Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 137 Table of contents

Xuan Yuan was silent for a few seconds. Without careful explanation, he deliberately concealed the role played by Sheng Lingyuan, only misleading people to think that the immortal Suzaku remains is a so-called "special material". Maybe these smart people can react quickly, Sheng Lingyuan must be an important part of it, otherwise there is no need to summon him with a gloomy offering at the risk of being disrupted by him ... then let them guess, they will never get it anyway Confirmed.

This was his only selfishness, and he didn't want any more speculative and speculative eyes to fall on that person.

"She's too greedy," Xuan Yuan spread his hands, and said briefly, "The incarnation of the Suzaku deity was 'dead', not only because the deity was destroyed, but also because of the Suzaku extermination, and the idol had no root. As a result, she got cheap. I did n’t want to take it seriously. I had to make a new Suzaku, but of course I was swallowed by the stolen offerings. I was just caught in her pot at the time, and her body was damaged by her so much movement. Somewhere to go and had to come out and pick a bargain. "

He paused and laughed again: "Speaking of which, I was born with a flaw, and I was born with a defect, which was originally not qualified."

He was an "abnormal child" who was degraded into an instrumental spirit without being born. Even the blood and bones on his body came from the heart of Lingyuan and the graves of his family. He made up a pair of wings, and he could not fly fast. I feel like I'm just a little sword spirit, and I never dare to introduce myself to people who have anything to do with Suzaku.

The instrumental spirit is a lower-level being, how can it become a living being?

He didn't actually understand why the princess would be so jealous of him at first, but he had to order him first, because although the remains belonged to him, after all, they were only "remains", and there was no real sense of looking at his face. Xuan Yuan felt that he was not This competitiveness. It wasn't until he returned to Suzaku's true body that he felt the familiar throbbing of Akibu connected to his bloodline-he realized for three thousand years. Although he had no Suzaku body, he fulfilled the duties of the Suzaku family virtually.

In the bone-breaking seal over and over again, he did not know when it began, and he had a special connection with Abuchi.

Akabuchi tortured him for three thousand years, so when the new **** bird was born, the law also chose him.

"My ancestors were born Suzaku. Therefore, keeping Azuchi belongs to the contract worker who has five insurances and one gold fund. I was a Suzaku and I was qualified to become a Suzaku. What is the worst miserable temporary job in history?" He It was weird to think, secretly feeling that he was not as good as a dog's life, and then thought about it-although he didn't have a salary for three thousand years, he paid it at one time and gave him the biggest reward ...

OK, it's not a loss.

It's that Mr. Reward who is too good at bed.

Huang Ju coughed, and called back Xuan Yuan, a deceitful public. As a representative of the Foreign Control Bureau, he asked questions that everyone was concerned about: "Will you still have the magma of Abuyuan burning after you return to the true body? How does it affect our daily lives? "

"Hey, Huang Ju, don't introduce it. Suddenly talk to me. Don't be so polite. I will misunderstand that you don't want to pay me in the future, just as before." Xuan Yuan waved his hand, and said, "Chi Yuan was forcibly sealed. Three thousand years, it ’s better to be blocked, but since I return, I will control the balance in the future and try not to let the Abyss fire spread to the forest resources in the scenic area. The fertility rate of the future can be maintained at a relatively stable number, not suddenly The outbreak will not disappear for many years. As for other effects ... "

Xiao Zheng interjected: "It's like this, Huang Ju. At that time, we were the closest group of people to Abyss. After all the field officers were withdrawn, we went back to the bureau to do a unified medical examination. Some comrades' special reactions actually increased slightly. But it's not significant ... probably the difference between adequate and insufficient sleep for the same person, unlike the cults who follow the demon king shadow man imagine. "

"That is of course," Xuan Yuan smiled, "what do you think? Three thousand years ago, all the demons and non-humans combined did not have half the population of Yongan now. There are too many people with ancient non-human descent. Everyone here may have so many genes that have not been shown or offset each other. The energy change in Akabuchi spread to the whole world, just like a basin of water splashed into a lake. Did n’t I say that? ? This world has its own digestive power. "

Someone asked through an interpreter, "Will you stay in human society in the future? If so, what position do you plan to hold?"

Xuan Yuan turned to the translator. The translator was taken aback by his playful smile, and he leaned to his boss and said that he was just a microphone. The problem was not hers.

This question is very meaningful-which country, faction and region do you belong to?

How much power do you want?

"The Suzaku family once thought that they were good at moving Abuchi, breaking the balance among the various races, and ended up dying first." Xuan Yuan lowered his eyes, and the lights in the living room dazzled with his heart, swaying light. He cast a large shadow on his features, deep outlines and slightly raised eyebrows, revealing the solemnity and alienation of ancient Scherings, everyone in the living room felt the invisible pressure from the pure blood monster, and he was silent for a while. .

"As for those who want to take advantage of Abyss and control Abyss, whether they are enchanted or sanctified, they all want to do it, and it is gone. I hope you and I can remember the lesson from the past. For everyone, earth After all things are done, don't touch the rules-OK? "

The translators of the questions did not dare to look up, the recording staff whispered quietly, and the notebook accidentally rolled to the ground.

