Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 90 Table of contents

At the same time, the "little shadow men" gave out weird laughter, first a noisy and sharp child's voice, and then, like a tape jammed, "humming" down.

Xuan Yuan was too late to ponder what was going on. One caught Sheng Lingyuan, and he flung out a line of fire.

The "Little Shadow Men" were forced back by the tongue of fire and gathered quickly.

They are like plasticine. After gathering, they merge and become one, swallowing the dark mist that all living beings can't wait for-the air of the demon, which is nowhere near the grass, even the king of Weiyu and Alozin. Classes must retreat-not only are these flowing shadow figures not afraid, they also eat quite savory, eat and drink enough, and condense out an adult body.

This "person" is full of pearly white, glittering, and looks a little dizzy for a long time. Although it is probably a human figure, the body contours continue to change slightly, suddenly men and women, sharp chin and round face for a while Like countless faces, in a hurry, I'm not sure which side to use to meet people.

The moment Xuan Yuan saw this "person", he remembered the demon king with thousands of faces, his wings spread several meters wide, and he wrapped his guard in the middle: "What are you?"

The pearl-colored "person" stood still, with only a roughly blank face, turned to Xuan Yuan, tilted his head and "looked" at him for a moment, and said in an ancient accent: "Weird, I have never seen you, but Seems familiar. "

"Sorry, the handsome guys are alike, unlike you ugly, all of them can scare with their own creativity." Xuan Yuan sneered, his heart was agitated, and across the wings, he felt Sheng Lingyuan's heartbeat was very slow, palms I don't know when it was covered with cold cold sweat, the whole person was shaking, I don't know what hurt.

Xuan Yuan rubbed his fingers, opened a small gap in his index finger, and shook Sheng Lingyuan's hand.

Who knew that Sheng Lingyuan, who was still full of sweet talk, responded to raising his elbow by one block, separating the blood beads on his hand with his sleeves, quickly taking a step back and breaking him free.

Judging from the breath, the "person" who looks jealous should be a shadow man. But Rao is Sheng Lingyuan, and I can't remember what kind of shadow man can live for thousands of years, and he is in a state of… do n’t know whether he is “formed” or “not formed”.

The transforming shadow clan must have noses and eyes, or be like humans or other races. It will not be such a vague form, and those who are not transformed will lack the soul and wisdom of the soul, and will never escape his soul search.

What's even more bizarre is that Sheng Lingyuan vaguely felt the magic from this shadow man.

The familiar magical energy resonated with him, and the heart of Suzaku's blood seemed to be irritated, and suddenly changed from dull to stinging.

But things like Keying clan are people's happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness.

"I miss it for three thousand years, but Her Majesty does not remember me." The shadow man sighed softly.

Xuan Yuan's ears burst into tears-when the shadow man said this sentence, his voice was exactly the same as Sheng Lingyuan's, and even the indifferent tone between the serious and the unscrupulous just learned the past together!

Later, he performed the same vocal skills, changing to a young, crisp voice.

"Speaking of this, I remembered it," he turned to Xuan Yuan, and said, "I recognize your breath. When I first met His Majesty that year, I felt your breath in His Majesty's heart."

Xuan Yuan first looked at him, and then he turned his head to look at Sheng Lingyuan.

There was also a rare surprise on Sheng Lingyuan's face. He asked, "Are you ... the shadow slave offered by Wang Yuyu then?"

"Yes, I'm the shadow slave that Her Majesty doesn't want," said the shadow man. "I dwelled in Pearl Mussel, ignorantly, and suddenly saw His Majesty, shocked to heaven, and felt that there was a shadow of fire in Her Majesty, and I couldn't wait I wanted to please you, and turned into something like this, but was interrupted by someone halfway through-for so many years, I have been difficult to resolve, is the film wrong? "

Xuan Yuan started glaring at Lingyuan.

"I ... heh," Sheng Lingyuan snapped a rare case, "Isn't that letting you be free?"

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty, I'm really free." The shadow figure approached Sheng Lingyuan swiftly, stretched out a pearl-white hand, and when he touched him, he was swept out by a wings.

"Talk and talk, stay away from him," Xuan Yuan's face sank. "Don't understand why you're indecent, face indecent."

The shadowman was swept away by catkins, fluttering away from the ground, and fell a few steps away, smiling buzzily, and there was still a dark mist surrounding the demon, which was continuously sucked by this strange shadowman. go.

"Your lower body bears Suzaku blood, and there is a demon body, non-god, non-devil, non-human, non-demon. If I can successfully transform and become your kin, I don't know what it will look like. Hey, unfortunately ... I'm infected with His Majesty A little magic of heaven, from this time on, rooted in wisdom and wisdom, but did not have the honor to be your shadow slave. However, it has gained other benefits. From then on, you do n’t have to follow instinct to meet the common delusions, and I am the shadow clan. Since then, the only free person has worshipped His Majesty. "

Xuan Yuan frowned. Although he was born bad, he lived a long life. The stupid bird flew for three thousand years, and he was barely considered as a personal essence. Since modern times, few cases have happened that he does not understand. But the shadow man said, "Because Sheng Lingyuan was free, he got rid of the sad slave nature of the shadow tribe." It was kind as if the people in the occupied area had met the People's Liberation Army, but the tone was not overcast, even with strange malice.

