Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 6 Table of contents

On the day Shen Zechuan entered the Zhaosin Temple, it was rare for Qi to be sunny. The white snow covered the palace tiles, and the Zhu wall reflected the green plum. Sunlight penetrated the eaves and slanted a yin-yang line in front of his feet.

He was recovering from a serious illness and was so thin. The fifteen-year-old Qian Chen's old dream is like ashes. After opening his eyes, he is blown away by the cold wind.

Ge Qingqing advanced to the next level, looked back at him, and said, "It's not early."

Shen Zechuan held the column and slowly walked down the steps. He was exposed to the sun and neither adapted nor panicked. The childishness of the boy seemed to be crushed in the pale, and he could not see anything but his sickness.

Ji Lei waited at the gate of Zhaosin Temple, with Xiao Fuzi beside him. Xiao Fuzi looked up at the ancient temple, and said, "Xiongwei Strange Temple, it really looks like a place for detaining people."

"You don't know its predecessor." Ji Lei said, "Zhaosin Temple was originally a place for the royal sacred incense, and inside it was used by Grand Emperor Guangcheng. The highest monks in the world gathered here, and the grand talk was all the rage."

"Why haven't you heard from your lord in recent years?" Xiaofuzi looked at the temple door. "It's pretty run-down, hasn't it been repaired for a long time?"

Ji Lei settled for a while and said, "Twenty years have passed. The Prince Sin taught the eight major camps to rebellion. After the defeat, the turtle shrank to this point, trapped beasts in the temple, and eventually the blood splattered the Buddha image. After that, the emperor no longer I set foot here, picked the name of the temple, and mentioned the word Zhao sin again. "

"It's been twenty years." Little Fuzi groaned, his voice was strange. "I'm not alive yet! Master Ji has just joined Jinyiwei, right?"

Ji Lei didn't answer this, turned to the back and scolded, "Why not?"

Xiaofuzi was still spinning around the "Zhao Gui" stone monument. At the end, he asked Ji Lei: "Who can I have never heard of?"

Ji Lei seemed overwhelmed, saying: "It is all the ministers involved in the case of Prince Siam, and the generals and military generals have all killed the Nine Tribes, and few remain. Twenty years, who remembers!

The prisoner car approached, and Ge Qingqing saluted to Ji Lei: "Sir, here you are."

"Send it in." Ji Lei said to Shen Zechuan, "Farewell today, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to see you again. Huang En's mighty, you have to miss it for the rest of your life."

When Shen Zechuan turned a deaf ear to his ears, he entered the Zhaosin Temple, and the lacquered Zhumen thundered. He stood among them and looked at Ji Lei. Ji Lei was stared at by this gaze, waiting for the attack, but saw a smile on Shen Zechuan's washed face.


Ji Lei thought subconsciously, listening to Shen Zechuan in his ear.

"Master Ji," he said quietly, "see you in the next day."

Zhumen closed tightly with a bang, startling countless dust. Xiao Fuzi covered his nose and coughed, and kept back, but when Ji Lei stood still, he didn't move.

Ji Lei was called a few times before returning to God. He hurried on the horse and was basked by the sun's rays behind him before saying, "... Oh, shameless!"


Xiao Chiye ran across the street, colliding with Ji Lei. He laughed and said, "Lao Ji, aren't you on duty?"

Ji Lei looked at Xiao Chiye's warhorse covetously, and said, "Today, I will put the remaining evil into the temple and be driving to the palace. Second son, good horse! I heard that they were all tamed by themselves?"

"Nothing happens." Xiao Chiye whistled his horsewhip, and Hai Dongqing fluttered on his shoulder in the sky. He said, "I'll do what I can."

"I'll be busy waiting for you after a year," Ji Lei said. "I'm all upstart! I'm not on duty tomorrow. Let's go for a drink together?"

Xiao Chiye said, "The wine is not good. I won't go."

Ji Lei laughed out loud and said, "Good wine, it must be good wine! Isn't it good wine? Who dares to invite your second son? I will come to the door to invite you later. Can Shizi have time to play together?"

Xiao Chiye rubbed his fingers and said, "My brother, don't like these. Why, if I go alone, can't I count myself?"