However, the computer did not land, and was held up by some invisible force, fluttering back to the owner's hands.

"Beware," Xuan Yuan said, "as for me ..."

With a blink of his eye, he returned like a human being's affectionate spirit, and the terrible pressure quietly dissipated: "As soon as Akabuchi had burned, there were some" land mines "scattered in various places, like a curse in a witch's grave Ah, some uncivilized predecessors will lose some of the broken tools or something, and there may be a little mess. I have helped to clean up the mess in the foreign control bureau in the past few years. It is after-sales service-but Huang Bureau, the service fee may be settled separately. "

Huang Ju quickly said that even if the decoration of the headquarters building was owed, he dared not owe the salary of the great god.

The guests came in a grim mood. Two hours later, they were afraid to say that they were relaxed, better than when they came.

Anyway, it's always good to be "unchanged" for a short time.

As for the long time ...

Alas, let the world slowly digest it. Anyway, everyone will die, and future generations should also realize space immigration.

Xiao Zheng brought people, and he was busy arranging them away. Everything was all right. The sunset was almost sinking below Xishan. Then he was relieved and felt that he had forgotten something and his brain was tired. Wood. The foreign control bureau will be on the cusp of the wind. Director Xiao presses the gourd to float the scoop. The whole person loses weight, the hair does not come out longer, and I do n’t know who to pay for. I can't figure out what the pain is. Why don't you go home and inherit the property?

At this time, a whistle came from behind, clear and melodious, I don't know which time-space minor, with a simple indescribable meaning, heard the temple lightly.

Then, the sound of the "flapping edge" sounded, and two rows of birds fell on the railing, appearing in the ground slit.

Xiao Zheng froze. As soon as he turned around, he saw Xuan Yuan carrying his hand behind him, slipping out of the room, and Yu Hui fell into the mole in the corner of his eye, as if it could be reflected by his face. It is very different from the internet addicted young man who remembers the seeds in the memory and listens to the destruction of heavy metals.

It is his imagination of the patron saint of Nanming.

Then the "guardian god" walked up to him intently, squinting his eyes up and down: "Lao Xiao, do you have a tie around your neck? Yesterday, when you saw the ghost film, the neckband of the female ghost is looser than yours. ...... Oh, are you wearing makeup? Do you know how I can tell? There is a color difference between the face and the back of the head! "

Xiao Zheng: "..."

God a bird!

"You're so formal, I'm kind of nervous." Xuan Yuan rubbed his hands while he didn't know where to take out a cigarette, glanced at the "pilgrimage" birds on the railing, and hurriedly "called" people. With a spray, the birds startled and flew, and went back to their nests to report that the patriarch of Nanming's temporary work had no quality, and the **** bird was afraid to finish the calf.

Xiao Zheng asked, "How is your Majesty?"

"I'm sorry, maybe I'm afraid I'll settle the bill for him." Xuan Moo muttered, and he sipped the cigarette to clear the railings, and he was satisfied. Don't miss me too much. "

"Oh, yes," Xiao Zheng said, "I'm about to tell you that your department Yang Chao has gone to take part in the preliminary test. He will formally submit his resignation report when he is admitted. It is said that he is quite sure.

Xuan Yuan: "..."

The Suzaku patriarch did not get his due, and his brother still fired him.

Xiao Zheng: "He said that he doesn't have special ability, but it is better to live a normal life."

Xuan Yuan asked with a vicissitudes on his face: "He was so close to Abyss at that time, didn't he show special ability?"

"Oh, he said that after he returned from Abuchi, endorsement was particularly effective."

"... That may not have anything to do with Abyss, it is the credit of the dead line."

Xiao Zheng laughed for a while, then suddenly said, "I thought in the past two days, did the old director feel anything when he was there?"


"The last recording of the old director was misled by the possessor of the demon after his death. He suddenly decided to retire. He should just be out of health. At that time, it should not be his old man himself. "Xiao Zheng said," But our next director was appointed when the previous director retired. The previous directors have designated themselves. Why did the old director not let Gong succeed in the end? ? "

Gong's popularity and qualifications are enough. If the current director of foreign control is not to turn the tide of yellow, but her loyal believer Gong is successful ...

"The report of the old director was made before he proposed retirement, and there is another sentence at the back, which is very strange. He said," If there is any supplement in the future, the content of this report conflicts, the former shall prevail. " Xiao Zheng said, "Also, the time for Gong's anonymous report was just before and after he submitted the report."

Xuan Yuan smiled: "The demon in Fujii is a demon princess who stirred up the Kyushu melee. Even if she finally loses due to her arrogance, she won't be able to hold back the hearts of several mortal mortals. You think more."

Xiao Zheng: "But ..."

"Even if it is really doubtful that the elderly of the Mutual Aid Society have a problem, it is not necessary to appoint a problem-free special talent as the successor. Why do you have to transfer an old cadre from the outside? According to the logic of ordinary people, something really happened. Last month, the door hasn't figured out where ordinary people are useful, right? "Xuan Yuan said," He also deliberately designated you as a mallet to arrange for the Yellow Bureau, lest the world be chaotic. "

Xiao Zheng: "..."

