Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 92 Table of contents

Get away from the fire and ward off evil, just to overcome the magic.

The shadow man swallowed too much demon qi, and did not have Sheng Lingyuan's native Suzaku blood, now it can be considered indigestion. The dark curtain that was just created was burned into a hole-dish rag by Xuan Yuan, and had to be disintegrated again, and changed back to a bunch of faceless little shadow man form, floating in mid-air, and scattered around.

Suddenly, the darkest shadow that escaped the fastest did not know what was touched, and sparked a series of electric sparks in the air. Immediately, the little black shadows who began to scramble began to "bump the wall" one after another-using the ancestral hall as an example. In the center, an invisible large bowl clasps on it.

Sheng Lingyuan looked up in amazement, and focused his eyes carefully, and found that they did n’t know when the "seal" was fastened directly above his head. It seemed to be different from the magic array and spells he used to know, and the breath flow was very uniform, not artificial. : "What's this?"

Immediately someone replied: "The scientific name is 'High Energy Isolation Screen'. We also call 'Electric Mosquito Swatter', a very large protective device, which is specially used to isolate high energy dangerous goods when operating in densely populated areas. In addition to high energy consumption, there is no Defective. "

Wang Zelian was careless. From the beginning, he was guessing what Sheng Lingyuan was. He contacted the context of the filmmaker and was frightened by his own guess. He had been looking at Sheng Lingyuan secretly and answering his questions reflectively. After speaking, it was found that Sheng Lingyuan looked at him, Wang Ze could not help standing upright, and said in a tone similar to the report: "But considering that this device is used in a densely populated area, we can call the nearby Civil and railway power systems can also consume energy. "

Sheng Lingyuan nodded and saw Wang Ze staring at him eagerly, as if waiting for praise, so he generously gave a good word without money: "Smart thinking."

Wang Ze's expression seemed to be relieved: "Many of our current field colleagues are" halfway "monks, who do half of their work, only to find that they are" specially capable ". There is a family heritage, so personal abilities may not work well ... but we have science and technology! "

During the talk, those shadow figures who were blocked by the "electric mosquito slap" reunited, drew a sigh of relief, and slammed into the high-energy isolation screen in an attempt to break through.

But as soon as he "fits", Suzaku leaves the fire and immediately has a target. Xuan Zong is too lazy to chase him flying all over the sky and makes a bow and arrow gesture. The white fire is turned into a hand in his hand. "Bows" and "arrows" popped from his fingertips, shining as if they could pass through the eyeball and pierce the back of the head.

The arrow stretched more than two feet, and then it was released stunned, with a whistling sound like a beep.

The shadow man was shocked and avoided the danger. The "arrow" from the fire hit the isolation screen, but did not destroy it. Its temperature could fall as quickly as Xuan Yuan wanted, and he changed from green to blue on the isolation screen. Ordinary white, then rendered with warm colors, deepened by yellow, and finally almost red-diffused along the screen, clearly outlines the shape of the large bowl of the screen, reflecting as if shrouded in the sunset, almost Something romantic.

However, once the shadow man ran into it, the warm fire on the screen would immediately turn back into a white fire.

It ’s like a blessing to the high-energy screen.

"If it weren't for the field ..." Gu Yuexi murmured, "I feel my circle of friends can be swiped by this picture."

Xuan Yuan's second off-rocket rocket has been caught.

Seeing nowhere to escape, the shadow man suddenly said loudly: "All of you bear the blood of aliens and have been hoodwinked for thousands of years! They have been deceived by them and are still working for the human race. Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

The voice faded, the second off-rocket had already shot out, and Xuan Ye's pupils turned into a flame color. The side face was both warm and cold, and it was apparently a person who laughed and threw together with Xiao Xiao, but seemed to refuse to go. The field staff closest to him all involuntarily moved backwards, and Xuan Ling was surrounded by a vacuum in addition to Sheng Lingyuan.

