Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 80 Table of contents

Sheng Lingyuan was the one who had forgotten himself in the Abyss. He had been buried for three thousand years, and he had frozen into a clear ice sculpture.

Rolling red dust, he first arrived, incomprehensible, and had not had time to melt a little tentatively, the indestructible ice layer did not even have a warning, and exploded from the inside.

The splashing ice is like a knife and a sword.

Dongchuan, Alozin, the old patriarch, King Ning, Danli, Duling Palace.

His teachers and friends, those he betrayed, those who betrayed him, those who died for him, were battered by him.

He originally looked at them from a distance across the glacier ... but suddenly, the glacier broke, and he was pushed between those old people and the story.

The fire on the bank fell from the sky and extinguished it. He was like an ant who was under the sudden catastrophe, and had not had time to blink, and had been burned to ashes.

But ... even if his body burned to ashes, he would desperately follow the sound.

Wang Ze was still digesting and repairing the information that they had to kill in Zhichun, and Xuanyu replaced it with an old saying. He was a few steps away, with his wings behind him, and occasionally Mars came down, and the puppet shell under his feet was still burning.

Eyebrows are strange eyebrows. Sheng Lingyuan found that for so many days together, he seemed to have never seen this face carefully. The figure is also unfamiliar. It is too tall, with long hands and long feet. It is easy to raise hands and feet. It is as sophisticated as it was at birth. It has never been childish. Connect with the person in front of you.

The man even had a low voice, biting the familiar Yayin, and was brisk in his youth ... he even disappeared with a little noise. It sounds far and near.

"what did you say?"

Xuan Yuan took a step towards him, he thought: I used to dream when I was young. The biggest wish is to see you one day. I want to see you, not from the bronze mirror or from the water. I want to see the flesh and blood. Real people.

One more step-

Later I could see you and I saw you in your eyes, but I was just a sword, and I was greedy, thinking ... when can I get out of the sword and show you the real me.

One more step-

As a result, I thought too much of retribution. The destiny is not a thing, and it ’s nothing to teach. If you ca n’t say it, it ’s not bad to be with you as a sword. But your world missed a hole and it missed me. I think, as long as I can talk to you again, I am willing to do anything.

He stood in front of Sheng Lingyuan, and every step was breathtaking.

Silent, and seemed to say a lot again--

Later, I saw myself in your eyes, but your eyes are like a pair of reflectors, looking at me, can't see me.

Xuan Ye half kneeled down—Sheng Lingyuan's shoe laces were opened, and His Majesty was not used to wearing this kind of lace-up sneakers, which were always loose and always open. Xuan Ye carefully helped him fasten, another Flattened the trousers inch by inch.

Then he suddenly remembered something: "Yes, I haven't finished the last sentence."

Sheng Lingyuan seemed to hear too many voices suddenly, and the response became very slow. Every word had to be heard for a long time. After a while, he heard the sentence and nodded softly: "You say."

"Lingyuan, I ..." When Tian Mo Jian was smashed by King Weiyu, he left such a headless and endless word and never had a chance to continue.

At this moment, in the depths of Abyss, the icy stele of the fire keeper cracked in pieces, and then turned into dust and green smoke, circled out, Wanshan flew to the destination unhindered.

"I have nothing to worry about in my life," he smiled slightly, and the little mole in the corner of his eye flew up. "I can't think of a better life than this."

Sheng Lingyuan shook slightly, and the bones and bones washed by the magma seemed to be thinning and brittle quickly, and could be crushed by a piece of feathers.

"I really appreciate them ..."

Thank them for making me into a sword. Otherwise, I just do n’t see the heavenly spirits on the table. Without you, without the twenty years in the world, how boring it is.

There was an outsider present, and Xuan Ye had a lot of inconvenience to say. He didn't say it to his mouth. He lowered his eyes and stared at Sheng Lingyuan's hand on his side.

That hand has been holding the sword, the pen, and the jade seal of the kingdom since the broken sword, holding the right to life and death, as stable as a rock, never hesitating.

Started shaking again.

Xuan Yuan's gaze stayed on that hand for a moment, and he seemed to want to hold that hand.

I dare not.

At this time, the sound of the engine came from a long distance, followed by the noise of the helicopter propeller.

Well, according to the routine, the monsters are clean and support is crawling.

There was no place for the helicopter at the headquarters to land, and a big fly hovered over them, "buzzing" and screaming, the dust was rolling, and the shouting of his throat could not suppress the movement.