Ji Lei quickly said, "This is not what I said! Second son, that's it."

Xiao Chiye responded, and he was about to leave. He just remembered when he was gone, and asked, "How about the wickedness, can I walk?"

"You can walk," Ji Lei said, "but it is not very convenient to watch. There are a few of the staff who do not leave injuries after they leave. It is his luck to walk."

Xiao Chiye didn't say much, and Cema left.


Later, the miscellaneous servants of the Zhao sin Temple came to deliver the meal, and Shen Zechuan turned on the oil lamp, but did not touch the meal. He copied the oil lamp and walked along the small corridor on the side of the hall.

The dust has been here for a long time, some of the cabins are run down, and the doors and windows are rotten. When Shen Zechuan saw several corpses, the wind blew down. Because no living thing was found, he returned to the main hall.

The Buddha statue has collapsed, the incense case is old, but it is very strong. Underneath was of the right size, and Shen Zechuan hung a sackcloth and lay underneath his clothes. He had pain in his leg when he was cold, and he endured the pain, closing his eyes to count the hour.

After a fine snowfall in the middle of the night, Shen Zechuan heard two night howls. He sat up and opened the cloth, and saw Ji Gang in front of the door stepping in.

"Dined," Ji Gang opened his baggage, "Just punched. I couldn't cover the wind this night, it was too cold, and I fell asleep, Master, I was afraid you were sick."

Shen Zechuan looked at the roasted chicken wrapped in oiled paper and said, "Don't be ridiculous in your illness, Master, you can eat it."

Ji Gang tore the roast chicken to him and said, "Fuck! You should be eating your stomach. Master likes to eat chicken butt, and he loves to eat at home. You leave it to me."

Shen Zechuan said, "I follow you, what you eat, what I eat."

Ji Gang glanced at him, smiled a few times, and said, "Smelly boy."

The teacher and the apprentice divided the roast chicken, and Ji Gang seemed to have iron teeth and chewed the chicken bones. He handed the gourd to Shen Zechuan and said, "If it's too cold, just drink alcohol. But don't drink too much, just like your brother.

They haven't mentioned Zhongbo, Duanzhou or Chashi Tiankeng these days. The sister-in-law and Ji Mu are like an undisclosed wound between the teacher and the apprentice. They both thought that they were secretly covered. They did not know that blood had flowed out, and the pain coexisted.

Shen Zechuan took a sip and handed it to Ji Gang.

Ji Gang didn't answer, he said, "Quit drinking, Master won't drink."

The hall fell silent, without the cover of the door, and the fine snow fell in front of her eyes, becoming the only scenery in the long night.

Ji Gang said, "What is it?"

Shen Zechuan said, "Master."

"Just say something."


Ji Gang was silent for a long time and said, "It's not your fault."

Shen Zechuan's fingers were fastened, and he stared at Xue as if he blinked, and tears would fall. His voice was astringent and he said, "Did you go to Chashi to find us?"

Ji Gang leaned slowly on the incense case, his body buried in the shadows. He seemed to be looking for his voice, and it took a long time before he said, "Go, find it."

found it.

Ji Gang found his son, who was full of arrows, in the deep pit of Daxue. He jumped down, stepped on the thick body, and pulled out Ji Ji's body.

Ji Mu was only 23 years old and had just raised the banner of the Duanzhou Defense Forces. The armor was new. On the day she wore it, Hua Yanting hung a peace sign in her lock. When Ji Gang found him, he froze blue with his colleagues.

Shen Zechuan raised his head slightly and said, "Master, I'm sorry."

Ji Gang was old. He rubbed his white hair and said, "Is he an elder brother? It should be. It's not your fault."

The snow fell again.

Ji Gang curled his hands and feet and said, "Who knows that Biansha Balds will come. He became a soldier and rushed to the front. There is nothing he can do. I taught him boxing, and he gave birth to that temperament, and you let him run, It ’s better to kill him. He usually doesn't have the heart to see people suffering and suffering. What's wrong with him, how can he run? ”

"It's not your fault, it's bad Master. I've been drinking too much, and your sister-in-law scolded me for so long, I didn't give up. When the cavalry came, I couldn't beat well. I am old and useless. Used. "

The gourd was wet, and Shen Zechuan held the gourd without saying a word.