The moment the rocket came out of the string, the flaming seal clasped on the shadow man's head was pressed down at the same time, the shadow man moved forward and backward, and was crippled with a leg.

He survived with his limbs broken, and it cracked in place before Suzaku swallowed him from the fire.

The avatars / landlords landed on the ground, walking through the field, using people as shields to block themselves.

"You say that you are getting weaker, is it really because of lack of training?" Suddenly Wang Ze heard someone say against his ear, the voice was low and gentle, with a sense of respite, but it made people involuntarily listen and follow him involuntarily. The idea goes.

Wang Ze turned back stunned, the gun in his hand swept out, but nobody was behind him.

The voice was still on the ear: "You can't go on the road all your life, keep the so-called" special ability "like a trick, every day dogs go to work and work like mortals, you can't escape life and death. Do you think it's born? Weak is because you have lost the source of strength. The fire of Abyss is your source of strength. At that time, for the sake of self-interest, the human race destroyed the Abyss and slaughtered the tribes, leaving the spirits to live a lifeless day and live in the crowd. , Give birth to you, unscrupulous offspring, and take pride in yourself as ordinary. "

"Boss, at your feet!" Shouted Yuelu Guxue.

Wang Ze looked down, and the shadow under his feet didn't know when it was divided into two. One of them didn't move with the natural light, and in the dark group, he seemed to shoot a pair of squinting sights!

"Can you be a little sincere," Wang Ze said, comparing the real and fake shadows, furious, and fired three shots in a row. "Is the shadow ratio right? Ah? Is your father the kind of white-bone chicken?"

Dark shadow burrowed into the ground, and the bullet bounced off the ground.

"You carry this kind of screen with you, aren't you afraid of hurting mortals?" The shadow of the shadow man emerged from the ground and echoed in all directions on the ground. "I rushed to the front line every day, but I was blamed a little. You old directors have been forced to be late at night, and the nature of your work has to keep your family confidential-have you been discriminated against during blind dates? Girls, do n’t know exactly what work they are doing outside, have you hired a lot of gossip about aunts and wives? ”

Gu Yuexi's face changed.

Zhang Zhaozheng was about to pause. I heard someone say, "Isn't I particularly happy when I got an admission from the field? Suddenly, I changed from an uneducated and unemployed wage earner to a designated agent. I don't have to rush time to take delivery, and I can get a foothold in Yongan. Now-but can you pay enough to pay off your mortgage? "

"There is fireworks in ordinary life, but there is nothing wrong with it, but do people accept you in ordinary ways? Not all are out of place, and some are especially lucky to be able to spend time with their own spirits, but are they spirits? I smashed you ... "

For a while, all the field staff heard all kinds of gossip, and what they did not dare to think or say, seemed to come quietly through the shadow's mouth.

"What about you?" Xuan Yuan heard the thin voice of the shadow man. "Suzaku, demigod, is not like me. She must not live or die. She has been trapped for years ... Who do you keep fire for? Fool, then It ’s the human race that blasphemed the **** grave and made you a living spirit. Your godbird family inherited the fate of heaven and forgotten the love for righteousness, but for three thousand years, you ca n’t help it, otherwise why are we all around?

Xuan Ye kept squinting his eyes for a while, motionless. At this moment, he suddenly inserted the rocket from his hand to his feet. A struggling shadow was inserted by him like a live fish.

Xuan Yuan: "Fart, you can't help it!"

The shadow man was struck by Li Rocket, turned gray from the wound, and yelled at him, "Will your sweetheart see that you were tortured by Abyss? He hated to replace him three thousand years ago. What do you think he is thinking now? "

Xuan Yuan gave a handshake, and this moment of distraction actually freed the shadow man.

But the shadow of the shadow man did not run far, just flew two inches away, he was entangled by a black line, everyone hummed, as if standing by the sea, being rushed by the waves, from inside I was rushed out of my heart, and the sand and dust on my body were all cleaned up, and my mind was reverberating with vague and open voices, such as Huang Zhongda Lu.

