Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 136 Table of contents

The author has something to say: I have two more today ~ Tigers hit the table

The chess piece quickly turned into gray. One of Mars passed Xuan Yuan's hand, and Xuan Yuan did not care to hide, but in order to avoid him, Mars jumped an unnatural arc with a posture that ignored the gravity of the earth.

In that embers ... there seemed to be the smell of Abyss.

It's not the current Abyss, it's a little bit old-fashioned, it's a long, long time ago, the continent that has just ended the melee is full of rust and blood, like a rough and cruel little stone monument Saved.

The magic of Abyss in the chess piece had been exhausted, and he was smashed by the tears of the nemesis Suzaku, so it burst into a cluster of small fireworks and no longer exists.

Xuan Yuan for a long while, suddenly reacted to what happened, and held Sheng Lingyuan's neck in a pinch.

Waited for how long ...

The faint pulse jumped a little, like the last drop of water in a dry stream, which would continue his vitality.

The helicopter landed, and the field workers who saw the scene of the rebirth of the divine bird just ran down and were afraid to approach, forming a circle around the 100 meters.

Xuan Yuan was on the empty snow, holding the person in his arms, not afraid to loosen or timid, his back slowly collapsed, his wings hanging long behind him, and the snow melted on it and flew out. White steam.

That back is a dream.

The abyss of the quaking mountain gradually quieted down, as if soothed by something. The magma in the abyss did not go out, but the fire did not spread further. They just harvested a thin line, flowed down from the height, and merged into the red. Deep in the deep, a magma pool was finally formed.

The temperature of the magma pool should have been extremely high, but the top of the pool was like an invisible nodule. The treetops on the rock walls on both sides were covered with snow, echoing the magma far away, and the snow could not be changed.

With a "click", Xiao Zheng returned to God and glared at Yang Chao, who was taking a photo next to him: "Photos are not allowed in the circle of friends!"

Yang Chao neglected his cell phone: "No ... Director Xiao, I think the shape of the lava pool is like the tattoo on Director Xuan's head."

Xiao Zheng: "..."

His "tattoo" is still painted.

"That's called the family emblem, I thank you!"

At the same time, in the eyes of the eighty-one arrays, the madly surging gloomy sacrifices also disappeared at the same time, and the madly growing plants died down, and those tree vines dancing wildly and trying to attack the helicopter also hung down, crossing the ground There was a green blanket.

Wang Ze waved his hand, held the headset, and listened to the voice of the general dispatch office. After a while, he turned his head and said to everyone, "You guys, just after receiving the news, the Suzaku totem on the satellite disappeared."

Yan Qiushan immediately turned his head to his colleagues and said, "Restart the energy detector!"

"Yes, the energy detector restarts and the instrument is operating normally."

"Abnormal energy levels continue to decline ..."

"Report, it has fallen off the alert line."

"No threatening anomalous energy bodies were detected within range."

All members of the crew were relieved, the little soldier put down the fire / arrow / tube, and the ordinary people and special talents who were in the same room were relieved of the crisis and looked at each other.

Wang Zegan coughed, "Landed at a safe distance of one kilometer from the target location. Please come and support our brothers to retreat first. Specially able to wear field protection and follow me. Hard work!"

The pilot's voice sounded in the headset: "Oh my **** ... it's like a fantasy movie, it's played in person-you ... uh ..."

When I was just bombarded violently, I didn't feel that this would be quiet. In the face of these "flying" features, the restraint and barriers of "non-ethnic people" emerged afterwards. The pilot didn't know what to call these special abilities for a moment, so he vaguely said, "Do you do this every day?"

Wang Ze may be afraid that he will not be able to second the fire / arrow / tube in the future, and he quickly explained: "No, rest assured, we do n’t usually do such a big one, we just work on small monsters, and we use special features to implement several festivals. Scam gang, complete the department kpi ... "

Yan Qiushan relaxed his tied leg, leaned back, and listened to him running the train full mouth, but couldn't help but scolded casually as before: "Wang Ze, nonsense!"