So Xuan Ye stopped talking, but just stood up and smiled at Sheng Lingyuan.

Xuan Yuan began to use a dialect and changed it to an old language. His voice was very low. To outsiders, they seemed to have just exchanged two or three sentences that they did not understand.

No one knows that these two or three sentences have been spoken for 3,000 years.

As if no one remembers, there was a billowing magma under the Abyss.

Sheng Lingyuan seemed to be deaf and mute by Xuan Yuan's smile. He watched a large group of people rushing up, shouted and carried away Yan Qiushan, and began to clean up the scene.

Someone is directing and someone is constantly asking questions. The voice was noisy. Almost immediately, Sheng Lingyuan gave the newscaster that he was almost fluent in Mandarin, and he couldn't understand anything.

He was a little confused because he knew he had no dreams.

After stripping Suzaku's blood, as the senses gradually became numb, he didn't dream much. His knowledge of the sea really turned into the sea, and even the horror cast into it seemed to be just a small pebble. Already. He was incredibly scared. He wanted to see the back of an old man, but the useless thing that scared him only gave him a migraine from death.

Oh yeah ... it's like this head explodes.

It's not a dream, it can't always be true, right?

Or where is the illusion created by Xiao Xiao? That illusion is a bit too fake.

He only used Bi Fang's eyes and ears occasionally, and most of the time, he collected the necessary information through the use of macarons. The macaroni curse is engraved on a little wooden man with eight dots engraved on it. It is a totem on the demon sword. It can make up for audio-visual, but there is no other consciousness-it is just a simple puppet, visual Hearing is no better than his own eyes and ears, like being in a wooden barrel, transmitting sound through a wooden board, and looking out through a small hole in the eye of a wooden person.

After waking up from this world, although he seems to be able to adapt to everything, he is actually not used to anything. The taste of hot food is strange and noisy. He stays in Xuanyuan ’s so-called "good sound insulation" room and listens to the sound of breathing next door. To be clear, the feeling of the breeze blowing through the skin is disturbing.

But disturbed and disturbed, he did not follow in his heart, unlike now.

He seemed to be a too-year-old who turned over every three thousand years, and his response was startling. Until then, those sorrows and joys were like a long ambush monster, suddenly showing his sloppy mouth and face, and biting down at him.

He returned Alozin to the coffin again ... twice, he saw Dongchuan's witch grave powder broken, Weiyun's grave fell apart, and Wang Weiyu re-mentioned the old story of the broken sword ...

Suzaku bones have a "spirit" for no reason, as well as the empathy like the next generation ... and the Abyss he saw in the sympathy with Xuan Ye.

What did he say?

Yes, once confronted by war or famine, Akibuchi will resonate, and those irrational resentments and ashes will rise again, throwing the pain, hunger and despair of life on the fire guard.

Sheng Lingyuan thought that scene was very familiar at the time, and now I think of it, isn't this the nightmare that I and the Demon Sword Spirit experienced every night when I was a kid?

No wonder that man was so skilled as a fire keeper.

"His Majesty."

"Sheng Xiao--"

"Lingyuan, are you happy all day long?"

"Lingyuan ..."

"Director Xuan!" At this time, Wang Ze shouted to Xuan Yuan from a distance, "I can't explain clearly, you and Director Xiao ..."

The two were startled at the same time by Wang Ze's loud voice, Xuan Yuan turned his head back, and his wrists were suddenly clasped.

Sheng Lingyuan didn't look at him, his eyes remained on the place where Xuanzhen was only half-kneeled, but his hand strength was as big as to crush him.

Xuan Yuan: "Wait a second, phone call ..."

Before the words "contact" were finished, the dark mist on Sheng Lingyuan suddenly burst out of control, covering the sky for a while, swallowing everything.

The abnormal energy monitoring on the field staff of the XCB was overloaded at the same time, and they screamed in unison, and died.

"what is this?"

"Calm, don't panic!"

"I can't see it!"

"Come closer!"

It took several minutes for the stagnant wind in the mountains to flow again and blow out the dark mist.

Xuan Yuan and Sheng Lingyuan are no longer in place.

Wang Ze lifted his chin with one hand and was stunned: "I have been watching the Journey to the West since the first grade summer vacation. I did not expect that‘ a demon wind came and swept away the Master of the Three Tibetans ’.