"Abandoned." The Buddha suddenly poked out his head behind the statue, and said with a smile, "Abandoned!"

Ji Gang leaped like a leopard and yelled, "Who!"

The man was unkempt, and gradually got out, learning Ji Gang and saying, "Who, who!"

Ji Gang heard the sound and pressed Shen Zechuan, and he lost his voice suddenly: "... Taifu Qi!"

The man shrugged his head back, kicked the Buddha statue, and shouted, "No! Not too fu!"

After Ji Gang chased the Buddha statue a few steps, when he saw that he was going to drill a hole, he couldn't help but catch the man's ankle. The man suddenly made a pig-like cry, and he shouted, "His Highness! Your Highness, let's go!"

Shen Zechuan covered his mouth, and Qi Gang brought people back together.

"Who is this?" Shen Zechuan asked.

"You are young and haven't heard it." Ji Gang's voice was unstable, and he said to him, "Mr. Qi, okay! You are still alive! Where is Master Chou, is Master Chou here?"

Mrs. Qi was thin and thin, and she couldn't move. She stared at her eyes and whispered, "Dead, dead! I'm dead, Your Highness is dead, everyone is dead!"

Ji Gang Shen Sheng said: "Miss Fu, I'm Ji Gang! Jin Yiwei and Zhi Ji Gang!"

Qi Taifu was shocked. He hesitated his neck, looked at Ji Gang's face, and said, "You are not Ji Gang, you are an evil spirit!"

Ji Gang said suddenly: "Mr. Fu! Twenty-three years, I will **** you into the capital. His Royal Highness Prince is here to meet you. Have you forgotten?"

Qi Qi's eyes flickered, and he said madly: "They killed the prince ... His Royal Highness!" He whimpered and said, "Ji Gang, Lord Ji! You take His Highness! The East Palace has become the target of all people, His Royal Highness!"

Ji Gangxuan loosened his hand and said, "Taifu ... In twenty-nine years, Ji Lei recognized his thief as his father, and I have been kicked out of the capital. In twenty years, I became a river and lake broker, married a wife and had children in Duanzhou, Zhongbo."

Mrs. Qi stared at him sternly and said, "... His Royal Highness is only gone, the emperor is still there! You take him away, you, you take him away!"

Ji Gang couldn't help but close his eyes and said, "In thirty years of Yongyi, the prince prided himself on this, and Donggong has not survived."

Qi Fu raised his head and murmured, "Yes, yes ..." He cried like a child, "How did this happen?"

Ji Gang was already struggling tonight, he said, "After a while, the clouds have been flowing for ten years. [1] How good-bye in this life would be."

Mrs. Qi turned over and said, "Are you locked up too? Lock it up! Let them kill the rest of the world."

Ji Gang said, "My apprentice has suffered for his father."

Mrs. Qi said, "I've suffered for my father ... Okay, who is his father, and also annoyed the emperor?"

Ji Gang sighed and said, "Last year, Shen Weibing lost ..."

Unexpectedly, while listening to the word "Shen Wei", Taifu suddenly turned his head, crawled towards Shen Zechuan with his hands and feet, and asked, "This is Shen Wei's son?"

Ji Gang was not aware of it and was about to make a move, but Tai Fu had already stepped out. He drew his fingers against Shen Zechuan and shouted, "Shen Wei! Shen Wei killed His Highness!"

Shen Zechuan's eye disease was fast, and he had already grasped Qi Taifu's wrist. Ji Gang followed him and captured Tai Fu, saying, "Fai Fu! Why did Huang Sun die? Why do you want my apprentice to die today? No matter what evil Shen Wei did and what he did with my apprentice! "

Mrs. Qi gasped and said, "He is the son of Shen Wei, the son of Shen Wei ..."

"He was the son of Shen Wei when he was born." Ji Gang grabbed Tai Fu and shook his head sharply. "But he was later my Ji Gang's son. If I have a fake tonight, I will not die!" Fu, are you going to kill my son? "2k novel reading network

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