At this time, the field staff who were outside also reacted. The small town shrine is not a deep mountain or old forest. It is very close to the populated area. Abnormal energy suddenly riots, which can strain the field workers. The outer circle immediately sets up a protective net. Fengshen rushed in first.

"Yu--" Wang Ze saw the shadow man at first glance, and thought he had stumbled into the scene of science fiction film shooting. "What kind of look is this? The dog's eyes are blind, who is this?"

Xuan Yuan and Sheng Lingyuan spoke at almost the same time.

Xuan Yuan: "Uh ... old knowledge?"

Sheng Lingyuan said firmly: "Creditor."

Xuan Yuan: "Ah?"

The speech faded, and Sheng Lingyuan suddenly broke into trouble, and the black mist protruded from his palm, turned into a sword, stretched more than two meters directly, and a residual shadow was cut to the shadow man.

Then it seemed that the shadow-maker, who was about to write a thank-you note to Sheng Lingyuan, shouted, and one called out the effect of harmony. His silvery body was broken into **** by a sword, and numerous pieces were cracked. With countless points / body, men, women and children ... even non-humans!

They are happy or embarrassing, all of them are good-looking. At first glance, they are an all-stars model team, beautiful and dazzling.

The "Big Beauty" wore clothes from different eras, and everyone greedily sucked in the black mist, and Sheng Lingyuan's "sword" instantly disintegrated. They walked away lightly, walking around like smoke, just like the mysterious and unpredictable flying fairy in ancient legends, "huh", scattered into the rushing field.

Gu Yuexi opened her eyes, but was shocked to find that these beautiful "people" had no flesh under their skin and no internal organs, like some kind of jellyfish with a human face.

Wang Ze drained the moisture in the moist air around him and condensed a protective film around himself: "I have been out in the field for so many years. Is this finally a legendary lure / seductive story? Comrades, strengthen your faith Ah, Zhang Zhao, I **** say you! "

He Yuguang glanced at a "beauty" like a jellyfish who came to Zhang Zhao of Fengshenyi and smiled brilliantly.

That's a girl's image, not necessarily better than the stars on TV, but sometimes it's not as beautiful as poking. The moment Zhang Zhao saw her, his expression froze. He felt like he had seen this person somewhere, and for a moment he couldn't remember who she was, but his heart jumped up quickly, and there was an urge to cry. The unexplained throbbing was like Xuan Ling's unrecovered memory when he saw Sheng Lingyuan coming out of the coffin.

When he responded, colleagues roared: "Zhang Zhao, what are you doing?"

Zhang Zhaozhang lived: "I ... what did I do?

He pressed for a second.

However, this second is not the enemy, but his own person, the powerful laws of time and space are disturbed, even Sheng Lingyuan is settled by him.

The next moment, time accelerated, and the moment when Sheng Lingyuan restored his ability to move was no longer in place. It was too much time to reach out and hold the neck to prevent blood from spitting out-there was a slap wound there!

"Lingyuan!" Xuan Yuan's clan emblem exploded instantly, redder than blood, and several shadow clan near him felt the crisis, had no time to run, and spontaneously ignited.

Blood was pouring out of the fingers of Sheng Lingyuan like a fountain. The wound should have touched his throat. His voice was hoarse: "Don't come over."

The shadow man who hurt him took a big gulp from his artery, but had not had time to swallow it. He had been clenched in his throat by Sheng Lingyuan. The shadow man choked, instinctively changed the form, and tried to disturb the opponent's mind-behind Suddenly disillusioned a pair of gorgeous fiery red wings.

Sheng Lingyuan's eyes didn't blink, the shadow man's neck twisted and deformed in his hand, crooked to the side.

The fatal wound on his neck healed quickly, only the cream-colored jacket was splattered and red.

"Don't come here, obedient ..." Sheng Lingyuan dipped his own blood and cavitated a spell in one go. The shadow man seemed to be drained of life, and was thrown aside by his broken pocket. "Don't feel the same, cough, little It hurts, nothing. "

"Flash away, don't get in the way!" Xuan Yuan's face popped like a coin, sweeping away with his own people and shadows, but those coins seemed to know people, hit people, like a little stone, and would When the human body pops out, when it meets those jellyfish-like shadow figures, it will immediately burst into a fiery fire.

He started a real fire, and for a while, it burned like sparks and spattered like a steel mill.

Suzaku turned away the evil spirits, and in a blink of an eye, those evil-looking shadow figures were burnt to one by one, leaving only the last human figure, which was **** by Xuan Yuan with a chain. He dragged the shadow figure to the ground like a kite, and the figure Flashed to Sheng Lingyuan.

Sheng Lingyuan's response was very fast, just as he was peeking at a bad thing and was suddenly checked, and the speed of light switched the page. Before Xuan Yuan caught him, the black mist wrapped around his body, rolling up the blood stains in each fiber slit. After a circle, his body was clean, except that his face turned white as a sheet of paper because of blood loss, leaving no traces.

