Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 7 Table of contents

Qi Taifu was silent, dragging his hands, turning his head to stop looking at Shen Zechuan. He was held in confinement here, and for two decades he was insane and hated everyone outside, but tonight he had to convince himself not to hate the son of the enemy.

"Now ..." Qi Fu replied, "Who can I kill now!"

The snow fell silent, and the crow flew off the branch in the courtyard. The broken curtain in the hall moved with the wind, and Mrs. Qi climbed up tremblingly, raising her arms, distraught.

"The whole world is set! The king is defeated, the highness of his Highness is overturned, you and I are the stupid messenger thieves! Who am I to kill? I killed this dazzling old man! Twenty years ago, His Highness was here. Splashing three feet, what did we do wrong? Forcing the emperor to kill everything like this! "

Qi Taifu's lameness trembled, and he knelt down at the door of the hall, banging his head against the ground.

"Kill me now too!"

The snowy night was cold, and no one responded to the empty ancient temple. Qi Fu was kneeling like this, like the fading and broken Buddha statue, covered with shattered snow, and was silent in the night of this bright light.

Half an hour later, Ji Gangzhang supported Qi Fu, and the three sat in front of the incense case.

"Tonight, many things have arisen because of me. I took this opportunity to say something happy." Ji Gang took up his sleeves and said, "Tai Fu, Chuan Er was born to the Shen family and was the eighth child born by Shen Wei. Eight years Previously, the Jianxian faction in the King ’s Palace was like a fire and fire, and Jianxing ’s son Shen Zhouji won the favor, and he sent his brother out to the government. Chuan ’s seven-year-old returned to Duanzhou to fill the army and failed to live in another hospital. The mother's maid was nurturing. But the woman was greedy for money and often deducted her child's rations. Wu Ting was having a relationship with his mother. When she learned of this, she asked me to take Chuan back and let us support her. "

Mrs. Qi sneered, and said, "Shen Wei was a family prostitute. He suffered many injustices at an early age, and later gave it to his son. It is ridiculous that he prefers prostitution, but he is so feminine and gave birth to such a pile, it is really evil!"

"We have repeatedly repaired books and sent them to Wangfu, but Shen Wei has never written back. Taifu, you see that there are eight people in this area. Even the sister-in-law has never heard of such a disregard." Ji Gang frowned. " Chuaner followed us in such a muddled manner. At that time, Muer was fifteen years old and met her brother with great joy. From then on, my family of four settled in Duanzhou. In order to join the military register, it was costly. Take a lot of effort. "

Mrs. Qi murmured for a moment before saying, "You are guilty of committing crimes and wanting to go into the house, it is very difficult. Your Highness then practiced the yellow bookkeeping households, in order to curb pirates and prevent civil unrest."

Ji Gang said: "I understand. Taifu, what happened to me after I left? How did His Royal Highness end up in that situation?"

Mrs. Qi pulled the mantle, wrapped her shoulders, and said humbly: "... After you leave, Ji Wanfan loses his emperor's heart. Pan Rugui served the queen and was favorably served as the governor of the court, and Jin Yiwei declined. After the death of Ji Wufan, Ji Lei picked the girders. Since then, the Dongchang has become the godfather of Jin Yiwei and no longer communicates with the East Palace. Then the emperor suddenly became ill and began to lie down on the couch. It was left to the cabinet and the East Palace to take care of. Who knew that the flower family relied on the emperor's favor and planted many incompetent generations in the DPRK, causing the six bribery bribery to resurrect. The suffering of foreign relatives has become a trend, His Royal Highness has repeatedly played, but does not want Pan Rugui With the authority to approve the red, and control the government affairs with the queen, the sacrifice of His Royal Highness could not be handed over to the imperial elder. Not only that, after the emperor was ill, the queen put an end to the cabinet and the palace.

"It's a wrong country!" Ji Gang sighed again and again. "If I had known that Pan Rugui had such ambitions, he shouldn't let his father keep the sword!"

"If you kill a Pan Rugui, there will be Pan Ruxi and Pan Ruyi!" Qi Fufu Ran said, "The harem is doing politics, and the foreign relatives are wild. Ji Gang, you don't understand, these are all ingrained ills. As long as you are all eight If you do n’t remove it, this will happen again and again! How can the queen live in the continent? How can you manipulate the event? It ’s all based on the long standing power of the flower family. Even if the queen did n’t surname the flower, it was replaced by another surname of the eight. . "

"But." Shen Zechuan couldn't help asking, "Isn't His Royal Highness out of the palace?"

"No." Qi Fufu bowed his head. "His Royal Highness is the concubine in the palace. The queen has no children under her knees and has never given birth. But her Highness is held in the palace by her queen and raised by herself. It is said that the tiger poison does not eat food ... there is no father and son in the family. "

The hall was quiet again.

Ji Gang exhaled a chill, saying astringently: "My father lost his emperor's heart because of my alcoholism and misunderstanding. If not, His Highness would never have been here."

"I thought that Yuji Wufan was with you first, and Ji Lei wouldn't go against each other." Qi Taifu looked at the broken veil, remembering that there was misery, "Who knows him ..."