Sheng Lingyuan raised his hand and grabbed, and the black gas surging from the ground condensed into a huge vortex. He carried it with him, and countless demon shadows flickered in it, like a fry coming up from a net bag: "The monsters confuse the public."

The voices of all the shadow actors merged into one and pressed against him: "Your Majesty, do you have no hate in your heart? What is the Emperor!"

Sheng Lingyuan laughed, and asked without hesitation, "What are you?"

He drew his fingers suddenly and yelled, "What more!"

Xuan Yuan held his hand in his hands, and the net-like wire weaved by the black mist on his hand led a cluster of fire to explode in all directions.

For a moment, the world was eclipsed, and everyone was temporarily blind.

The fiery light is everywhere, roasting true and false shadows together, just like there is no haze in the world.

After a while, the people reluctantly restored their eyesight, and saw the black and gray goose feathers falling like snow flakes, and then the shadowy devil who had been so hard-hearted disappeared, like a nightmare ... wake the dream, the kind in the dream The lingering feeling in my heart was lingering.

Sheng Lingyuan moved a little, but Xuan Yuan subconsciously squeezed his hands tighter, using a bit rough.

There was no sound for half a day, until a communication walkie-talkie in the field rang: "High-energy alarm, high-energy alarm, the screen is damaged, please report the situation when received, whether to increase the alarm level-"

Wang Ze wakes up like a dream.

"Police, newspapers? No increase." He mixed the garlic with his tongue. "Cancel it, it's ours. The goal has been eliminated."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but glanced at Xuan Yuan and Sheng Lingyuan again: "This incident is very special today. I will report to the superiors in a unified way. I hope you will strictly abide by the confidentiality rules. Relevant personnel, this is discipline, do you understand? Resign! "

Xuan Yuan returned to God and nodded at Wang Ze.

The crowd cleaned up the scene, appeased the residents, tracked the mother-in-law's escaped apprentice, and dug out the two bodies of the mother-in-law to take them away. After finishing the mess, it was dark, and then they had to fly on a special plane. Back to Yongan, the appointment with the old director can only be postponed to the next day.

On the return flight, no one spoke all the way, everyone was sleepy and tired, couldn't tell whether he was tired or tired, and even Xuan Yang and Wang Ze, who were able to form a cross talk partner together, had their own thoughts, Yang Chao somehow He fainted, his face was yellow and vomited, and the atmosphere was inexplicably depressed.

The wound on Sheng Lingyuan was healed, but the blood was flowing all over his body, closing his eyes and raising his soul all the way. His Majesty did not know if he was asleep. Although he lowered his eyes with his eyes closed, his sitting position was still positive, but he shook when the air flow was bumpy.

Xuan Yuan took the opportunity to reach out to him and said, "I have to be connected today."

He had such a calculation in his mind, but his face did not show the mountains or the water, and when he returned to Yongan to get off the plane to appease Luo Cuicui, he seemed to be back to normal.

"Will I look back to Master Xiao Jin to reimburse you for wigs?" Xuan Yuan patted Luo Cuicui's back and said, "Well ... forget it, don't touch him, let me turn it back to you. Then what? , The situation is urgent, there is nothing you can do, don't cry ... Actually, I think you have a pretty good hairstyle right now.

Luo Cuicui choked and said, "I double eleven for a 50% off shampoo and hair care set, until 12 o'clock, it is not yet opened, no seedlings!"

"Together, I paid the original amount of shampoo." Xuan Yuan said quickly, "Give me back my hair and transfer it to you. Think about the benefits. Maybe you can go to bed early next year's double eleven."

After hearing this kind of comfort, Luo Cuicui was even more sad from it. She burst into tears and burst into tears with tears, and went to the director's office to hang her and be transferred.

When Xuan Yuan returned home without incident, he turned on the TV, opened the refrigerator and picked vegetables: "It's too late, I'll make a quick dish, just ten minutes."