"Okay, it's gone," Sheng Lingyuan touched his face with a smile and lowered his voice. "Don't bother to say anything, or do you want to feel the same, and look at my Tangtu beauty in my heart? Well, It ’s broad daylight, go home and say, huh? It ’s not a system. ”

Xuan Yuan: "You ..."

This old **** definitely has something to hide from him!

Sheng Lingyuan shoved him away and waved at the shouting Wang Ze: "It doesn't matter, I can't die."

Zhang Zhao cried: "I didn't know what was going on ... I ..."

"It doesn't matter. Shadow slaves are born to upset sentient beings. He knows how to arouse your desires in the heart." Sheng Lingyuan's eyes fell on the shadow man bound by Xuan Yuan, and almost all his avatars / body were Suzaku The fire burned to ash, and at this time Xuan Yuan was dragged to the ground in a embarrassing manner, and his face blurred again. "Mortal people always feel that they are maintenance shadow slaves. They don't know that they are like parasitic trees, are they?"

The shadow man asked, "I can reverse sentient beings, what about your Majesty? Isn't Your Majesty sentient beings?"

Sheng Lingyuan smiled frankly: "Without any trouble, I've been upside down for several rounds and I can't afford to roll off the ground."

Wang Ze froze and thought, "Wait,‘ Her Majesty ’? Why is it called‘ Her Majesty ’?”

A few words of "Your Majesty" were occasionally missing from Xuan's mouth, but Wang Ze never went to his heart, because he always thought that it was a private nickname, like Yan Qiushan's Guan Zhichun was called "Master".

It looks exactly like the gloomy sacrifice demon in Chiyuan County. He claims to have a surname and is unpredictable. What is the terrible origin of this so-called "sword spirit"? Is the director really reliable?

"I only know that the shadowman has no self, and I don't know if you will still be ungrateful." Xuanyuan was already on the verge of being bombed. He had long forgotten the nonsense that he used to fool his colleagues and dragged the shadowman forward. Jimmy, "You are innocent, and he didn't treat you like that at the time, but liberate you wrongly, giving you free will, and you don't need to cling to someone else, so that's how you repay him?"

"Freedom is torture," Sheng Lingyuan said, holding down Xuanyuan's hand, and said lightly, "I was still suffering when I was young. It was a half-spirit that was exchanged by monks for their lives. I know ... I knew that there was such a change, and I'll give you a happy life. "

A clear hatred rose from the shadowy features of the shadow man.

Xuan Yuan: "No ..."

Don't kill him, let him be free, and let out resentment?

"Explain ... Put ... What do you know? You don't know that a solution is a two-character, is it actually two words?" The shadow man murmured, "'Jie' is loosening from the distress and shackles, it is to save suffering. Exile to the boundless world, how is it different from Ling Chi? "

Xuan Yuan: "Are you sick?"

Sheng Lingyuan glanced at him and sighed secretly. The birds and birds are born with wings, so they want to fly around. All unknown to him is curious and have fun, but he was trapped in the demon sword body when he was born. He finally broke the sword and took on the responsibility of the Suzaku family to guard Achibu. I have not tasted the joy of freedom for so many years. , So probably don't know the pain of freedom.

A person often needs some external restraint. The restraint is sometimes a trajectory, a road guide, and freedom is too much, which means that he has to make his own way in the clueless "wilderness." Snow blindness, a pure white path can make people blind, they must have a very tough mind, and endure great self-consumption in order not to be crushed to death by "freedom". Everyone is like this, not to mention the inborn slavery of the Shadow clan.

"I walked the world in an undeformed state. I wanted to find a master and a place to stand," said the shadow man. "I have been with people, demons, half-humans, humanoids ... for the rest of my life. , I want to find a trust, and temporarily stop for one or two, but as soon as the master dies, I will wipe out the dust and return to the state of the larva without metamorphosis. I do n’t know who I am ... It's ugly, who should we be with, who we should be against ... "

"If it happens to be in a time of war, it ’s even more ridiculous. I was picked up by the enemy just after the previous master died. The day before, I called him a brother and a brother, and he swears to die, and tomorrow he will follow the other party with his old friend See, it's like revenge. "

"Your Majesty's Seal Abyss, the world has been thin since then, the Shadow clan has disappeared, and I have become weaker and weaker, and I have become more and more confused ... I have forgotten even the fact that I am a shadow man, and only follow the waves Only when the master is dead can he be clear for a few days. In Qingming, he has to be tortured by the mixed memories, and he has to find the next master nonstop. "

"Like ... the mortal said" addict "." The shadow man raised his head and slowly looked at Sheng Lingyuan. On the ground, the ashes of his avatar / body automatically turned into light smoke and flew towards the shadow man, His body swelled up and rattled Xuanyuan's chain.

"Your Majesty, the shadow man becomes a demon, have you ever heard anything more outrageous than this? You look at me as a person and a ghost or a ghost, it's all your kindness." 2k novel reading network

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