Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 89 Table of contents

"It's not difficult to seal children of the Shadow clan," Sheng Lingyuan thought for a while, but he also wanted to know where these shadow clan came from, and what was the relationship with the missing Jade mother-in-law, so he turned around and asked Wang Ze, "Keng Zeng A match? "

When Wang Zecha heard such an ancient questioning method, he froze for a moment.

Gu Yuexi whispered beside him, "Just ask if you have any objects."

"Wow," Wang Ze said openly. "It's all over China, Japan and South Korea, across Europe, America, and Asia. It's not fat, and the sisters are all good. All on TV, which one do you ask? I'll introduce it to you."

Xuan Yuan: "It means he is an old bachelor."

Sheng Lingyuan said: "Before the shadow clan had grown up, the spiritual wisdom would not be opened. You need to change your form to make it clear. Since you are unmarried, you don't have any trouble if you want to come home. Would you like to bring a shadow person back?"

Wang Ze pointed to himself in shock and looked left and right.

"Don't look at others," Zhang Zhao shoved him. "We were all in there just now, and you heard the sound alone, indicating that they are looking after you."

"No, it's too sudden." Wang Ze frowned, "This ... this is not good, the blind date show has to turn off several rounds of lights, I ... I can't just give up my wedding early because of work!"

Sheng Lingyuan didn't understand a few terms: "I didn't mean you to marry a shadow slave."

Zhang Zhao and others were still coaxing: "Boss, didn't you just say that you need to be careful?"

"Wife like you are all over the earth. If the shadow man wants to satisfy your fantasy, what beautiful face of the Eighteen Kingdoms mixed race must be? Or you try?"

"Isn't Director Xuan saying that the shadow clan can't live for a few years without being transformed, then you should continue to die."

Suddenly, Wang Ze noticed that when Xuan Yuan mentioned the shadow clan, he was usually called the “shadow man”. When he arrived at Sheng Lingyuan, he was all “shadow slaves”. He suspected that Schrödinger ’s “sword spirit” might simply be “ "Crowd" as a cat and dog pet is quite arrogant and is not in line with mainstream values.

Wang Ze scratched his hair: "Wait, don't mess around, anyway, then I have to take responsibility."

"You don't want to be responsible for handing over the country," Gu Yuexi said, "Our bureau has a" rare species protection fund "and sent it to the bureau. Anyway, I just use you to make a shadow person. I listen to Director Xuan's meaning, Probably it's almost like donating sperm. You don't have to be by your side after you finish it. People can live a free life by themselves. Maybe you, the 'dry girl', can become our colleague in the future. "

Xuan Ye pondered for a moment: "It's really different-the offspring you gave birth to are independent, it is possible to grow into anything, poor education, and a high probability will become your ideal antonym, but will pit you later. The person is not. The shadow person borrowed from you will grow with your heart throughout his life, whether he is with you or not. "

Wang Ze asked: "I'll 呸呸呸 先"-what if I say I'm dead? "

"The shadowman will die with you or become your living will."

After listening, Wang Ze hesitated for a moment, or shook his head: "That doesn't mean that after I die, no matter how the environment changes in the future, his level of thought will always stay at the level when I died? Isn't that a "Eighty dead, eighty buried before" living dead? "

"It's more likely to be a paranoid." Xuan Yuan sighed.

Normal people's thoughts are constantly changing. Feelings change with each other. When encountering different situations, people will use completely different evaluation standards and thinking methods-such as some people, saying "the most jealous "Bound", was later tied to a chair with a seat belt, but he did not see any opinion.

But after the shadow people lost their masters, their brains became stagnant water and lost this flexible change ability. Over time, the world of these shadow people will become black and white, and the long life gives them powerful abilities ... ...

Xuan Yuan glanced at Sheng Lingyuan vaguely.

"Oh, yes," Sheng Lingyuan nodded. "Since the eight years of Qizheng, the death of the master is the death of the shadow slave. All shadowless people are treated as living corpses, and they are dealt with immediately by the Qingping Division."