The pilot smiled a little, his smile was tight, and he couldn't "break the ice" because of Wang Ze's whispering, but he heard that people were trying hard to talk, and for politeness, he was not good enough, so he had nothing to say: "You're also Wang Ze? It's a coincidence that a classmate in my class next door has the same name as you."

Wang Ze spread his hand and climbed down the pole: "Parents have no culture, give a common name, the name is the same all over the world-brother you Yongan, where did you go to middle school?"

"Oh, I am in Yongan No. 3 Middle School," the pilot carefully looked at Mai while he was looking for a place to take off and land the helicopter. "You may not have heard of it. After all, special talents, it should not be us who read as a kid. Ordinary school. "

"There are few special talents in life. Most of us are suddenly 'onset' halfway," Wang Ze said. "Coincidentally, I am also in Yongan No. 3 Middle School. I am in grade 01. You ..."

The helicopter froze.

Then, all the crew members heard a voice in the earphones: "You are the legendary Wang Ze who filled the physics test papers of Class 3 in that year and got four points ?!"

Wang Ze: "..."

Yan Qiushan and Xiao Zheng reported half of the report. After listening to the call, he forgot the words directly. It felt that the whole face of the Extermination Control Bureau had lost this Koi who turned bad luck.

The special talents who couldn't find anything in front of ordinary people didn't want to be represented by this person, they started to talk.

"Listen to me for explanation. Our foreign control bureau is also a serious organization, because the Ministry of Security ’s water system is so special that it can be recruited. Otherwise, this level of education cannot be admitted. Graduated in 1985! "

"I learned half of my Ph.D. that I knew I was special, and I couldn't write my thesis, and I didn't get a job. If I had a job opportunity here, I would do it first."

"I was a few years older than you. When I was young, I did n’t have a family at home. I went to work halfway to school—for economic reasons, not because I did n’t study well.—Isn’t it rich now? I wo n’t be out of the field anymore, and I will resign from the bureau to work as an accountant. "

The mountain breeze swept along the remains of Suzaku Totem. On the way, I met those rushing parents who were short and walked more slowly, as if they were reluctantly picking up amusement beside them, and then they merged into the mountains and forests, and the clouds disappeared.

The western hemisphere exploded for a day during the day, and the eastern hemisphere stayed up all night long.

A crisis that few people know passed through silently. People returned to their hearts and started arguing, swimming / applying, appealing, suspicious.

After understanding what a talented person is, the two sides of the "anti-specialist organization" and the "generalized equalizer" have risen rapidly, and have their own signs and regulations. The two sides scolded him as if he hated his father, and most of the others followed a wave of quarrels, sometimes falling to this side, sometimes to the other side, following the wave.

Within a week, first there were extreme "anti-mighty" incidents in various parts of the world-a mob carrying Mithril and Mithril-like weapons suddenly rushed into public places and swept at the crowd. However, no one hits. Once there are not so many special talents in the world, even if there are no special talents, the Mithril Bullets will be blocked by ordinary people.

On the contrary, the panic caused by this has led to several stampede accidents that have injured many people. For a while, "anti-terrorist organizations" became synonymous with "brain disability" and "terrorists." Special talents have received a large wave of sympathy. Special talents, born of the same **** and race, are discriminated because they are born so. Isn't it politically incorrect?

A few days later, the Examination and Control Bureau publicized the list of persons involved in the Jinghua Shuiyue butterfly incident, and was frank about the cause and effect-the people who had been parasitic by the butterfly had been quietly treated as natural death after the incident. The original intention of the Exotic Control Bureau is to tell everyone that there are no "dummy people" with butterfly parasites, so that everyone can rest assured, but it has triggered another wave of ethical scolding.

Regardless of the initial concealment or the silent death treatment, the angry family members and relatives and friends did not accept it. The newly established Media Public Relations Department of the Foreign Relations Control Bureau was bald for three days and rushed out a sincere apology, handling and compensation plan for the people involved ... and then was attacked.

