Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 81 Table of contents

"Oh," Sheng Lingyuan picked up his robe and put it on, loosely tied, like a porcelain man who was so smooth that it didn't touch the water, and the blood on his body slipped, leaving no trace on his skin, white and dazzling, What a coincidence. "

Xuan Yuan-Sword Spirit chased out quickly, but he found that he could no longer approach Sheng Lingyuan within three feet, and touched the wall several times. Sword Spirit was ignited, and tried his best to pounce on Sheng Lingyuan. Rebounded by an invisible barrier. He took a few steps back and fell under the osmanthus in the sword furnace palace. A branch passed through him and the sword spirit looked up suddenly. After seeing the osmanthus flowers just blooming passing by Shenglingyuan, it was so dead.

Dan Li was locked in the prison. Outsiders thought he was under house arrest, but he was nailed to the blood pool for more than a year.

As the shrine and the statue of the **** bird Suzaku fell down one by one, Dan Li also burned out a little bit of light. He never showed his face with a mask. This would be masked. The original face was only complete with eyes. The second half His face was covered by the fire. His flesh was almost dried up, and a piece of slack skin wrapped around his bones, like an appalling starvation.

The smell in the prison was compelling, but Sheng Lingyuan didn't care, and was so restless that he came to see his teacher for the last time.

The sword spirit that chased after could only be frightened.

But that's ... Dan Li.

When the demon was first formed, the demon qi was unstable. Even if it was already a demon, the childish body was too small. At that time, the demon sword could not refine the resentment collected by Abyss. They seemed to rely on each other. The small animals that warmed together had a lot of hardships and struggled to live. Because of the prophecy, the demon king always wanted Lingyuan's life. They and the queen mother, named Chen, also gathered together and fled.

Protecting Ling Yuan's fate is Dan Li.

Dan Li is the person who protects him, the person who takes care of him, and the one who teaches him. At the same time, he plays the triple role of Sheng Lingyuan's father, mother and teacher. The name "Lingyuan" was his name. Lingyan's expression and style of doing things all have the shadow of that man. Even once, he was walking with Dan Li in plain clothes, and the guard behind him actually mistaken the Emperor.

Although this period of mentoring and apprenticeship began with lies and ended with break-ups, Sheng Lingyuan's years of being inseparable from the words of the teacher were not false.

Jian Ling knew that at this stage, Sheng Lingyuan did not want to see Dan Li, and even did not want others to mention it, and he was sad.

After Dan Li was put into the prison, he only came to see it once, without communication. He glanced outside the prison and fled in a hurry.

However, Sheng Lingyuan at this time seemed to have unloaded any burden. He walked briskly, talking and laughing in the prison with no burden at all. As if nailed in the blood pool, it was just an unrelated strange enemy, who came to show off his power and victory.

Jian Ling was afraid that he would be sad, but he was even more afraid that he would not be sad.

This unbreakable Sheng Lingyuan is strange and distant.

"What is it that you‘ remove the blood ’?” Jian Ling asked, “What ’s the meaning of severing the seven emotions and six desires?” Sheng Lingyuan ... Sheng Xiao! ”

However, Sheng Lingyuan didn't look at him, and after speaking with Dan Li, he turned away.

The big day prison, only Dan Li panting like a broken bellows. The jailer was Sheng Lingyuan's confidant. The mixed guard sent away the emperor, looked back at Dan Li in prison, Dan Li suddenly raised his **** head, and a pair of "blood caves" shot sharp eyes at him. When the guard was excited, he cursed something low and left.

Dan Li couldn't breathe, and twitched in the blood pool for a while, then calmed down, and suddenly naturally said to himself: "I ... the limit is coming ..."

Sword Spirit returned to God, following his voice, looking around for a figure: "Who are you talking to?"

But there was no second living creature in this spooky blood cell, and even the ants did not dare to approach.

"I know you're ... I know you're not dead ..." Dan Li's voice was vague, and every word would take the energy of his whole body, "You are ... the sword spirit, Suzaku ... Hey, Suzaku's body, rebirth, that is, the dark-born, old-fashioned, sick and dead, the last Suzaku descendant is responsible for the devil ... you are not an ordinary sword spirit. "

Jian Ling froze, and then his face changed slightly, and he said coldly, "No matter what you say, I won't believe it."

When Jian Ling was born, he was connected to Sheng Lingyuan's heart and soul. Especially when he was young, the joy and sorrow of one person and one sword would affect each other. Lingyuan remembered all his teachings, and the sword spirit remembered the sweetness in his hands. Even in the years of exile, Dan Li always had a way to get some niggles to coax his highness, sometimes he did n’t know where to collect it. Nectar, sometimes a scorched wild bee hive. When hiding from the demon chase on the plain, he took the killing sword in front, while cutting the road, while cutting the sweet straw for his highness, who was in the arms of the dead. ... It's really sweet.

