Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 91 Table of contents

"You don't have to," Sheng Lingyuan smiled. "God has good virtues. You have cultivated them yourself."

His Majesty does not fight with people for most of the time. The honey-stomach sword is his normal state, but it is mainly unhelpful and unnecessary, which does not mean that he will not be bitter and mean.

A fire ran along Xuanyuan's hand and stretched up the chain. The flame wrapped the shadow man, and he looked like a candle wick.

The black ash that kept pouring onto the shadow figure was blocked by the fire and gathered into a large group of black shadows. They boldly tried to devour those flames, and the two sides froze for a moment.

Xuan Yuan: "So you're hanging out now, pretending to be tender everywhere, is nobody asking for it?"

Sheng Lingyuan: "Since living in the ancestral hall and graveyard here, it seems to be related to that 'Jade Mother-in-law'."

Shadow people recognize the Lord, not blindly. In order to be able to survive better, they generally automatically choose a strong master to rely on, pedigree, strength, identity-and most importantly, whether they are determined. Otherwise, it is difficult to attach to a master, which is also a goods that follow the flow and has no quasi-idea. How can life pass?

Judging by this standard, in the contemporary society, the "legacy products of history" of Qingping Division, Jade Mother-in-law, should already be regarded as a world leader.

"I said," Xuan Yuan sneered, "Any hairy demon can live for more than 700 years, because you are behind him."

"Director Xuan!"

At this time, Luo Cuicui trot along all the way and saw the shadow man locked by the chain, covering his eyes with "oh yo", and hiding behind the field members in small steps: "I want to report the situation, our people and the nearby The head of the public security network in the urban area network contacted and a mother-in-law was photographed by the surveillance team. The night after the Yan team was attacked, the mother-in-law returned to the old house in Qingping Town with a few confidants.

Xuan Yuan interrupted him: "Speak the point."

"... the police helped lock the car and found that they stayed here for about three or four hours. At 1 am, they hurried out of the town and ran north. Oh, yes, there was a stop on the side of the road The owner reported his case the next morning, saying that his car was hit by someone at night. The owner had no place to park at home and kept it on the side of the road. He had been crossed by him before, so he installed a parking monitor and took the car that was the mother-in-law. The one they took when they came. "

Wang Ze turned back and carried him out: "What time?"

"At around eleven o'clock in the night, my mother-in-law suddenly rushed out of her car, panicking, the intersection didn't slow down, it didn't stop, it hit someone's car, and the door was knocked flat. , The people in the car didn't even glance at it, slammed and ran away, as if someone was chasing them behind. "Luo Cuicui said quickly," These things weren't all eleven o'clock before ... what's this? " Did it happen at the turn of the night? We asked people to roll over the collision monitoring network to eleven o'clock, and found that the surveillance camera was suddenly disturbed at the time, and the video snowflakes fell for three seconds ... "

Luo Cuicui said that he was half interrupted by the phone. He waved to Wang Ze and picked up: "Hey, Xiao Yang ..."

On the phone, Yang Chao didn't know what to say, only to hear Luo Cuicui startled and yelled, cover her mouth, and then put down the phone.

"Comrades, the latest progress, the mother-in-law's escape route for their car has been traced-after running from Qingping Town, heading north into the mountains, we figured it out, according to their drag racing speed, the stay was abnormal. So, I just contacted a colleague near us to search the mountain with the instrument. "

Wang Ze: "What did you find?"

"The corpse," Luo Cuicui's big eyes were slightly bulging, wide open, like a nervous Chihuahua, "madam jade ... dead."

The mother-in-law failed to intercept Yan Qiushan, realized that she was in the east, and fled back to the old house in Qingping Town. At 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, that is, at the turn of the night, her bizarre confidants took her body. Buried after the fleeing--

This time is too delicate.

Xuan Yuan's heart was tight: "Isn't Jade mother-in-law more gloomy sacrifices?"

"Cuiyu is a good woman and treats me well." The shadow man suddenly said, "Unfortunately, what kind of big demon is she? Only that little snake demon bloodline, she will die old like a mortal. Exhaust, leave me alone? "

"What did she do?"

"She wants to get rid of all the fetuses. In this world, there were two people who tried to change their lives against the heavens. One was Her Majesty the Demon King. Life, infinitely dilute the blood of the emperor. One is Her Majesty the Emperor, and her majesty is cruel, and can not be reached, and the Suzaku blood is stripped. Together with the five senses and flu, the seven emotions and six desires are thrown into Abyss. What's she like? Neither the demon king nor the emperor is willing to take it, she is whimsical and uses her heart to continue her life. "

When the film man said this, he laughed. He didn't have to explain so much, but he couldn't help it.