Most of the people who can afford filmmakers are dignitaries. After being transformed into a shadow clan, they are no different from humans. In order to protect them, the overwhelmed masters of the shadow clan often do not reveal their race. Therefore, the status of these shadow clan tends to rise with the increase of time. "

Yang Chao suddenly realized by the side: "No wonder! I understand, the history books said that the Emperor Wu's temperament changed in the middle and late stages, and after driving the Queen Mother and Emperor Master, he became extremely frightened and suspicious. The spy agent, monitoring the words and deeds of the courtiers for him every day, once they were stared at, they were immediately held in secret and cut off without a sentence. At one time, everyone in the imperial capital was in danger. In the 13-year-long dark rule, I don't know how many people were cleaned secretly, not even women and children, and many loyal widows were on the death list ... So this is actually cleaning the shadow clan who lost their master? "

"That's not necessarily true," Sheng Lingyuan said, smiling indifferently. "It's true that there are a lot of people here who are really" different people. "

Yang Chao looked at him admiringly: "How do you know everything?"

"It's just a long life," Sheng Lingyuan waved his hand. "No, since I don't want to, I think of another way."

Then he raised his leg to go to that temple, and Xuan Yuan immediately followed. Sheng Lingyuan looked back at him, and couldn't help but wanted to tease him, so he chuckled: "The teeth are down, so Don't worry about me? "

Xuan Yuan rolled his eyes: "I'm afraid your Majesty is unmarried and unordered, so I have no fear, let's do it-please be careful, I don't think it's right, first the witch people, then the mountain people, now the shadow people, all disappeared for many years The race is reborn, and the recent surge in special awakening rates ... I always think it's relevant. "

Sheng Lingyuan: "Huh?"

Xuan Yuan shut up.

The man who manipulated the gloomy sacrifice behind the scenes must also have "lived a long time", growing up to know the truth hidden three thousand years ago. If so, what did the villain do?

Can procrastination last 3,000 years?

The reasonable explanation that Xuan Yuan can come up with can only be related to himself.

Thirty-six Suzaku bones sealed with Abyss, because of his weak guarding, were gradually consumed, so far only one remains. The last Suzaku bone was born less than 80 years ago. Xuan Yuan did not know it before, and it was difficult to find a reliable census record during the war years before the founding of the People ’s Republic of China. But after the memory was unsealed, he discovered that during the 80 years, The birth rate of special energy is significantly higher than before, and the scale and frequency of "abnormal energy events" have also increased significantly ... so that "Qingping Division" has been eliminated by history, and it has to be "different control bureau" Reproduced.

Theoretically, the devil will not die, it will only "disappear", just like a dry river. There is no water, and of course the river is gone. But if the geological environment remains the same, the river will reappear if a new water source is refilled one day.

And the sealed Abyss is the "water source", from Alozin to King Weiyu ... Sheng Lingyuan, be it a demon or a demon, they can be easily awakened by the gloomy sacrifice, indicating that Abyss is "seeping water" .

Behind the gloomy sacrifice, people want to rekindle Akabuchi. He is likely to live on Akabuchi ’s energy. The reason why he stopped working for three thousand years before he started to be a demon is because the seal of Abuchi is loose and he ca n’t stop him .

What will happen if this continues?

So he can see Lingyuan again, it's not a "recovery" ... is it just a side effect that the Abyss Seal will break?

These things, Xuan Yuan should have understood at the moment of retrieving the memory, but the first 35 times, except for memory, only despair, only this time is different.

The sorrow and joy tossed him into a desperate struggle, and only then calmed down a little bit.

At the same time, Xuan Yuan's heart was cold and his eyes fell on the back of Sheng Lingyuan.

Your Majesty is not in love with the brain, even when he was awakened by the gloomy sacrifice.

Not knowing whether it was Xuan Yuan's illusion, he suddenly found that Sheng Lingyuan's footsteps were a little heavy.

Xuan Yuan grabbed him: "Wait, what are you doing, talk to me and don't hide me."

Sheng Lingyuan: "Well, if you say that, there is one more."

Suddenly serious, Xuan Yuan quickly asked, "What?"

As they approached the shrine and the cemetery, Xuan Yuan could already feel the little shadow people moving around.