Sword Spirit can't forget that back in his life.

Dan Li coughed and said, "I know, to this day, you won't believe me anymore."

Jian Ling's eyes widened: "Can you hear me?"

"I can't see you, I can't hear you, just ... guess what you might say."

Also, who is Dan Li? As a kid, as long as he listened, he knew which sentence was spoken by Ling Yuan and which sentence was spoken by Ling Yuan.

Sword spirit was disappointed and sneered: "You have nothing to do, why didn't you count yourself?"

"I had known that there would be such a day," Dan Li said calmly. "We all lived in turmoil, lived in troubled times, and died in troubled times. I and Lingyuan ... have no resentment to each other, what he did Everything I taught him ... I wouldn't blame him. If I can behead like a mortal, it will be a hundred beheaded, presumably Ling Yuan would also like to give me a happy, not like this ... Today I am exhausted He will be doomed or frustrated in the future. "

Sword spirit was uncomfortable at first, and when he heard the last sentence, he blew his hair on the spot: "You're frustrated!"

Dan Li laughed lowly: "Little sword spirit, have you scolded me?"

The sword spirit was guessed by him again, and his mouth shut tightly.

"You ..." Dan Li sighed. "You demon, you are already late in your mind, and he is back in every way."

The sword's teeth were locked tightly, looking at the "hungry" in the blood pool with a complex look, and finally couldn't help asking: "Teacher, why?"

"The demon is fighting, the demon sword comes out of the scabbard, stirs the abyss of Abyss, and kills the thousand kings of the demon king, and the longevity of the Quartet Mountain, but ... when I think about it later, I will have grief. Your Majesty ... He is too young to have Squeezing the wrists of the Quartet, only when everyone was born and died with him, he could not call himself lonely ... and the Abyss fire was not extinguished, all the ethnic groups in the war would be united, and it would change after the war. There must be a place for catharsis, the bird is hiding in the bow ... Little sword spirit, Liang Gong's destiny has been so. When I was young, I talked about ancient times with Lingyuan, have you never heard of it? "

Sword spirit heard all kinds of depression, and for a long time, he closed his eyes fiercely: "Less to fool people with this kind of sounding nonsense, you just want to create an opportunity to stir up the inhuman ambition. Lingyuan just destroyed the high mountain people! "

"Everything was born in heaven and earth, died in heaven and earth, Xun Peng went to heaven, and people entered the sea ..." Dan Li slowly said, "The four seasons change, the cold comes and the summer goes, the fittest is born, and the downcast has no place. The ancient hundred and eight gods. So far, whereabouts have been ... Go all the way, now it is the inhuman race, the sword spirit, this is the choice of heaven, it is the general trend, how can a man ... reverse, dare to violate? Lingyuan ... he learned to turn clouds and rain, but did not learn to follow the trend For this reason, he cut off his Suzaku bloodline and replaced Akabuchi in the place of the godbird survivor, even if he can really extinguish the fire right now ... He doesn't want to think about his demon body. What would happen in the future without that little Suzaku bloodline suppression? "

Jian Ling busy asked: "What will happen?"

"His love severance will turn into a ruthless monster ... Now that Qiankun has soloed, and no one can hold him back, he will be tyrannical and do whatever he wants ..."

"You bullshit!" Sword Spirit only felt harsh, exclaimed angrily.

But Dan was inaudible.

"What's more, the demon is not old and dead, ten years is not too old, what about a hundred years, five hundred years, a thousand years?" In a few words, Dan Li seemed to have weakened a lot, and his voice became almost inaudible. "He can't end, he will Become the next demon king ... By then, within Kyushu, ... chaos will start again. How long can his little Suzaku bloodline seal off Abyss ... Tong ... "

Sword spirit was disturbed by him.

Dan Li panted suddenly, a "chuckling" sound made in his throat, and his body seemed to be dead, as if to death.

"You are ... Suzaku ... Tianling, Divine Bird ... The last descendant of Divine Bird ... You can save and save him again ... I ... I can't hear you, I say ..."

Dan Li suddenly appeared in a language that the sword spirit had never heard. It was very complicated. After listening to it, it was doubtful how people's tongue could make such a sound, but it was inexplicable, and the sword spirit understood it as if it was Something innate, Dan Li read it back and forth three times, has been engraved in his mind exactly.

"This is ... the secret word of the Suzaku family ... Suzaku is a demon, Tong ... you are the orphan of Suzaku, the body of the heavenly spirit, living because of him, you can ... you can protect the bloodline for him, I ... ... "

Dan Li's voice was broken at this point, and his eyes were actually nailed. Just in the position of the iris, two points of light were exposed from a blur of flesh and blood, like eyes, and still frightening.

Sword Spirit heard that he was silent for a long while, and realized what he could not help but approached, and then stopped.

He found that Dan Li had only two lights in his eyes.