"The old director didn't think that much. I guess he just wanted to borrow your hand to turn the mirror flower and water moon butterfly out," said Xuan Yuan. "The old man's life is bright and clear, such a regret. He knows this. Turning it out, it was not only his own reputation that he had destroyed, but also other field brothers who had been preoccupied with him, so he did n’t dare to check it out. When he retired, he probably had the courage to cope with it ... The supplement should be afraid of himself. Regret it. But I didn't expect that the conscience found that the misfortune was wrong, but it helped us a lot. "

Xiao Zheng: "I heard people say that regarding the rights and management of special talents, countries may formally discuss legislation in the near future. Hope that time ..."

"Hey, when it comes to this," Xuanyuan remembered, "how is the Yan team?"

"I guess he always wanted to see you ... and Your Majesty, first of all to thank Your Majesty for that protection spell, and secondly ... Hey, you understand." Xiao Zheng said, "But now it is like this, Your Majesty is not awake, I'm probably embarrassed to add confusion. "

Xuan Yuan thought about it: "Before Abyss was under the control of the Suzaku family, now that Abyss is unsealed, the whole family is left with me. I am missing a few to help me with trivial matters. You can ask him for me. Willing to come. "

Xiao Zheng didn't respond. He suddenly said what this sentence meant. Moreover, even if Yan Qiushan was a special talent, it seemed to be a thin blood line identified by His Majesty. ** For all babies, it's amazing to live more than 90 to 100 years old. I have to keep healthy from now on. How many years can he do?

Xuan Yuan: "I just want to be an inferior player. He may be far less happy than a mortal. Let him think about it."

Xiao Zheng froze suddenly, eyes widened suddenly: "You mean ..."

Xuan Yuan: "Since Yan Qiushan is a metal system, he should have the blood of the Alpine people. The spirit of the instrument should be reborn. It will take a lifetime to die, and he will be reluctant. The macaroni in his doll is more effective than the demon in our family. Although it won't last for a long time, mortals will last for decades, and ... "

Xiao Zheng didn't wait for him to finish, hurriedly turned around and ran: "I'll tell him now!"

Xuan Yuan called him back: "Did you bring the hot wheels under your feet? I haven't finished it yet! Lao Xiao, wait ..."

Xuan Yuan said this, his voice suddenly stopped, and he turned his head suddenly, staring at the bedroom on the second floor of the nursing home.

Xiao Zheng heard Xuan Yuan shouting to him, keeping his legs upside down, and took a moment to turn his head back, but saw that the birdman was gone, and somehow shook his head and flew to the ground.

Xuan Yuan jumped up to the second floor directly and went in through the window. Then he felt that his "Abyss" was awake!

However, the wind suddenly poured into the room, throwing Sheng Lingyuan's long hair scattered around the pillow, and the bed was still motionless.

It turned out that it was just his illusion.

Xuan Yuan squatted at the window, and the light in his eyes faded again. After a while, he jumped off the window sill, closed the window lightly, and sat silently next to the bed, holding up Sheng Lingyuan's hand.

"I've thought about the reason for your quibble," Xuan Yuan put Sheng Lingyuan's hand into his palm, struck his chin, and said to himself, "You said, you knew at the time that Dan Li would definitely give You let your breath hang, and you let your mother take your time off ... It's so easy to get to this point. I'll be antisocial if you don't have it. Dan Li wouldn't be so thoughtless ... So can you say that?

"I've been tricked by you from a young age to a big one, and it's not bad this time. I ... I'm used to fucking."

"Lingyuan, I don't blame you, when do you open your eyes and look at me?"

Sheng Lingyuan was silent, and with his hand, he turned his head softly, and refused to be fooled.

He has not been so compliant in his life.

Xuan Yuan closed his eyes fiercely, and couldn't help it. He lifted his wrist, took another bite with resentment, got up and left without looking at him again.

The sanatorium decoration is very old-fashioned. There is a dressing mirror at the door. Xuan Yuan's opening action is too big, and he carelessly distorts the mirror. He took a hand in his hand, glanced inadvertently, and his heart suddenly jumped, as if he saw His Majesty's manual operation.

Xuan Yuan blinked hard, for a moment he did not dare to turn back, lest it be an illusion ...

Then he saw in the mirror that His Majesty's hands were not only moving, but also unconscious twitching when he just woke up-he wiped the saliva on his wrists on the bed sheet.

He's really not fooled by this big pig's hoof!

The expression on Xuanyuan's face was twisted back and forth several times, and finally stopped on a smirk, and he returned to lock the open door and slowly turned around.

"Sheng, Ling, Yuan!"

The author has something to say: End of the text.

Thank you all.

Irregular times ... Forget it and say that it will be updated from time to time, after all, the text is also updated from time to time.

This article has been on the website blacklist due to insufficient word count. It has been broken for more than half a month, and it has been suspended for three days and two days, which greatly affects the reading experience. It is really embarrassing. I am very sorry, thank you for your tolerance.

I will write a few more articles. 2k novel reading network

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