The palm of Sheng Lingyuan's palms began to float and floated into the air, condensing into complex spells.

"Fortunately, the shadow slave became half-shaped and was interrupted in time," Sheng Lingyuan said. "I haven't seen your true body at that time. I always think that such a cute person would not be too handsome. Otherwise, how can it be called a common man?" I didn't expect ... if the shadow slave became what I expected, wouldn't it be the beauty of Tang Tu? No wonder the chick was so angry. "

"I'm telling you seriousness. How many serious words can I have throughout the year? Please cherish a little!" Xuan Yuan shook him aside, "Isn't that going to be easy?"

The charms on the black mist were basically formed, the coercion of the demon permeated, and the whispering little people did not dare to speak, and they were silent for a while.

Sheng Lingyuan: "Come out!"

The Black Mist Charm shattered into several pieces, and whirlwinded into the middle of the shrine and the graveyard. A few naive screams sounded. Then, the Black Mist condensed into small cages, each trapped in a small cage. Just a little shadow man.

The shadowless figure is less than two feet tall, like a pearl-colored liquid, and constantly deforms. Some felt that a powerful foreigner was nearby, trying to borrow the foreigner's appearance, the chest flashed, and a whip appeared on the cage of black mist and drew up. The little shadow man screamed sadly, curled up into a ball, and did not dare to move Already.

Sheng Lingyuan's eyes glanced over the row of little shadow men, his voice lowered: "I didn't mean to bully you, I like to see you sour."

Xuan Yuan was not angry: "His Majesty is so elegant."

"Tong is now surrounded by friends and relatives, and it's too busy," Sheng Lingyuan murmured, and her beautiful side face was a bit lonely. "I want to disturb you and let you just look at me and turn around me, Sometimes I can't help but feel angry at you. "

Xuan Yuan's heart pierced him instantly: "Lingyuan ..."

Sheng Lingyuan looked over his head, the emotions in his eyes seemed to overflow, as if a thousand words were in silence ... Just as he carefully compiled the scam, and did not know who he was going to pit.

Xuan Ye woke up instantly, Qingjin jumped: "Give me this set less, don't you want to interrupt!"

Sheng Lingyuan laughed, and the loneliness that he had just installed was swept away. He squeezed with five fingers, and pulled out two spikes in the black mist cage holding one of the little shadow men, and pierced the shadow man.

"Since you are not willing to give up the shadow figure, I can't ask if I can, I will search for a soul."

"Soul search" is a kind of magic, it is not as magical as the legend, it can "search the human consciousness" or whatever-because when people are extremely frightened and suffering, in addition to fighting or fleeing in the consciousness, it is basically A blank piece of paper, no useful things can be found by digging out of the brain-this is specially used on the shadow person, the shadow person is like a parasitic vine plant, all sadness and joy come from others. For the transformed shadow figure, Soul Search can be traced back to his master. Qing Ping Si secretly arrested the shadow slave of the "living dead".

The shadowless person is simpler and has almost no ideas of his own. Like a faithful lens, he can record all the people and things he has contacted.

The little shadow man falling into the hands of the big devil screamed, struggling fiercely.

Some pictures unfolded in front of Sheng Lingyuan-the invasion of the foreign control bureau, the villager's ancestor sacrifice ... are recent events, and going forward, it is a blur.

This shows that Xiaoyingren was likely to have been sealed before, using the spells used by the shadow merchants to transport goods.

Immediately afterwards, different scenes appeared in the picture. Sheng Lingyuan was surprised. He could see it without asking Xuan Yuan. The characters in that picture are quite old, closer to what he remembered three thousand years ago.

The lifeless figure man has a total life span of twenty or thirty years and has been sealed for so long that these little things cannot be alive!

Sheng Lingyuan's eyes jumped, and he immediately quit Soul Search, but it was too late.

A faceless man suddenly appeared in that picture: "Wait a long time, Your Majesty."

The black misty cage burst open at the same time, and at the same time, the energy detectors of the field workers rang in unison and burst the watch.

The spell returned, Sheng Lingyuan stepped back, and the painful Suzaku blood twitched in his chest-2K Novel Reading Network

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