"Tai Fu doesn't know," Ji Gang looked at Shen Zechuan, "Chuan Er didn't know. My father Ji Wufan was the ancestor of the Emperor, or the commander of Jin Yiwei. But his father sent his wife to die prematurely and had no plans to continue. So he adopted three sons. In addition to me and Ji Lei, there was an elder brother. Because of the unbearable jail time, the elder brother left the capital early and went to Tian Feiyu to serve as a soldier. Ji Lei and Jin Yiwei served in the father together. Filial piety around me. This set of Jijiaquan and Jijiadao were taught by my father. Later, due to many things, my father thought that Ji Lei's heart surgery was not correct and he was suspected of being immortal. Therefore, he only passed on Ji Jia's mentality to me. .Think of this pass, our brothers completely separated from Germany. After the death of his father, Ji Lei swept away from his majesty, and the old people were released. Jin Yiwei ... is not the Jin Jinwei in the past. "

Mrs. Qi muttered: "This is the fate. The members of the East Palace work together but still fail to save His Highness. The Emperor suspects that His Highness rebelled, but the eight major capitals of the Batuo were originally served by eight people. Jin Yiwei found the documents of rebellion, His Highness was determined. Our people went to jail, died a lot, and could not help but be relieved. The emperor was furious when he was ill, and he believed Pan Rugui's words, His Highness had no way back. "

With tears on his face, he seemed mad again.

"His Royal Highness is here, there is no way back! Why didn't you kill me? How can you teach me to be sore! I am so painful to live, but I haven't rushed to Huangquan."

He stared suddenly at Shen Zechuan, his tone getting wilder.

"——I don't want to be reconciled! Years of layout have failed! I have suffered countless deaths and injuries from the members of the East Palace, and His Highness has not yet been cleared. I'm not willing!" He dragged Shen Zechuan's arm again.

"Tai Fu ..." Ji Gang stood up to stop.

"Can you protect him for a while, can you protect him for the rest of your life!" Mrs. Qi held on to Shen Zechuan tightly. "Today I forgive your loving father, don't hate him, don't blame him, but you can teach everyone in this world Think about it? As long as his surname is Shen, there are people who want to kill him! Kung Fu Wu Yi is close to him, can he really sit back and relax? Ji Gang, what a martial arts master your father is, he will not end up in a lonely illness! In the midst of this changing tide, invisible killing is the most deadly! How can you bear to let him face the wolf tiger leopard like this!

Ji Gang did not speak with a fist.

Mrs. Qi pulled Shen Zechuan, but he knelt down on both knees. He looked at Shen Zechuan and choked with a trembling voice: "I am Yuzhou Qi Huilian! You do n’t recognize me, I said to listen to you, I ’m Yongyi for fifteen years The top of the ternary list. Since the founding of Da Zhou, there are only five junior members in the middle school. I am a member of the East Palace, and also a minister of the ministry, and the secondary minister of the cabinet. It ’s all up to you-okay? ”

Shen Zechuan stared at Mrs. Qi's eyes. He was unusually calm. After that brief silence, he knelt down on the ground and gave Mrs. Qi three heads.

"My husband gave me poems, and I killed my old hatred for my husband."


Ge Qingqing went out and went to Zhao sin Temple. The road was cold and it was still snowing, he hesitated, looking for buns while walking.

He heard a few calls from far away, and a red silk umbrella propped up in the snow, and the person under the umbrella shook slightly towards this side. I can play red silk umbrellas, all of them are top five or above.

Ge Qingqing stood on the side of the road, holding a knife to salute. The man shook him in front of him, and a strong drink came from his nose.

"Tiqi [1]." The man stopped, reached out and pulled Ge Qingqing's waist card, looked at Xu Xu, and said, "Where is Ge Baihu going now? It's freezing cold."

Ge Qingqing stared at the man's black boots and replied: "Return to my lord, the humble job is on duty today at the company, and you should go to the palace."

Xiao Chiye ate wine all night and was disheveled. He hung the waist tag and said, "This road doesn't seem to go to the palace."

Ge Qingqing looked up and showed a sloppy smile, saying, "The second son Jin Gui, I don't know that the lanes are cluttered. From here, I can turn a few lanes to Shenwu Street and go straight to the palace gate."

Xiao Chiye smiled and threw back his waistband, saying, "Do you recognize me?"

Ge Qingqing received the waist card and complimented: "While riding from the North Rail and fighting bravely, the son and the second son are successful in saving the car. Who can not recognize you? Is the second son going back to the house? go back?"

Xiao Chiye looked at him and said, "Do I look like a drunk? You go."

Ge Qingqing gave another gift and left.

When Zhaohui arrived, he saw Xiao Chiye holding the red silk umbrella and was calling Baozipu to hurry up. He approached and said, "Breakfast is prepared in the house. Why is the boy standing here?"

Xiao Chiye said, "I'm hungry and can't go back."

Zhao Hui shook her aunt and said, "The wine is wrong, son, let's go back."

Xiao Chiye put on his big cock, but didn't move his feet. After taking two bites of buns, he didn't care about the eyes around him and asked Zhaohui: "Can this go to Shenwu Street?"

"Yes, yes, but not easy to go." Chaohui said, "The narrower alleys and the official ditch, the more narrow the alley, the more it will block the dirty ditch. Niandu has not repaired the official ditch in recent years, and this piece is too bad. It looks like. When the weather gets warmer, the snow turns, and the rain will suddenly flood the streets. Do you think this way is easy to go? "

Xiao Chiye said, "I only asked one question, how can you answer so much."

Zhaohui said, "The implication is to ask you to take the right path. Son, don't rush to drink, it's faster to go around."

Xiao Chiye wiped his hand and signaled Zhaohui to pay for it: "That's weird. Go and inquire. Does Jin Yiwei Twelfth Institute today have a value shop called Ge Qingqing-old man, do something else early, this bun It's too bad. "2k novel reading network

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