He said, picked a few potatoes from the refrigerator, took eggs and onions, and handed them to Sheng Lingyuan who followed them: "Guess what is this?"

Potatoes are called "taro" in some places. Of course, onions are even more "foreign". They are all exotic species that have only been introduced in the past few hundred years. Of course, Sheng Lingyuan has never seen them. He listened with interest to the modern history of Xuanyuan popular science ingredients. I thought to myself, "The chick is not fooled."

Xiao Jianling has been an acute child since he was a child. He will immediately ask him if he has any questions. He didn't say anything to him. He didn't say a word so far, it must have gone away.

Sheng Lingyuan didn't expect to track down the Qing Ping Division's remaining evil, and he would encounter such a tricky shadow demon. He had blocked San Xuan's sympathy several times at the time, and there was a shadow demon provocation. Without an explanation today, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"I'm going to cut the onion," Xuan Yuan said with his back to him. "This is very spicy, stay away ... I know you don't eat spicy ones. When you're done ..."

He spoke quietly because Sheng Lingyuan embraced him from behind, his hands gently covering Xuanyuan's hands.

"Are there any questions for the chick to ask me?"

The hair on Xuanyuan's neck was shaken by his voice.

Sheng Lingyuan took his hand, squeezed a kitchen knife, and made a few comparisons on the onion. The blade wiped his own hand, almost cutting the oil skin, and looked scary.

"I have been separated from Suzaku's blood for too long and haven't been integrated well," Sheng Lingyuan said. "I've often been uncomfortable these days. I'm afraid that I will be connected to the sympathy, which will cause you to share the pain of remodeling the meridians. I did not intentionally hide anything."

Xuan Yuan narrowed his eyes, "Only this?"

Sheng Lingyuan paused, and seemed to be reluctant to say, "Hey ... and occasionally I can't sleep at night."

Xuan Yuan frowned and glanced at him.

Sheng Lingyuan: "So I can often hear you don't sleep at midnight, fly from the window to me and listen to the roots of the wall ... Anyway, I don't know what you mean. Walking around the house will scare me. If I walk around from outside, I will listen Are you missing? "

Xuan Yuan: "..."

This made him account for his own affairs, and also teased the chief judge!

Sheng Lingyuan laughed lowly, held his hand, and drew a knife at the onion on the chopping board. He cut very slowly, but each slice was extremely thin and uniform, and his fingers were close to the knife. As soon as he strove, the blade could cut his finger.

"I don't believe you try it." The demon still whispered in his ear, "I only give you a drop of blood, I can't bear to be with you for too long, OK?"

Xuan Yuan was silent.

Sheng Lingyuan bewildered, "Come."

He said, feeling that Xuan Yuan's tight shoulders slowly loosened, and Sheng Lingyuan's mouth tickled, knowing in his heart that it was a mess.

His Majesty was then invited out of the kitchen, but anyone with long eyes could not stand his "Sheng's Onion Cutting Method" with his blunt knife, and if he was to make such a mess, his tears would soon flow into the river.

Xuan Yuan said that for ten minutes, it really was ten minutes. He made a quick Spanish quiche and gave Sheng Lingyuan a cup of Chinese wolfberry soup.

"I know this thing doesn't make up blood, it's all psychological." Xuan Yuan said, "but after drinking warm."

After speaking, he was like a temper, and deliberately poured two bags of yellow sugar in front of Sheng Lingyuan.

In order to coax him when he was a kid, Sheng Lingyuan even ate honey and millet rice. Of course, a bowl of sugar was nothing to worry about. He took a sip of joy and realized that when he was wrong, he had time to vomit.

"Your Majesty," Xuan Yuan wiped the blood on the palm of his hand, the wound healed with the naked eye, and connected with the sympathy. He didn't open his mouth and said directly in his heart, "What is your plan for the turbulence of Abyss?" 2k novel Reading Network

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