hanging in the air, like a fluorescent lamp.

Later, I saw that the floating corpse standing in front of the speedboat suddenly had order, and slowly formed a line on both sides of the speedboat, giving way.

Xuan Yuan slammed Yang Chao: "Graduate, sail!"

The obstacle was gone, and the speedboat passed through the corpse.

Sheng Lingyuan looked at the coin with interest: "Extradition lamp, would you still do this?"

I saw that the burning coin stopped in place. The floating corpses on the surface of the sea were like moths tending to light, and they gathered together towards the coin, like a group of pilgrims.

On the ship, Yan Qiushan's difficult-to-focus eyes seemed to be attracted by the fire, and his pupils reflected a little light.

Wang Ze thought he had regained consciousness, and quickly called out: "Swallow team! Can you hear the swallow team?"

"Cover his eyes." Xuan Yuan walked quickly, "The extradition lamp attracts the dead."

Wang Ze almost cried.

Xuan Yuan frowned—when he could fly, when he captured Bi Chunsheng, he also used a kind of "shrinking technique", which could take Yan Qiushan away at the fastest speed, but he was afraid that the injury would be too serious. Can't stand such a big shock.

At this moment, Sheng Lingyuan suddenly said slowly: "This gentleman seems to still not forget the righteousness in the rivers and lakes, and it is really admirable, but I have a little doubt. You forgot to die for your life. Is Yun's graveyard? "

Yan Qiushan's eyes were covered by Wang Ze, and the fingers on his side trembled slightly.

Xuan Yuan turned his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

Sheng Lingyuan gazed at the extradition lamp that was getting farther and farther: "Weiyun was a poor man in his life. He was nothing but a bitter past in his tomb. Why is this so?"

Gaoshan Weiyun was the waiter around Emperor Wu. He destroyed the entire family of Gaoshan people, but he looked at the little prince differently, not only burying him in the tomb of King Gaoshan, but also sealing the grave.

For the first time, Xuan Yuan heard of "The Tall Mountain Man", and it was still in Arozina, and there was no record in the foreign control office, but he didn't know why, he suddenly jumped out of such a thing, and asked coldly: The bitter past is the little funeral in the graveyard that was buried in the soil by him? "

"The children didn't die from his hands, but from his weakness." Sheng Lingyuan said, "Alpine people are good at weapons, but not everyone can make a spirited and excellent weapon. Some people are exceptionally talented and said to be able to communicate. All things are called “Tian Er” by Gaoshan people. The masters of the past are all Tian Er, never encountered in a thousand years. Weiyun is a Tian Er. He was originally an orphan, because he was so outstanding that he was regarded by the King of Alpine as a righteous son. ... Later, this precious ear was sent to the human race as a gift. He was a prince in name, but it was actually a tool. Those children were orphaned like him, growing up like a loved one, and he was' flying yellow Tengda Later, he secretly took money to support him. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the King of Takayama. In order to make him obedient to the human race, the King of Takayama took these children to the palace as hostages. Later, the two families turned their faces, and the King of Takayama thought it was bad for Weiyun to do things. , Put these children in a gas chamber that purifies the blood of humans. "

He later asked people to collect these little corpses that had no place to rely on, and accompanied them to Weiyun's tomb.

Sheng Lingyuan looked at Yan Qiushan and said, "Weiyun is not a demon. He doesn't have that ability. Besides, even if he isn't, he can't be blasted to death by you. The ancient demon is immortal. Do you mean to play? "

Yan Qiushan, who was already dying, was struggling hard. In the crowd yelling, he actually gathered a little consciousness, looked at Sheng Lingyuan, and moved his lips silently: "You ..."

At this time, I don't know whose watch had the hourly time signal, and it lighted up a little-at eleven o'clock, the midnight of the ancient times came.

For a moment, everyone on the boat felt something, and a gust of wind suddenly appeared on the calm sea, and the clear night sky was covered by thick clouds out of nothing, and the burning "Extradition Lamp" was blown by the gust. One roll, the flames faded, and it turned into a weird green! 2k novel reading network

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