Xiao Zheng froze for a few seconds: "Telephone ... what is the telephone contact? His mobile phone is still on the headquarters!"

The devil's "shrinking into an inch" is more violent than Xuan Ye. Wherever he goes, many of the already yellow grass and wood statues have been corroded by concentrated acid, and they instantly reach the top of a nearby mountain. The moment Shenglingyuan landed, within a few miles of the surrounding area, whether it was a cat winter bug or a hibernating small animal, all of them were shocked, and despite the cold, they fled in a swarm of northwest wind.

Xuan Yuan hadn't stood still and was pushed away by him fiercely.

Sheng Lingyuan's voice was as dry as tearing his throat: "Who the **** are you?"

"Tong." Xuan Yuan held down his wrist, trying to hold the temperature left by that person, put it away, and muttered, "But you like to call me a chick."

The voice faded, and Sheng Lingyuan's neck was clasped with one hand, and there was a pain in his neck--Sheng Lingyuan bit his blood vessel.

Xuan Yuan didn't hide, a thought suddenly popped into his heart, he thought, "Someone even has cold lips and teeth."

But his blood was hot and hot.

Thirty-five stone steles, the world-wide hustle and bustle, have not settled in Xuan Yuan's mind, so there is nowhere to hide, and Sheng Lingyuan sucked it in one breath.

"Your Majesty!" An inner servant hurriedly came to Duling Palace, and "thumped" and knelt at the door of the sword furnace hall-this sword furnace has been sealed for several years. His Majesty recently did not know what to do, and he suddenly said that he would be closed in the hall. Two fierce guards guarded, no living creatures were allowed in.

The housekeeper is an extraordinary person, but as soon as he approaches the sword furnace, he feels uncomfortable and can go back for a few nightmares.

"Sir, queen queen ... queen queen crashed!"

There was no movement in the sword furnace hall.

The housekeeper listened for a moment, and then shoved his head heavily: "Your Majesty ..."

At this time, one of the guards waved his hand, interrupted his words, turned to the direction of the sword furnace, and closed his eyes-this guard is new, I don't know what it is, anyway, it is not a human, it is said to have clairvoyance and ears.

In the past year or two, Her Majesty has loved to use these monsters that are not human, or demon, but since Emperor Dan Li has not been sick, no one has dared to beak. The housekeeper held his breath in trembling fear, and after a while, the guard turned around and explained: "Your Majesty said, with the Ministry of Rites, the old system."

Housekeeper: "..."


The guard said flatly again: "His Majesty also said that the queen queen is gone, he is very mournful, he does not want to see people, he must be in retreat for a few days, and do not bother again."

The first time the housekeeper heard the sorrow of this style, but he didn't dare to ask any more. He bowed his head and walked away quickly. He couldn't help but glance back at the Jianluo Dian and Jianjian.

The housekeeper was taken aback, and rubbed his eyes hard again, and saw nothing.

On the bluestone bricks in the hall, there was a giant blood-drawn array drawn by blood. Sheng Lingyuan sat cross-legged in the middle of the pool of blood, red / body / naked / body, with a calm expression. The demon sword spirit tried to pounce over again and again. There is some kind of barrier that prevents him from letting it go.

Sword aura was desperate, scolded him, begged him, but Sheng Lingyuan could not hear it.

The black gas came out of the circle, turned into countless small knives, drilled into and out of Sheng Lingyuan, his flesh repeatedly cracked and healed quickly.

The sword spirit could feel that the blood of the same origin as Ling Yuan was stripped off little by little.

A ray of blood rushed into the sky, and he finally took a heart from his chest—mostly surrounded by black gas, only a little red and confusing. He cut that little bit of red without hesitation, and the rest of his heart grew automatically, dragged into his palm.

Sheng Lingyuan glanced, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "This is still a good match for me."

As soon as he waved his hand, all the black gas on the circle gathered, dragged that heart, and poured into his chest. Then, all the blood on the ground turned over and solidified, and finally gathered into a pearl-like blood, He put it in a small porcelain bottle.

At the same time, Sheng Lingyuan in the French formation seemed to be divided into two, with a gloomy and calm look.

With sadness on the other face, he took a deep look in the direction of the sword spirit, as if he could "see" the sword spirit, and then drilled into the porcelain bottle and disappeared.

At this time, someone outside the hall said gently: "Your Majesty, in the prison ... the man is showing signs of decline." 2k novel reading network

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