"Teacher ..." Jian Ling couldn't help but reached out and only heard a soft sound. The man in the blood pool suddenly broke like a piece of wood, and then broke out of control.

He shattered into countless pieces and melted into the blood pool.

He was an idol enshrined by the people and enjoyed endless incense. Over time, he gave birth to God and spirit.

But there is no incense to enjoy in the world, and the gods are to replace the god-creators and to meet the demons.

He opened his eyes in the sea of ​​blood, bearing greed and covetousness, and was born to destroy the fire.

It seems like a good sign of peace in the world.

Sword spirit and the debris in that pool of blood pool face each other for a long time, kneeling down and scratching his head, thinking about it, another one for Lingyuan, floating out of the prison.

He watched as Sheng Lingyuan ordered people to dig out 36 Suzaku keel processes, engraved the seal with his own hands, and at the turn of thirty-six midnights, nailed into Abyss in sequence, and finally the small porcelain bottle containing his Suzaku blood.

When the blood-condensed bead left Sheng Lingyuan, the long-awaited sword spirit rushed over, bit it in his mouth, and he was shocked to find that he could touch this thing, and even felt the spirit through the bead Yuan's heartbeat.

The bead made him feel very familiar.

After his sword body was broken, he was groggy for a long time. He remembered nothing for a long time, but he was attracted to the soul and chased beside Sheng Lingyuan. The original attraction was Suzaku bloodline.

The beads in his mouth led him to fly to the altar. The sword spirit had no time to think about it, and quickly meditated on the secret word of Suzaku left by him by Dan Li.

That blood vein bead was alive. When he read it for the third time, he seemed to hear the heartbeat of his long-lost heart, and he became one with the bead.

Without being taught, Sword Spirit logically established a connection with that bloodline bead.

He became the protective cover of the bloodline beads.

On the eve of Qizheng's New Year's Eve, the ritual of the seal Abyss will be completed. The old patriarch of Bifang presides over the ritual in person. The sword spirit returns to Duling Palace and meets the person for the last time.

He "covered" Sheng Lingyuan's Suzaku blood with himself, and the demon body seemed to mistake him as a part of himself. This time, the barrier three feet away from Sheng Lingyuan finally did not repel him ... That was the only thing since Jian Ling's life. Deviant once.

He is going to take this missing tooth, and live a life that never sees the sun until the Suzaku bone is destroyed and the seal is invalid again.

Although the kiss was not real at all.

Sheng Lingyuan shoved Xuan Yuan away suddenly, taking a half step back, and Xuan Yuan's neck quickly healed the small wound he had bitten, leaving only red marks on his lips.

Xuan Yuan just raised a hand, it seemed to want to hold Sheng Lingyuan's back, but did not touch the person, but just hang in the air. At this moment, the mountain wind got into the gap between them and the hand was empty, so he pinched his fingers and covered his neck.

"I didn't expect it, when you ..." Xuan Yuan seemed unwilling to mention the words "jump off Abyss" and deliberately lingered in the past. "He still brought the fragments of the sword on his body, and the ground fire melted the sword. Wrapped around Suzaku, I have a body. "

Life and death, yin and yang are wrong.

Weiyun once concealed the refining conditions of the Heavenly Demon Sword that he dare not say, and it was realized in Abyss, and His Majesty jumped the "sword furnace" by himself.

"After the Abyss fire went out, I traveled to the world with ..."

With the blood and corpses you abandoned, we walked the same old path that we used to flee and regain lost ground. I finally touched the world myself, instead of clinging to your senses.

After no war, the population is gradually increasing. After the Abyss fire has extinguished, these humanoids have become no different from ordinary people. Villages and villages are cooking with smoke, chickens and dogs are leisurely, and farmers come home to eat from the fields. The official road was repaired, and there were endless fields on both sides, with endless pedestrians.

Dongchuan's witch mound was sealed, and I stood at the foot of the mountain, remembering the past where everything was planted ... the memory was a bit fuzzy.

Perhaps these ten miles of sun are too hot.

The road is old, people are not old.

At that time, I found myself wrong. The false intimacy stolen from the snowy night on New Year's Eve was not enough to comfort this long ... long life.

"After Dan's death, the emperor's palace was copied by you, and all the items were put into the internal warehouse. I sneaked into your nephew's womb and took away his relics." Xuan Yuan said softly, "Thousands of monsters illustrated book, There are some other notes that he should have taught, but I did n’t listen carefully when I was a kid, and then I learned again. I found a secret method for refining nirvana behind the book of thousands of monsters, which is ... A cowardly technique. "

"It is said that the past and present life can be sealed, and only the‘ useful ’things are left, and everything else is cleaned up, like‘ Nirvana ’. The handwriting should be added later, and I suspect he ’s already guessed something.”

"I haven't had anything to do since I was young," Xuan Yuan smiled at him, "in the end, I can only borrow external forces ... sorry, Ling Yuan ..." 2k novel reading network

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