Because this is his "merit", if the merit cannot be shown off, it must be overshadowed. His turbulent life was full of out of control, and being able to control a so-called "master" to die for him, to die or live, is probably the only thing he can get "merits."

The more she was suffering for him, and the more she struggled, the more proud he was, and she couldn't describe it in detail, and the ordinary people were shocked.

"Her macaroni is very amazing. It is made of living people. Every sixty years, she picks the right body to make a living dead person, and then engraves the macaroni curse on that body. People's memory, people think that she has always been the same. Then she sealed her true body in a secret method, put it in the shrine idol, and accepted the incense-she thinks that the incense has a spirit and can survive. "

"When she sealed her true body, she was already very weak. Although each nail came out to engraved the macaroni once, it didn't work out after more than 700 years. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to be dragged into the water. It ’s not guaranteed at the end of the holiday ... that day, she hurried back to her old house, wanted to take the real body, and temporarily avoided it, and I felt on the way. Sure enough, after taking out the real body, she found that her real body limit was approaching. "

"When it was unsealed, the heart on that body was no longer beating, and the sea of ​​knowledge was still lingering. When a person dies, as the lamp goes out, the macaroni will turn into a skin ... My jade, she is not willing ..."

"She was unwilling, she didn't worry about me, she was in a hurry to go to the doctor, and wrote the gloomy sacrifices with the last strength ... the gloomy sacrifices must be sacrificed, and she used the body as a sacrifice for me to be protected by an ancient monster ... ... Well, silly woman, don't even think about, what kind of devil will do such a loss of trade? It is me who loses. "

Luo Cuicui whispered, "Yu's mother's body ... hey, it is said ... the expression is shocked. Yang Chao also told me just now that they suspected murder ..."

The voice faded, Wang Ze pulled him away, picked up Luo Cuicui's neck and threw him out: "Hide away!"

I saw the shadow figure in the blaze suddenly laugh lowly, and a large group of gloomy sacrifices poured out of his chest, and the black gas overwhelmed the fire on the chain.

The shadows around them "huh", huddled up, not only the body of the shadow man changed color, but also swelled several times, breaking Xuanyuan's chain.

The iron cable disappeared swiftly, changed back to the coin and shot back at Xuan Yunfei, before he touched him, he had been intercepted by Sheng Lingyuan, the hot coin had been corroded by the magic gas, and fell into his hand. With a sound, a white smoke came out.

After the shadow figures gathered, they began to diffuse and caged them all into the black mist: "I have to take down the magic of the sky, which has been robbed for three thousand years, and is considered to be a complete merits, unlike those who are born of obsessive delusions, Majesty, I am the same as you. How can you help me? "

Wang Ze: "Hold your breath, be careful!"

The field workers in the black mist have just learned a lesson, and they can't wear all the protective equipment. Only Luo Cuicui, who came in at last, was caught off guard. A black mist penetrated his nose, eyes, ears, and he didn't know what he saw from the black mist. The expression was dull, suddenly the top of his head suddenly looked like a grass doll, took out numerous green vines, and deformed his limbs. The dense vines nourished from his hands and feet, and he crawled everywhere.

The field guards the enemy, and behind the defense, the sudden burst of green vines can't cover their ears, sweeping across one, and even Wang Ze is caught on his limbs, and some even climbed boldly to Sheng Lingyuan, catching his neck!

Luo Cuicui encouraged the goods, and in addition to "嘤 嘤 嘤" day and night, he was trying to move away from the field and sprout as soon as he was frightened. No one expected that his small body had such a magical power.

… It can be seen that human potential is limited by his guts.

"But I haven't achieved the right result," the shadow man murmured, his voice ringing from all sides, "I want to ... get out of this lowly shadow family, I want the body of the demon ... Your Majesty, you cut your blood and jump over the Abyss , Never hesitate to live, if you are involved in this world, it is better to give me this disgusting thing ... "

He didn't finish this sentence, a bright white light pierced the black mist, and the shadow man screamed.

"Suzaku is out of fire!"

The white fire flickered the vines on Sheng Lingyuan in an instant, but there was no light on the fibers of the clothes under his clothes. All the vines were swallowed by the fire tongue instantly, and the black mist spread away. Luo Cuicui's head wanted to be covered. The two-dimensional code was refreshed.

Xuan Yuan's wings soared into the sky, stretching the already wide wings to an incredible level, like a legendary bird that has disappeared in the long river of history.

"I don't recognize the same origin. He doesn't have your son."

Do you want a demon body? Which onion do you count?

Lao Tzu is also "in line, holding the number plate of love"! 2k novel reading network

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