Some scolded them for being indifferent, some scolded them for being sensational, more people were writing obituaries and criticizing the system of foreign control, asking the government to dissolve this rotten institution, and some people said they wanted to live in a world with special talents and desperately wanted to commit suicide. If the police don't catch all the talents, they will cut their wrists live.

Articles like "A person's life is worth xxx, they also said that it is good for you to lie to you."

In short, either the east wind overwhelms the westerly wind, or the westerly wind overwhelms the east wind. For a time, all human beings who have been subverted by the three views are like a pot of boiling water. The movements on both sides of the special energy and the anti special energy are "hot oil"-who sprays who face.

However, there are always very few special talents and people affected by the special talent incident. Most people have to fry the pot and still have to go to work. After all, "how to get along with ordinary people" is a big problem and needs long-term discussion. In the short term, we have to give way to "urgent urgency"-such as the end of the crematorium and the fourth and sixth grades, and the annual postgraduate exam again sharpened the knife for the students; for example, the central bank announced The interest rate has been raised, and the rent has been inexplicably following the coax. The social animals are calculating the year-end awards and calculating the increase in mortgages next year. They also plan to save themselves money for the Spring Festival on the grounds that "the train tickets for the Spring Festival are not available."

In this way, by the end of the year, the world is like its own metabolism. The mutated plants affected by abnormal energy have gradually restored the natural growth rules. The star marriage certificate and the New Year's Day holiday have returned to hot search silently.

As for Xuan Ye--

"35.9c." Xuan Yuan wrote down Sheng Lingyuan's latest temperature-0.3 higher than yesterday.

In the past period of time, Sheng Lingyuan's heartbeat moved slightly from ten minutes, and slowly recovered to about forty times a minute, and his temperature was like a thawed person, rising little by little.

After recording, Xuan Yuan stared at Sheng Lingyuan for a while, then he sighed suddenly, leaned down, the tip of his nose touched, and felt Sheng Lingyuan's long breath.

His breathing was only last weekend. At the beginning, it was intermittent, like the shyest wind in the world, a grain of dust could startle it. Although he knew that as long as Abuchi was not sealed, the demon body would have a rest, and sooner or later he could recover on his own, Xuan Yuan still kept his faint breath for two days, and it finally stabilized.

The gentle breath seemed to have gravitational pull, and Xuan Yuan hooked closer and closer. In the end, he couldn't help it, and lowered his head to cover Sheng Lingyuan's lips.

Lips were soft and soft, almost astonishing. How could such a heartless person have such a delicate place.

As soon as Xuan Yuan touched that lip, his head was like a marquee. He remembered the past and found that the flowers were not good and the moon was not round. There was only a string of depressions in front and behind him. The pinch was deformed, and I wanted to bite it down ... After grinding my teeth for a long time, I couldn't bear it.

Lips are too soft ...

So he reluctantly touched Sheng Lingyuan's body, picked left and right, and selected the outside of his big arm-I heard that the place didn't hurt the most. He rolled up Sheng Lingyuan's wide sleeve and bit it up. He was going to bite and **** this abominable thing. Unexpectedly, a shallow circle of tooth marks had just fallen on him, and his teeth were just like rebellion. Nothing to do ", refused to go on!

Xuan Yuan reluctantly slackened, and Tian Mo's strong recovery ability filled the shallow teeth marks, except for saliva, there was no trace.

So Xuan Ling was even more angry.

At this moment, his mobile phone vibrated a bit, Xuan Yuan took it and saw it, Xiao Zheng sent it: "Are you convenient now? I'll take someone to see you?"

Ten minutes later, when the patriarch of Nanming Suzaku was welcoming guests in the living room, he was already quite human.

He did not bring Sheng Lingyuan back to his small apartment in Yong'an for the time being, mainly because there were too many people coming to see him, and it was unrealistic to live in a residential area to disturb the people.

At this time they settled in a sanatorium on the outskirts of Yong'an, backed by Xishan, with a land area of ​​more than 1,000 acres, and an artificial lake, only the guards who were not close to the periphery.

The living room is very bright, as big as a meeting room. Anyway, Xuan Yun has been living in this world for ten years, and all the houses he has lived in are not as big as this living room. It still seemed stretched, and all the entourage other than the translator could only wait at the door. There was no seat in the yellow bureau. Xiao Zheng could only stand at the corner and gave him a look from a distance.

Xuan Yuan sighed: "Don't panic, let's change somewhere first."

He said, raising his hand and slowing down the movement for everyone to see. Then, the flame-colored filaments spread out from his fingers, and shuttled back and forth between the wall and the floor, forming a magic circle.

The four walls of the parlor were immediately widened more than three times.

In a low exclamation, Xuan Yuan flicked his fingers, several long feathers inserted in the nearby vase flew out, landed into an adult figure, and quickly traversed the entire living room, and everyone had an extra glass in front of them. Steaming tea.

The guests exchanged their gazes, and the bird revived in Biquan Mountain, and its wings fluttered in the fire. Just a few photos were shocking. After all, the talented man is still a "human". He has also had an immature management system for many years. But what is he?

Rare prehistoric creature?

Godzilla on earth?

A spokesperson for some natural law?

Or ... God?

He looks polite now, like a friendly and peaceful ordinary citizen, but what if he gets out of control? Even if he is not out of control, will he interfere in human social processes and international relations? What if he has any political opinions?

Xuan Yuan glanced at everyone's expressions and smiled: "Without concealing you, I have been in the world for more than 3,000 years. I was not born just last month."

Huang Ju: "But I flew out of Biquan Mountain that day ..."

"Bird," Xuan Yuan picked up for him, "I'm real."

"Akabuchi is probably an energy source, because races of various races are fighting. Thousands of years ago, we turned off this energy source, and I was like ... the 'seal'. Now the races are mixed with other non-human races, nothing ' "Ethnicity" concept, the seal has expired, so I returned to the role of administrator. "In order to take care of the translation work, Xuan Ye spoke very slowly, and roughly killed several Ayabuchi, and was cut to death The villain pulled out and introduced it again, and talked about the cause and effect about three thousand years ago.

"Because my 'seal' is not strong enough, in recent decades, the quiet monsters and monsters have come out to seduce. The original" mutual aid society "was the believers who were deceived by the great demon trying to seize control of Abuchi."

Xiao Zheng added; "We found through post-mortem that Gong Chenggong, the former director of the aftermath department of the Heterogeneous Control Bureau, was dead and was completely possessed by the demon in Fujii. Although she could temporarily attach to the deceased, it was difficult to control healthy people for a long time Especially the strong-willed person can only deepen the belief of each other through misleading and long-term brainwashing. The more the target is deceived by her and the weaker her body, the stronger her control. Gong's successful father is not a talented person. He was hunted down by the bandits to Xishan during the war. He hid under the tree of the Mutual Aid Society and shed a lot of blood on the trunk. The demon in the tree vine sucked his blood and indirectly helped him avoid the bandits. Gong Chenggong ’s father thought it was a miracle. The **** tree has a **** to bless him, so he always came to worship, too religious, and accidentally established a connection with her that can only be established by special ability. Gong Chenggong was influenced by his father and was very young. As they worship, they both seem to think that worshipping the **** tree can make them special. "

A translator conveyed a question: "Nanming God ..."

Xuan Yuan: "Hey, I dare not be an administrator."

"Well, the administrator of Nanming ... After the disappearance of the entire clan, the management authority fell on a remains with no self-consciousness. It was once enshrined by the deities. It has the power of enshrinement and can be given life through gloomy sacrifices ..."

"It's a miserable life." Xuan Yuan said, "Life is attached to the idol, can not help but do not belong, often ends in completing the mission. So she wants to use special sacrifices and special materials."

Emperor-Living Abyss.

Abyss and Suzaku live on each other, and even if the Suzaku has only one remains of the heavenly spirit, Abuchi refuses to acknowledge others. Using "Living Abyss" as a fuel as a sacrifice, and injecting the power of worship into the immortal Suzaku bone, she can get rid of the statue and regenerate by the Suzaku bone.

But ... the remains of a spirit are easily confused, so how can the laws of nature recognize false gods? 2k novel reading network

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